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3 CONSOLIDATED TRANSLATION SURVEY FOR JUNE 1963 TABLE Of CONTENTS a Notes concerning the survey Request for copies Page c d USSR Economic 1 Political 24 Miiiitary 26 Geographic 29 Sociological 30 Eastern E'urope Economic 31 Political 61 Military 65 Geographic 69 Sociological 69 Western Europe Economi c 73 Political 74 Military 77 Geographic 78 Sociological 79 Africa Economic 79 Political 80 Sociological 80 Middle East Economic 81 Political 81 Military 82

4 Far East Economic 83 Political 89 Military 93 Geogrskphic 94 Sociological 94 Latin America Economic Political Geographic 97 Sociological 97 North America Economic 98 Political 98 Geographic 98 World Wide Political 99 Scientific Aerospace 100 Agriculture 102 Biological Medical Sciences 107 Chemistry Earth Sciences & Astronomy Electronics 148 Engineering 154 Fuels & Propulsion 161 Materials & Metallurgy 162 Mathomatics I Data Processing 175 Nuclear Science & Technology 176 Physics 182 Miscellaneous 208 Information on Cover-to-Cover Translations 211 Author Index 328 b

5 CONSOLIDATED TRANSLATION SURVEY An author index to items in this issue is appended. This Survey is prepared month]y by Foreign Documents Division, CIA, from lists received through cooperation of US governmentagencies and includes translations of such agencies, private industry, universities, research institutions, and commercial translation organizations. It is a compila- Lion of foreign documentary projects, completed or started during the month preceding this publication. Translations are listed by area and subject category. Scientific projects are grouped as a section regardless of geographic area. Title in English, author, foreign language title of source of material, date and data of publication, and publication identification of the cofmpleted project are given when available. Some of the above details may be unavailable on projects listed 'in process,' New projects in process will be listed only once, their subsequent listing being made when they are reported completed. Projects in process, i.e., not completed as of the date of this Survey, are noted with an asterisk (*), and when available, a project-control or 'in-process' numbor is noted in parentheses following the title. C

4495 Easy Writer. Heinz Rhyn 702. 6650 Ein Wasserregime Im Nahen Osten - Rechtliche Und Politische Grundlagen. Read online or download eBook PDF Bonsai - Vom Grundkurs zum Meister Free in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, DOC, and TXT Read Bonsai - Vom Grundkurs zum Meister PDF Online - From the worldwide bestselling team of FIONA. Read online or download eBook Bonsai - Vom Grundkurs zum Meister PDF Download in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, DOC,. Heinz Meister is the author of Elektrotechnische Grundlagen (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews, published 2012), Elektrotechnische Grundlagen (0.0 avg. Aufgabensammlung f ur Elektrotechnik 1 Informationen zur Lehre und Lehrorganisation am Fachgebiet Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik Search Tips Phrase Searching. Use quotes to search an exact phrase: e.g. 'occult fiction' Wildcards. To search for alternate forms of a word. Source for Download eBooks in Pdf and epub format for free or read online ebooks, also support for kindle and ipad (iBook). There are some eBook categories here.

6 REQUESTS FOR COPIES Requests for copies of published projects should be made direct to the designated producing organi.zation. All requests for items prefixed by 'CIA' should be addressed to Office of Central Reference, 2430 E Street, NW, Washington DC. Addresses of producers follow: ACIC Aeronautical Chart and Information Center -- (see OTS) ACSI ACSIL Department of Army Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence Intelligence Documents Branch Washington 25, DC Requests from non-government sources for Army documents should be ordered through Dept of Commerce Office of Technical Services Washington 25, DC Admiralty Center for Scientific Information and Liasion Queen Anne's Mansions St James Park London, SW 1, England AEC - Atomic Energy Commission (see Department of Comerce) AERE, Harwell AF The Librarian AERE, Ministry of Supply iarwell, Didcot, Birks England Department of Air Force Collection and Dissemination Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence ATTN: AFCIN 113 Washington 25, DC -d -

7 AFCRL Res Lib AGI AGU Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories Research Library Office of Aerospace Resear'ch United States Air Force Laurence G. Hanscom Field Bedford, Massachusetts ATTN : CRXLR American Geological Institute 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington 25, DC American Geophysical Union 1515 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington 5, DC AID - Aerospace Information Division (see AF) AIEH AlP American Institute of Electrical Engineers Special Subscription Department 41 East 28th Street New York 16, Now York American Institute of Physics 335 East 45th Street Now York 17, New York Amer Math Soc American Mathematical Society 190 Hope Street Providence 6, Rhode Island Amer Meteorol Soc The American Metoorological Society 45 Beacon Street Boston 8, Massachusetts

8 AMS - Army Map Service (see ACSI) AWRE -- (see AEC) BCIRA BISI BWRA CB British Cast Iron Research Association Bordesley Hall Alvechurch, Birmingham England British Iron and Steel Institute 4 Grosvenor Gardens London, SW 1, England British Welding Research Association Abington Hail, Abington Cambridge, England Consultants Bureau, Inc. 227 West 17th Street New York 11, New York Cleaver-lumo Press Ltd CRL CS Cleaver Hume Press Ltd 31 Wright's Lane London, W 8, England Central Research Laboratories, Research Division Broken Hill Proprietary Co, Ltd, Shortland, 2N, New South Wales, Australia Chemical Society Burlington House London V.l., England

9 CSIR CSIRO CTRA CTT DDC Council for Scientific and Industrial Research The Head Information Division PO Box 39S Pretoria, Africa Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 314 Albert Street Bast Melbourne, C 2, Victoria Australia The Coal Tar Research Association Oxford Road GoMersal, Leeds England Columbia Technical Translations 5 Vermont Avenue Whito Plains, Now York Defense Documentation Center TISIA-1 Arlington Hall Station Arlington 12, Virginia Dept of Com Department of Commerce 3ffice of Tochnical Services Washington 25, I)C Dept of Int Department of Interior Library Washington 25, DC Dept of State Department of State Division of Library and Reference Servico 132 State Annex 1 Washington, DC

10 Doubleday Doubleday & Co., Inc. 575 Madison Avenue New York, 22 New York Elsevier Publishing Co. ERDL Spuistraat Amsterdam, The Netherlands Engr Res Dev Lab Fort Belvoir (see ACSI) FTD - Foreign Technology Division (see AP) GB Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau 3 Belgrave Square London SW 1, Pngland Geochom Soc Prof B. Wm. Hleinrich Mineralogical Laboratory University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Hafner Pub Co 11B Haf er Publishing Company 3.1 Hast 10th Street New York 3, Now York Ionry Brutcher Technical Translation P)O Box 157 Altadona, California Ilydrographics Office (see Navy) ID - Intelligence Document (see ACSI) INSDOC INSDOC, National Physical Laboratory of India, Hillside Road, New Delhi-12. -h -

11 Inst of Fisheries ISA JPRS Institute of Fisheries University of British Columbia Vancouver Instrument Society of America 313 Sixth Avenue Pittsburgh 22, Petisylvania Joint Publications Research Service For non-scientific reports: Photoduplication Service Library of Congress Washington 25, DC For scientific-technical reports: Departmctt of Commerce Office of Technical Services Washington 25, DC MMII Mark U. Burgunker 541 West 113th Street Now York 25, New York Ministry of Agriculture MU NASA Navy Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food Fisheries Laboratory Lowestoft, Suffolk) England University of Melbourne, Languag Sectiun, Faculty of Science, Parkville, N2, Victoria, Australia National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1512 Ii Street, NW Washington 25, DC Department of Navy Office of Naval Intelligence Washington 25, DC -i

12 NIH National Institutes of Health Translating Section, Library Building 10, Room 11N112 Bethesda 14, Maryland NLL National Lending Library for Science and Technology Boston Spa, Yorkshire, England NMS - Navy Medical School (see Navy) NRC/C National Research Council, Canada The Library Sussex Drive Ottawa 2, Canada NRL - Naval Research Laboratories (see Navy) NZDIA Department of Internal Affairs Translation Service Wellington, New Zealand ONI - Office of Naval Intelligence (see Navy) OT Ministry of Aviation, TIL.l(a), First Avenue House, High lolborn, London, W.C.1., England OT PANSDOC Office of Technical Services Department of Commerce Washington 25, DC (Also available through Department of Commerce Field Offices) PANSDOC 2/141-S, P.L3.C.HI. Society, Karachi-29, Pakistan

13 Philosophical Library PP PS Philosophical Library Incorporated 15 East 40th Street New York 16, New York Pergamon Press 122 East 55th Street New York 22, New York Primary Sources 11 Bleecker Street New York 12. New York RAE (see TIL, Ministry of Aviation) RAPRA Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain Shawbur Shrewsburg, England All Orders from the American Continents: Palmerton Publishing Company, 101 West 31st Street New York 1, New York Inc. Redstone Arsenal (see DDC) RRG SIAm SIC Review of Russian Geology Box 6665, College Station Duke University Durham, North Carolina Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Box 7S41 Philadelphia 1, Pennsylvania Scientific Information Consultants Ltd. 661 Finchlay Road London NW2, England -k -

14 SLA SLA Translations Center The John Crerar Library 86 East Randolph Street Chicago 1, Illinois Stanford Univ. Press Stanford University Press Stanford, California Taylor and Francis Ltd. Taylor and Prancis Ltd. Red Lion Court, Fleet Street London, U. C. 4, England TIL - Technical Information Library UKAEA Ministry of Aviation TIL l(b) Leysdown Road Mort ingham London SE9, England United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Development and Engineering Group Risley, larrington, Lancs, England Univ of Chicago University of Chicago Press 5750 Ellis AvOIue, Chicago 37, Illinois US Army Biological Laboratories - (see OTS) SDA Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Room th and Independence Avenue, NW Washington 25, DC Van Nostrand D. Van Nostrand Inc 120 Alexander Street Princeton, New Jersey Weather Bur - See Department of Commerce 319th MI Bn - S25th MI Gp - 319th Military Intelligence Battalion (see ACSI) 525th Military Intelligence Group (see ACSI)

15 P R 0 1J E' C T S R IS ), IP T h D F 0 R.1 U N I Information on Development and Production of Soviet Air-Ionization Equipment, by F. G. Portnov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Aeroiony i Ikh Lechebnoye Primeneniye, Riga, 1961, pr 30-32, 41, 42. *JPRS The Atomic Industry, by P. T. Astashenkov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Atomnaya Promyshlennost', 1962, ACSI Table of contents, captions of tables and all art ID work; and introduction on p th MI Bn History of Far lhastern Shipping, by B. M. Dvornyak, V. L, Lovitskiy, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Istoryia Dal'nevostochnogo Parokhodstva., 1962, pp JPRS The Manufacture of Spur Gears by Rolling, by V. A. Bodazhkov, P. P. Pilippov, at al, 295 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Izgotovleniye Tsilindricheskikh Zubchatykh Koles Prokatkoy, 1961, pp 2-186'. JPRS Kerch' Ores, by S. Basharin, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Kerchenskaya Ruda, 1960, pp JPRS The Rayons, Suh-Areas, of Moscow, One of Seventeen, by A. Budantsev, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, monograph, Khozyayeva Rayona, Moscow, 1962, pp TPRS Guide to the Miskhor Korelz, Caspra lealth Resort, 23 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Miskhor, Koreiz, Gaspra Ocherk. Putevoditel','162, pp 8-35, JPRS Mocow-Chop Railroad Guidc, by A. 0. Dobronravova, A. Ya. Azarov, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Moska-Chog Zheleznodorozhnyy Putevoditel', Moscow, 1962, pp 20-34, -51. JPRS Moscow-Vladivostok Railroad Guide, by V. V. Pokshishevskiy, V. V. Vorob'yev, 130 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Moskva-Vladivostok, Moscow, 1962, pp JPRS The Increase of Prodctivity of Swamped Forests, 153 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Povashenie Produktivnosti Zabolochennykh OTS Lesov, Moscow, Vol XLIX, PL

16 USSR Economic (Contd) Railroads and Trains, by A. P. Tsarenko, 107 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Poyezd Otpravlyayetsya v Put', Moscow, 1962, pp JPRS Production of Heat and Sound Proofing Materials, by L. M. Shmidt, M. F. Strizhevskiy, et al. (DC-8650) RUSSIAN, bk, Proizvodstvo Teplo-Zvukoizo1yatsionnkh Halevialov, 1962, pp *JPRS The City of Ryazan', by I. Dvorov, 46 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Ryazan, 1961, pp JPRS Soviet Cranes and Derricks, by Sil'vestr Nikolayevich Rudin, 23 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Spravochnik Slesara Montazhnika, Moscow, 1962, pp JPRS Measuring Labor Pr-ductivity in Monotary Terms, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Statistika na Predpriyatiykh Tokstil1npZ Prom, Moscow, 1962, pp ,JPRS Strategy and Economics, by A. N. Lagovskiy, 280 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Stratogiya i Ekonomika, No 2, 1961, pp JPRS Topographic Maps, Their Demand and Use in the National Economy, by N. S. Podobedov, 28 pp. RUSSIAN, hk, Topograficheskoye Kartografirovanly, Moscow, 1962, pp JPRS A Tourist Handbook and Guide for the Motmtains of Carpathian Ruthenia, by V. Calyapin, S. Shcherbakov, 86 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Turisty v Karpntakh, 1962, 175 pp. JPPS Ulan-tide -- Capital of Soviet Buryatiya, by l's. Ts. Dondukov, 28 pp. RUSSIkN, bk, 1lan-tOde, Stolitsa Sovetskoy Buratii, 1961, pp 41-66, 78-87, 93, 102, 103, 111, 114, '1', 120, 122, 123, JPRS Problems of Highway Planning, by A. K, Birulya, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, por, Avtomobil'nyye Dorogi, No 11, 1962, pp 32, 33. JPRS Prolonging the Service Life of Tires, by A. Sheynin, N. Korneychev, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomobil'nyy Transport, No 11, 1962, pp JPRS

17 USSR Economic (Contd) Now Tire Designs -- R and RS, by I. Abolina, V. Prashchikin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomobil'nyy Transport, No 11, 1962, pp JPRS New Vehicles for 1963, by A. Anders, 5 pp. RUSSIAN' per, Avtomobil'nyy Tf:ansport, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS lirmination of Operational Deficiencies at the Azerbaydzhan Pipe Rolling Plant, by I. Nabiyev, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Bakisskiy Rabochiy, 22 Feb 1963, JPRS Precast Reinforced Concrete Components in Industrial Construction of the UkSSR, by S. N. Andryanov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelozobeton, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Byul Nauch Informataii, Trud i Zarabotnaya Plata, No 12, JPRS Some Growth Reserves in babor Output, by A. Dovba, 12 pp, (pp 15-23). Improving the Analysis and Planning of Labor Productivity, by A. Semenov, P. Yozorskiy, 12 ppp (pp 23-30). Norms for Auxiliary Workers in Large Machine. Building Plants, by A. Pavlenko, 11 pp 8 (pp 40-47). Economic Iiffcctlvoness by Utilizing Labor Resources in Rayons, by N. Shishkin, 6 pp, (pp 58-62). The Study of the Standard of Living of the Working People of the USSR, by S. Figurnov, 5 pp, (pp 62-65).

18 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Byul Tekh Ekon Informatsii. No 2, 1963, pp 3-6.,JPRS Vacuum-Arc Furnaces, by V. T. Burtsev, 0. D. Moldavskiy, 5 pp. No 3, Production of Bimetals, by S. A. Golovanenko, 6 pp, (pp 5-9). JPRS Measures Worked Out by the State Committee for the Coordination of Scientific-Research Work for Carrying Out the Resolutions of the November 1962 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSIJ, by Ye. A. Parfenov, 7 pp, (pp 68-7!). JPRS Organization of Production Operations Planning and Dispatch Services at a Precision Equipment Plant, by I. I. Vasil'yev, 7 pp, (pp 77-79). JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Ekon Gazeta. No 40, 29 Sep 1962, p 15. JPRS Defective Pressure Gauges, Manometers and Thermometers, Defective Parts, Deviations From Blueprints and Laxity of Plant Party Committee Responsible for Breakdown of Production Schedule at Kazan' Teplokontrol' Plant, by Yu. Lyubimov, 10 pp. No 44, 27 Oct 1962, p 43, JPRS Multitude or Models and Lack of Uniformity in Circ,itR, Systems and Components RlamAd fnr Pnnr Quality of Television Sets, by V. Hatveyev, f pp. No 3, 19 Jan 1963, p 14, NI.L Tr Bulletin A New Scientific Centre - The Objeccive - Improved Vol 5, No 5, 1963 Methods for the Organisation of Production, by N. Veduts, 10 pp. No 4, 26 Jan 1963, pp JPRS For More and Better Chemical Materials for the Light Industry, by A. Serkov, 23 pp. No 7, 16 Feb 1963, p 15. JPRS Specialization and Utilization of Reserves in the Tire Industry, by K. Gorlin, I. anvelovet, S pp. -4-

19 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Ekon Gazeta. (Contd) No 8, 23 Feb New Problems Call for New Methods, by P. Neporozhniy, 7 pp, (p 5). JPRS Correcting Disorgmization at the Ryozan' Artificial Fibre Plant, by I. Azovkin, 5 pp, (p is). JPRS An Example of IlI-Considered Construction, by N. Yakovchuk, 5 pp, (p 38). JPRS No 9, 2 Mar Need for New Method in Evaluating Railroad Freight Transportation Performance, by N. Vinnichenko, 10 pp. JPRS Chemical Fibers Today and Tomorrow, by V. Mukhin, 5 pp, (p 5). JPRS No 11, Recommendations to Facilitate the Increased Use of Plastics, by N. Yegorov, 5 pp, (p 3). JPRS Rural Machine Operators Complain About Shortage of Spare Parts, 6 pp, (pp 11, 12). JPRS Why is There a Shortage of Spare Parts?, 6 pp. (pp 12-14). JPRS Spare Parts -- A Great National Hconomic Problem, 5 pp. (pp 14, 15). JPRS Criticism of the Production and Supply of Spare Parts, by V. Krivosheyev, 5 pp, (pp 15, 16). JPRS The Cumbersome Nature of Bookkeeping and Record Keeping Practices in Sovkhozes and Kolkhozes, by A. Shershukov, 6 pp, (p 34). JPRS Towards an Improved System of Bookkeeping, by S. Protasov, B. Nesterov, 6 pp, (p 35). JPRS Advantages of Order Journal Bookkeeping, by I. Kuzema, L. Bulochnikova, 83 pp, (pp 35, 36). JPRS No 12, 23 Mar The Role of Science in the Development of the Chemical Industry, 7 pp. (p 5). JPRS 19432

20 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Ekon Gazeta. (Contd) No 12, 23 Mar Better Organization and Coordination of Scientific Research Work in Cheimaical Industry Needed, 6 pp, (pp 6, 7). JPES Business Club Discussions on Better Utilization of Capital Investments, by P. Kazakov, P. Styrov, 19 pp, (pp 16-20). JPRS No 13, 20 Mar 1963, pp 1-4. JPRS State and Collective Farm Finances, by M. Shermenev, 49 pp. No 14, Rational Loading for Rolling Equipment, by L. Shapiro, V. Svets, 11 pp, (pp 8, 9). JPRS Geothermic Energy Must Be Harnessed in Kamchatka, by V. Brun'ko, A. Kontarovskiy, 6 pp, (p 36). JPRS No 1S, 13 Apr Planned Cost of Production, by N. Sandrigaylo, S pp, (p 12). JPRS Plant Construction in the Mordovskaya ASSR, by A. Kupriyanov, 5 pp, (p 14). JPRS No 16, 20 Apr First All-Russian Conference of Chief Economists of Sovnarkhoz Plants, 6 pp, (pp 10-18). JPRS How a Computer Center is Planned, by A. Denisov, 7 pp, (pp 11-14). JPRS Iron Ore Industry, 6 pp, Cp 31). JPRS Plants Advertise Talks and Purchases -- Institutes Announce Competitive Program, 13 pp, (pp 46-48). JPRS

21 USSR Economic (Cuntd) Selected Articles Prom the Russian Newspaper Ekon Gazeta. (Contd) No 17, Apr The New Economical Welding Methods, by I. Karev, 6 pp, (pp 10),.JPRS The Challenge of Communism to Become the Economic Loader of the World, by 0. Latsis, 12 pp, (pp 12, 13). JPRS First Results of Economic Experiments in Tataria, by V. Veselov, Yu. Sytnikov, 7 pp, (p 9). JPRS No 18, JPRS Long-Range Equalization of the Levels of.conomic Development of the Regions of the USSR, by A. Nikitin, 11 pp, (pp 6, 7). Problems of Material-Technical Supply, 45 pp. (pp 13-18). No 19, 11 May 1963, pp 18, 19. JPRS Initial Success in Specialization, by N. Sobol*, 9 pp. The Profit of Sovkhozos and Its Distrihution, by V. Semenov, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ikonomika Seltskpso Khozyaystva, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Reserves of the Building Materials Industry, by V. Popov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ekonomika Stroitel'stva, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Problems of Further Development of Electric Power Lines and Raising of the Voltnpe Quality, by A. M. Nokrasov, C. V, Scrhilhovskiy, 14 pn. RUSSIAN, per, I'lektrichoskiye Stantsii, No 3, 1963, pp 2-7.JPRS For the Now Successes in the levclopment of Electric Power, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ilcktrichestvo, No 3, 1963, pp 1-4.JPRS Electric Power InTdustry at the Threshhold of New Developments, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Einergetik, No 4, 1963, pp 1-5. JPRS 19474

22 USSR Economic (Contd) Tasks for Power Machinery Construction, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Energomashinostroyeniye, No 3, 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Finansy SSSR, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS The Relationship Between National Income and the State Budget, by S. Sitaryan, 15 pp. No 2, Preventing Inefficient Expenditures for Social and Cultural Measures, by V. Basov, 14 pp, (pp 33-40). JPRS High-Speed Computing Machines in the Service of Economists, by A. Alikhashkin, 1. Gorchev, et al, 6 pp, (pp 58-61). JPRS No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Calculating Norms for Incomplete Machine Tool Production, by M. Radiyevskiy, 7 pp. Kaunasskaya Gas is the Pirst Completed Power Station of the Nyamunasskiy Cascade, by S. I. Danila, S. P. Bagdonavichus, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Gidrotekh Stroitel, No 3, 1963, pp 2-4. JPRS Selected Articles Prom the Russian Periodical Gornyy Zhur. No 3, JPRS Achievements in the Automation and Mechanization of Production at the Degtyarsk Copper Mine, by A. N. Shilin, 10 pp, (pp 13-15). Hydrotransportation and Hydropumping of Soil in Preparing Polygons for Diamond Mining, by S. V. Yudayev, 8 pp, (pp 27-29). Recommended Method of Ore Cutting With Small Diameter Boreholes as Practiced at the Altyntopkan Mine, by K. N. Petrov, 10 pp, (pp 37-40). Modelling a Mine From Plexiglass, by B. V. Oleynikov, S pp, (pp 52, 53). - 8-

23 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Gornyy Zhur. (Contd) No 4, JPRS For the Further Technical Progress of the Ferrous Metallurgy Mining Industry, by R. P. Kaplunov, Ye. F. Moskalkov, 8 pp, (pp 3-7). The Increase of Labor Productivity at the Vysokogorskiy Mine, by S. I. Nikolayev, A. M. Ill'yin, S pp, (pp 7-9). Geology and Hydrology of the Vysokogorskoye Deposit and Operations for Its Draining, by V. S. Makhnev, L, V. Yudenkov, 6 pp, (pp 9-12). Experience of the Work of the Vysokogorskoye Mining Administration Open Pit Mines, by A. M. Il'yin, G. P. Skakun, 6 pp, (pp 20-23). Development of Automation at the Vysokogorskiy Mine, by I. N. Sannikov, S pp, (pp 23-25). Reduction in Cost of Shipments Needed to Enrich the Country, by A. Abramov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Gudok., 16 Feb 1963, p 3. JPRS Review of Transportation Achievements in 1962 and Outlook for 1963, by T. Lazarenko, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Gudok, No 45, 22 Feb 1963, pp 3, 4. JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Izvestiya. 2 Oct 1962, p 4. JPRS Diffraction Gratings and Motion Picture Cameras, by B. Gusev, 9 pp. 8 Jan 1963, p 1. JPRS Progress in Power-Generator Design at the Novosibirsk Turbogenerator Plant, by V. Davydchenkov, 6 pp. 2 Mar JPRS Open-Hearth Furnace Problems at the Zhdanov Plant, by M. Gonda, V. Rocharov, 5 pp. - 9-

