HUNT AT THE WELL OF ETERNITY Download Hunt At The Well Of Eternity ebook PDF or Read Online books in PDF, EPUB, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to HUNT AT THE WELL OF ETERNITY book pdf for free now. WARCRAFT WAR OF THE ANCIENTS 1 THE WELL OF ETERNITY Download Warcraft War Of The Ancients 1 The Well Of Eternity ebook PDF or Read Online books in PDF, EPUB, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to WARCRAFT WAR OF THE ANCIENTS 1 THE WELL OF ETERNITY book pdf for free now. Well of Eternity Peroth'arn Queen Azshara Mannoroth and Captain Varo'then Well of Eternity is the second 5-player Heroic dungeon added in Patch 4.3, Hour of Twilight. Players go back in time to assist Illidan and Tyrande in battling the Burning Legion.

What is Azeroth? As we’ve learned so far in Legion, the planet itself is the home of a Titan world-soul – essentially, a baby Titan. Unfortunately, that world-soul hasn’t been left to grow in peace. Between the infestation of the Old Gods and multiple Legion attacks, Azeroth has always been in a state of constant peril.

It’s a peril reflected on the very surface of the world itself.

One of the questions we’ve been asked several times is about the origins of the various wells scattered across Azeroth’s surface. What’s the difference between them? Is there a difference?

The Well of Eternity

The first of these gigantic, mystical fonts of water was the Well of Eternity – and it’s not really water at all. When the Titans first came to Azeroth and discovered the Old Gods, they fought a great war against these malignant creatures of the Void. As the Titans were worried that their size would harm the world-soul if they traversed the surface, they created armies – the titan-forged – to fight in their stead.

But as the titan-forged made their way to the bastion of Y’Shaarj, the Titans worried that the armies wouldn’t be able to hold out against the Old God. With that in mind, Aman’Thul reached down through the skies of Azeroth and attempted to tear Y’Shaarj from the world’s surface. Although the Old God was ripped apart, the world-soul was wounded as a result. Horrified, the Titans realized that the Old Gods were burrowed too deeply into the world-soul to simply be removed.

So they let the titan-forged clean up the mess. Titan keepers worked nonstop to staunch the wound, crafting magical wards around it. The arcane lifeblood of Azeroth eventually settled into balance, and the keepers named it the Well of Eternity. After the Titans left Azeroth, the keepers continued to work with the Well.

Keeper Freya in particular decided to use the arcane lifeblood of the Titan to create new life. She created enclaves where the Well’s energies had coalesced – Sholazar Basin, Un’goro Crater, and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. This included the Wild Gods – creatures that would also be called the Ancients, or the August Celestials, or the Loa.

The second Well of Eternity

The end of the War of the Ancients triggered the Sundering, an event that split the continents of Azeroth into the land masses we know today. It also destroyed the Well of Eternity – scattering Azeroth’s arcane lifeblood across the world. What remained was a tumultuous swirl of chaotic energies. The balance that the titan-forged had so carefully restored was thrown into disarray, and the Maelstrom was the result.

But before the Well of Eternity was destroyed, Illidan Stormrage saved several vials of water from it. He took three of these vials and poured them into a lake at the peak of Hyjal. This act created a new Well of Eternity – the second of its kind. Although powerful, it could be argued that it held less power than that of the original Well. It was a Well of Eternity, but it was diluted by Azeroth’s own water. The Aspects created the World Tree Nordrassil to keep the Well safe, and charged the Night Elves with keeping watch over the World Tree.

Nordrassil’s roots grew deep into the earth, spreading life-giving energy across the world in much the same way as the original Well of Eternity. At the end of the Third War, Nordrassil was heavily damaged when Archimonde was destroyed. But the Well remained, and over time, Nordrassil was renewed.

The Sunwell

After the War of the Ancients, Azshara’s Highborne – or what remained of them – took shelter with the rest of the Night Elves. But they were forbidden from practicing any of the arcane magic that they once used so freely. The Highborne tried to convince the rest of the kaldorei of the power of arcane magic by unleashing a magical storm on Ashenvale. This plan completely backfired, and the Highborne were banished from Kalimdor.

They established themselves on the Eastern Kingdoms, eventually settling in an area they named Quel’Thalas. The leader of the former Highborne, Dath’Remar Sunstrider, had in his possession just one of Illidan’s vials from the original Well of Eternity. Taking his cue from Illidan, he poured it into a lake that sat at the convergence of powerful ley lines. The result was the Sunwell.

