How to convert MATLAB code to C++ program in Image Processing? Directly your functions in C/C++ than using some code converter. Functions from inside the C/C++ code using Matlab Engine. Automatically Converting MATLAB Code to C Code. Daryl Ning, MathWorks. MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software for engineers.

on 14 Jul 2011

MATLAB Coder does not have the capability to convert MATLAB Code to C# code. It can convert MATLAB Code to C/C++ code. That being said, not all MATLAB functions can be converted to C code. The following link gives a list of supported functions for code generation. Generate readable and portable C and C++ code from MATLAB ® code, including over 1,200 functions used for applications ranging from image processing and computer vision to advanced DSP and communications systems development, using MATLAB Coder™. Matlab has a tool called 'Matlab Coder' which can convert your matlab file to C code or mex file. My code is relatively simple so it works fine. Speed up gain is about 10 times faster. Matlab2cpp is a semi-automatic tool for converting code from Matlab to C++. After installing, the matlab2cpp command line executable m2cpp will be available in path that can be used to convert Matlab code. Note that it is not meant as a complete tool for creating runnable C++ code.

what is the C-equivalent of the above code ?
on 14 Jul 2011
Display an Image in C code isn't a piece of cake. You can't translate this with ML Coder to C code.
Reading the image can be done with basic file i/o command, fopen, fread, fscanf, etc.
on 14 Jul 2011
ok..but r the following lines of code converted to in C ?
on 14 Jul 2011
but what are the above lines of code converted to in C ?
on 14 Jul 2011
Like I said this isn't easy since C is not made for graphic stuff. Maybe google a bit and you will find some ideas how to do it, e.g.:
on 14 Jul 2011
could i say that the above lines of code are converting an rgb-image to a yuv image ?
on 14 Jul 2011
no, you simply decompose your image into his Read Green and Blue parts. if you want to go from rgb to yuv you have to do some multiplication:
on 14 Jul 2011
ok..its quite urgent i need to know how the decomposition of image into red,green and blue can be done in C.i know its not easy..but i need to find a way..plzz smeone help me..thanks
on 14 Jul 2011

Matlab To C Conversion

It will depend on what image type you are trying to read:
.JPG internal format is totally different from .BMP for example.
C does not have the high-level routines to read an image file - you have to read the file format and process it yourself.

C++ Code Generator

Reading the file is easy:
C code syntax
char get_char;
while((get_char=fgetc(input))!= EOF)
in the .. part add your code to process the data. like stated above this will depend on the file format you are trying to read.
on 14 Jul 2011
Thanks Friedrich.Could you help me how an image can be decomposed into red,green and blue in 'C',if in matlab it is given as below:
on 14 Jul 2011
could you explain the full workflow you want to have? do you want to read in the file from hdd or do you get it passed in some format? And especially which format (jpg, bmp) do you working with. Like Jan said. post a full detailed discription of what you are like to do.

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Matlab2cpp er currently unmaintained. As a mainteiner this project ended upon the short end of the stick of what I unfortunatly have time for.

Anyone who want to make changes to it, might do so. I am very open toa change in overship.

I am sorry for the inconvinience.



matlab2cpp is a semi-automatic tool for converting code from Matlab to C++.

After installing, the matlab2cpp command line executable m2cpp will beavailable in path that can be used to convert Matlab code.

Note that it is not meant as a complete tool for creating runnable C++ code.For example, the eval-function can not be supported because there is nogeneral way to implement it in C++. Instead the program is a support tool,which aims at speed up the conversion process as much as possible for a userthat needs to convert Matlab programs by hand anyway. The software does this byconverting the basic structures of the Matlab-program (functions, branches,loops, etc.), adds variable declarations, and for some simple code, doa complete translation. And any problem the program encounters duringconversion will be written in a log-file. From there manual conversions can bedone by hand.

Currently, the code will not convert the large library collection of functionsthat Matlab currently possesses. However, there is no reason for the code notto support these features in time. The extension library is easy to extend.


Installation by running the pip command:

The source-to-source parser do not have any requirements beyond having Pythoninstalled. However, the generated output does have a few requirements to becompilable. They are as follows.

Code produces follows the C++11 standard.

Armadillo is a linear algebra library for the C++ language. The Armadillolibrary can be found at `http://arma.sourceforge.net`_. Some functionalityin Armadillo rely on a math library like LAPACK, BLAS, OpenBLAS or MKL.When installing Armadillo, it will look for installed math libraries.

If Armadillo is installed, the library can be linked with the link flag-l armadillo. Armadillo can also be linked directly, see the FAQ atthe Armadillo webpage for more information.

I believe MKL is the fastest math library and it can be downloaded for freeat `https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/free-mkl`_.

By inserting pragmas in the code, for loops can be marked by the user. Theprogram can then either insert OpenMP or TBB code to parallelizethe for loop. To compile TBB code, the TBB library has to beinstalled. See :ref:`parallel_flags` for more details.

An illustrating Example

Assuming Linux installation and m2cpp is available in path. Code worksanalogous in Mac and Windows.

Consider a file example.m with the following content:

Run conversion on the file:

This will create two files: example.m.hpp and example.m.py.

In example.m.hpp, the translated C++ code is placed. It looks as follows:

Matlab doesn't declare variables explicitly, so m2cpp is unable to completethe translation. To create a full conversion, the variables must be declared.Declarations can be done in the file example.m.py. After the first run, itwill look as follows:

Matlab To C Code Converter Software Download

In addition to defining includes at the bottom, it is possible to declarevariables manually by inserting type names into the respective empty strings.However, some times it is possible to guess some of the variable types fromcontext. To let the software try to guess variable types, run conversion withthe -s flag:

The file example.m.py will then automatically be populated with data typesfrom context:

It will not always be successful and some of the types might in some cases bewrong. It is therefore also possible to adjust these values manually at anytime.

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Having run the conversion with the variables converted, creates a new outputfor example.m.hpp:

This is valid and runnable C++ code. For such a small example, no manualadjustments were necessary.

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