24 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Izvestiya. (Contd) 10 Apr 1963, p 3. JPRS Improvements in Manufacture of Electrical Insulating Materials Needed, by M. Dubovik, V. Khanzhin, 5 pp. 13 Apr JPRS A Highly Productive Schedule, by I. Kapitonov, 6 pp. 17 Apr JPRS Using Electronic Computers in Economic Calculations, by G. Harchuk, A. Aganbegyan, 5 pp. Rubberized Sheet Filter LV-100G, by S. G. Ayrapetov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Khim Mashinostroyeniye, No 2, 1963, pp 3, 4. JPRS New Machines, Devices and Instruments, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Khim Mashinostroyeni.e, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Industry's Contribution to the Sovkhozos and Kolkhozes in the Current Year, by P. Kozhevnikov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kolkhozno-SovkhoznoZe Proizvodstvo, No 1, 1963, pp 33, 34. ' ' JPRS Industrial Uses of Radioactive Isotopes, by V. Letenko, V. Postnikov, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist, No 2, Jan 1963, pp S6-59. JPRS Computer Technology and Its Application, by B. Dubasov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Improve Consumer Service, by A. Blum, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist Estonii, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Labor Legislation Must Be Strictly Observed, by S. Radzhabov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN. np, Kommunist Tadzhikistana, 9 Apr JPRS Discussion of Personnel at the Voronezh Elektrosignal Plant, by V. Gromyko, 6 pp. RUSSIAN. np, Komsomol'skaya Pravda, 25 Nov 1962, p 2. JPRS

25 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Leningrad Pravda. 25 Oct 1962, p 2. JPRPS Drive for Greater Consumer Goods Production in Leningrad Enterprises, by M. Baybikov, 5 pp. 16 Feb JPRS Eliminate Power Shortages at the B '.khash Mining and Metallurgical Combine[, by M. Samarin, 5 pp. 22 Feb JPRS The Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, by A. Borodulin, 8 pp. 27 Mar JPRS Technical Progress and Labor Productivity, Plenum of Leningrad Industrial Oblast Committee CPSU, S pp. The Progress of the City of Dzhetygara, by V. Vlasov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Leninskoye Smena, 14 Mar JPRS The Present and Future of Chomical Industry in Mosknvskaya Oblast, by S. Chesnokov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, nn, Loninskoye Znamya, 12 reb JPRS Weak Points in the Cellulose-Paper Industry of the RSPSR, by I. Ye. Voronov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Lesnaya Promyshlennost', 23 Apr 1963, p 3. JPRS For Greater Production of Semikilled Steel, by D. L. Litvinenko, P. M. Shchastnyy, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Metallurg, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Steel Production at the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine, by A. N. Vasil'yev, I. Ye. Podynogin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Metallurg, No 3, 1963, pp JP.S Steel Smelting Practice at the Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant, by R. Z. Elimelakh, N. P. Mershchiy, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Metallurg, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS A Proposed Change in the Work Schedule of Seamen, by V. Shuvalov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Morakoy Flot, No 12, 1962, pp 21, 22. JPRS

26 USSR Economic (Contd) Need for Laboratory Experiments at the NIoscow Tire Plant, by G. Korbe, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Moskov Pravda, 26 Jan JPRS Improvement of Tool Quality, by V. Shkalikov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Moskov Pravda, 4 Apr JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Na Stroxkakh Rossii. No 7, ACS! A. Our Main Hffort - Specialization and Cooperation, by E. Ragozin, V. Abramov, 8 pp, (pp 5-8). B. Per a Higher Technical Level, by A. Lyapin, K. Klimov, 7 pp, (pp 9-11). D. In the Interest of All Economic Rayons, by L. Ben'kovich, Ye. Lerner, 9 pp, (pp 15-18). E. The Building Industry Production Base is Expanding, by V. Lavrentlyev, Yu. Sokolov, 6 pp, (pp 19-21). G. Now Capacities Come Into Being, by V. Solov'yov, N. Gurov, 8 pp, (pp 24-27). H. At the Points of Concentrated Construction, by N. Yaropolov, S. Chaykin, 7 pp, (pp 28-31). No 1, 1963, pp 3-6. JPRS Utilize lfficiently the Capital Investments in Chemical Industry in Tul'skaya Oblast, by Ya. Chuksoyov, 10 pp. Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Narod Khoz Kazakh. No 12, 1962, pp JPRS Shortcomings in the Production of Matorials DespIte a Developed Base in Zapodno-Kazakhstanskly Lray, by N. Dubinskiy, V. Sokolov, 5 pp. No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Special Supervision of Construction in the Chemical Industry, by Yu. Pod'yachev, 7 pr

27 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Narod Khoz Kazakh. (Contd) No 3, Plant Specialization in Karagandinskaya Oblast (Kazakhstan), by V. Pirogov, A. Veksler, 6 pp, (pp 3-6). JPRS Prospects for the Development of the Food Industry in Central Asia, by Z. Tsunts, B. Desyatchikov, 9 pp, (pp 24-28). JPRS Utillization of Labor Resources in Kazakhstan, by S. Sundetov, 8 pp, (pp 57-61). JPRS Complex Development of Eastern Kazakhstan Industry, by N, Satybaldin, 9 pp, (pp 62-66). JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Narod Khoz Uzbek. No 1, The Economy and Culture of Uzbekistan in the Fifth Year of the Seven-Year Plan, by S. Ziyadullayev, 28 pp, (pp 3-11).IPRS Develop the Chemical Industry of Uzbekistan on a Lnrgo Scale, by I. Abayev, A. Dullman, 9 pp, (pp 12-19). JPRS No 2, JPRS 'Th Possibility of Mking Concrete Without Cnment, by A. Zakharova, V. Zvcreva, 6 pp. No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Progressive Norms and Wages, 12 pp. The Role of Public Organizations in Purthering Production, by 1. Lysonko, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Nnuchno-Tekh Ohshch SSSR, No 4, 1963, pp JIRS Defective Noan-2 Television Sets Produced by Minsk Radio Plant, by V. Ponomarov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, por, Ogonek, No 2, Jan 1963, p 5. IPRS Work of Trade Union in Agriculture, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Okhrana Trud i Sotsial'noye Strnkhovaniyo, No 4, 1963, pp 6, 7.IPRS

28 USSR Economic (Contd) Work Organization to Reduce Fatigue, by S. Gorshkov, 5 prp. RUSSIAN, per, Okhrana Truda i Sotsial'noye Strakhovanivo, No 4, 1963, pp 8, 9. JPRS Technical and Personnel Problems in Industry, by I. Berezovskiy, 11 rp. RUSSIAN, per, Partiynaya Zhizn', No 3, Fet 1962, pp JPRS Positivo l1xperiencc at the llst'-knmonogorsk Lead and Zinc Combine in the Industrial Use of Oxygen, 5 PlP. RUSSIAN, per, Partiynaya Zhi7n', No 2, 1963, pp 21, 22. JPRS Now Party Comittees, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Partiynnyn Zhizn' Kiazakhstana, No 2, 1963, pp IPlS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical P1laovoyo K hozyaystvo. No 3, 1963, pp Important Questiont, in the Development of the Plastics Industry, by N. Fedorenko, I, Yakovlov, 12 pi).,pirls No 4, TPRS Investigation and Planning of Proportions in the Antionnl Economy by the Inter-llranch Ialanco Method, by Yu. Yaremenko, 18 pp, (pp 32-41). Hoasures for Improving the Planning and Financing of Capital Construction, by M. Sidorov, 11 pp, (pp 42-47). No 5, Far the Now Economic Plans -- A Fully Adequate Foundation, 15 pp, (pp 1-10).,TPRS Theoretical and Practical Problems of the Introduction of the Intersectorinl Balance Into National Economic Planning, by A. Yofimov, 14 pp. (pp 11-19).IPRS 1968R The Method of the Intersectorial Balance in Planning and Economic Anlysis, 13 mji, (pp 20-26).,PIRS 196k86 Problems of the lconomics of Labor in Siberia, by Ye. Antosenkov, 1). Nikolayev, 12 pp, (lip,8-92).,ipl. 196,46-14l

29 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Pravda. p 2.,JPRS 191S6 Specializntion is our Policy and our Ulrrent Task, by K. T. Mazurov, 5 pp. 23 Fob ,PRS Planned Increase of Production of Non-Ferrous Metals in Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya Oblast, 5 pp. 27 Feb 1963, p 2.,PRS Inadequate Use of Plastics in Machine Building, by A. Rynbenko, 5 lip. 6 Mar 1963, p 2.,TPRS We Must Base the Mlectric Power Construction on Industrial Methods, by 1. Ganichov, 5 pp. 27 Mar 1963, p 2. JPRS New Modern Rquipment for Kolkhozes and Sovkhozes, by A. Yezhovskiy, 5 pp. I Apr 1963, p 2, JPRS Party C~re for Converter Method, by K. Nikolayev, 6 pp. 2 Apr 1963, p 2. JPRS The Present and Future of Soviet Lavsan, by A. Sokolov, 5 pp. 3 Apr 1963, p 4. JPRS Production Organization of Refactory Fire- Rosistant Materials Called Por, by V. Peroderyov, 5 pp. 18 Apr JPRS Pressing Problems of Labor Organization in the Textile Industry, by Ye. Aleksoyev, 5 pp. Possibility of Replacing Three Blast Furnaces hy Two, by V. Pokryahkin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda Ukrainy, i0 Feb JPRS 1919( How We Employ Gitalov's Techniques on the Polyes'ye, by N. Akimenko, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Pravdn Ukrainy, 20 Mar 1963, p 2.,IPRS is-

30 USSR Economic (Contd) Machine-Tools and People, by R. Safragan, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda Ukcain, 2 Apr JPRS Rapid Construction of a Shop at the Plant imeni Kuz'min, by G. I. Ratskevich, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Promyshlennoye Stroitel'stvo, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Rabochaya Gazeta. 4 Oct 1962, p FTD-TT Five Great Years, by Yevgeniy Ryabchikov, 5 pp. 7 Mar JPRS Quality of Krivoy Rog Ore is Dropping, by I. Tokarskiy, 6 pp. 13 Mar JPRS Poor Quality of Charging Hoppers Built by the Dneprovskiy Metallurgical Equipment Plant, by G. Lomonos, 5 pp. 4 Apr 1963, p 2. JPRS Party Organization at the Gorlovka Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant in the Struggle for the Development of Large-Scala Chemical Industry, by Ye. Xhristolyubova, 5 pp. 24 Apr 1963, p 2. JPRS Shortcomings in the Delivery of Pquipment to Quarries for the Assembling of Equipment, by I. Bondarenko, I. Kiba, at al, 5 pp. The Single Electric Power System, by Mariya Volodina, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Rabotnitsa, No 6, 1962, pp 1, 2. JPRS

31 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr. No 2, JPRS Inadequately Explored Gold-Bearing Conglomerates in the Eastern Part of the Soviet Union, by Yu. P. Ivensen, A. A. Stepanov, et al, 19 pp, (pp 1-7). Geophysical Methods Used in the Search and Prospecting of Ore Deposits in the Noril'sk Region, by I. D. Volkov, T. N. Sirotkina, 12 pp, (pp 30-34). No 3, JPRS Commercial Types of Talc Deposits in the USSR, by I. P. Romanovich, 10 pp, (pp 8-12). Bauxite-Prospecting Criteria and Methods in tho Turgay Uepression, by G. R. Kirpal', 12 pp, (pp 12-17). Detector Elements in the Mica-Bearing Pegmatitic Veins, by U. P. Smirnov, 7 pp, (pp 17-20). The Hydrochemical Method of Prospecting for Beryllium Deposites, by A. 1. Lisitsyn, S. I. Mormil', 6 pp, (pp 20-23). Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Sotsialistichskiy Trud. No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Wages is an Important Factor in Raising Labor Productivity, by V. Vorob'yov, 12 pp. No 3, JPRS Balance of Labor and Balance of Working Time, by V. Kostakov, P. Litvyakov,.13 pp, (pp 11-18). Job Pay and Bonuses for Construction Workers. by L. Kheyfets, 7 pp, (pp 62-66). 17 -

32 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Sotsialistichskiy Trud. (Contd) o JPRS aw Rulalions on Labor and Wages, 6 pp, pp.14,144). Survey of Labor Legislation, 6 pp, (pp ). No 4# 1963, JPRS Permanent Plant Cadres and Labor Organization, by 0. Millner, 16 pp, (pp 32-41). The Culture of Pro.uction as a Very Important Element in Org4tangtion of Labor, by N. Iuvol'skaya, N. Trusikhin, 12 pp, (pp 48-55). Consolidated Standards for Labor Inpgts, by N. Kulaoin, 13 pp, (pp ). Review of Labor Legislation, 8 pp, (pp ). 5lected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Sovetskaya Belorussiya. 30 Oat 1962, p 2. JPRS Efforts to Extend the Service-Life of Radio and Television Sets, by Yu. Estrin, 5 pp. 7 Nov 1962, p 2. JPRS News of Gomel'kabel' and Blektroapparatura Plant, by A. I, Karabanov, N. K. Voskov, et &I, 8 pp. New Institute for Directors of Industrial and Tronsport Enterprisos Established in Minsk, S pp. 25 Jan 1963, p 2. JPRS Lack of Specialists for Production Leadership, by A. Tikhonov, 6 pp. 17 Mar 1963, JPRS Agricultural Workers Ask for More New MachineryM, by A. A. Yethevskiy, 5 pp. Activity at the Frunze Physcal-Instruments Plant, by V. Dmitriyev, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 30 Oct 1962, p 2. JPRS

33 USSR Economic (Contd) Operational Problems at the VEF Plant, by E. Danbcrg, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskaya Latviya, 25 Nov 1962, p 2. JPRS New Conveyer at Kishinev Flektromashina Plant, by L. Pavlov, Yu. Gusev, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskaya Moldaviya, No 277, 25 Nov 1962, p 2. JPRS The Need for Trained Workers in the National Economy, by F. Epur, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskaya Moldaviya, I Mar JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya. 8 Feb JPRS Chemical Industry in the Priokskiy Economic Region, by I. Lisichkin, A. Podol'skiy, 7 pp. 14 Feb JPRS Chemical Industry in the Volga Region, by I. Polonskaya, 6 pp. 20 Feb JPRS For Better Quality Transformer Steel, by A. Gusev, N. Nikitin, 5 pp. 12 Mar 1963, pp 1-3. JPRS Current Agricultural Developments in the USSR, by L. N. Yefremov, 20 pp. Bonuses for Construction Workers, by Ye. Bobkov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Sovetskie ProfsoyuzX, No 6, 1963, pp 28, 29. JPRS A Universal, Standard, and Economical Plan of Thermal Electric Power Stations, by F. Sapozhnikov, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Stroitel Gazeta, 13 Jan 1963, p 3. JPRS Activities of Tractor and Agricultural Machine Design Organizations, by K. S. Vydrin, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Traktory i Sel'khozmashiny, No 3, 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS

34 USSR Economic (Contd) Exhibition of NII and KB of Goskomitet on Automation and Machine Building Work, by B. K. Kharitonov, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Traktory i Selkhozmashiny, No 3, 1963, pp 48, 49. JPRS Technical Progress in Tractor Building, by B. G. Sivak, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Traktory i Sel'khozmashiny, No 4, 1963, pp 1-3. JPRS Adventures of the Inventor Yurchenko, by A. Avdeyenko, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Trud, 10 Fob JPRS Labor Productivity is the Yardstick of Economic Progress, by L. Kostin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trud, 21 Mar JPRS Building the Gaurdak Chemical Industry Center, by G. Vasilyeva, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Turkmenskaya Iskra, I Feb 1963, p 3. JPRS Increased Activity at the Electro-Plant imeni V. V. Kuybyshev, by V. Kopylov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Vechernyaya Moskva, No 275, 23 Nov 1962, p 1. JPRS Some New Syntactic Constructions in Modern Kazakh, by S. Nurkhanov, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Nauk Kazakh SSR, No 2, 1963, pp 60-69, JPRS Selected Artlclas From the Russian Porlodlal Vest Blektroprom. No 2, JPRS Prospects for Developing the Electrical Industry of the Urals, by N. N. Pytel', 8 pp, (pp 1, 2). Hydroelectric Generators Built by the Uralelektroapparat Plant, by K. F. Kostin, 16 pp, (pp 8-13). Conference on Improving the Production Sconomics in the Electrical Industry of the Urals, by G. Kh. iskhakov, V. M. Yermolayev, 6 pp, (pp 76-77)

35 ISSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Vest Elektroprom. (Contd) No 3, JPRS Series Production of Electrical Equipment for the Coal Mining Industry, by V. A. Khorunzhiy, 7 pp, (pp 1-3). Means of Increasing Service Reliability of Electrical Equipment, by V. N. Mkheydze, B. Z. Vaynshteyn, 5 pp, (pp 50, 51). No 4, 1963, pp 1-3. JPRS Tasks of Soviet Transformer Building, by G. N. Petrov, 5 pp. Need for More Accurate Records in Economic Management, by S. A. Voznesonskiy, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Leningrad Univ, Seriya Ekon Pilosofli I Prava, No 5, 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Vest Statistiki. No 3, Report on the Soviet Population From the Data of the 1959 Census, by G. Maksimov, 16 pp. (pp 3-13). JPRS A Criticism of Statistical Analysis for American National Income and Social Product, by S. Nikitin, V. Kudrov, 6 pp, (pp 49-53). JPRS Soviet Agricultural Statistics, 14 pp, (pp 85-97). JPRS No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Statistical Analysis of Soviet Manpower Reserves, by T. Kirillina, 12 pp. Higher Level of Organizational Work Needed in River Fleet, by S. Kuchkin, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, mp, Vodnyy Transport, 20 Dec 1962, p 2. JPRS

36 USSR Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Voprosy Ekon. No 3, Raising the Scientific Level of Planning for the National Economy, by M. Bor, 18 pp, (pp 3-14). JPRS Concentration and Specialization on Chemical Production, by N. Shokin, 14 pp, (pp 15-25). JPRS Indicators of the Use of Fixed Assets and Increasing Their Role in Planning, by P. Bunich, 20 pp, (pp 26-38). JPRS Distribution on the Basis of Work and Social Consumption Funds, by A. Chukhno, 8 pp, (pp 49-54). JPRS Conference on the Application of Mathematical Methods and Computers in Planning, 41 pp, (pp 80-98). JPRS No 4, JPRS Synthetic Materiels and the Structure of the Raw Material Balance of Industry, by E. Savinskiy. 16 pp. (pp 41-52). Economic - Mathematical Methods and Problems of Organizing Production, by G. Prudenskiy, 10 pp, (pp ). Theoretical Conference on the Problems of Building a Communist Economy, by I. Nikiforov, 8. Rakitskiy, 14 pp, (pp ). The Coordination of Scientific Research in Economics, by N. Linkun, A. Sokolovskiy, 10 pp, (pp 152-1S6). Pressing Problems Concerning the Economic Effectiveness of Capital Investment and New Technology, by A. Shuster, 10 pp, (pp ). New Requirements for Planning Shipments, by V. A. Merkulov, 5. A. Zemlyanikin, 14 np. RUSSIAN, per, Zheleznodorozhnyy Transport, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS ,.

37 USSR Economic (Contd) Outlook for the Development of Gas Turbine Traction, by Ye. T. Bartosh, N. V. Kolodyazhnyy, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zheleznodorozhny, Transport, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Railroad Divisions -- The Basic Production Associations in Transport, 13 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zheleznodorozhnyy Transport, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Recent Economic Development. in Kharkovskaya Oblast, by M. P. Krasnikov, S. H. Trehuba, 44 pp. UKRAINIAN, bk, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', 1962, pp 13-17, 37-51, 63-71, JPRS Selected Articles From the Ukrainian Periodical Ekon Radyans.koy Ukrainy. No 1, Basic Tasks in the Plan for the Development o the Ukrainian Economy in 1963, by P. Rozenko, 9 pp, (pp 11-17). JPRS Assuring the Rhythmic Operation of Machine Building Enterprises, by 0. Konotop, 7 pp, (pp 32-35). JPRS Power System Development in the Western Ukraine, by B. Yaremchishin, 7 pp, (pp 70-74). JPRS No 2, 1963, pp JPRS For High Rates of Development of the Chemical Industry of the Ukrainian SSR, by H. Vilesov, 15 pp. An Appeal to all Ukrainian Agricultural Workers to Raise Production, 12 pp. UKRAINIAN, np, Pravda Ukrainy, 17 Mar 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Designing Equipment for Production of Plstic Glass Sheets, by P. Poznyak. 7 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrayina, No 4, 1963, pp 20, 21. JPRS

38 USSR Political Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Kommunist. No 6, New Lenin Document, 27 pp, (pp 3-10). JPRS V. I. Lenin on the Interrelations Between Economy and Politics in Building a New Society, by G. Glezerman, 16 pp, (pp 30-40). JPRS No 7, Communism is a Highly Organized Society, 16 pp, (pp 3-11). JPRS The Working Class in the Modern Era, 18 pp, (pp 12-21). JPRS The International Basis of Soviet Literature, by V. Chalmayev, 14 pp, (pp 86-93). JPRS Repertory and the Position of the Magazine Teatr, (Theater), by Yu. Zubkov, 13 pp, (pp ). JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Newspaper Pravda. 20 Apr 1963, pp 2, 3. JPRS Triumph of the Great Ideas of Leninism, 22 pp. 23 Apr 1963, pp 2, 3. JPRS CPSU. Secrotary Ponomarev's 2? April Speech, by B. N. Pontomarev, 19 pp. 21 May 1963, p 1. JPRS The Strength of Science Lies in Its Steadfast Connection With Life, 5 pp. 26 May 1963, p 1. JPRS Increase Vigilance and Expose the Schemes of the Imperialists, 5 pp. 28 May 1963, p 1. JPRS The High Responsibility of the Primary Party Organization, 5 pp. 3 Jun 1963, p 1. JPRS The Higher School and Technical Progress, 5 pp. li Jun 19,3, p 1. JPRS Study, Propagate and Organize, 5 pp

39 USSR Political (Contd) The Political Situation Inside the USSR: A West German Analysis, by F. Barbieri, 7 pp. CROATIAN, np, Vjosnik, 11 Apr 1963, p -. JPRS The Political Situation Inside the USSR -- A French Analysis, by Jacques Michel, 7 pp. FRENCH, np, France Observateur, No 677, 25 Apr 1963, pp 10, 11. JPRS Der Spiegel's Interview With Yevtushenko, 12 pp. FRENCH, per, La Nouvelle Critique, No 142, 1963, pp JPRS Wolfgang Leonhard Sees No Threat to Khrushchev, by Wolfgang Leonhard, 7 pp. GERMAN, np, Die Zeit, No 16, 19 Apr 1963, p 4. JPRS Zhdanov's Shadow on Soviet Culture, by Lucio Libertini, S pp. ITALIAN, np, tondo Nouvo, No 7, 31 Mar 1963, pp 6, 7. JPRS Lenin's Path in the Revolutionary Struggle for Power, by Hoang Minh Thao, 9 pp. VIETNAMESE, per, Hoc Tap, No 4, JPRS