Again, it wasn’t quite as powerful as the original Well of Eternity. But it was more than enough to sustain the quel’dorei, suffusing them with its power every single day. They grew dependent on it, even if they didn’t realize just how deeply they were affected. When the Sunwell was destroyed during the Third War, the quel’dorei – now calling themselves sin’dorei, or Blood Elves, suffered as a result.

But the Sunwell wasn’t lost. After Kil’jaeden was defeated on Sunwell Plateau, the Prophet Velen, leader of the Draenei, arrived with the last spark of the naaru M’uru. M’uru’s heart was able to reignite the Sunwell, suffusing the Blood Elves with power once more – both arcane power, and the power of the Light.

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Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Meanwhile in Pandaria, the Emperor Shaohao was crowned, and subsequently told of a prophecy that revealed the events of the War of the Ancients. Fearful and forlorn for the fate of his people, he traveled to the peak of Mount Neverest, where he spoke to the Jade Serpent and asked for advice. The Jade Serpent advised Shaohao to divest himself of his burdens, purify his spirit and become one with the land.

Through a series of trials, Shaohao did just that, defeating each of the Sha in turn. He established the Shado-Pan to watch and protect against any further Sha threat, and told his people to continue living each day to the fullest, and sleep each night with an unburdened peace of mind. And then he traveled to the Terrace of Eternal Spring and ascended, shrouding Pandaria in a dense, protective mist. When the world was Sundered, Pandaria quietly drifted into the ocean, its waters intact.

This means that the waters of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms are one of the closest things we have to that original Well of Eternity. They were corrupted when Garrosh Hellscream drenched the heart of Y’Shaarj in the sacred waters. But we purified them anew in the Siege of Orgrimmar – we defeated Immerseus. Although, as Lorewalker Cho stated, it will take much time for the Vale to heal, our efforts possibly preserved that remnant of the Well of Eternity and gave Pandaria new hope for survival.

The Nightwell

And then we have the Nightwell, a beast of an entirely different color. Before the Sundering, Grand Magistrix Elisande ruled a small sect of Highborne sorcerers in Suramar. Although they were originally fiercely loyal to Queen Azshara, Azshara’s dealings with the Burning Legion were a source of great concern. When Elisande discovered the Legion were planning to create a second portal in Suramar’s Temple of Elune, she decided enough was enough.

Using the Pillars of Creation, Elisande and her followers sealed the portal with a set of unbreakable magical seals. But they didn’t join the kaldorei that were fighting against Azshara and the Legion. Instead, they sealed themselves away behind a magical shield. It preserved the city through the Sundering, and allowed those within to survive. It also preserved part of the original Well of Eternity.

Left to their own devices, the Highborne realized they would starve beneath that protective shield once they ran out of food. And so Elisande used one of the Pillars of Creation – the Eye of Aman’Thul – to create the Nightwell. This super-charged conduit of magical energy became the sole source of sustenance to the former Highborne, now called Nightborne.

The Well Of Eternity Wow

Unlike the other wells scattered across Azeroth, it’s entirely possible the Nightwell is more powerful than even the original Well of Eternity. It’s not just concentrated life blood from Azeroth’s world-soul. It’s been infused with the powers of a Pillar of Creation on top of that. Needless to say, the evolution and transformation of the Nightborne, as well as their dependence on the Nightwell, are both tied to the evolution of the Nightwell.


Obviously there are other wells on Azeroth, though none carry quite the importance of those listed above. The Night Elves have moonwells scattered all over the various continents. These wells are supposedly repositories for the waters of the Well of Eternity. But given how far these wells are scattered across Azeroth, it’s likely these were created from the waters of the second Well of Eternity, not the original source.

As for the original Well of Eternity, it’s still there, to a degree. The turbulent waters of the Maelstrom are an eternal vortex of swirling energies. Keep in mind that the titan-forged set out to originally calm and balance the wound left by Aman’Thul. It’s likely that the Sundering shattered the magic wards set around the wound, and what we’re seeing in the Maelstrom is what that wound was like when it was freshly created.