40 USSR Military Armored Personnel Carriers, by M. G. Red'kin. RUSSIAN, bk, Bronetranortery, 1961, pp 3-11, 12, *ACSI ; 69-80, Encl No 2 to R , OARMA, Moscow. ID Privileges for Servicemen Discharged From the Army, by M. P. Karpushin. RUSSIAN, bk, Llsotz Dlza Voyennosluzhashchikh Uvollnyayemk 1z Arml, Encl to RV-I148-61,513th *ACSI IG-Ups 1960, 32 pp. ID Foundations of Soviet Military Law, 135 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Osnov, Sovetskogo Voyennogo Zakonodatel'stva, 1962, pp , , , JPRS Soviet Report on Western Missiles and Anti-Missiles, by Mikhail Nikolayevich Goncharenko, 341 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Rakety i Problema Antiraket, Moscow, 1962, 260 pp. JPRS Instructions for Registration of Private and Non- Com Reservists Liable for Active Duty. RUSSIAN, bk, Rukovodstvo po Uchetu Yoyennoobynzannykh Ryadovogo i mladshego Nachal'stvu-Yushchego Sostava *ACSI Zaa_, 1940, pp ID The Rifle Company in the Attack, by F. K. Gavrikov, 67 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Strelkovaya Rota v Nstuplenii, 1961, ACSI Encl No 1 to R ID Military Hygiene, by V. A. Spasskiy, V. A, Arkayev. RUSSIAN, bk, Voennaya Gigtyena, Moscow, 1962, *ACSI pp 3-76, , ID MilitAry Radio Communications, by I. T. Peresypkin. *ACSI RUSSIAN, bk, Voyennaya Radiosvyaz, 1962, pp ID th 14 1Hn War and Human Resources, by P. V. Sokolov. RUSSIAN, bk, Voyna i L udskiye ResursT, 1961, pp , , Encl NO 5 to K , OARMA, *ACSI Moscow. ID Airborne Landings in World War II, by G. P. Sofronov. RUSSIAN, bk, Vozdushnye Desanty vo Vtoroy t!irovoy *ACSI Voyne, 1962, pp 3-45, ID

41 USSR Military (Contd) About the Main Causes.of the Difference Between Initiating and Secondary Explosive Substances, by K. K. Andreyev, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVI, No 2, 11 Sep 1962, pp 413, FTD-Tr Selected Articles Prom the Russian Newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda. 1 Nov 1962, p 2. JPRS Anti-Aircraft Missile Training, Highest Combat Readiness for Rockets, by N. Gorbachev, 5 pp. 3 Nov 1962, p 2. JPRS Each Officer a Skilled Instructor, by V. A. Sudets, 5 pp. 29 Apr 1963, p 3. JPRS Progress in Military Construction Units, by I. Moshkovskiy, 5 pp. 4 Jan 1963, p 2. JPRS Modern Demands and Organization of Combat Training, by A. Podol'skiy, 5 pp. Every Signalman an Amateur Radio Sportsman, by E. Krenkel', 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Starshina-Serzhant, No 1, 1963, pp 18, 19. JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Voyenno-Istoricheskly Zhur, No 2, ACSI ID A. The House of Pavlov -- A Symbol of Valor and Heroism of Soviet Soldiers, by V. Gurkin, 7 pp, (pp 48-54). B. Corps Commander I. K. Gryatnov, by I. Kuznetsov, 5 pp, (pp 55-59). C. At t;.' Outbreak of War Near Leningrad, by B. Bychevskiy, 11 pp, (pp 60-70). - 27

42 USSR MIilitary (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Voyennu-Istoricheskiy Zhur, No 2, (Contd) ACSI ID D. The Beginnings of a Military Career, by G. Issorson, 6 pp, (pp 71-75). E. Combat History of a Guards Division, by V. Zhebelev, 6 pp, (pp 96-99). F. Simple and Intelligible, by K. Cheromukhin, 5 pp, (pp ). C. The Military-Theroretical Heritage of M. N. Tukhachevskiy, by Ya. Gorelik, 9 pp, (pp ). Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Voyennyye Znaniya. No 7, 1962, pp 1, 2. JPRS DOSAAF Civil Defense Training, by S. S, Shatilov, 6 pp. No IC, 1962, pp 35, 36. JPRS Means of Group Protection, by I. Miroshnikov, 8 pp. No 2, JPRS Volunteer Rescue Workers, by 0. Machinskiy, 6 pp, (pp 30, 31). Devastating Effect of Nuclear Weapons, by Ya. Lyandres, 7 pp, (pp 34, 35). No 3, JPRS Mass Defense Work Improvements, by A. Skvortsov, 6 pp, (pp 2, 3). Harmful Effects of Chemical Weapons, by M. Shutov, 6 pp, (pp 313, 34). No 4, 1963, pp 'ACSI Collective Means of Protection, by L. Gorshkov, ID Air Transport of Military Equipment. *ACSI CZECH!, per, Kridla Vlasti, No 3, 1963, pp ID Naval Tactics and the Object of Examining Them, by B. F. Petrov, 10 pp. POLISH, per, Przeglad Morski, No 9, 1962, pp JPRS

43 USSR Geographic Irtysh River, by N. Yanitskiy, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Bol'shaya Sovetskaya Entsikpopediya, Vol XXIX. 1935, pp (Call No AE55 B69 v.29 Eng Tr) Army Map Service Physical and Geographic Mapping, Part III, by A. G. Isachenko. RUSSIAN, bk, Fiziko-Geograficheskoye Kart- *ACSI irovantye, ChasttIII, 1961, 253 pp. ID Guidebook to the Caucasus Coastal Resorts, by I. Lotyshev, 69 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, LazurnXX Bereg Kavkaza, 1962, pp 9-41, 49-63, , 161, 162, , , JPRS Principles of Cartography, by D. A. Salishchev. RUSSIAN, bk, Osnovy Kartovedeniya, Moscow, 1959, *ACSI pp. ID Compilation and Editing of Maps, by V. V. Yegorov, 0. V. Sokolov, et al. RUSSIAN, bk, Sostavloniye i Redaktirovaniye Kart, *ACSI pp. ID Compilation and Editing of General Maps, by V. I. Sykhov. RUSSIAN, bk, Sostavleniys i Redaktirovaniye *ACSI Obshchegeografcnheskikh Kart, 1957, pp ID Problems Associated With Developing Deserts, by M. Petrov, 6 pp. NLL Tr Bulletin RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 6 Oct 1962, p 2. Vo1V, No 5, 1963 Tourist Map of the Lithuanian SSR, by L. Broga, B. Danilyavichyus. LITHUANIAN, bk, Lietuvos TSR Ruristinis Zemelapis, *ACSI Vilnius, 1962, pp ID

44 USSR Sociological Educational Psychology in the USSR$ by D. 1. Bogoyavlenskiy. RUSSIAN, bk, 283 pp. Stanford Univ Press Study of Contour Lines in High School, by F. M. Movchan. RUSSIAN, bk, Izuchenie Gorizontaly v Sredney *ACSI Shkole, 1958, 79 pp. ID The Teaching of Physics in the USSR, Report for UNESCO, by A. S. Akhmatov, 36 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Prepodavani e Fiziki v SSSR, Doklad Dlya Uneisko. 19=7 pp I-39. JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Kommun ist. No 8, JPRS Party-Mindedness in Ideology, 12 pp, (pp 3-10). Historical Science in the Modern Era, by V. Khvostov, 12 pp, (pp 77-85). Western Literature and Our Criticism, by L. Andreyov, Ya. Zasurskiy, 10 pp$ (pp 86-93). Social Psychology and the Shaping of the New Man, by B. Porshnov, 11 pp, (pp ), Konmsomol Girl Reported Deceived by Foreign Student, by Arkadiy Sakhnin, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Komsomol Pravda, 27 Oct 1962, pp 2, 3. JPRS A Matter for the Party, by B. Mar'yanov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Nauka i Religya, No 3, Apr 1963, pp 2-5. JPRS The Church and t:he Common Market, by M. Domnich, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Nauka i Religiya, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Prospects of Soviet Genetics, by Zh. Medvedev. RUSSIAN, per, Neva, No 3, 1963, pp *USDA Butchers in Cassocks, by I. El'son, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Estoniya, 17 Feb 1963, pp 3. JPRS 19S52 Distribution According to Labor and the Principle of Self-Interest in the Period of Transition From Socialism to Communism, by Ye. L. Manevich, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Filosofii, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS

45 EASTERN EUROPE Economic Lot Us Exploit Economic Resources Through The Broad Development of tho Creative Ideals of the Workers, by ilasm Banja. 13 pp. ALBANIAN, per, Rruga e Partise, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Statistical Reference Manual, by St Tasov, Dt. Dimitrov, 31 pp. BULGARIAN, manual, Statisticheskiy Spravochnik, Sofia, 1962, pp (Call No Rpt No L99183 Army Hap Eng Tr) Service Science in tho'aid of Tobacco Production, by Nikola Donev, 9 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Bulgarski Tyutyun, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS New Wage Regulations for bulgarian Industry, by S. Izrael, 5 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Byuletin NA TsS na PS v NRB No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Instructions for Awarding Decorations and Bonuses for Continuous Employment in one Enterprise, by 1). Davidov, Al. Manolov, 7 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Durzhaven Vestnik, No 38, 14 May 1963, pp 1-3. JPRS Water Sources and Their Use in the Period Until 1980, by Aloksandur Vasilov, 6 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Elektroenorgiya, No 11, 1962, pp 2-4. JPRS Mechanization and Its Use in Capital Investment Construction, by Delcho Sapundzhiev, 24 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Pinansi i Kredit, No 1, 1963, pp 9-2U. JPRS Thu Njw Rugulution on Capital Investment Construction, by Danail Georgiev, 8 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Finansi i Krodit, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS

46 Eas tern Europe Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Bulgarian Periodical Ikonomicheska Hisul. No 3, Soviet Economic Assistance -- A Decisive Factor in the Building of Socialism in Bulgarian, by Grigor Popisakov, 21 pp, (pp 3-18.) JPRS Certain Problems in the Financial-Credit System, by Kiril Lazarov, 14 pp, (pp ) JPRS Guarantoed Minimum Wages in the Cooperative Farms, by Todor Popov, 26 pp, (pp ) JPRS The Dressing of Bulgarian Coal and Its Economic Importance, by Anna 'rsvetkova, 21 pp, (pp ) JPRS The Economics of Public Poultry Raising, by Viktor Bogdanov, 31 pp, (pp ) JPRS The Consumption of Food Products, by A. Dimitrov, 0. Atanasova, 18 pp, (pp ) JPRS The Work of the Vodskanalproek Institute For Study and Design of Water-Supply and Sewer Projects, by Tsuchu Tsachev, 7 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Khidrotekhnika i Malioratsia, No 2, 1963, pp 31, 34. JPRS The Basic Tasks in Bulgarian Chemical Science, According to the Directives of the VIII Congrass of the Bulgarian Conmunist Party, by B. Kurtov, 6 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Khimiya i Industriai, N. 1, 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Fulfilling of the 1963 Plan for Agriculture, 9 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Mekhmlizatsiya i Eloktrlfikatsiya na Selskoto Stup istvu, Vul XIV, Nu 1, 1963, p- 1, 2. JPRS Expansion of Mechanization in Vegetable and Tobacco P'roduction, 7 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Mokhanizatsiya i llektrifikatsia na Selskoto Stoanstvo, No 3, 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Results of Complex Mechanization in Vegetable Production, by Coorgi Volchovski, 13 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Mokhanizatsiya i Elektrifikatsiya na Solskoto Stopnnstvo, No 3, 19b3, pp 3-6. JPHS

47 rastorn Europe Economic (Contd) Tasks in Land Im.provement Construction, by Georgi Nachkov, 1 pp. BULGARIAN, pcr, Naruchnik na Agitatora, No 6, 7, Feb 1963, pp 42--T. JPRS Change in the Financing of Construction in TKZS, by Eugeni Mikhaylov, 8 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Otchetnost i Kontrol v Selskote Stopanstvo, Vol VIII, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Problems in Labor Norms in TKZS, by Todor Pandov, 11 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Otchetnost i Kontrol v Sclskoto Stopanstvo, Vol VIII, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Improvement of Statistical Studies on Costs in TPK, by Dimitur Fratev, 19 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Planovo Stopanstvo i Statistika, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS General Management of Motor Vehicle Passenger Transport, by Vladimir Radoykov, 23 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Planovo Stopanstvo i Statistika., No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Coordination of Internal Khozraschat With Premium Systems in Bulgnrian Industrial Enterprises, by Marin Dovcdzhiev, 15 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Planuvo Stopanstvo i Statistika, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Property, Property Rights, and Roeponsibility of State Unterprises, by L. Vasilev, 12 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Pravna Hisul, Nn 6, Nov-Doc 1962, pp 27-72, JPMS Communications Services and Revenues, 10 pp. BULGARIAN, por, Pttr Suolshcheni a, Vol XIV, No 2, 1963, pp I-'I. JPRS Stauldardi~aLiua During 1b and Its Impending Tasks, by Ansen ikhnilov, 6 pp. BULGARIAN, per, flatzionalizatsiya-standardizatsiya, No 1, 1963, np 1-3. JPRG Bulgarian State Standards for Machine Building, by Simeon Boyndzhiov, 17 pp. BULGARINM, per, Ratsionalizatsiya i Standartizatsiya, No 2, 1T673. pp JPRS

48 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Types of Price Formation Violations, by Aleksandur Tsukhlov, 7 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Schetuvodstvo i Kontrol, No 1, 1962, pp PRS The Successful F ulfillment of the 1963 Stnte 3u'gCt, 9 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Schetovodsvo i Kontrol, No 10, 1962, pp JPRS Statement of t!inister of Domestic Trade on Consumer Goods, by Pskn Thkov, 8 pp. BULGAIIIAN, par, Sotsialisticheska Turgoviya, Vol V, No 14, 07 Apr 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Fulfillmont of the Textile Ifidustry Plan, 5 pp. BULGARIAN, por, Tekstilna Promishlenost, No 1, 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS The Prospects of the Textile Industry up to 1980, 21 pp. BUL(IARIAN, per, Tokstilna Prumishlonost, Vol XI, No 6, 193, pp -6. JPRS Manpower Problos in the Future, by Pannyot Kolarov, 12 pp. IULGARIAN, per, Trud i Tsoni, No 10, 1962, pp JPRS Material Intorost as an Incentive for Improving Production Qunlity, by Putur Naydonov, 13 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Trud i Tseni, No 10, 1962, pp JPRS Perfecting Honotnry Rerinnerntion for Animul ilusbandry Work in TKZS, by Yj.odinka Stofnnova, 12 pp. BULGARIAN4, per, Trud i Tsoni, No 10, Dec 1962, pp JPRS The National Conforence on the 1963 Foraign Trade Guals, 6 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Vunshnn Turgoviyn, Nn 4, 106.3, pp 1-3. JPRS Certain Quostions in the E xporting of Bulgarisn Cloctrical Products, by Georgi Yanev, 5 p. BULGARIAN, per, Vunshna Turgoviyn, No 4, 1963, pp 4-6. JPRS

49 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Introduction of Speed Signals in Bulgarian Railroad Transportation, by Tsvetan Georgiev, 15 pp. BULGARIAN' per, Zholezoputen Transport, Vol XV, No 3, 1963, pp I JPRS Characteristics of the New Railroad Timetable, 19 pp. BULGARIAN, per, ZhelezoputenTransport, Vol XV, No 4, 1963, pp 1-4. JPRS New Area for Fodder Production, an Important Condition for the Development of Animal Husbandry, 6 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Zhivotnovudstvo, Vol XVII, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Some Problems in Sheep Raising, by Tseno Khinkovski, 17 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Zhivotnovudstvo, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Economic Indices Obtained in Yugoslav Power Economy, by Gvido Preci, 10 pp. CROATIAN, per, Elektroprivreda, Vol XVI, No 1, 1963, pp 3-6. JPRS Profitability of Electric Power Economy, by Daniel Peocze, S3 pp. CROATIAN, per, Elektroprivreda, Vol XVI, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS 1936S Production of High-Quality Batteries, by Ivan Flser, 13 pp. CROATIAN, per, Elektrotehnika, No 4, 19A, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Croatian Periodical Finansije. Vol XVII, No 10, 11, JPRS Problems of Monetary Stock in Yugoslavia, by Dimitrije Dimitrijevic, 16 pp, (pp ) Economic Integration and Prnhlems of Computation of Contributions From Incomes of Economic Organizations, by Milorad Drenjanin, 12 pp, (pp ) Revaluation of Fixed Assets and Collective Consumption Means of Economic Organizations, by Cedomir Segrt, 13 pp, (pp S )

50 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Croatian Periodical Finansije. (Contd) No 12, JPRS Development of the Economy in 1962, 21 pp, (pp ) Significance of the Changes in Taxation of Citizens, 20 pp. (pp ) The Effect of Taxing the Turnover of Products, by Bozidar Jelcic, 13 pp, (pp ) Selected Articles From the Croatian Periodical Jugoslovenski Pregled. No 1, JPRS The Development of Property Relations, 25 pp, (pp 1-8.) The Federal Social Plan for 1963, 11 pp, (pp 11-14,) No 2, JPRS Republic Social Plans for 1963, 16 pp, (pp ) Dynamics of Labor Productivity in Industry, 8 pp, (pp ) No 3, JPRS General Policy in Socio-Economic Relations and Self-Management in 1962, 22 pp, (pp ) The Economy in 1962, 12 pp, (pp ) The Development of the Economy in , 20 pp$ (pp ) Davolu),efnt or Yugoslav Chcmical Industry From 1958 to 1962, 7 pp. CROATIAN, per, Kemija u Industriji, Vol XII, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Problems of Price Formation, by Zoran PJanic, 24 pp. CROATIAN, per, Nasa Stvarnost, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Yugoslav Foreign Trade in 1962, by Milan Aleksic, 7 pp. CROATIAN, per. Nedelini Komentari, 20 Feb 1963, pp JPRS

51 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Reduction of Tax Rates -- A Measure for Proper Taxing of Private Artisans, by M. Ojurbabic, 14 pp. CROATIAN, per, Nova Administracija, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS The Federal Plan for 1963, by M. Mihailovic, 14 pp. CROATIAN, per, Nova Administracila, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Changes in the Measures Governing Income Distribution in 1963, by Miodrag Vancagovic, 5 pp. CROATIAN, per, Nova Administracija, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Devaluation of the Balance of Payments, by Drago Krndija, 17 pp. CROATIAN, per, ProELEd, No 1, 2, 1963, pp JPRS Self Administration in Economic Units, by Vojin Hadzisterich, 26 pp. CROATIAN, per, Socijalizam, Vol VI, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS The Social Plan for 1963, by Juco Radovic, 12 pp. CROATIAN, per, tchnika, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Foreign Trade in the Past and Its Prospects, by Leon Rip, 12 pp. CROATIAN, per, Tohnika, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Information on LWnvelopment of Production, 5 pp. CROATIAN, per, Tahnika, No 3, 1963, pp 528A- 528B. JPRS The Role of the Law on the Regulating of Spucifiu Obligations Pertaining to the 6oneral Investment Fund in the redoral Social Plan for 1963, by S. Rakocevtc, 6 pp. CROATIAN, per VesnkJuloslovenske Investicione Banke, No 72, 1962, pp 3, 4. JPRS 19!90-37-

52 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) World Trade and the Underdeveloped Countries, 6 pp. CROATIAN, per, Vesnik Jugoslovenske Investicione 2ank, ik No 72, pp 16, 17. JPRS Effect of New Measures in Material Incentive on Financial Methodology in 1963, by Ladislav Roubal, 14 pp. CZEC1, per, Finance a Uver, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Czech Periodical Hospodarske Noviny. No 15, 12 Apr 1963, p 3. JPRS Economic Analysis and the Seven-Year Plan, by Jaroslav Dupal, 11 pp. No 15-17, Apr 1963, p 7. JPRS A New Stage of International Economic Cooperation, 29 pp. No 16, 19 Apr From Industry to Agriculture, by Zdenek Novotny, 6 pp, (p 3.) JPRS Problems of Material Interest in MTS, by Karel Kratoska, 5 pp, (p 3.) JPRS State and Economic Organs of the CSSR, 8 pp, (pp 4, 5.) JPRS V1F Communications in Air Transportation, by Karel Zavodsky, 11 pp. CZECII, par, alecky obzur, No 12, 1962, pp JPRS For Further Increase of Efficiency in the Use of Lubricants in the Czechoslovak Economy, 5 pp. CZECH, per, Ropa * hihie, No ACSI A pp ID Some Problems Related the Geographical Distribution on Industrial Plants and Manpower. by M. I'ojer, IS Pp. CZECH, per, Statistika a Kontrola, 1963, pp JPRS Complex Mechanized Brigades and Groups on State Farms, S pp. CZECH, per, Statni Statky, Vol VI, No 4, JPRS

53 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Organization of Complex Mechanized Brigades and Groups on State Farms, 8 pp. CZECH, per, Statni Statky, Vol VI, No 4, 1963, pp so 51. JPRS Socialist Legality To Be Maintained in the Setting of Wage Forms, by Erhard Paetzold, 11 pp. GERMAN, per, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, No 6, 1963, pp 133-T37. JPRS The Years Veb Baugrund Construction Site, Berlin, by Bauing, Walter Uebelhack, 6 pp. GERMAN, per, Bauplanung-Bautechnik, No 4, 1963, pp 1S JPRS New Type-Projects for the Long- Range Plan for Construction, by Richard Paulick, 13 pp. GERMAN, per, Bauzeitung, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS The Technical Policies in Construction of Agricultufal Production Facilities, by Waldemar Schwarz, 18 pp. GERMAN, per, Bauzeitung, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Status and Development of Grass Silage in the German Democratic Republic, by K. Schmidt, 13 pp. GERMAN, per, Deutsche Agrartochnik, No 5, 1963, pp 19S, 196. JPRS Czechoslovak Motor Locomotives Built by CKD, by Ladislav Krojsa, 10 pp. GERM: pr, Deutsche Eisenbahn Tchnik, Vol XI, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Development of Railroad Transportation After the Sixth Sed Party Congress, by J. Kolbaske, 13 pp. GERMAN, per, Deutsche Eisenbahn rechnik, Vol XI, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Fulfillment of the Great Transportation Tasks Through Scientific-Technical Progress, by Geissler, 7 pp. GERMAN, per, Deutsche Eisenbahn Technik, Vol XI, No 4, 1963, pp 135, 136, 139. JPRS

54 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) New East German Railroad Passenger Cars, by Ralf Wilke, 14 pp. GERIAN, per, Deutsche Eisenbahntechnik, No 4, pp JPRS International Socialist Division of Labor and Transportation Costs, By Hein' Kleinert, 8 pp. GERMAN, per, Deutsche Finanzwirtschaft, No 6, 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the German Periodical Die Deutsche Landwirtschaft. No 4, JPRS Missions, Direction, and Goals of Agricultural Science Following the Sixth SED Congress, by J. Noeckler, 18 pp, (pp ) Missions in Crop Farming Following the Sixth SED Congress, by K. Rauho, 17 pp, (pp ) No S, JPRS Final Considerations for Agricultural Science in The Area of Crop Farming as a Result of the Evaluations of the Sixth Party Congress, by K. Rauhe, 9 pp, (pp ) Reduction of lland Work in Sugar Beet Cultivation, Based on the Most Recent Experiences, by W. Wilhelm, 11 pp, (pp ) Results and Experiences Involving Field Spray Irrigation in 1962, by F. Klatt, 9 pp, (pp ) Chemical Weed Control in Potatoes, by R. Burghauson, 8 pp, (pp ) Chemical Weed Control in Lupine Seed Cultivation, by -T, IHngn, K. Kuaenkpl, A pp, (pp ) For a Gradual Transition Toward Industrial Production Methods in German Democratic Republic Agriculture, by Willi Hecker, Karlheinz Lampe, 12 pp. GERMAN, per, Einheit, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS The Economic System of Planning and Management and the Tasks of the Political Economy of Socialism, 17 pp. GERMAN, per, Einheit, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS

55 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) The 1963 Transportation Plan and Preparations for the 1964 Plan Proposals, by Erwin Kramer, 13 pp. GERMAN, np, Fahrt Frei, 19 May 1963, p 3. JPRS Introduction of Semi-Automatic International Long-Distance Telephone Communication in East Germany, by I. Raeder, 8 pp. GERMAN, per, Der Fernmelde-Praktiker, No 3, 1963, pp 49-S4. JPRS Information of Self-Service Stores, by Margot Muonnich, Erich Lange, 25 pp. GERMAN, per, Der Handel, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Vacuum Freeze-Drying of Foodstuffs, by M. Scharnbeck. GERMAN, per, Die Lebensmittel-Industrie, *ACSI Mar 1963, p ID Reconstruction of the Rumanian Railways, 6 pp. GERMAN, per, Markt Infornationen, No 12, 23 Mar 1963, pp 5, 6. JPRS Designation and Location of the East German Customs Offices, 10 pp. GERMAN, por, arktinformationen Fuer Industrie und Aussenhandel der DDR, 20 Apr 63, pp 11, 12. JPRS East German-Italian Long-Term Commodity Exchange Agreement, 12 pp. GERMAN, per, Marktinformationen Fuer Industrie und Aussenhandel dor DDR, 20 Apr 63, pp 11, 12. JPRS The Practical Application of Longtime Values, by P. Bettzieche. GERMAN, per, Mitteilungen der Vereinigung der Grosskesselboaitzor, No 81, Dec 1962, pp *BIST 3274 A New Light Ray Osciallograph) by G. Kaufmann, 5 pp. GERMAN, per, Nachrichtentechnik, Vol XIII, No 4, 1963, pp 159, 160. JPRS Directional Radio Equipment Manufactured At the Rafena-Works in Radeberg, 7 pp. GERMAN, per, Nachrichtentechnik, Vol XIII, No 5, 1963, pp JPRS

56 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Fifteenth Annivprsary of Wilhelm Florin Steel and Rolling Mill, Hennigsdorf, by Kurt Fellcht, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, Neue Huette, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS The Iron and Steel Industry of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, by K. Mylius, 14 pp. GERMAN, per, Neue Hluette, Vol VIII, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Material Interest -- Core of the New Economic System of Planning and Management, by Guenter Mittag, 7 pp. GERMAN, per, Neues Deutschland, 25 Apr 1963, p S. JPRS East Bloc Shipping as Part of World Traffic, by Wolfgang Pfeifer, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, Oesterreichische Osthefte, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS On the Development of the Plastics Industry in the German Democratic Republic in 1962 and Some Important Tasks for 1963, Report of the VVB Electrochemistry and Plastics, by W. Nette, II. Hemann, 7 pp. GERM, per, Plaste und Kautschuk, Vol X, No 3, 1963, pp 129, 130. JPRS On the Assignments of the Brown Coal Industry for 1963, 5 pp. GERMAN, per, Presse-Informationen, No 36, 25 Mar 1963, pp 2, 3. JPRS Fulfillment of the Economically Important Construction Projects, by Heinz Uhlemann, 5 pp. GERMAN, per, Presso-Informationen, No 44, 1963, pp 5, 6. JPRS Now Approaches to Joint Work of Industry and Foreign Trade, by Werner Thieme, 5 pp. GERMAN, per, Presse-Informationen, No 45, 1963, pp 4, 5. JPRS Principal Tasks of Technological Preparation of 'roduction in Shipbuilding to Assure High Scientific Technical Standards in Shipbuilding, by K. Cyriak. 16 pp. GERMAN, per, Schiffbautochnik, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS 1948:

57 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the German Periodical Seeverkehr. No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Improved Cooperation, Prerequisite for Good 1963 Plan Fulfillment in the Seaports, by G. Walther, 5 pp. No 3, Highest Scientific-Technical Level in Sea Transportation, by 11. Zwer, 11. V. Schiffahrt, 6 pp, (pp 3, 4.) JPRS Data on the Diosel Cargo Liner M. S. Bussard, by G. Freiberg, 9 pp, (pp 9-12.) JPRS Problems of the DSR's Scheduled Shipping Service, by Wassmann, 12 pp, (pp ) JPRS Ice Conditions in the Sea Ports of the Baltic and in Adjoining Areas, by R. Lauber, 15 pp, (pp 21-2S.) JPRS New Construction of Ocean-Going Vessels in the German Democratic Republic Shipyards, by G. Seidler, 9 pp, (pp 9-11.) JPRS The New Investment Decree in Transportation, by F. Swoboda, 18 pp. GERMAN, per, Signal und Schiene, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Railroad Tic Replacement Machine DR, Type PEV Blandenburg/Harz, by G. Stier, 8 pp. GERMAN, per, Signale und Schiene, Vol VII, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Cooperative Democracy and the Increase in the Responsibility of the LPGS in tho State and in Society During the Extensive Building of Socialism, by Rainor Arlt, 56 pp. GERMAN, per, Sozialistische Demokratie, No 17, 26 Apr JPRS The Association of People-Owned tnterprises in the System of State Management of the Chemical Industry, by Boda Ramminger, 13 pp. GERMAN, per, Stat und Recht, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS 19S3S

58 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Applications of the Lessons Prom the Sixth Party Congress in the State Central Administration for Statistics, 17 pp. GERMAN, per, Statistische Praxis, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS The Most Important Conclusions for Industrial Statistics Resulting From the Sixth Party Congress, by Wolfgang laacke, 12 pp. GERMAN, per, Statistische Praxis, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS The State Contract Court to Concentrate on Solution of Key Projects, by Manfred Enzmann, S pp. GERMAN, per, Vertragssystem, No 3, 1963, pp 65, 66. JPRS The V 180 Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive, by C. Schwerin, 13 pp. GERMAN, per, Die Werkstatt, No 3, 1963, pp 81-8G. JPRS Cybernetics and Economy, by Johannes Behr, 19 pp. GERMAN, per, Wirtschaftswissenschaft, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Chinese Periodical Z der Organisation fuor die Zusammenarboit der Elsonbahnen OSShD. Vol VI, No 1, OSShD Work Connected With the Creation of a Uniform European Center Bumper Coupling, by L. P. Malkowitsch, I. Porstel, 23 pp, (pp 1-6.) JPRS Automation Problems of the Hungarian Railroad Teletype Network, by Mihaly Rage, 13 pp, (pp ) JPRS Information on the Preparation of Uniform Norms for the Construction of Motor Vehicles, by G. Thiele, 7 pp, (pp 21, 22.) JPRS Information on the Work of the OSShD Commissions, 33 pp, (pp ) JPRS

59 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) The Tasks of the UIC and the OSZhD in the Development of Railroad Rolling Stock, by Lajos Kullmann, 15 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Jarmuvek, Mezogazdasagi Gepek, Vol X, NO 4, 1963, pp JPRS The Outlook of Hungary's Economic Relations With the Underdeveloped Countries, by Jozsef Bognar, 24 pp. HUNGARIANI per, Kozgazdasagi Szemle, Vol X, No 5, 1963, pp JPRS The 1963 Tasks of Hungary's Navigation, by Jozsef Belay, 9 pp. HUNGARItN, per, Kozlekedesi Kozlony, No 10, 10 Mar 1963, pp JPRS The Effocts of the 10 December 1961 Price Fixing on the Sale of Foodstuffs, by Gyula Kainor, Danes Kovacs, 10 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Statisztikai Szemle, No 3, 1962, pp JPRS The Situation of the Hungarian Service Industries, by Kalman Burger, 16 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Statisztikai Szemle, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS The Budapest Technical Conference of the International Railroad Union, by Lajos Tolgyes, 13 pp. IIUNGARIAN, per, Vasut, Vol XIII, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Production of New Products Started in 1962 by the Chemical Synthesis Industry, S pp. POLISH, per, Chemil, No 1, 1963, pp 30, 31. JPRS Changos in the Purihasi.n Power of Muney in a Socialist Economy, by Bronislaw Hinc, 11 pp. POLISH, per, Ekonomista, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Housing Situation in Public Utility Power Industry, by Magistor Kazimierz Kaczor, 12 pp. POLISH, per, Energetyka, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS

60 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Slucted Articles From the Polish Periodical Finanse. No 2, JPRS Accumulation--Theoretical of Actual?, by Stefan Bolland, 11 pp, (pp 1-8). Problems of the Bank Supervision of the Wages Fund, by Marian Borun, 11 pp, (pp 9-16). Flexibility of Planning Methods in Light Industry, by Wanda Moscicka, 10 pp, (pp 31-37). The Organization of Internal Supervision in the Enterprise, by Tadeusz Kosacz, 9 pp, (pp 58-64). Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Gospodarka Planowa. No 3, 1963, pp 54-S7. JPRS Output of Small Farms and Problems of Growth, by Karol Smolenski, 8 pp. No 4, Seasonal Characteristics of the Polish Economy, by Natalia Swidzinska, 15 pp, (pp ) JPRS Evoluti6n of the Principles for Managing the National Economy of Socialist Countries, by Adam Zwass, 14 pp, (pp ) JPRS Machine and Equipment Export Problems, by Brunon Doweyko, 6 pp, (pp ) JPRS Fish Industry in 1962, 7 pp. POLISH, per, Gospodarka Rybna, Vol XV, No 3(141), 1963, p IPRS Present and Future Development of Sprinkling Equipment in Poland, by Wladyslaw Szklarz, 17 pp., POLISH, per, Gospodarka Wodna, Vol XVIII, OTS No 1, 1958, pp W206%76 PL-480 Changes in the Supply and Demand for Agricultural Products, by Janusz Los, 34 pp. POLISH, per, Handal Wewnatrzny, No 1, Jan-Fab 1963, pp JPRS

61 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Handel Zagraniczny. No 2, 3, 1963, pp JPRS Poland's Foreign Trade in 1962, by Jan Niegowski, 6 pp. No 4, JPRS Cooperation Between Foreign Trade and the Food Industry, by Antoni Plominski, 9 pp, (pp ) Export of Products of Animal Origin, by Jaroslaw Litwinowicz, 8 pp, (pp ) Export Production Privileges, by Stanislaw Gruzewski, 7 pp, (pp ) Order of the Day -- Specialization, by Henryk Weber, 5 pp, (pp 142, 143.) Theoretical and Practical Possibilities to Increase the Output of the Steel Wire Patenting Process, by Z. Steininger. POLISH, per, Ilutnik, Mar 1961, pp BIS! 3038 Selected Articles Prom the Polish Periodical Inzanieria i Budownictwo. No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Properties of Construction Putice Aggregates Produced in Poland, by Jan Oleszkiewicz, Zbigniew Pioniazek, 6 pp. No 3, 1963, pp JPRS The Construction and the Investment Plans, 63 pp. No 4, Prospects for the Development of Lenin Metallurgical Plant, by Stanislaw Kawinski, 8 Ip), (pp ) JPRS Cooperative 1housing Construction in 1q , by Iienryk Iabkowskl, 24 pp, (pp ) JPRS

62 Eastern Europu Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Mlechanik. No 2, JPRS Czechoslovak Cylindrical Center-Type Crinding Machines, by Tadeusz Budaszewski, 8 pp, (pp ) Ncw Types of lungarian iachine Tools, by A. Sztarejko, 5 pp, (pp ) Mechanization and Automation of Heat Trcatment Processes in Poland, by Stanislaw Jublonski, 7 pp, (pp 91, 92.) No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Description of Polish Ata-20 Automatic Lathe, Auto-Lathe, by ilioczyslaw Kozikowski, 9 pp. Tasks of Crops Protection in 1963, by Jan Ksiazek, 15 pp. PO.ISH, per, lcchanizacja Rolnoctwa, No 7, 1963, pp 4-7.,JPRS Motorization in 1963, by K. Kolyszko, 10 pp. POLISH, per, M.otoryzacja, Vol XVIII, No 2(195), 1963, pp PRS Results and Trends in Eixploration for Oil and Gs in CIh'IA Countries, by Ludwik Bednarz, 8 pp. POLISH, per, Nnfta, No 3, 1963, pl *PRS Rock-Bit Production, by Jozef'.'erynski, 9) pi. POLISI1, por, Nufta, No 3, 1903, pp IPRS Achievemiients of Polish Putrolcum Industry in Asphalt Pro hctiun, by Ludwik Koszowicz, 13 pp. P01A.SII, per, Nafta, No 3, 1963, pp IPRS 19,143 Shortcomaings in Rlilroad Transportation, by Juzof Olszewski, 37 pp. POLISH, per, Ne Drogi, No 4, 193, 1p I1-95.,PRS From Bookkeeping, to inthermtics, by Oskar l.nnge, 8 pp. I'OLISII, por, I'litykn, No 11, 1963, pp 1, 4, S.,I' Rs Is Poland Nakin;g Too Mlany Investments?, by Alcksander I'nszynski, 5 pp. POLISH, per. Polityka, No 17, 27 Apr 63, p 1-3.MPRS

63 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Development of Mechanization and Automation in Cast Iron Smelting Divisions in Poland, by Marian Kaminski, 8 pp. POLISH, per, Problemy Pro~ektowe llutniw;wa i Przemyslu MasaynOwego., Vol Xl, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Machine-Building Industry Export Problems in Poland, by Andrzej Durek, Myeczyslaw Sapeta, 13 pp. POLISH, per, Problemy Projektowe Hutnictwa i Przemyslu Maszynowego, Vol XI, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Conclusions Resulting From the 1962 Feed Situation, by Franciszek Klocek, 13 pp. POLISH, per, Prolad Hodowlany, Vol XXX, No 12, 1962, pp JPRS Problems in Modernization of Railroad Tracks and Prospects for Its Development, by Tadeusz Basiewlcz, 17 pp. POLISH, per, Przeglad Kolejowy Drogowy, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Railroad Operations in the Winter of 1962/1063, by Piotr Gosiewski, Czeslaw Goscilowlcz, 19 pp. POLISH, peri reglad Kolejowy Elek, No 5, 1963, pp JPRS Main Problems of Railroad Service in 1963, by Waclaw Mlodecki, 18 pp. POLISH, per, Przoglad Kolojowy Nechaniczny, No 2, 1963, pp JP11S Timetable for Passenger Trains for 1963/64, by Ignacy (Gryzel, 30 pp. POLISH, per, N~rieilad Kolejowy Przewozowy, No 2, 1963, p.~3f JPH5S Railroad Cargo Damages and Losses, by Franciszek Doczekal, 16 pp. POLISH, per, Przoglad Kolejowy Przewozowy, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Now Trends in Commuter Transportation, by Bogdan Karwowski, 11 pp. POLISH!, per, Prz!agad Konunikacy a', No 4,* 1963, pp 12-M JPRS

64 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Przeilad Techniczny. No 10, 1963, pp 1, 4. JPRS Paper Situation in Poland, by H. Pawlowski, 5 pp. No 11, 17 Mar 1963, p 4. JPRS Development of Specialized Repair Bases in Industry, by Hubert PabiJanek, S pp. No 13, 1963, pp 1, 3. JPRS Technical Progress in Construction Industry, by J. Wyeroch, 6 pp. No 14, 7 Apr 1963, pp 1, 3. JPRS New Technology in Chemical Industry, by A. Radlinski, 7 pp. No 15, 1963, pp 1, 4. JPRS Linear Programming for Production and Transportation, by Izabella Kudrycka, 14 pp. No 17, Slovnaft Refinery in Czechoslovakia, by Miroslav Kowalewski, 5 pp, (pp 4, 6.) JPRS Export Responsibilities of Heavy Industry, by Stanislaw Gruzewski, 6 pp, Cp 6.) JPRS Government Acquisition of Real Estate Part II, by Jadwiga Golawuka, 14 pp. POLISH, per, Przeglad Ustawodawatwa, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Regulation of Material Economy by the Chemical Industry, by Stanislaw Milczanowski, 13 pp. POLISH, per, Przemysl Chemiczny, No 1, 1963, pp 1-4. JPRS Polish Chemical Industry and Foreign Trade, by Antoni Poniatowski, 8 pp. POLISH, per, PrzemZsl Chemiczny, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Goals of the Chemical Industry, by Apolinary Kosicki, S pp. POLISH, per, Przemysl Chomiczny, No 3, 1963, pp 123, 124. JPRS

65 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Investment Problems in Food Industry, by Tadeusz Kluk, 25 pp. POLISH, per, Przemysl Spozywczy, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Profitability of Domestic Exploitation of Zinc and Lead Ores, by Jacek Dembowski, 8 pp. POLISH, per, Rudy i Metale Niezelazne, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Sygaly. No 10, 10 Mar 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Tasks of the Railroad Industry in , 5 pp. No.11, 17 Mar 1963, p 1. JPRS New Wage Rate for Railroad Workers, by Bugeniusz Grochal, 11 pp. No 12, 24 Mar JPRS Comments on Wage Increase for Railroad Workers, 7 pp, (p 1.) Joint Polish-German Railroad Border Stations, by Stanislaw Budryk, 5 pp, (p 1, 3.) Polish Maritime Freight Market in 1962, by JPRS D. Kurczok, B. Rejewski, 6 pp. POLISH, per, Technika i Gospodarka Morska, Vol XIII, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Factors for Production Growth in the Maritime luoromy in , by Miroslaw Kryzsztofiak, 11 pp. POLISH, per, Technika i Gospodarka Morska, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Ways of Saving Electric Power by Rolling Mill, by Zbigniew Missala, 6 pp. POLISH, per, Wiadomosci Elektrotechniczne, Vol XXXI, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS

66 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Wiadomosci Narodowogo Banku Polskieso. No 3, Accounts Plan of the Agricultural Bank, by Kazimierz Niemski, 27 pp, (pp ) JPRS Investment Requirements in Black Coal Mining Industry, by Jerzy Lasocki, 11 pp, (pp ) JPRS No 4, 1963., Problems of Market Equilibrium in 1963, by Stanislaw Michalski, 10 pp, (pp ) JPRS New Proposals for Credit Extension to Rural Areas in 1963, by Tadeusz Wyszomirski, 9 pp, (pp ) JPRS Investment Implementation Problems In Black Coal Mining Industry, by Jerzy Lasocki, 9 pp, (pp ) JPRS Comments on the Multiclearing System Among CENA Countries, by Zygmunt Karpinski, 7 pp, (pp ) JPRS Wages According to Wojewodztwos, by Zygmunt Peuker, Salomon Tajchman, 13 pp. POLISH, per, Wiadomosci Statystyczno, No 1, 1963, p 4-9. JPRS New Equipment Produced by Telstra Teletechnical Plants in Poland, by Stanislaw Stachiowsk, 7 pp. POLISH, per, Wiadomosci Tolokominikacyine, Vol III, No JPRS Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Wies Wspolczesna. No 3, Green Light for Building Investments in Agriculture, by Zdzislaw Witebski, 18 pp, (pp ) JPRS Changes in Housing Situation of Polish Rural Population , by Andrzej Stasiak, 29 pp, (pp ) JPRS

67 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Wies Ispolczesna. (Contd) No 3, An Attempt to Appraise Demand for Fertilizers in Light of the Reserves in Rural Commune Cooperative Warehouses, by Zygmunt Kozlowski, Jacek Pilitowski, 21 pp, (pp ) JPRS Mineral Fertilizers in Polish Agriculture Today and in Perspective, by Boguslaw Szerszen, 17 pp, (pp ) JPRS Directions of Financial Aid for Agriculture in 1963, 17 pp, (pp ) JPRS No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Credits for Individual Farmers in 1963, by Waclaw Tawski, 13 pp. Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Zycie Gospodarcze. No 11, 1963, pp 1, 6. JPRS On the Development of Agricultural Circles (4); an Appraisal of Achievements of Agricultural Circles, by Mieczyslaw Mieszczankowski, 25 pp. No 12, Suggestions for Improvement of Fuel Economy, by M. Rakowski, S. Wengiercw, 7 pp, (p 3.) JPRS The Economy of Cema Countries in 1962, by Adam Zwass, 7 pp, (p 7.) JPRS No 13, JPRS Indispensable Experiment; on Feed Production, by W. Krusicki, M. Rakowski, 8 pp, (p 3.) Transformation of Water and Forest Economy, by Stanislaw Sowinski, 5 pp, (pp 5, 6.) No 15, On the Development of Agricultural Circles[V); Basis for Further Development, by Mieczyslaw Mieszczankowski, 23 pp, (pp 1, 8.) JPRS Allocation of Technical Progress Fund, by Stanislaw Werewka, 6 pp. (p 3.) JPRS

68 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Zycie Gospodarcze. (Contd) No 15, 1963, p 4. JPRS Conditions in Food Market, by Grzegorz Pisarski, 13 pp. No 16, Presentation of National Income, by Mieczyslaw Kucharski, 9 pp, (pp 1, 4.) JPRS International Specialization in Production, by Zygmunt Keh, 5 pp, (pp 1, 7.) JPRS On the Vegetable Market; Sources of Stagnation, by Jan Zehaluk, 9 pp, (p 4.) JPRS Expansion of Production for Export, 7 pp# (p 5.) JPRS No 18, 1963, pp 1, 7. JPRS On the Development of Agricultural Circles (VI); Immediate Prospects, by Mieczyslaw Mieszczankowski, 34 pp. Recommendations of the Higher Agricultural Council on Corn Growing in 1963, 29 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Apricultura Noua, Vol IX, No 913, 25 Jan 1963, p 3. -JPRS For a Continuous Enlargement of the Collective Farms, by Cherughe Moldovan, 7 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Agricultura Socialista, Vol 1, No 12, 1963, pp i, 8. JPRS Large Reserves for Raising the Per-liectare Yield at State Farms, by Eugen Jianu, 8 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Airicultura Socialista, Vol 1, No 12, 1963, p I1. JPRS =

69 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Economic Production Methods Needed in the Silicates Industry, by Sergiu Almajeanu, 7 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Constructorul, Vol XV, No 691, Apr 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Growth of Labor Productivity on the Construction Sites -- A Prime Task for the Construction Industry, by V. Bumbacea, 17 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Constructorul, Vol XV, No 693, Apr 1963, pp, 3. JPRS Technical and Economic Indicators of the Economic Effectiveness of Investments, 9 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Evidonta Contabila, No 3, 1963, pp 3-9. JPRS Reduction and Elimination of Losses Resulting From Rejects, by Vasile M. Popescu, 5 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Evidenta Contabila, No 3, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Rumanian Periodical Finante si Credit. No 1, 1963 JPRS Planning of Cost Price as an Efficient Method for Mobilizing Enterprise Reserves, by C. Cicicopol, V. Scrofan, 27 pp, (pp ) Methods for Improvement of Financing, Crediting and Discounting, by Radu Ciurileanu, Octavian Lintaru, 29 pp, (pp ) No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Importance of the New Trade Rebates Surcharges, by G. Gavrilescu, 12 pp. No 3, JPRS The Application of Mathematical Methods in Finance, by I. Measnicov, 11 pp, (pp ) Cybernetics in the State Bank, by Tiberiu Arsenovici, 10 pp, (pp )