Although the origins of the various wells are all tied to the moment Aman’Thul tried to violently wrench Y’Shaarj from the ground, today they’re a continued source of life. It could be argued that none of the world’s varied and decidedly unique life forms would have ever evolved without the Well of Eternity and its various evolutions. And maybe that’s the thing that sets us apart from the rest of the universe. While other worlds and life may have been shaped and influenced by the Titans, we may be the only ones directly shaped and formed by the arcane life-blood of a uniquely powerful world-soul: Azeroth.

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This article is about the original Well on Ancient Kalimdor. For the second Well at Mount Hyjal, see Well of Eternity (Hyjal). For the instance, see Well of Eternity (instance). For other uses, see Well of Eternity (disambiguation).
The original Well of Eternity, in its corrupted state during the War of the Ancients (in-game representation)

The Well of Eternity was a lake of scintillating arcane energies and limitless power formed from the very lifeblood of Azeroth's world-soul.[1] The Well was located on the ancient continent of Kalimdor near the night elven city of Zin-Azshari. The present area where the Well of Eternity was located became the Maelstrom after the Great Sundering.

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The Well was the central focus of the Burning Legion's invasion during the War of the Ancients, and the area around it served as the final battleground of the conflict. Its waters were so powerful, that the demons hoped to bring Sargeras himself to Azeroth by turning the Well into a great portal. The Well's ensuing destruction physically changed the geography of the planet, and heralded a new era in Azerothian history. Shortly after this, a second Well of Eternity was created at Mount Hyjal by Illidan Stormrage, who preserved water from the first Well in magical vials.

  • 1History
  • 4Speculation



The original Well of Eternity was formed from a great wound in Azeroth's surface, created when Aman'Thul, the Highfather of the titanPantheon, ripped the Old GodY'Shaarj from the world's crust and tore it apart. The volatile arcane lifeblood of Azeroth's world-soul rushed to the surface and roiled over the world. It was through this event that the Pantheon realized that the Old Gods had embedded themselves too deep in Azeroth's surface to remove without severely harming the world-soul, and so they instead resolved to imprison the vile entities below the surface of the world.[1]

The ordered Azeroth after the fall of the Black Empire, with the well in the continent's center.

After the Old Gods and their elemental minions had been defeated and sealed in their prisons, the titans' most powerful servants — the keepers — set to work to seal the still-bleeding wound. After having labored day and night to construct magic wards around the wound, the tumultous arcane energies eventually calmed and settled into balance, and the keepers named it the 'Well of Eternity'.[1]Belajar sambil bermain pdf. The enormous lake became the true heart of the world's magic and natural power. Drawing its energies from the infinite Great Dark Beyond, the Well acted as a mystical fount, sending its potent energies out across the world to nourish life in all its wondrous forms.[2] The Well accelerated the cycles of growth and rebirth, and before long, it caused sentient beings to evolve from the land's primitive life forms.[3]

Ancient history

Keeper Freya soon set to work to populate the world with life. She created great enclaves of life at the locations where the Well's energies had coalesced — the areas that would later become known as Un'Goro Crater, Sholazar Basin and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. She nurtured and molded various life forms and seeded them around the world, the greatest of which were the colossal animal spirits known as the Wild Gods.[4]

Some legends say that from this magical ether the silithid were born.[5]

Among the first and most prolific creatures to emerge from the primordial wilderness were the trolls.[3] In time, a tribe of dark trolls[6] came to settle near the translucent waters of the Well. Over time, the Well's cosmic power affected the tribe, making them wise and immortal. Their skin turned various shades of violet, and they gained a shorter, yet more upright stature. Inspired by titanic words found on titan-forged relics around the Well's periphery, the tribe adopted the name 'kaldorei', meaning 'children of the stars'. They believed that their moon goddess, Elune, slept within the Well's shimmering depths during the daylight hours.[7][8]

The night elves and the War of the Ancients

The ancient night elven capital of Zin-Azshari.
Zin-Azshari's coast.

The kaldorei, or 'night elves', soon built a wondrous society around the Well. They built their capital, Elun'dris, on the Well's shores and honed their ties with the surrounding woodlands. Soon, however, a small group of elves, later known as the Highborne, became obsessed with unlocking the Well's secrets and began rigorously studying the lake's arcane energies.[9] It is said the [Heart of Zin-Azshari] was key in the elves' dominance of the Well of Eternity.[10] Later, Sargeras convinced Queen Azshara and her Highborne to create a portal in the Well, leading to the first invasion of the Burning Legion. Following the War of the Ancients, the Well of Eternity was destroyed, and most of Kalimdor with it, leaving only the Maelstrom.