70 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) New Measurements in Support of Vegetable Crops During , 8 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Gradina, Via si Livada, Vol XIl, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Technical Control -- An Important Factor in Obtaining High-Quality Food Products, by N. Vlad, 7 pp. RUMANIA!N, per, Industria Alimentara, Vol X, No 11, 1962, pp JPRS Important Actions for the Improvement of Pisciculture, by I. Alexandrescu, 6 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Industria Alimentara, Vol X, No 11, 1962, pp JPRS Establishment of Optimum Conditions for Reconditioning and Fattening of Cattle, by St. Lakatos, 9 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Industria Alimentara, Vol X, No 11, 1962, pp JPRS Achievements of the Leather, Glass, and Household Goods Industries During the First Three Years of the Six-Year Plan, 7 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Industria Usoara, Vol X, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Production of Household Glassware in Rumania, by Alexandru Patrascu, 8 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Industria Usoara, Vol X, 1963, pp JPRS Technical Progress in the Construction Industry, by D. Mosora, 35 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Lupta de Clasa, No 3, pp JPRS Contribution of the Chemical industry to Rumania's Technical Progress, by Mihail Florescu, 15 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Lupta de Clasa, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Better Utilization of Metallurgical Plants, by Nicolaie Agache, 6 pp. RUMANIAN, np, Munca, Vol XIX, No 4771, Mar 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS The Need for Careful Management of Forest Resources, by L. Negrea, 9 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Muncitorul Forestier, Vol XV, No 467, 14 Mar 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS

71 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Achievements in Rumanian Foreign Trade During the First Years of the Six-Year Plan, by V. Cucu, 12 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Natura, Vol XV, No 2, Mar-Apr 63, pp JPRS Development of Industry in the Regiunes of Rumania During the People's Regime, by G. Tanase, 12 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Natura - Seria Geografie-Geologie, Vol XV, No 2, 1963, pp 3-9. JPRS The Contribution of the Agrosem Trust to the Development of High-Quality Seeds, by J. Keis, 6 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Probleme Agricole, Vol XV, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Conuurning Lhe Necessary Product and the Surp-!us Product in Socialism, by Gh. Cretoiu, 16 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Probleme Economics, Vol XVI, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS The Correlation Between the Growth of the Social Product and the National Income, by D. Grindea, 18 pp. RUMAN1AN, per, Probleme Economice, Vol XVI, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Rhythmic Fulfillment of the Production Plan, by Gh. Raboaca, 14 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Probleme Economice, Vol XVI, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Characteristic Features of the Now Local Freight Rates of the Rumanian Railroads, by Nicodim Iloldevici, 8 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Revista Cailor Ferate, Vol XI, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Trends in the Development of the Production and Utilization of Chemical Fertilizers, by M. Florescu, 29 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Revista de Chimie, Vol XIV, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS

72 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Analyzing Foreign Trade With the Aid of Linear Programming, by I. Nadojde, I. Negura, 14 pp. RUMANIAN, per. Revista de Statistica, Vol XII, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Some Methodological Problems Concerning Indicators of the Final Utilization of the National Income, by S. Dinculescu, V. Dumitrescu, 13 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Revista de Statistica, Vol XII, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Statistical Indicators for the Intensification of Agricultural Production, by M. Bulgaru, H. Joita, et al, 20 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Revista de Statistica, Vol XII, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Expansions of Industrial Methods by the IASI Regional Construction Trust, by Tudor Pantell, Ion Ghita, 5 pp. RUMANIAN, par, Scanteia, Vol XXXII, No 559, 11 Apr 1963, ppt1tt JPRS Great Possibilities for Reducing the Specific Consumption of Mining Wood, by Eugen Matyas, 5 pp. RUMANIAN, np, Scinteiz, 1 Mar 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Acceleration in the Turnover Rate of Circulating Funds, by Julian Vacarel, 5 pp. RUMANIAN, np, Scinteis, 10 Mar 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Realization of the Standardization Plan in 1962, 13 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Standardizarea, Vol XV, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Problems in the Application of State Standards in 1962, by I. Malek, S pp. RUMANIAN, per, Standardizarea, Vol XV, No 3, 1963, pp L24, 125. JPRS Calculation of Cost Prices for Telecommunication Services. by Ion Constantinescu, 7 pp. RUMANIAN, por, Telecomunicatii, Vol VII, No 1, 1963, pp 1-4. JPRS 192U5-58 -

73 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Industrial Incentives in the European People's Democracies, by R. Yevstigneyev, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Voprosy Ekonomiki, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Wheat Market and Price Problems, by Bogdan Sestan, 23 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Agronomski Glasnik, Vol XIII, No 1, 2, 1963, pp JPRS The Problem of Agricultural Organization at Commune Level, by Veceslav Pavlek, 36 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Agronomski Glasnik, Vol XIII, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Development of the Yugoslav Economy, 8 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Ekonomska Politika, 13 Apr 1963, pp JPRS 194S2 The Floods of the Great Morava in February 1963, by Dusan Petkovic, 16 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Izgradnja, Vol XVII, No 2, 1963) pp JPRS Correct Contracting in Capital Construction, by Bozidar Furundzic, 16 pp, SERBOCROATIAN, per, Iggradn Vol XVII, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Serhocroatian Periodical Jugoslovenski Pregled. No 11, 12, Social and Economic Movements in the Village, by Petar Markovic, 33 Pp, (pp ) JPRS The Development of the Yugoslav Merchant Marine in , 25 pp, (pp ) JPRS No 1, Passenger Transportation, 25 pp, (pp ) JPRS Production Costs of Wheat, Corn, and Sugar Beets on Socialized Farms, 49 pp, (pp ) JPRS No 3, 1963, pp 129, 130. JPRS Housing and Communal Activity in 1962, 11 pp

74 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) The Economic Framework of Housing Construction, by Rajko Rajic, 18 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Komuna, Vol X, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS The New Organization of the Yugoslav Port Administration Service, by Lucijan Kos, 21 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Medjunarodni Transport, Vol IX, No 2;-1963 pp JPRS New River Dock in Osijek, 5 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Modunarodni Transport, Vol IX, No 2, 1963, p 127. JPRS Selected Articles From the Serbocroatian Periodical Poljoprivreda i Zadrugarstvo. Vol X, No 1, JPRS Economic Implications of Moderizing Agricuiture, by Vladimir Stipetic, 31 pp. (pp 3-13.) The Extent, Forms, and Results of Cooperation in Animal Husbandry in Serbia, by Jovanka Stanojevic, Radisav Badnjarevic, 26 pp, (pp ) Demographic Characteristics of the Agricultural Population, 8 pp, (pp ) Vol X, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Cooperation in Pomiculture and Viticulture in Some Agricultural Cooperatives, by Mladen Permsic, 32 pp. Vol X, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS The Administration of Agricultural Cooperatives under the Present Conditions of Their Development, by Borislav Radovanovic, 27 pp. The Iolo of Agricultural Cooperatives in the Socialist Transformation of Agriculture, by Dimitrije Rajalica, 7 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, np, Privredni Pregled, Vol XIII, 3 Apr 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Financial Plans of Economic Organizations, by Jovan Matovic, 20 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, np, Privredni Pregled, Vol XIII, 1963, pp 8, 9. JPRS

75 Eastern Europe Economic (Contd) Law on the Organization of the Yugoslav Railroad, 63 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Sluzbeni List, Vol XIX, No 15, 1963, pp 34S-356. JPRS The General Law on Artisan's Shops of Independent Artisans, 14 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Sluzbeni List Federativne Narodne nepublikejukoslavie, No 13, 3 Apr JPRS pp= Z 2 a. Hauling Problems on Railroads, 8 pp. SERBOCROATIAN. per, Tehnika, Vol XVIII, No 4, 1963, pp 760a.760b. JPRS Planning in Railway Transport, by Stanoje Jakovljevic, 15 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Zeleznice, Vol XIX, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Problem: of Determining and Distributing Revenue in Railway Enterprises, by Djordje Jovanovic, 39 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Zeleznice, Vol XIX, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Political The Revolution Road -- The Only Road Which Leads to Victory, by Ndraeci Plasari 14 pp. ALBANIAN, per, Rruga e artise, Vol k, No3, 1963, pp JPRS Always Vigilant in Guarding the Victories Won in Building Socialism in the Country, by Rexhep Kolli, 11 pp. ALBANIAN, per, Rrua e Partise, Vol X, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Instructions Governing the Convening of Accountability and Election Meetings and Conferences of the Trade Union Organs and Organizations, 5 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Ryuletin na Tsentralniya Suvet na Profesionalnite Suyuz. v Narodna Republika Bulgar 1, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS

76 Eastern Europe Political (Contd) Selected Articles Fril the Bulgarian Periodical Filosofaka lisul. No 1, Features of the Shaping of the New Man, by Stoyan Mikhaylov, 16 pp. (pp 16-28). JPRS Concerning the Legally-Concorkant Decisive Leading Role of the Communist Party, by Todor Vulov, 18 pp, (pp 29-43). JPRS Some Problems Concerning the Character and Role of Contradictions in a Socialist Society, by V. Dobriyanov, 16 pp, (pp 70-80). JPRS The Role of the New Party Statutes and the Activities of the Bulgarian Communist Party in Revolutionary Transformation, by Yordan Tonchev, 14 pp, (pp ). JPRS Selected Articles From the Bulgarian Periodical Partien Zhivot. No 4, JPRS Brisk, Specific, and Operational Guidance of Okrug Newspapers, by Ivan Vulov, 9 pp, (pp 11-18). Complete Application of the Knowledge and Experience of Specialists, by Vasil Ficherov, Dimitur Vakaralski, 7 pp, (pp 19-23). JPRS Successful Completion of the Party School Year, 7 pp, (pp 65-69). JPRS No 5, JPRS Development Toward the All-People's State and Further Improvement in Socialist Democracy, by Lyuben Vasilev, 13 pp, (pp 9-19). The Obshtina Party Committee and the Administrative Council of the Farm Workers' Cooperative, by Potko Fusov, Dimitur Stanoev, 12 pp, (pp 20-28)

77 Eastern Europe Political (Contd) Biographic Data on Academician Lyubomir Chakalov by Lyubomir Iliev, 8 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Splsanie na Bullarskata Akademiya na Nac Vol V11, No 4, OCt-Dec 1962, pp JPRS What Has Been Achieved, What Needs to be Done, 32 pp. CROATIAN, per, Rad, No 16, 13 Apr 1963, 32 pp. JPRS A Yugoslav View of Coexistence, by Z. Kristl, 6 pp. CROATIAN, per, VJesnik, 1-2 May 1963, p 7. JPRS Some Problems Concerning Scientific Elaboration of Recent History, 6 pp. CROATIAN, per, Vjesnik, 5 May 1963, p 6. JPRS Yugoslavia is Indeed A Workers' State, by M. Derval, 6 pp. FRENCH, per, L'IniernuLlualo, Nu 137, wuy 63, pp 7. JPRS The East Gorman Constitution, 30 pp. GERMAN, brochure, Die Verfassung der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, JPRS Selected Articles From the German, Periodical Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Part II. No 20, 1963, pp JPRS Decree on Disaster Prevention and Control of 28 February 1963, 9 pp. No 22, 1963, pp JPRS Uecree on Real Estate Dealings, 9 pp. No 30, JPRS First Implementing Directive on the Decree on Real Estate Dealings of 22 March 1963, 5 pp, (pp 201, 202). Order on the Decree on Real Estate Dealings of 27 March 1963, S pp, (pp )

78 Eastern Europe Political (Contd) Party Congress in Sofia: Fighting Among Cliques in Bulgaria Camouflaged as De-Stalinization, by Norbert Bornemann, 32 pp. GERMAN, per, Osteuropa, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS State Arbitration in Bulgaria, by Tsivkov Stalev, 8 pp. GER tan, per, Vertragssystem, Vol VII, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Communist Jugoslavia and the Reply of Harian Rakjat, 8 pp. INDONESIAN, np, flarian Rakjat, 19 Apr 1963, p 1. JPRS The Films of Discussed in a Session of the Council on Cinematography, 15 pp. RUMANIAN, np, Contemporanul, No 14(860), S Apr 63, p 5. JPRS Cybernetics and Thought, by Ileana Marculescu, 20 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Lupta do Clasa, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS From Experiences in Directing Party Education, by E. Damian, 13 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Lupts de Clasa, Vol XLIII, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS A Conversation With University Professor Dr. Jean Livescu, Rector of Bucharest University, 7 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Press Noastra, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Progress of Rumanian Science in the Years of the People's Rule, by Stefan Milcu, 7 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Stiinta si Tehnica, Vol XV, No 3, 1963, pp 3-5. JPRS Association of Young People of Yugoslavia, 21 pp. SERBIAN, per, Jugoslovenski Pregled, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS

79 Eastern Europe Political (Contd) Propaganda Activity of Diplomatic Missions in Yugoslavia and Its Statutory Regulation, by Mate Orec, 19 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Narodna Milicija, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Decree on the Organization and Work of the State Secretariat for Foreign Affairs, 13 pp. SERBOCROATIAN, per, Sluzbeni List Fnrj No 13, Apr 1963, pp JPRS Military Selected Articles From the Bulgarian Periodical Narodna Armiya. 19 Feb JPRS Modern Jet Aircraft, by Lilo Lilov, 7 pp. 27 Aug JPRS Cruise-Type Missiles, by Lilo Lilov, S pp. 30'Jan 62. JPRS Trends in the Development of Rocket Fuels and Oxidizers, by Lilo Lilov, 7 pp. 12 May 1963, p 2. JPRS The Achievements and Failures of Military Units Working According to Communist Principles, by S. Khanumov, 6 pp. The Status of Mass Club Work in Doso, by Stoyu Stoev, 15 pp. BULGARIAN, np, Patriot, No 16, 18 Apr 1963, pp 2, 3. JPRt Decree on Proclamation of the Law on War Military Invalids, 38 pp. CROATIAN, per, Sluzbeni List Federativne Narodne Jugosavije, No Apr 1963, 1Republiko pp JPRS

80 Eastern Europe Military (Contd) Piercing Power of Heat Projectiles and Protection of Tanks, by K. Lakovic, 9 pp. CROATIAN, per, Vojnotechnicki Glasnik, No 2, ACSI A 1962, pp ID Modern Equipment for Fire Control of Medium Caliber AA Artillery, by Peo Grubacevic, 12 pp. CROATIAN, per, VoJnotehnicki Glasnik, No 11, ACSI 1-239S 1962, pp Xn Selected Articles From the Czech Periodical Kridla Vlasti. Vol X, No 26, 1962, pp 757, 758. JPRS Svazarm Glider Activities, by Lubor Vokrouhlicky, 5 pp. Vol II, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Piloting the HC-102 Helicopter, by Jiri Blaha, 9 pp. No 5, 1963, pp JPRS New Tasks in Training Parachutists' 6 pp. No 6, 1963, pp JPRS Resolutions Concerning Work in Flying Sectors, by F. Tobola, 5 pp. The East German Uniform. DANISH, per, DIIemne Vernet, No 2, 1963, *ACSI A pp 16, 17. ID Clothing and Pack Regulations. *ACSI B DANISH, per,.ijmme Vernet, No 2, 1963, pp 18, 19. ID The Replenishing of Warships at Sea, by Hans Ostrzinski, Werner Dobrig, 14 pp. GERMAN, bk, Die Vner n'ginp von mpfnehiffen im See, 1962, pp Navy Great Tasks for the Little Ones, by Peter Stache, 7 pp. GERMAN, per, Aero Sport, No 2, 1963, pp FTD-Tr

81 Eastern Europe Military (Contd) Directive Anordnung of the German Democratic Republic Defense Council of the Registration of Those Subject to Military Service, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, Gesetzblatt der DDR, Part I, 1962, p 13. JPRS Directive Anordnung of the German Democratic Republic Defense Council on the Mustering and Calling up of Persons Liable for Military Service, 18 pp. GERMAN, per, Gesetzblatt der DDR, Part I, 1962, p 15. JPRS Directive Anordnung of the German Democratic Republic Defense Council Amending Regulations on Registration, Mustering and Reservists, 20 pp. GERMAN, per, Gesetzblatt der DDR, Part I, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Military Uses of Infrared Techniques, by Lorincz Istvan. HUNGARIAN, rpt, Az Infravoros Technika Katonai Alkalmazasa, Budapest, 1962, 127 pp, Encl to *ACSI ID Special Climatic Examinations and Testing Equipments, by Putaky Ivan, 8 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Iliradastechnika, Vol XIII, ACSI No 2, 1962, pp ID Problems in Military Technology, by H. Sejnsnski. ERDL, Ft Belvoir POLISH, bk, Biblioteka Wiedzy Wojskowej, T-1301 (AD 299,310; Warsaw, 1959, 371 pp. AD 285,9S8) Law of 29 March 1903 the Military Service of Warrant Officers of the Armed Forces, 6 pp. POLISH, np, Dziennik Ustaw, No 15, 4 Apr JPRS Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Wojskowy Przeglad Lotnicty. Vol XV, No 8, FTD-Tr The Destruction of Ground TransporL by Aircraft, by J. Kopacz, 18 pp. Development of STCL and VTOL Aircraft, by M. Lyzwinski, 33 pp

82 Eastern Europe Military (Contd) Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Wojskowy Przeglad Lotniczy. (Contd) Vol XV, No 8, FTD-TT Aeronautical Innovations, 33 pp. Is There a Revival of Towed Targets. by Kokotkiewicz, 9 pp, Cpp 10-14). Tests of Aircraft and Rocket Equipment by Means of Rocket-Propelled Sleds, by M. E. Grzegorewski, 26 pp, (pp 38-49). Defense of London Against V-1 and V-2 Missiles, by S. Skalski, 9 pp, (pp 59-63). The Law of Outer Space, by Andrzej Gorbiel, 14 pp, (pp 64-70). Vol XVII, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Symposium on Aviation Medicine, by Z. Edelwejn, 6 pp. Proposed Military Penal Code, 14 pp. POLISH, per, Wojskowy Przellad Prawniczy, No 1, (66), Jan-Mar 1963, pp JPRS Organization of Military Courts and the Military Prosecutor's Office in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, by J. Muszynski, 12 pp. POLISH, per, Wojskowy Przoglad Prawniczy, No 1 (66), Jan-Mar 1963, pp JPRS Concerning Co iwunist Education oe Young Officers, by Marcu Stan, S pp. RUMANIAN, per, Viata Militara, No 3, 1963, pp 3, 4. JPRS On Watch at a Radar Station, by N. Pop, 5 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Vista Militara, No 3, 1963, pp 16, 17. JPRS Helicopters and Guerrilla Activities, by Milija Stanisic, 11 pp. ACSI SERBIAN, per, Vojno Delo, No 6, 1962, pp ID

83 Eastern Europe Geographic Selected Articles From the Czech Report *ACSI Topografie. ID 223S133 A. The Importance of a Map in the Socialist State, by Frantisek Boguszak, Jaroslav Slitr, (pp 14, 15). B. Activities of the Czech Mapping Administration During , by Frantisek Boguszak, Jaroslav Slttr, (pp ). C. The Period After 1945, by Frantisek Boguszak, Jaroslav Slitr, (pp ). A New Method for Large Scale Mapping of Relief, by Hans Richter. GERMAN, per, Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, No 4, 1962, pp ACIC The River Basin of the Elbe in Czechoslovakia, i2 pp. GERMAN, rpt, Das Stromgebiet der Elbe in Army Map der Tschechoslovakei. (Call No GB1333 C9591 Eng Tr) Service Sociological From Religious Delusions to the Truth, by Vesolin Khadzhinikolov, 8 pp. BULGARIANI per, Filosofska Misul. No 1, 1963, pp JPRS The True Character of Yugoslav Revisionist Literature, by Pro Jung-Con, 7 pp. CHINESE, per, Shih-chieh Wen-hsueh, No 12, 1962, pp JPRS Expenditures for Health Care for , 17 pp. CRUATIAN, per, Jugoslovenskl,Pregied, No i, 1963, pp JPRS Illiteracy and Its Elimination, 14 pp. CROATIAN, per, Jugoslovenski Pregled, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Health Service Under New Conditions, by Moms Markovic, 14 pp. CROATIAN, per, Nasa Stvarnost, Vol XVII, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS

84 Eastern Europe Sociological (Contd) Polytechnical Education and Bridging the Contradictions Between Intellectual and Physical Work, by Stevan Bezdanov, 15 pp. CROATIAN, per, Nasa Stvarnost, Vol XVII, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Relationship of Physical and Sexual Education in School, by Stanislav N. Paunic, 10 pp. CROATIAN, per, Pedagoski Rad, Vol XVIII, No 3, 4, 1963, pp JPRS Causes and Origin of Unemployment, by Milos Aleksic, 10 pp. CROATIAN, per, PreUld, No 1, 2, 1963, pp JPRS Program and Organizational Declaration of the People's Technology, 8 pp. CROATIAN, per, Radioamater, Vol XVII, No 3, 1963, pi 67, 68. JPRS Vocational Training of Unemployed Workers, by Svetozar Pepovski, 9 pp. CROATIAN, per, Socijalna Politika, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Personal Consmiption and the Social Standard in the 1963 Social Plan, by Marica Biondic, Nevenka Jankovic, 7 pp. CROATIAN, per, Socijalna Politika, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Health Documents and Forms for Obtaining Compensation and Other Rights Under Social Insurance, 7 pp. CROATIAN, per, Socijalna Politika, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Special Characteristics and Problems in Studies at Higher Administrative Schools, by Josip Sruk, 8 pp. CROATIAN, per, Uprava, Vol XI, No 1, 2, 1963, pp JPRS Recent Experiences in the Medical Care of College Students From Abroad, by L. Schmid, M. Zitka, et al, 10 pp. CZECH, per, Ceskoslovenske Zdravotnictvi, Vol X, No 12, pp JPRS

85 Eastern Europe Sociological (Contd) Report by Fr Janouch, Chairman of the Central Committee of thn Czechoslovak Red Cross, by Fr. Janouch, 11 pp. CZECH, per, Pracovnik, Vol X, No 3, 1963, pp 5O-S6. JPRS Directives on the Upbringing and Teaching of Gypsy Children and Youth, by Prantisek Kahuda, 7 pp. CZEC, per, Vestnik Ministerstva Skolstvi a Kultury, Vol XIX, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Concise History of Education, by Hermann Weimer. GERMAN, bk, 160 pp. Philosophical Lib Albania's Cultural Problems, by Robert Schwanke, 9 pp. GERMAN, per, Oesterreichische Osthefte, No 4 Mar 1963, pp JPRS Comparison of Infant Mortality in the Socialist Countries, by Manfred Ebert, 7 pp. GERMAN, per, Statistische Praxis, Nn 3, 1963, pp JPRS New Polish Law Governing the Movements of Foreigners, 6 pp. POLISH, per, Dziennik Ustav, No 15, 4 Apr 1963, Encl No 1 to Desp A-990, Amlhbassy, Warsaw. Dept of State Training of Working Youths in Factory Schools, by Stanislaw Orlowaki, 10 pp. POLISH, par, Nowe Droi, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Uata on Iiros, by Pawel Borowski, 8 pp. POLISj, per, Przeglad Pozarniczy, No 3, 1963, PP JPRS Important and Difficult Problems Facing Vocational Schools, by Zygmunt Zielinski, 88 pp. POLISH, par, Szkola Zawodowa, No 2, 1963, pp 1-4. JPRS Education Cost Per Student, by Zygmunt Dowjat, 5 pp. POLISH, per, Szkola Zawodowa, No 2, 1963, pp 19, 20. JPRS Distribution According to Work -- A Law of Socialist Economics, by N. Schwartz, lb pp. RUMANIAN, per, Lupta de Clasa, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS

86 Eastern Europe Sociological (Contd) An Analysis of the Health of the Presidents of Bucharest, 5 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Muncitorul Sanitar, Vol XIV, No 12, 23 Mar 1963, p 3. JPRS Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Union of Societies of Medical Science of the Rumanian People's Republic, 32 pp. RUMANIAN, np, Muncitorul Sanitar, 13 Apr 1963, pp 1, 2, 3. JPRS Medical Care of Neurepsychiatric Patients Discussed by the Board of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, 6 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Muncitorul Sanitar, No 18, 4 May 1963, p 3. JPRS Direction and Control of Teaching Methods of Education Cadres by Inspectors, by Stefan Costea, 14 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Reyista de Pedagogie, No 2, 1063, pp JPFS Improving the Schon ing of the Handicapped in Rumania, by C. Paunescu, G. Radu, 10 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Revista de Pedagogie, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Introduction of Standards in Modern Life, by P. U. Salmon. RUANIAN, per, Standardizarea, Vol XIV, No 8, pp NZDIA

87 WESTERN EUROPE Economic Classification of Private Roads, by Otto Wahlgren, 5 pp. ACSI FINNISH, per, Tielehti, No 6, 1962, pp ID Characteristics of Flours Intended for the Manufacture of Wafers, by M. P. Bourreau. FRPJENCH, bk, Centre de Formation Techniques et do Perfoctionnement de L'union des Fabricants de Biscuits, No 1, 1959, pp 1-4. GB/75/BBIRA T.62 French Oil Company, Algeria, 34 pp. FRENCH, rpt, CoMale Francaise des Petroles Alei, pp (Call No.' AT COL 1 IR Eng Tr) Army Map Service Report on Changes of Freight Tariffs, 17 pp. FRENCH, rpt, Notice sur la Reforme des Tarifs ACSI Marchandises, Dec 1960, 15 pp. ID Crumb Colour of Bread. An Important Property Indicating the Quality, by A. W. Groes. GERMAN, per, Bakkers Vakblad, Vol XVIII, No 45, GB/75/BBIRA T.72 Experiments on the Determination of Propionic Acid and Propionate Salts in Bread, by E. Drews. GERMAN, per, Brot und Geback, 1955, p 209. GB/75/BBIRA T.69 Selected Articles From the German Periodical Die Fleischwirtschaft. GB/96 Vol XI, No 8, 1959, p 684 Cooling, Freezing and Storing of Pork, by Gutschmidt. Vol XI, No 10, 1959, p 854. Can Frozen Meat be Pickled?, by Gissko. Vol XI, No 12, 1959, pp 1038, Process Times and TumpuraLuees in Rotary Sterilization, by Reutcr. Vol XII, No 1, 1960, pp Fifth International Meeting of Exnerts in Meat Research, Part

88 Western Europe Economic (Contd) Three-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development, 17 pp. PORTUGUESE, rpt, Piano Trienal de Desenvolvimento Economico o Social, , Brazil, 1963, pp cal'no. HC187 B89 Eng Tr) Army Map Service New Zealand's Power Supply. *ACSI A SWEDISH, per, Era, No 1, 1963, pp 5-9. ID Electricity News. *ACSI B SWEDISH, per, Era, No 1, 1963, p 13. ID Electric Energy - Oil Energy - Atomic Energy, 8 pp. SWEDISH, per, Era, Vol XXXVI, No 2, 1963, pp 15, 16, 27. (Call No. TK4 U- v36 #2 Eng Tr) Army Map Service Political Tenth Congress of Communist Party of Italy, by Mirjana Jankovic, 15 pp. CROATIAN, per, Socijnlizam, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Some Danish Readers' Opinions, 6 pp. DANISH, np, SF, Vol V, No 13, 15, 17, 29 Mar, 12, 17 Apr JPRS Lecture by Foreign Minister V. Merikoski at the Mooting of the Political Science Association on March 29, 1963, 7 pp. FINNISH, rpt, ncl No 1 to Desp A-840, AmEmbassy, Helsinki. Dept of State Finnish Communist Party Holds 13th Congress April 1963, 37 pp. FINNISi, np, Kansan Uutlset, Apr JPRS Social Bases of Political Parties in France and Italy, by Mattel Dogan, 11 pp. FRENCH, brochure, 2-8 Sep 1962, pp JPRS

89 Western Europe Political (Contd) The American Farmers Have a False Idea of the Common Market.. and of Their European Colleagues Whom They Seem to Assign to Disappearance, 6 pp. FRENCH, rpt, Encl No 1 to ECBUS Desp A-694, USEC, Brussels, 28 Mar Dept of State Greek Leftist EDA Holds Second Congress, by G. Georgalas, 6 pp. FRENCH, per, Est $ Quest, No 296, Mar 1963, pp JPRS Why is Thorez Seeking a Thaw?, by David Ellimer, 9 pp. FRENCH, np, France-Observateur, No 675, 11 Apr 1963, pp 6, 7. JPRS Does French Communist Party Want United Front or Unity of Action?, by David Ellimer, S pp. FRENCH, np, France Observateur, Vol XIV, No 679, 9 May 1963, pp 5, 6. JPRS French Communist Party Central Committee Issues Statement on Unity of International Communist Movement, 15 pp. FRENCH, np, ItHumanite, No 5817, 11 May 1963, pp 4, 5. JPRS Roland Leroy Reports to Central Committee of French Communist Party, by Roland Leroy, 12 pp. FRENCH, np, I'Humanite, No 5817, 11 May 1963, pp S. JPRS The Central Committee of the French Communist Party Meets at Ivry, 8-10 May 1963: Maurice Thorez's Closing Speech, by Maurice Thorez, 22 pp. FRENCH, np, I'Humanite, 14 May 1963, pp 5, 6. JPRS UNIR Calls for Solidarity With French Communist Students, 8 pp. FRENCH, up, Unir Pour 1o Socialismo, No 125, 196%, pp 2, 3. JPRS UNIR Endorses Unity With French Socialists, 7 pp. FRENCH, np, Unir Pour le Socialisme, No 125, 1963, pp 4, 5. JPRS French Communist Students and Stalin's Heirs, by Yves Lebon, 6 pp. FRENCH, per, La Voice Communiste, No 34. Apr 1963, P 16. JPRS

90 Western Europe Political (Contd) German Atomic Energy Commnission Pstablishes Five- Year Atomic Energy Program, 32 pp. GERMAN, rpt, Encl No 1 to Desp A-2478, AmEmbassy, Bonn. Texts of German Statoments at 100th Ministerial Council Meeting, 8 pp. GERMAN, rpt, Encl No 1 to Desp A-2157, AmEmbassy, Bonn, 2 April Dept of State Dept of State It is Only a Question of Power, by Hanswilhelm Haefs, 7 pp. GERMAN, np, Vorwaerts, 20 Feb 1963, p 13. JPRA Tussle About the Tiger's Teeth, by Stephan Tomas, 12 pp. GERMAN, rip, Vorwaerts, 13, 27 Feb 1963, p 11. JPRS They Won't Have Anything to Do With Politics, by Peter Meyer-Ranke, 8 pp. GERMAN, np, Die Welt, 27 Apr 1963, Endl to Desp A-2358, AmEmbassy, Bonn. Dept of State The Struggle Against the Stubborn Writers, by Wolfgang Leonhard, 8 pp. GERMAN, np, Die Zeit, No 18, 3 May 1963, p 9. JPRS Some Socialist Views -- From Left to Right: Is the Cultural Debate Bogged Down in Dogmatism?, Critics and Artist Express Their Views; Communist Intellectuals and Cultural Freedom; Open Letter to Soviet Writers Prom Ante Ciliga, 21 pp. ITALIAN, nps, JPRS Esthetics According to the Kremlin, by Rolando Giglio, 8 pp. ITALIAN, per, Corrispondenza Socialista, Vol IV, No 4, 1963, p 237. JPPRS Culture and Ideology, by Alessandro Natta, 6 pp. ITALIAN, per, Critica Marxista, No 2, Mar-Apr 1963, pp JPRS 19S88 Sartre and the Communists, by Cesare Luporini, 9 pp. ITALIAN, per, Critics Marxista, No 2, Mar-Apr 1963, pp JPRS

91 Western Europe Political (Contd) Carocci on Relationship Between Culture and Party Politics, by Alberto Carocci, 5 pp. ITALIAN, np, Rinascita, No 15, 13 Apr 1963, p 32. JPRS Two Communist Views: Boffa on Soviet Historians in Transition Prom Denunciation to Critical Reexamination; Spinella on the Intellectuals' Choice, by Giuseppe Boffa, Mario Spinella, 7 pp. ITALIAN, per, Rinascita, Vol XX, No 17, 27 Apr 1963, pp 5, 29. JPRS Soviet and Italian Cinematographers Discuss the Arts, by Augusto Pancaldl, Paolo Pardo, 27 pp. ITALIAN, nps, 1'Unita, 14 Apr 1963, p 3; Paese Sera, 14 Apr 1963, ptp-tt4. JPRS Norwegian Communists Discuss Party Draft Program, 10 pp. NORWEGIAN, np, Friheten, 9 Mar 1963, p 8. JPRS Dagens Nyhotor Summarizes Opposition's Statement, 5 pp. SWEDISH, np, Dagens Nyheter, 31 May 1963, pp 1, 14. JPRS Military Interior Minister's Report to Parliament Concerning Civil Defense, 7 pp. DANISH, per, Orienterino fra Civilforsvarssty- ACSI relsen, No 8. 8 Nov 1961, pp 1-6. ID Navy Statute for Petty Officers and Non-Rated Men, Chapter VI, 10 pp. PORTUGUESE, per, Diario do Governo, 1963, pp 2-1n, Decree-Law No 44,824, USNA Lisbon, Portugal. Navy Defense Medical Research in Total Defense Planning, 27 pp. SWEDISH, rpt, Forsvarsmedicinsk Forskning i Totalforsvaret, pp 19-19, 50-54, , , ACSI Endc to , AIRA, Stockholm. ID The Origin and Development of Artillery in Hlurope, by F. Ad. Spak. SWEDISH, booklet, Ivar Haeggstroms Boktryckeri, ERDL, Ft Belvoir Stockholm, 1881, pp T-1638 (AD 290,552) Activities in the Office of Materiel During 1962, 7 pp. SWEDISH, per, Svensk Intendentur Tidkrift, No 2, ACSI , pp ID

92 Western Europe Geographic To the Mountains of the Stars, by L. D. Brongersma, G. F. Venema. DUTCH, bk, 318 pp. Doubleday What is the Survey Division of the Topographic Service and What Does It Do, by C. W. van der Linde, 7 pp. DUTCH, pegeodesia Genootschap voor Landrneetkunde, ACSI B No 6, 19T62, pp ID Map Reproduction 1. by M. J. J. Plink, 9 pp. DUTCH, per, Geodesia Genootschap vaor Landneetkunde, ACSI I-2540-E No 10, 1962, X 07. ID Map Reproduction II, by M. J. J. Plink, 5 pp. DUTCH, per, Geodesia Genootschap voor Landneetkunde, ACSI 1-2S40-P No 11, 1962, pp ID A Review of the Great World Atlas, by A.J. Pennekoek, 8 pp. DUTCH1, per, Kartografie, Mededelingen van de Aar ri kkwig eanootsch, No 1, 1962, pp ,* JPRS A Map of Amsterdam, by P. J. Bakker, 16 pp. DUTCHI per, Kartografie, Mededelingen van do JPRS Land Survey Office Map List, 34 pp. FINNISH, bk, Maanmittaushallituksmn Karttanleuttelo, Helsinki, 1960 (Call No. Accession Ung Tr) Army Map Service French Ports, 35 pp. FRENCH, per, Navire, Ports at Chantiers, Nov 1962, Navy Tr 3413 pp ONI 908 The Port of Dunkirk and Its Facilities, by R. Guitonneau. FRENCH, per, Nord Industriel, Vol XXTX, Dec! BJSI 3256 The Elbe-Lubeck Canal, 7 pp. GERMAN, per, Deutsches Schiffahrt und Hafen Jahrbuch, Vol 1VI, 1960, pp , 304. 'MalN D48 vs7 Eng Tr) Army Map Service -78

93 Western Europe Sociological Theoretical Discussion of the Class Struggle in France, by Gilbert Mury, 15 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Vol XXXIX, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS The Plight of the French Workers, by Jean-Claude Poulain, 16 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, Vol XXXIX, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Carlo Cassola Asks: Can Anyone Define a Realistic Writer?, by Carlo Cassola, 5 pp. ITALIAN, np, Avanti, No 83, 7 Apr 1963, p 3. JPRS Revised Law on Sanitary H1andling and Quality Control of Foodstuffs Dated April , No 139, 15 pp. ITALIAN, per, Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica, No 139, 4 Jun 1962, Encl No 1 to AGR-l125, Rome. USDA Paasikivi Line Triumph of the Finnish People, by Ya. Il'inskiy, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, irovaya Ekon i Mezhdunarodnyye Otnoaheniya, No 3, 1963, Encl No 1 to Dep A-940, rm assy, elsinki. Dept of State Educational Training of Documentalists, 31 pp. SWEDISH, per, Teknisk-Vetenskaplig Forskning, Navy Tr 3409 Vol XXXIII, No 8, 1962, pp NRL 935 Economic APRICA The Economy of the Perregaux District in Algeria, by Yves Henry, 5 pp. FRENCH, np, 1'Echo dtoran, 5, 6 Apr 1963, p 6. JPRS Survey of Algerian Fuel Resources, 14 pp. FRENCH, np, El Moudjahid, Mar JPRS

94 Africa Political Constitution of the Togolese Republic, To Be Presented to a Referendum on 5 May 1963, 20 pp. FRENCH, rpt, Encl No 1 to Desp A-299, AmEmbassy, Lome, Embdes 354, 11 Apr Dept of State Algerian Communist Official Speaks on What is a Revolutionary in 1963?, by Bachir Hadj Ali, 16 pp. FRENCH, per, Cahiers du Communisme, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Debate on Dumont's Book, Black Africa is Off to a Bad Start, by Jacques Duclos, 22 pp. FRENCH, per, Democratie Nouvelle, No 1, 2, 1963, pp 21-31, JPRS A Survey of Post-Independence Algeria, by Jean-Francois Lyotard, 46 pp. FRENCH, per, Socialisme ou Barbaric, No 34, Mar-May 1963, pp JPRS Algerian Socialist Revolution Party Presents Platform, 10 pp. FRENCH, np, La Voie Communiste, No 35, May 1963, pp 4, 5. JPRS Sociological A Visit to a Native Congolese King, by Herbert Risz, 7 pp. GERMAN, np, Volkstimme, 28 Apr 1963, pp 3, 4. JPRS Outline of an Angolan Toponymic Vocabulary, by J. Perez Montenegro, 12 pp. PORTUGUESE, per, Boletim do Institute de Angola, No 15, Jan-Dec 1961, pp JPRS

95 MIDDLE EAST Economic India, East Germany's Most Important Overseas Trade Partner, by H. Poziombka, 7 pp. GERMAN, per, Aussenhandel, Vol XIII, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Political The Experience of the Ba'th, by Yasin al-hafiz, 22 pp. ARABIC, rpt, Encl No 1 to Desp A-332, AmEmbassy, Damascus, Feb Joint Communique on New United Arab Republic, 35 pp. ARABIC, rpt, Encl No 1 to Desp A-773, AmEmbassy, Cairo, 17 Apr Jordanian Civil Aviation Law, 15 pp. FRENCH, np, Official Gazette, No 1135, 1 Mar 1953, Encl to Desp A-580, Aml mbassy, Amman. Dept of State Dept of State Dept of State Selected Articles From the Hebrew Newspaper Kol Haam. 8, 10 Mar 1963, p 2. JPRS Israeli Communist SNEH Comments on Theses for Fourth MAPAM Congress, by Moshe Sneh, 12 pp. 4 Apr 1963, pp 1, 4. JPRS Israeli Communist Youth Commemorate Warsaw Ghetto Rebellion, 6 pp. 21 Apr 1963, p 4. JPRS Israeli Communists of Tel Aviv-Jaffa District meet, 8 pp. 30 Apr 1963, p 1. JPRS Top Isracli Communist Discusses Middle East Situation, by Meir Vilner, 10 pp

96 Middle East Political (Contd) Selected Articles From the Indonesian Newspaper Harian Rakiat. JPRS I Mar 1963, p 3. Speech by Njoto Before the First Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Indonesia, 7 pp. 4, S, Mar 1963, p 3. The Part of Cooperative Societies in the Economic Development of Indonesia Today, by D. N. Aidit, 20 pp. 9 Mar 1963, p 3. The Culture and Ideological Education of Communist Cultural Workers, by Banda Harahap, 7 pp. 11 Mar 1963, p 3. Oppose Neo-Colonialism and Form a Cabinet of the United Front Centered Around Nasakom to Overcome the Economic Difficulties, 6 pp. Military Military Service Regulation Text for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates, 33 pp. ARABIC, np, Al Bilad, No 1, JPRS The Iranian Navy and the Persian Gulf, by Djalik Asghurzadeh, 11 pp. PRrNCH, per, La Revue Maritime, No 192, Oct 1962, Navy Tr 3334 pp ONI

97 FAR EAST Economic Geological Gazetter of the Ch'i-lien Mountains Volume I. Trail Geology, 652 pp. CHINESE, monograph, Ch'i-lien Shan Ti-chih Chih, 1960, 320 pp. JPRS Collection of Fiscal Laws and Regulations , 306 pp. CHINESE, document, Chin-Jung Fa-kuei Hui-pien, 1962, pp JPRS Accounting of Major Operation Processes and Accounting Statements, 102 pp. CHINESE, monograph, K'uai-chi Ho-suan Yuan-li, 1962, pp , 232, 243. JPRS Accounting for Basic Construction, 48 pp. CHINESE, monograph, Shan -yeh Hui-chi Ho-suan, 1962, pp JPRS Commerical Finance in Communist China, 287 pp. CHINESE, mono, Shang-yeh Ts'ai-wu, Mar 1962, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Chinese Periodical Chien-chu Hsueh-pao. No 8, JPRS Planning Residential Dwelling Units, by Yin Hai-yun, 1S pp, (pp 16-18). Room Layouts for Residential Buildings, by Tseng Chien, Yang Yun, et al, 13 pp, (pp 19-21). No 10, JPRS Survey of Newly-Constructed Rural Homes in Mi-yun, 17 pp. Several Schen of Ritral Houses of Reinforced Concrete Structure, 5 pp, (pp 7, 8)

98 Par East Economic (Contd) Selected Articles Fro Chien-chu Hsueh-pao. the Chinese Periodical (Contd) No 10, JPRS Some Problems Concerning Rural Home Design in T'ang-shan Area, by Wang T'ing-hui, Yu Pao-hsien, 9 pp, (pp 9-11). A Survey of Rural Housing in Kwangtung, by Fang Jo-po, P'eng Fei-fei, 9 pp, (pp 12-14). No 11, JPRS The Designing of Space for an Architectural Complex in a Small Area, by Lu Chun-hua, 25 pp, (pp 1-4). The Problem of Adding More Storeys to Residences in Shanghai Municipality, by Lu Kuang-ch'i, 11su Ching-yu, 19 pp, (pp 5-7). Economic Analyses on the Number of Storeys in Residential Houses, by Chu Chien-sung, 13 pp, (pp 8, 9). Discussions of the Standardization of the Specifications of Bricks and the Renovation of Brick Patterns, by Yu Pao-hsien, Pang Jung-hsien, 12 pp, (pp 16, 17). Selected Articles Prom the Chinese Periodical Ching-chi Yen-chiu. No 3, JPRS Carry Out Agricultural Technical Reform Actively and Steadily, by Wang Kuang-wei, Is pp, (pp 1-8). Several Problems Concerning Electrification in Agriculture, by Tso tmu, 32 pp. (pp 9-16). Concerning Problems of Prices Being Based Upon Social Value, by Pien Ching-chung, 14 pp, (pp 25-31). Comment on the Two Interpretations of the Joint Determination of Value by the Socially Necessary Labor, by Shu Ch'i, 10 pp, (pp 32-38)

99 Far East Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Chinese Periodical Ching-chi Yen-chiu. No 3, JPRS The Problem of Concretizing Marx's Reproduction Formula Studied From the Angle of Unification of Production and Allocation of Social Products, by Tung Fu-jeng, 20 pp, (pp 39-51). Discussions of the Problem of Socialist Differential Rents in the Economic World of Our Country Last Year, 19 pp, (pp 68-74). A Discussion on the Question of the Nature and Historical Significance of the Modern Industries Operated by the Manchu Government, by Kuo flui, 14 pp, (pp 75-77). No 4, JPRS On the Value of Regional National Income Statistics and a Number of Questions on Regional Consolidated Balancing, by Pang Ping-chu, 30 pp, (pp 1-15). Several Problems Concerning the Classification of Heavy Industry and Light Industry, by Wang Hu-sheng, 19 pp. (pp 16-26). The Law of Value Under Socialism Must Function Together With Socialistic Economic Laws, by Ch'ung Chin, 12 pp, (pp 41-48). An Outline of the Major Issues Discussed in the Annual Meeting of 1962 of the Shang-hai Economic Associatiun, 27 pp, (pp 62-71). A Summary of the Deliberations of Certain Theoretical hconomics Problems During the 1962 Annual Meeting of the Kwangtung Economics Souiety, 16 pp, (pp 71-77). Selected Articles From the Chinese Periodical Chmng-kuo Nung-yeh Chi-hsieh. No 9, JPRS Farm Machinery Research Should Precede Agricultural Mechanization. 6 pp, (pp 2-4). Testing and Evaluating Farm. Machinery, by Tu Yu-tsai. S pp. (pp 9, 10). - as -

100 Far East Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Chinese Periodical Chung-kuo Nung-yeh Chi-hsieh. (Contd) No 9, JPRS Brief Introduction to Soviet Model 61-1 Electrically Powered M~achine for Flooded Fields, 7 pp, (pp 20, 21). The Cotton Machinery Situation of Militia Production Planning in Sinkiang, by Kac Tzu-ching, 9 pp, (pp 22, 23, 29). A Look at Farm Machinery Repair Works, by Ch'en Li, 12 pp, (pp ). The Laws of Value and Our Price Policy, by 1Hsueh Mu-ch'iao, 15 pp. CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 7, 8, 1963, pp 1-9. JPRS A General Description of Communications and Transportation of Hunan Province, Communications Data, by Jung Cheng-shih, 5 pp. CHINESE, per, Jen-min Chiao-t'ung, No 11, ACSI Jun 1935, ppj5,26 ID Some Experiences in Emergency Road Repairs During Flood Seasons, by Chang Wen-kuang, 5 pp. CHINESE, per, Jon-min Chiao-t'ung, No 15, ACSI [-2565-A 15 Aug 1955, p T. - 'ID To Carry Out Planned Preventive Maintenance and Repair System and Strengthen Technical Management, 8 pp. CHINESE, par, Jmn-mini Chiao-t'ung, No 13, ACSI B IS Aug 1955, p V16,19 ID The St-61 Multi-Purpose Sweat Potato Machine, by Wang T'ieh-jon, 5 pp. CHINESE, peri Nung-yeh Chi-haieh Chi-shu, No 5, 1962, pp 9, 10. JPRS Ying-k'ou Match Factory Strengthens Auditing Work and Lowers Cost of Production, 7 pp. CHIINESE. np, Ta Kung Pao, 21 Mar 1963, p 1. JPRS Problems of Raw Material Supply and Product Sale in the Handicraft Industry, by Chlen Hung-yung, 12 pp. CHINESE, np, Ta-kung Pao, 27 Mar 1963, p 3. JPRS