However, Illidan Stormrage had filled seven magical vials with water from the Well of Eternity, and he poured three of the magical vials of water into the lake at the top of Mount Hyjal, creating a new Well. For this insane act, his brother Malfurion and the demigod Cenarius imprisoned him deep beneath Mount Hyjal. The new Well was completely covered by the growth of the World TreeNordrassil, bringing it into balance, further aided by the enchantments of the Dragon Aspects.

However, Illidan had not emptied all of his vials in creating the second Well of Eternity (which is why the Aspects were able to enchant the World Tree with no interference). Somehow, the Highborne under the leadership of Dath'Remar Sunstrider had acquired one of the remaining vials and, after founding their new homeland of Quel'Thalas, used it to create the Sunwell. At least two of the last three vials somehow found their way back into Illidan's possession, and he gave one each to his lieutenants, Lady Vashj and Kael'thas Sunstrider.[11] They remained in their possession until the Scale of the Sands recruited adventurers to take them back. These vials are now in the hands of Soridormi, prime mate of Nozdormu.


Well of Eternity concept art.

The first Well of Eternity was an incandescent and shimmering lake of energy.[12][7] As the Highborne's obsession with the Well grew, they recklessly drew magic from its depths, throwing it into constant turmoil. Dark storms broke out over its surface, and its waters darkened until they became utterly black.[13][14] The physical dimensions of the Well were only a trick of the mind. The true Well existed in a thousand dimensions, a thousand places, simultaneously.[15]

This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

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Although the original Well of Eternity appears in the titular five-player dungeon, it's portrayed as considerably smaller than in lore, as well as much smaller than the in-game portrayal of the Maelstrom which occupies the exact same space.


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  • After shipwrecking in Nazjatar, both First Arcanist Thalyssra and Lor'themar Theron sensed the essence of the well in the air.
  • Unicorns are descended from a fine line of horses that once grazed near the shores of the Well of Eternity.[16]
  • A [Crystallized Drop of Eternity] drops from Xavius.

Well Of Eternity Instance


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
The second Well of Eternity beneath Nordrassil.

The final vial

Speculation about the final vial Illidan took from the Well points to its original host. It is unknown whether or not Illidan was in possession of it at the time of his death at the former Temple of Karabor, Black Temple.

It is also possible (but not certain) that the final vial was used by Illidan during the War of the Ancients, to defend himself against the Abyssal Doombringer in the Well of Eternity instance. The uncertainty stems from a scene where Malfurion sees Illidan with his hand in the Well after the battle, leading to the possibility that he may have refilled it.

In Mists of Pandaria, Kanrethad Ebonlocke notes that the powers of the Shrine of Lost Souls in the Black Temple are very similar to the Well of Eternity.[17] Thus, it is likely that Illidan used the final vial to power the shrine as a source of arcane power to help assuage his allies' fel addiction.

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The Elemental Plane

Talking tom download for samsung wave 3 bada. The Well of Eternity may have had some sort of connection to the Elemental Plane, as the Maelstrom was used by Deathwing to escape from Deepholm. [Sharas'dal, Scepter of Tides], made with water from the Well, is described as being made of 'living water' and is capable of controlling creatures of the sea such as sea giants and makrura.[18]

See also


  1. ^ abcWorld of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 36 - 37
  2. ^The Waking World and the Well of Eternity
  3. ^ abWorld of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 70
  4. ^World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 39
  5. ^The Prophecy of C'Thun
  6. ^World of Warcraft: The Magazine Volume 2 Issue 1
  7. ^ abThe Warcraft Encyclopedia: Night Elves
  8. ^World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 93
  9. ^World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 94
  10. ^ [110D] Eye of Azshara: The Heart of Zin-Azshari
  11. ^ [70R] The Vials of Eternity
  12. ^The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth
  13. ^War of the Ancients Trilogy
  14. ^The Warcraft Encyclopedia: Azshara
  15. ^The Well of Eternity, pg. 159 (ebook)
  16. ^Mount Journal entry for [Quel'dorei Steed]
  17. ^Pursuing the Black Harvest#Dialogue
  18. ^Grash gossip text
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