101 Far East Economic (Contd) North Korean Economy and Trade, 36 pp. JAPANESE, per, Nitcho Boeki, Vol XLIV, No 1, 2, 1963, pp JPRS Resolution by Enthusiasts in the Communications Industry, 6 pp. KOREAN, per, Chesin, No 2, 1963, pp 3-7. JPRS Growth Rate and Balance in the Econonic Development of North Korea, by Ch'oe Chung-guk, 26 pp. KOREAN, per, Kulloja, No 3, 5 Feb 63, pp JPRS Tasks for Transportation Workers, S pp. KURIAN, par, Kyotong Unsu, No 2, 1963, pp S-20. JPRS Selected Articles From the Korean Periodical Minju Choson. 1963, p 2. JPRS The Taean Consumer Goods Supply System, by Kim Won-sam, 6 pp. 19 Jan 1963, p 2. JPRS Collective Production--the Key to This Year's Plan, by lan Kung-nyong, 6 pp. 20 Jan 1963, p 4. JPRS The Point System in Appraising Work Output, by Chon Se-hun, 5 pp. 22 Jan 1963, 1 ) 2. JPRS For Wide Use of the Internal Accounting System, by Cho Chang-ki, 6 pp. Distribution of industrial Centers and Transportation Systems in lwanghae Provinces and P'yongan- Namdo, 6 pp. KOREAN, per, Nkyotong Unsu, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Details About the Chollima Movement, 6 pp. KOREAN, per, Nodongja, No 1, 1963, pp 14, 15. JPRS Coal Production in 1963, S pp. KOREAN, per, Soktan Kongop, No 1, 1963, pp 6-9. JPRS A System of Wages and Conditional Incentives, by J. Toison, 6 pp. MONGOLIAN, np, Unen, 12 Dec 1962, p 2. JPRS

102 Far East Economic (Contd) Incomes of Agricultural Artel Members, 6 pp. MONGOLIAN, np, Unen, 19 Dec 1962, p 1. JPR Free World and Sino-Soviet Bloc Production and Consumption of Mineral Fertilizers, by Ana Pirscoveanu-Aspotolide, 29 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Revista de Chimie, Vol XIV, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS The Population of Indonesia, Malaya, and the Philippines, by M. Ya. Berzina, S. I. Bruk, 131 pp. RUSSIAN, bki Naseleniye Indonezii, Malayi, i Filippin, Moscow, 1962, pp JPRS Works of the First Conference on Neotectionics in China, by V. N. Pavlinov, 269 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Trudy Pervogo Soveshohaniya po Neotektonike Kitaya, Moscow, JPRS Positively Protect Our Natural Resources to. Serve Socialist Industrialization, by Nguyen Tao, 14 pp. VIETNAMESE, per, Hoc Tap, No 3, JPRS Selected Articles From the Vietnamese Periodical Nhan-dan p 2. JPRS Thanh-hoa in the Struggle for Producing Foodstuffs, by Duong Khanh, 11 pp. 2 Jan 1963, p 2. JPRS Phu-tho After the Second Year of Competition With Dai-phong, by Van Son, Phan Vinh, 12 pp. 2 Jan 1963, p 3. JPRS One Victorous Year for Industrial Production, by Ha Van, 6 pp. 23 Jan 1963, p 2. JPRS Hung Yen Enlarges Movement for Now Settlements in Virgin Lands, by Tran Chau, S pp. 29 Jan 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS News of the Fight Against Drought, 6 pp. 30 Jan 1963, p 3. JPRS Destroying Old Paths and Constructing New Roads, by Ngoc The, 6 pp

103 Far East Economic (Contd) Selected Articles From the Vietnamese Periodical Nhan-dan. (Contd) 31 Jan 1963, p 3. JPRS Toward a Larger Production of Salt, by Truang Quang Phien, 5 pp. 3 Feb 1963, p 3. JPRS The Development of Communication and Transportation in the Northwest, by Ngo Minh Truc, S pp. 16 May 1963, p 1. JPRS Three Requirements of Management, Techniques and Party Leadership, S pp. 24 May 1963, pp 1, 4. JPRS Determining the Direction of Production in Farm Cooperatives, S pp. Political Chinese Socialist Law, by Szu Chin, 15 pp. CHINESE, por, Chong-fa Yen-chiu, No 4, 1962, pp JPRS The Position and Function of Socialist Laws in Peoples Democratic Dictatorship, by Lu Chih, Chang Hao, 19 pp. CHINESE, per, Cheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 4, 1962, pp JPRS Function of Legal Power in Socialist Reform and Socialist Economic Construction, by Liu Wen, 12 pp. CHINESE, per, Cheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 4, 1962, pp JPRS Lenin's Struggles Against Revisionism and GpporLuiisia, by Cheng Yon-shih, SO pp. CHINESE, per, Hung Ch'i, No 7, 8, 1963, pp JPRS Strengthen the Political-Ideological Education of Youth, by Yu T'ing-ying, S pp. CHINESE, per, Hung Ch'i, No 9, 1 May 63, pp 5-7. JPRS

104 Far East Political (Contd) The Problem of Reserves Under Our Socialist System, by Hsu I, 10 pp. CHINESE, per, Hung Ch'i, No 9, 1 May 63, pp JPRS Speech of Liu Ning-i At New Zealand Communist Meeting, by Liu Nung-i, 6 pp. CHINESE, np, Jen-min Jih-pao, 16 Apr 1963, p 3. JPRS Temporary Sino-Soviet Compromise May Mark Progress Toward Communist Movement Unity, by Gerard Spitzer, 5 pp. FRENCH, per, La Vole Communiste, No 34, Apr 1963, p 14. JPRS Selected Articles From the Indonesian Newspaper Harian Rakiat. 1963, p 3. JPRS The Increasing Vitality of Marxism, by Njoto. 11 Rob 1963, pp 3-6. JPRS Text of Aidit's Political Report to the Indonesian Communist Party, by D. N. Aidit, 75 pp. 10 Apr 1963, p 3. JPRS Manipol-Uskek Do Not Oppose but Agree with Marxism, by D. N. Aidit, 11 pp. 18 Apr 1963, p 3. JPRS PKI Central Committee Delegate at New Zealand Communist Party National Conference, 6 pp. Administrative Service Manual, 11 pp. INDONESIAN, per, Madjahlah Administrasi Negara, Vol IV, No 7, 1962, pp JPRS Crisis in the Structural Reform Theory and Plots of Anti-Party Elements, by Toshio Sakaki, 10 pp. JAPANESE, np, Akahata, 11 May JPRS The Korean People's Amy That has Grown To Be an Invincible Military Might Under the Direction of the Party, by lio Pong-hak, 12 pp. KOREAN, per, Kulloja, No 3, 5 Feb 1963, pp JPRS To Strengthen Party Calls is to Guarantee the Strength of the Party, by Kim Song'il, 6 pp. KOREAN, per, Kulloja, No 3, Feb 1963, pp JPRS

105 Far East Political (Contd) Brief Instructions on the Using of Communications and the Telephone Diructory of Ulan Bator City, Mongolia, 122 pp. MONGOLIANI mono, Hariltsaa Ashiglaltan Tobch Dzaabar ba Ulaanbaatar Botyn Telefon Heregiegchdiyn jagsaal, 1962, pp JPRS A Party Meeting is an Expression of Ideas and Inspirations of Party Members, by B. Lodoisuren, 11 pp. MONGOLIAN, per, Namyn Am'dral, No 11, 1962, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Mongolian Newspaper Unen, IS Oct JPRS Judicial Structure of the Mongolian People's Republic, 8 pp. 29 Jan 1963, p 1. JPRS Work Experience of Party Cells at Somons and Agricultural Artels, 5 pp. 10 Feb 1963, p 6, 7. JPRS New Draft of the Civil Code of the Mongolian People's Republic, 8 pp

106 Far East Political (Contd) Selected Articles From the Mongolian Newspaper Unen. (Contd) 5 Mar 1963, pp 2, 3. JPRS The New Civil Code of the Mongolian People's Republic, by D. Horhoi, 5 pp Mar 1963, pp 3-7. JPRS The Civil Code of the Mongolian People's Republic, 127 pp. 26 Mar 1963, pp 1-4. JPRS Border Treaty Between the Mongolian People's Republic and the Chinese People's Republic, 30 pp. 6 Apr 1962, p 3. JPRS Let Us Increase the Effectiveness of the Press, by J. Arganbai, 5 pp. Let Us Develop the Revolutionary Spirit of Leninism, by Vu Tuan, 1S pp. VIETNAMESE, per, Hoc Tap, Apr 1963, pp JPRS Socialist, State Leadership as Discussed by Lenin, by L. Kuzmin, 15 pp. VIETNAMESE, per, Hoc Tap, Apr 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Vietnamese Newspaper Nhan Dan. 19 Jan 1963, p 2. JPRS Results and Experience From Party Membership Training in Thai Binh, by Nguyen Van Thu, 6 pp. 1 Feb 1963, p 2. JPRS A Model Fighter at the Border, by Tran 1luu Tong, 5 pp. 29 Apr 1963, pp 1, 4. JPRS Stop Up Patriotic Emulation for Successful Completion of First Five Year Plan, 15 pp

107 Far East Political (Contd) Selected Articles From the Vietnamese Newspaper Nhan Dan. (Contd) 30 Apr JPRS Report by Xuan Thuy, 12 pp. 30 Apr, I May JPRS Report of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, by Pham Van Dong, 62 pp. The Conference of Political Committees of the Entire Army on Political Activities in 1963, 5 pp. VIETNAMESE, rip, QtiAn lni Nhan Ban, 27 Dec 62, p 1. JPRS Activities for Building Reserve Forces in Lang Song Province Made Progress in 1962, by Be Chan Hung, 5 pp. VIETNAMESE, np, Quan Doi Nhan Dan, 30 Dec 62, p 2. JPRS Military Japanese Self Defense Force Year Book 1963, 38 pp. JAPANESE, bk, Jietai Nenkan, 1963, pp , , ; , ACSI charts only, Encl No 1 to R , USARMA, Tokyo, ID Japan. 319th MI Bn The Necessity for Rearmament in Japan, 11 pp. JAPANESE, per, Seiji Keizai, Jan U.S. Army, UANA, Tokyo. Navy Japan's National Defense and Public Finance, by Okinori Kaya, 6 pp. JAPANESE, per, Seiji Keizai, No 1, ID The Defense Agency Inner bureau - Defense Bureaucrats in Bloom, 5 pp. JAPANESE, per, Seiji Keizai, No 1, Navy Always Deserving the Appellation the People's Army and Chairman Ho's Soldiers, 7 pp. VIETNAMESE, np, Quan Doi Nhan Dan, 18 Dec 1962, pp 1, 3. JPRS The Task of Bao Dan Hau Can in Year-End Training Period, by Tran Tho, 6 pp. VIETNAMESE, np, Quan Doi Nhan Dan, 18 Dec 1962, p 2. JPRS

108 Far East Geographic Principles and Standards of Regional Division of Agriculture, by Chang Wei-pang, 13 pp. CHINESE, per, Ti-li No 1, 1962, pp JPRS The Present Situation and Future Prospects of Karst Research, by Jon Mei-o, IS pp. CHINESE, per, Ti-li, No 5, 1962, pp JPRS Sociological The Use of Evidence in Criminal Cases, by Chang Tzu-p'ei, 25 pp. CHINESE, per, Cheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 4, 1962, pp JPRS Citizen's Personal Right and Individual Labor's Right of Ownership, by Ch'ai Fa-pang, 18 pp. CHINESE, per, Cheng-fa Yen-chiu, No 4, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Chinese Periodical Hung-ch 'i. No 7, 8, JPRS Enter Into Life, Raise the Creative Quality of Music, by Ma K'o, 9 pp, (pp 19-24). On Faithful Implementation, by Vang P'ingchu, 5 pp, (pp 25-27). Ordinary Work and Great Ambitions, by Miao Tso-pin, 5 pp, (pp 28-30). No 9, 1963, pp JPRS A Critique of Fallacies of Bourgeois Sociology on Questions of Class and Class Struggle, by Chuang Fu-ling, 13 pp. Commemorating the Tenth Anniversary of the Foundling of the f[si-shuang Pan-na Thai Nationality Autonomous Chou, Yunnan Province, by Chao Ts'un-hsin, 7 pp. CHINESE, per, Min-tzu T'uan-chieh. No 2, 3, 1963, pp JPRS

109 Far Last Sociological (Contd) D. N. Aidit Lecture on Dekon, Ekonomic Declaration and Conditions for Its Implementation, by D. N. Aidit, 37 pp. INDONESIAN, np, Harian Rakjat, JPRS The Quackenbush Case, 18 pp. JAPANESE, rpt, Encl to Desp A-1511, AmEmbassy, Tokyo. Selected Articles From the Vietnamese Newspaper Nhan Dan. Dept of State 6 Jan 1963, p 6. JPRS 1914A The Dispepsary of Van Dinh, by Manh Hong, 9 pp. Lessons of Experience, 6 pp. 4 Feb 1963, p 3. JPRS Achievements in Education in 1962, by Nguyen Van Huyen, 8 pp. 6 Feb 1963, p 3. JPRS Education in 1963, by Nguyen Van lhuyen, 5 pp. Following on Whools, an Examplo of a Vohicle Repair Unit, by Nguyen Ha, 6 pp. VIETNAMESE, np, Quan Doi Nhan Dan, 8 Dec 62, p 1. JPRS Left Be:k Military Zone Meeting on Ideological Action: Most Practical and Useful, 5 pp. VIBTNAMBSE, np, Quan Doi Nhan Dan, 18 Dec 1962, p 2. JPRS LATIN AMERICA Economic communicatlons and Transportation, 54 pp. SPANISH, rpt, Communicaciones y Transportes, Army Map Mexico, 1960, pp (Eng Tr) Service Capital Is Not Coming Into Latin America, It is Being Withdrawn, IS pp. SPANISH, np, El Colombiano, 28 Har 1963, Encl to Desp A-1773, Bogota. Dept of State

110 Latin America Economic (Contd) Cuban Minister of Labor Reports on New Wage System, 42 pp. SPANISH, np, Diarno de la Tarde, 15 May 63, pp 3-6. JPRS Definitions of Means of Production, 8 pp. SPANISH, per, Directorio Financiero, Section II, Chapter II, pp JPRS General Price Law Put Into Effect, 5 pp. SPANISHs np, El Mundo, 4 Apr 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Head of INRA Reviews Four Years of Agrarian Reform, by Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, 23 pp. SPANISH, np, R1 Mundo, 17 May 63, pp 8, 9. JPRS Commerce Minister Promises Improvement in Distribution of Goods, 6 pp.spanish, np, Vanguardia, 19 Mar 1963, p 8. JPRS Political Kuo Jo-jo Speech at Rally in Support of Cuba, by Kuo Mo-jo, 6 pp. CHINESE, np, Jon-min Jih-pao, 18 Apr JPRS Latin America Between Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Mao Tse-tung, by Francois Fejto, 10 pp. FRENCH, np, Lumiere, Vol XXIX, No , Apr 1963, p. JPRS Trip in Castro's Cuba, by David Rousset, 10 pp. ITALIAN, per, Corrispondenze Socialista, Mar 1963, pp JPRS Goulart's Speech in the National Congress, 17 pp. SPANISH, rpt, Encl No 1, 2, 3, to Desp A-981, AmEmbassy, Santiago, Apr Dept of State Purs Sectional Of'tces Formed in Ciego de Avila and Havana, S pp. SPANISH, np, Hoy, 7 May 1963, p 3. JPRS Government Decrees, Laws'and Resolutions, 17 pp. SPANISH, per, Industria y Comorcio, JPRS

111 Latin America Political (Contd) Cuba Celebrates Second Anniversary of Victory on Giton Beach, by Pedro Miret, 6 pp. SPANISH, np, El Mundo, 20 Apr 1963, p 2. JPRS A Chilean Communist View of International Communist Unity, by Orlando Millas, 10 pp. SPANISH, per, Principios, May-Jun 1963, pp JPRS Interview With Cuban Delegate to 1fogota Communications Conference, by Jaime Villamil Leon, 5 pp. SPANISH, np, El Siglo, 22 May 1963, p 11. JPRS '--mander Jose M. Causse Speaks at Opening of Third Far Course, 9 pp. SPANISH, per, Verde Olivo, No 7, 17 Feb 1963, pp 4-7. JPRS Geographic Rivers, by E. Romero, 9 pp. SPANISH rpt, Geografica Economict del Peru, Peru, 1961, pp extracts (Call No Army Map 1C227 R Eng Tr) Service Spelling of Guajiran Place Names, by Stanley L. Robe, 22 pp. SPANISH, rpt, Ortografia de los Toponimicos Guajiros, Los Angeles, pp (Eng Tr) Army Map Service Sociological Taxicab Regulations, S pp. SPANISH, per, Gaceta Oficial, Vol XXI, No 218, 9 Nov 1962, pp 3537-liba9 JPRS Procedural Rules for Arbitration Commissions, 6 pp. SPANISH, per, Gaceta Oficial, Vol XXI, No 221, 14 Nov 1963, pp JPRS Teacher Forum on Combatting Student Desertion, by Bonito, 5 pp. SPANISH, np, Hoy. 13 Mar 1963, p 3. JPRS

112 Latin America Sociological.(Contd) Minister of Education Opens Teachers' Congress, 7 pp. SPANISli, np, Hoy, Vol XXV, No 86, 10 Apr 63, pp 10. JPRS General Instructions for Social Security Assistance, 14 pp. SPANISH, np, Revolucion, 27 Apr 1963, pp 6, 7. JPRS Brazilian Playwright Emilio Diaz Gomez Visiting Cuba, by Marta Vignier, 5 pp. SPANISH, np, Sierra Maestra, 14 Mar 1963, p 2. JPRS All Units Taking Part in Competition, 8 pp. SPANISH, per, Verde Olivo, No 7, 17 Feb 1963, pp JPRS NORTH AMERICA Economic The National Parks of the United States, by Luis A. Bolin. Dept of Interior SPANISH, bk, B160 B Political What Does the Wrangling of the US Ruling Clique About the Cuba Questions Show?, by Kuo Chi-chou, 7 pp. CHINBSE, per, Hung Chli, No 9, 1 May 63, pp 1-4. JPRS Geographic Readings on Greenland's Geography, by Barge Fristrup, 33 pp. DANISH, rpt, Forelesninger Over Gronlands ACSI Geografi, 1962, pp ID

113 WORLD WIDE Political Lenin's Struggles Against Revisionism and Opportunism, by Cheag Yen-shih, 52 pp. CHINESE, per, Hung Ch'i, No 9, 1963, pp JPRS Colonial Revolution and the Theory of Permanent Revolution, by Michel Pablo, 9 pp. FRENCH, per, L'internationale, No 137, May 63, pp JPRS The Struggle of the Proletariat in the Countries of Developed Captialism, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, pcr, Komnunist, No 7, 1963, pp JPRS

114 SCIENTIFIC Aerospace Flight-Navigation Instruments; Thie Piloting of a Plane by Instruments, by V. G. Denisov, N. L. Rostislav. RUSSIAN, bk, 1962, 108 pp. *FTD-TT Plight Safety, by I. G. Rabkin. RUSSIAN, bk, 1962, 132 pp. *FTD-TT Apparatus and Method of Measurements in the Testing of Rockets, by V. Kantor. RUSSIAN, bk, Arrapature i Metody Izmerenii pri Ispjtaniyakh Raket, 1962, *PTD-TT On the Adjustment of Artificial Earth Satellite Positions to Stars, by B. N. (imnelfarb, S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Byulleten'Stantsiy Opticheskogo Nablyudeniya IskusstX, Sputnikov oeli,s No 10, 1960, pp FTD-TT Selected Articles From the Russian Book Iskusstvennxye Sputniki Zemli, Ak Nauk SSSR, No 13, MOSCw, FTD-TT Effect of Factors Encountered in the Space Plight of the Satellite Vehicle Vostok-2 on Microorganisms Investigation of Yeast Organisms of Various Ploidy, by N. V. Kovyazin, A. A. Lukin, et al, 11 pp. Results Obtained in the Investigation of Certain Indicators oi Peripheral Blood Circulation in Dogs During aiid After a Plight Into Outer Space, by V. V. Yakovlev, 6 pp. Radiation Belts Around the Eart). at Altitudes of 180 to 250 KM. by S. N. Vernov, I. A. Savenko, et al, 12 pp, (pp 67-74). Soft Corpuscular Radiation at an Altitude of 320 KM in thfl P.qllntorial latitudes, by S. N. Vernov, P. I. Shavrin, et al, 9 pp, (pp 75-80). Measurement of Absorbed Dosage on Third Satellite Space Vehicle, by I. A. Savenko, N. F. Pisarenko, et al, 6 pp, (pp 8j-84). Handbook of the iligh-altitude Vertical-Horizontal Sounding of the Atmosphere in the Aircraft IL-28, by V. A. Devyatova, V. V. Kochetygovoy. RUSSIAN, bk, Rukovodstvo PO Vysotnomu Vertakal'no- Gorizontallnomu ZondirovaniZu Atmostery na Samolcto IL-28. Gimiz (Otdeleniye), Moscow, 196, 150 pp. *FTD-T

115 Scientific Aerospace (Contd) People of Rare Professions.. Pilots, Navigators of Cosmonauts, by V. Belikov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Izvestiya, No 59, 10 Mar 1963, p FTD-TT Calculating the Inertia of a Rudder in Certain Guidance Problems, by 0. V. Gri.goryeva, A. S. Kelzon, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vsshikh Ucheb Zaved, Aviats Tekh, No 4, 1961, pp FTD-TT Imperialistic Aggression in Space, by I. Anumyev, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kommunist Vooreuzhennykh Sil, No 15, ACSI Aug 1962, pp ID The Turn of the Circular Orbital Plano for the Artificial Satellite, by V. F. Illarionov, L. M. Shkadov. RUSSIAN, per, Prik Matemat i Mekhanika, Vol XXVI, ACI C Interplanetary Ship Returns to the Earth, by Yu. Sushkov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Sovet Rossiya, 25 Sep 1959, p FTD-TT AN-24, by I. Igorev. *ACSI A RUSSIAN, per, Yuny Tekhnik, No 2, 1963, pp 10, 11. ID Aircraft-Cross Country Vehicle. *ACSI B RUSSIAN, per, Yunyy Tekhnik, No 2, 1963, pp 52, 53. ID Hovercraft Performance Appraisal, by B. J. Hurren, 7 pp. ACSI A FRENCH, per, de lair ot l'uspace, No 1, 1963, pp ID N Pilot~nd Flight Instrument Errors, by Jean Israel. FRENCII,Per, Technique et Science Aeronautiques et Spatialos, May-Jun 1963, pp *Redstone Arsenal Flow Condition,on Open Lift Jet VTOL Aircraft, by K. Leim. GERMAN, per, LuftfahrT Technik, (Cincusnaveur *Navy Tr 3411 Rpt. No )F, NO-8, 1962, pp ONI 941 Science Breaks Into Space, by N. Bernshteyn, 5 pp. LATVIAN, np, Clna, No 190, 13 Aug 1962, p FTD-TT

116 Scientific Aerospace (Contd) Ionized Gas and Past Electrons in the Vicinity of the Earth and in Interplanetary Space, by K. 1. Gringauz, W. G. Kurt, et al, 8 pp. POLISH, per, Astronautyka, No 3, 1961, pp FTD-TT Combustion Chambors of Avia Turbine Turbo Engines Part 2, by Jerzy Grzegorzewski, 21 pp. POLISH, per, Technika Lotnicza, No 8, 1962, pp M3289 FTD-TT Rocket Technology, 226 pp. POLISH, per, Technika Rakietowa, Vol IV, No 11, V FTD-TT Agriculture Research on the Hydrophysical Characteristics of Peat and on the Processes Involved in the Movement of Moisture in Peaty Soils, by M. P. Volarovich, N. V' Churayev. RUSSIAN, bk, Issledovnye Vodno-Fizicheskikh Svoistv Torfa'r iotse o erev khenl a Vlag v TorfEyanistvkh Pochvakh, 1962, pp ,' *AEC Agricultural Meteorology, by V. I. Vitkevich, 320 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Meteorologiya, OTS Moscow, PL-480 The Placement and Specialization of Agriculture, 55 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Ikon Gazeta, No 15, Apr 1963, pp JPRS The Preparation for Spring Planting on the Sovkhozes and Kolkhozes of Zapadno-Kazakhstanskiy Kray and Karagandinskaya Oblast, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Kazakh Pravda, 28 Mar 1963, p 1. JPRS Intensive Livestock Raising in the Tselinnyy Kry of Kazakhstan, by I. N. Gorbunov, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Kazakh Pravda, 6 Apr 1963, p.3. JPRS Fire Hazard Belts and the Peak Period of Forest Fires, by G. A. Mokeyev. RUSSIAN, per, Lesnoe Khoz, No 8, 1961, pp NRC/Ref: C-4015 Dolays in Preparing Equipment for Spring Field Work, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 25 Feb JPRS

117 Scientific Agriculture (Contd) Agricultural Specialization in Lithuania, 19 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskaya Litval, 29, 30 Mar 1963, pp 1, 2. JPRS Sown Areas in the USSR in 1962, by Ye. Kravchenko, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik Statistiki, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS 193S2 Tick Paralysis of Sheep, by A. 1. Gavrichenkov. RUSSIAN, per, VeenL iya, Vol XXXIV, No 9, 1957, pp 70, 71. NRC/Ref: C-4005 The Intensification of Agriculture, by I. Euzdalov, 26 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Ekon, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS The Development of Agriculture is a Complex Process, by Faik Bajraktari, 19 pp. ALBANIAN, per, Rruga e Partise, No 3, 1963, pp 29.44, JPRS Agricultural Production and Agricultural Science, by Chlen Hua-kuei, 14 pp. CHINESE, per, Hung-ch'i, No 7, 8, 1963, pp JPRS General Principles of New Stock Cultivation and Breeding of Laminaria, by Pang Tsung-hei, 11 pp. CHINESE, np, Kuang-ming Jih-pao, 29, 30 Mar 1963, pp 2, 3. JPRS Observations Regarding the Fruit Red Spider and Its Control, by D. C. Geijslees. DUTCH, per, Tijdschrift Over Plantenziekten, Vol XLIV, No 2, 1938, pp PANSDOC/Ref 481 E~ffects of Sites on the Growth of Sheep's Sorrel, by E. Kivinen. FINNISH, per.i Maitaloustieteelinen Atigkijo, Vol 111, No , pp NZDIA Shearing Resistance of Soils According to N.I.A.E., Silsoe, England, Specifications, by P. Romano. FRENCH, per, Ann Fac Sci Agrar Univ Napoli, No 24, 19S8, 1959, pp CSIRO/No

118 Scientific Agriculture (Contd) Altitude Zones and Alpine Vegetation in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, by 11. Walter. GERMAN, bk, GeaboTanisches Inst Rubel, Bericht No. 31/1959, NZDIA Experimental Investigations of the Phytophthora Resistance of the Potato, Together With Some Remarks on the Problem of Acquired Resiotance in the Vegetable Kingdom, by K. Muller, 11. Borger. GERMAN, per, Arbeiten der Biologischen Relebsanstalt fuer Land- und Po-rstwirtschaft, Vol XXIII, 1940 pp) CSIRO/No 5970 Mulching With Plastic Films in the Cultivation of OrnRmental Tre, by it. Hamm. GERMAN, per, Deutsche Gartenbauwirtschaft, Vol VII, No 2, 1959, pp 1-4. GB/39/Pl.772 Movement of Water in the Ground Caused by Frost and Its E~ffect on Plants, by G. Krotschmer. GE1*1AN, per, Deutsche Landwirtschaft, Vol VII, No 4, 1956, pp 199,7 20. NRC/Ref: C-4010 Importance of Potassium for the Root fovelopment of the Plant, by 0l. Rohde. GERMAN, per, RrarndrPlne Vol XXXIII, 1937, pp 65-7T.- CSIRO/No 5891 Results of Hxperiments With the Auger Hole Method of Iooghoudt-Ernst for the Determination of Permeability of Groundwater Soils, by H. Wolkowitz. GHRMAN, per, Kulturtochinikor, Vol XLVII, 1959, Pp 'CSIRO/No 5855 lixperionces With the D~estructive Spraying of Potato Fields, by fl. R. Keller, It. Weiss. GERMiAN, per, Mittcilungon fucr die Schwizerische Landwirtschaft, Vol IV, No 6, 1956p pp GB./39/11n Determilnation of Plant Available Nitrogen in Soils, by G. Lenhard. GERNIAN, per, Z fuer Pf lan zone niahrun g und Dtingung, Vol LXXVII, 1957ppT r,3/25 investigations on the Frost Resistance of the Fruit W'oods -in the Nursery Stage, by 11. Knrnatz. GEIIIAN, par, Zuchtcr, Vol XXV!, No 10, 19S6, pp NRC/Ref: C

119 Scientific Agriculture CContd) Studies on the Pecularities in the Physiological Processes of Rice-Leaves in Each Leaf Pcsition and Their Significance, by A. Tanaka. JAPANESE, per, Journal of Soil and Manure, Vol XXIX, No 8, 1958, pp 1-7. CSIRO/No 6147 Effects of Inorganic Nutrients on Flower Bud Differentiation of Plants, by Y. Goto. JAPANESE, per, Journal of Soil and Manure, Vol XXX, No 12, 1960, pp CSIRO/No 6023 Notes on the Temporary Water Level Method of Unsteady Flow Computation in River Channels, by Maria Baczek, Jan Cunge, 10 pp. POLISH, per, Gospodaka Wodua, Vol XVIII, No 5, 1958, OTS R pp PL-480 Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Hodowla Roslin, Aklimatyzacja i Nasiennictwo. Vol 1, No 1, 1957, pp OTS Smut Resistance of Corn Varieties Invest- PL-480 igated by the Method of Field Infection, by Halina Riegerowa, Andrzej Stabonaki, 30 pp. Vol I, No 2, 1957, pp OTS Investigations on the Inactivation of the PL-480 Tobacco Mosaic Virus by Heating, by Jan Berbec, Maria Bewolska, 10 pp. Vnl I, No 3, 1957, pp OTS Changes in Glycoalkaloid Contents in Leaves PL-480 of Cultivated and Wild Potatoes and Their Hybrids During Growth and Their Influence on the Colorado Potato Beetle, by Tadeusz Pierzchalski, 16 pp. Vol III, No 2, 1959, pp OTS Studies on Buckwheat. Part IX. Grain and Green PL-480 Forage Yields as Depending on 10 Different Sooding Times, by S. Lewicki, H, Ruszknwski, et al, 11 pp. Vol III, No 6, 1959, pp OTS Assessment of Wheat Varieties from the Point PL-480 of View of Suitability for Mechanical Harvesting, by Tadeusz Roman, 30 pp,

120 Scientific Agriculture (Contd) Relation Between Atterberg Limits and Moisture of Capillary Saturation, by Mieczyslaw Rozanski, 8 pp. POLISH, per, ZeszZty Naukowe Wyzszej Szkol)- Rolniczej we wvroclawiu, No 13, 1958, pp OTS PL-480 The Work of Spring Cultivators on Slopes, by Z. Martini, B. Pantera, et al, 5 pp. POLISH, per, ZeszZty Naukowe Wyzszej Szkoly Rolniczej we Wroclawiu, Vol IX, No 25, 1959, OTS pp PL-480 The Work of Harrows on Slopes, by Z. Martini, B. Pantera, 12 pp. POLISH, per, Zeszyty Naukowe Wyzszej Szkoly Rolniczej we Wroclawiu, Vol X, No 29, 1960, OTS pp PL-480 The Effect of DDT,and HCC Gammexen on Seed Germination and on the Growth of Young Plants, by P. Vukasovic, 14 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Arhiv za Poloprivredne, OTS Vol IV, No 6, 1951, pp U7137 PL-480 Agriculture in 1963, by Steven Mihailovic, 15 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, per, Poljoprivreda i Zadrugarstvo, Vol X, No 2, 1963, pp 3-7. JPRS The Extent, Types, and Results of Cooperation in Animal Husbandry in Serbia, by J. Stanojevic, R. Badnjarevic, 26 pp. SURBO-CROATIAN' per, Poljoprivreda i Zadrujarstvo, Vol X, No 2, 1963, pp B-16. JPRS Renults of Agrotechnical Practices in Vine Nurseries of the Minis Vineyard, by I. Dronca, P. Popa. SPANISH, per, Gradina, Via si Livada, Vol XI, No 3, 1962, pp CSIRO/No 6007 Planting Grafted Vines in Hteavy Suols, by B. Baractaru. SPANISH, per, Gradina, Via si Livada, Vol Xl, No 3, 1962, pp CSIRO/No 6006 Recent Observations of the Poisoning of Bees by Methods of Plant Protection, by Wahlin. SWEDISII, per, Nordisk Bitidskrift, Vol XI, NZDIA Conditions of Absolute Invariance and Stability for Learning Systems With Probability Links, by 0. II. Ivakhnenko, 16 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Avtomatykn, No 1, 1963, pp 3-9. JPRS

121 Scientific Biological F, Medical Sciences Contributions on the tpper Paloozoic Fatna of the Donsas, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Bacteriological Studies and Diinfuctioi, uf the Air, by G. I. Karpukhin. RUSSIAN, bk, Bakteriologicheskoye Isslodovanive i *ACSI Obezzarazhivani/ye Vozdukha, 1962, pp ID Biological Aspects of Cybernetics, 348 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Biologichoskiye Aspekt Z Kihornetiki -- Sbornik Rabot, Moscow, 1963, pp JPRS E!pidemiological Observation in a Focus of Infection, by C, D. Grinberg, (NY-7697) RUSSIAN, bk, I'pidomiologichcskoy, Obslodovaniy v Ochage Infoktsii, Moscow, 1962, 130 Pp. *JPRS Flora of the USSR, by V. L. Komarov, 622 pp. OTS RUSSIAN, bk, Flora SSSR, Vol I, PL-480 Curative and Preventive Aspects of Public Health Services for Rural I 'pulatlon, by I. I. Rozenfel'd, 4 5 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Lechohno-profilaktichoskoo Ohsluzhivnnio OTS Sel'skogo Naseleniye, Moscow, PL-480 Essays on the History of Aviation Medicine, by A. A. Seryeyov. RUSSIAN, bik, Ochorki po Istorii Aviatsionnoy Meditsiny, l962, pp I=0.7 *NASA TT F-176 Acute Radiation Diseases and Their Treatment, by I. M. Poltavots, RUSSIAN, bk, Ostryye Radiatsionnyye Porazheniya i ikh Lechenlye. Gosmedizdat USSR, Kiev, 1962, 155 pp. *FTD-TT The Role of Primary Production in Solving Problems of Hydrobiological Processes and the Moans of Controlling Them, by V. I. Zhadin. RUSSIAN, ik, Porvicluiaya Produktsiya Moray i *Nnvy/I1O Vnutrennykh Vod, 1961, pp Tr 199 Primary Process of Radiation Injury, by B. N. Tarusov, 28 pp, RUSSIAN, bk, PervichnZye Protsessy Luchevogo Porazheniya, Mloscow, 1963, pp 2, 85-93, JPRS

122 Scienti fic Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Translations From a Russian Book on the Prophylaxis and Treatment of Caisson Disease, by N. N. Shchupnkov, 71 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Profilaktika i Lecheniye Kessonnoy Bolezni, Moscow, 1962, pp 2, 3-19, 75-83, , 1-171T, 186. JPRS Translations From Radioactive Contamination of the Environment, 28 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Radioaktivnyye Zag;Zrtazneniya Vneshney Sredy, 1962, pp ; ,JPRS Synthetic Atropine-Like Substances, by Sergey Georgiyevich Kuznetsov, Sergoy Nikolayevich Golikov, 424 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Sintetichesktye Atropinopodobnyye Veshchestva, 19z2 2 Over Obstacles on to the Stars, by Boris Valer'yanovich Lyapunov, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Nikolayev. (NY-7715) RUSSIAN, bk, Skvoz' Ternii k Zvezdam (Per Aspora Ad Astra), Moscow, 1962, pp Selected Articles From the Russian Book Sovetskiyo Rybokhozya stvennyo Issledovaniya v Moryakh Evropeyskogo Severa, *JPRS *Ministry of Agriculture Changes in the Barents Sea Bottom Fauna Under the Influence of Fluctuations in the Hydrological Regime, by K. N. Nesis, (pp ). Studies of the Reproduction and Development of Fish in the Northern Seas, by I. I. Kazanova, T. A. Pertseva-Ostroumova, (pp ). Main Stages in the Soviet Studies of the Redfish in the North Atlantic, by V. A. Borodntov, V. I. Travin, (pp ). Soviet Investigations Cnnerning Spnwning Crounds of the Atlanto-Scandian Herring, by I. G. Yudanov, (pp ). Migrations of Atlanto-Scandian Herring, by Yu. Yu. Marti, A. P. Vilson, (pp ). On the Dynamics of the Biological Condition of the Atlanto-Scandian Herring in the Summer Period, hy D. A. Shubnikov, (pp )

123 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Book Sovetskiye Rybokhozyaystvennye Issledovaniya v Moryakh uvropeyskogo Severa, (Contd) *Ministry of Agriculture Peculiarities in Distribution, Growth and Maturation of Some Herring Year-Classes in the Barents Sea, by 1. V. Shutova-Korzh, (pp ). On the Distribution and Migrations of the Summer- Herring in the Norwegian Sea, by K. A. Lyamin, (pp ). Distribution of Herring of the Atlanto-Schandian Stock, by I. G. Fridlyand, I. I. Osetinskaya, et al, (pp ). On Methods of Scouting for Herring in the Northern Seas, by A. A. Baral, (pp ). On the Estimation of the Atlanto-Scandian Herring Stock, by Yu. Yu. Harti, S. S. Fedorov, et al, (pp ). Fisheries Investigations in the Middle Atlantic, by A. N. Probatov, E. S. Prosviro, ot al, (pp ). Problems in Space Medicine, by V. I. Yazdovskiy. RUSSIAN, bk, Voprosy Kommicheskoy Meditsiny; Sbornik Statey Zarubezhnykh Avtorov, Moscow, 1962, 323 pp. *TD-Tr Problems of Radiobiology, by M. N. Pobedinskiy, P. N. Kiselev, 363 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Voprosy Radiobiologii, Vol I, OTS PL-480 Some Consequences of the Genetics Code, by H. V. Volkenshtain. RUSSIAN, per, Biofizika, No 8, 1963, pp 394, 395. *USDA Factors that Determine the DibLrlbution and Structuro of Phytocoenoses, by A. Shakhov. RUSSIAN, per, Botan Zhur, Vol XXXIV, No 2, 1949, pp CSIRO/No 6056 The Cell Drying Mechanism in Proliferating Cultures of the Blue-Green Algae Anabaena Variablis and Amorphonostoc Puntiforne, by V. n. Fedorov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, t ok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLIV, No 6, 1962, pp JPRS

124 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) General Characteristics of Plankton and Benthos Distribution in the Gulf of Tonkin and in Adjoining Areas of the South China Sea, by N. A. Zarenkov, et al, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVIII, No 6, 1963, pp JPRS Determination of the Absorptive Power of Leaves by the Liquid Float Method, by V. Shardakov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk Uzbek SSR, No S, 1951, pp CSIRO/No 5684 Determination of the Absorptive Power of Leaves Using the Grading Tube Method, by V. Shardnkov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk Uzbek SSR, No 12, 1951, pp CSIRO/No 5685 Uptake of Radioisotopes by Some Aquatic Insects, by A. B. Getsova, G. A. Volkova, 35 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Entomologich Obozreniye, Vol XLI, No 1, 1962, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya. JPRS Vol XXV, No 3, Comparative Study of the Curariform and Other Pharmacological Properties of the Dimethiodide and Dimethylsulfomethylate of 1, 4-Bis-(9-Methyl- 3, 9-Diazabicyclo-(3, 3, 1)-Nonano-3) Butane, by, B. A. Modvedev, 11 pp, (pp ). The Uffect of Bis-Quaternary Ammonium Compounds of Quinuclidine on Transmission of the Nerve Impulse in Sympathetic Ganglia and on Myoneural Conduction, by F. Sadritdinov, 14 pp, (pp S). Biological Activity of Dialkylphosphinic Acid Usters and Their Comparative Characteristics, by I. V. Zaikonnikova, 10 pp, (pp ). Vol XXV, No 5, 1962, pp The Prevention and Treatment of Experimental Hyporkinesias With Ilyperkinesias With Anticholinergic Agents, by P. P. Denisenko, 17 pp

125 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Solected Articles From the Russian Periodical Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya. (Contd) JPRS Vol XXV, No 6, A New Anticholinergic Agent -- Aprolidin, by M. D. Mashkovskiy, K. A. Zaytseva, 9 pp, (pp ). The Curariform Prol;erties of the Dichloride of 1, 6-DI-(3', 3'-Benzylquinuclidyl-l').Ilexamine (Qualidil), by M. D. Mashkovskiy, F. Sadritdinov, 10 pp, (pp ). The Pharmacology of Su2-, 3-Mono- and 2, 3- Disubstituted Quinuclidines, by I. M. Sharapov, 11 pp, (pp ). Vol XXVI, No 1, 1963, pp The Pharmacology of S-Methoxytryptamine Hydrochloride Mexamine, by M. D. Mashkovskiy, G. S. Arutyunyan, 11 pp. The Effect of Gibberellic Acid on the Ergot Claviceps Purpurea Tul. in a Saprophytic and Parasitic Culture, by N. I. Ostrovskiy, A. I. Shalagina, et al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fiziologiya Rasteniy, Vol VIII, No 3, 1961, pp 358-3IU0. JPRS Combined Effect of Vibration and Noise on the Human Organism, by A. A. Arkad'yevskiy, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Gig i San, No 10, 1962, pp FTD-rT Effect of Hicroquantities of Stable Strontium on Mineral Metabolism and Uptake of SR90, by V. A. Knizhnikov, P. F. Bugryshev, 12 pp. RUSSIANI per, Gig i San, Vol XXVIII, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Building up the Resistance of Boarding School Students by Ultraviolet Irradiation, by T. P. Bezverkhaya, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Gig i San, Vol XXVIII, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS I1 -

126 Scientific Biological 4 Medical Sciences (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biol. No 6, 1962, pp FTD-TT Nucleic Acids and Evolution in Algae, by G. P. Serenkov, 18 pp. No 2, 1963, pp JPRS On the Role of Viruses in the Origin of Cancer, by L. A. Zil'ber, 16 pp, (pp ). Some Physiological Reactions of Animals During Flights in the Bio-Cabins of Ballistic Rockets up to Heights of KM, by I. I. Kaslyan, 17 pp, (pp ). The Remote Effect of Cosmic Flight Upon the Vestibular-Tonic and Flexor Reflex in the Guinea *Pig, by Z. I. Apanasenko, M. A. Kuznetsova, 10 pp, (pp ) Morphological and Histochemical Investigations of the Labyrinth of Animals in the Conditions of a Changing Gravitational Field, by Ya. A. Vinnikov, 0. G. Gasenko, 12 pp, (pp ). Micronecrotic Foci in the Spleens of Irradiated Animals, by V. A. Sondak, M. N. Meysel', 10 pp, (pp ). No 3, 1963, pp JPRS The Genetics of Tumor Cells, by Yu. M. Olenov, 26 pp. Effect of Fnvironmental CnnditinnR n the Heritability of Characteristics, by G. A. Stakan, A. A. Soskin, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Sibir Otdbl Ak Nauk SSSR, No 12, 1962, pp JPRS On a Combination of Leukosis With Pregnancy, by V. V. Akkerman, S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Klin Med, Vol XXXVIII, No 1, 1960, pp NIII

127 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Mikrobiologiya. Vol XXXI, No 6, JPRS On the Advisability of Using Bacterial Fertilizers, by M. T. Kvaratskheliya, 8 pp, (pp ). The Role of Synchronous Cultures in the Biology of Chlorella and Their Practical Use, by S. V. Goryunova, G. N. Rzhanova, 18 pp, (pp ). Soviet Studies on the History of the Microscope and Microscopic Research, by A. I. Metelkin, 9 pp, (pp ). Vol XXXI, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Description of Certain New Species and Varieties of Cellulose-Decomposing Myxobacteria, by N. I. Pronina, 15 pp. Ecological Study and Classification of Plant Groups, by L. Ramenskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Moskov Obshch Ispytatelei Prirody Byul, Otdel Biolog, Vol LVIII, No 1, 1953, pp CSIRO/No 5735 New Apparatus for the Determination of Air Humidity in Animal Holes and Bird Nests at a Distance, by V. Sokolov. RUSSIAN, per, Moskov Obshch Ispytatelei Prirody Byul, Otdel Biolog, =ot, 1961, pp 115-I19. CSIRO/No 6091 Reproduction of Water Fleas as Affected by Concentration of Bacteria, by Ye. F. Manuylova, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Nauch Dok Vysshoay Shkoly, Biolog Nauk, No 2, 1962, pp JPRS Measures for the Further Development of the Science of Biology, and the Consolidation of Its Link With Practical Sciences, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Nauch Dok Vysshey Shkoly, Biolog Nauk, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS 191;7 The Most Promising Fishing Regions According to the Data of Oceanological Research, by D. Ya. Berenbeym, A. N. Probatov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Okeanologiya, Vol III, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Current Problems in Pediatrics, by H. Ya. Studenikin, L. K. Skornyakova, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Pediatriya, No 1, 1963, pp 3-7. JPRS

128 Scientific Biological 4 Medical Sciences (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Rybnoye Khozyaystvo. No 9, JPRS Tasks of the State Scientific Research Institute of Lake and River Fishing (GosNIORKh), by P. L. Pirozhnikov, 13 pp, (pp 7-12). Tasks of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Fishing (UNIIRKh), by V. A. Murin, 5 pp, (pp 12-16). No 1, JPRS Saury, by S. I. Apanovich, 7 pp. (pp 9-13). Quantitative Assay of Baltic Cod Concentrations by Means of a Sonic Depth Finder, by K. I. Yudanov, 11 pp, (pp 26-32). Underwater Observations of the Behavior of the Caspian Kilka, by 1. V. Nikonorov, 5 pp, (pp 32-36). No 2, JPRS Improving the Technology of the Fishing Industry, 12 pp, (pp 3-9). The Expediency of Acclimatization of the Chinese Parch and the Erythroculter Rrythropterus in the Inland Waters of the European Part of the USSR, by T. L. Kovalik, 7 pp, (pp 19-23). No 6, JPRS Comprehensive Mechanization and Automation -- the Main Line of Development of the Fishing Industry. 9 pp. (pp 3-7). World Oceanic Fishing Resources, by G. V. Martinsen, 10 pp, (pp 15-21). New Fishing Objects. South Atlantic Sardine, by S. M. Ovuik6, ; pp, (pp 21-23). No 3, 1963, pp 3-6. JPRS Advancing International Relations in the Fishing Industry. 6 pp. The Problem of the Irritating Effect of Ionizing Radiation. by K. Sh. Nadareyshvili, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Soobshcheniza Ak Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Vol XXX, No , pp JPRS

129 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Features of the Development of Weeds in Siberia. RUSSIAN, per, Sovetskaya Botanika, Vol XII, No 4, 5, NZDIA Chemical Burns of the Stomach and Their Treatment, by A. S. Komarov, S. I. Kotomina, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Sovet Medit, Vol XXVI, No 12, 1962, pp JPRS Certain Problems of Soviet Medicine, by S. M. Pavlenko, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Sovet Medit, Vol XLI, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Training the Mind for Science and Creativity, by A. Veynik, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Tekhnika Molodezhi, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Radioactive Contaminations of Biosphere and Measures of Correlating Same. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Ak Nauk SSSR Iral'ski4 Filial; Inst Biologii Sbornik Rabot Laboratorii Biofizai, No 4, *rtd=tr Transactions of the Murmansk Institute of Marine Biology. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Ak Nauk SSSR, Murmanskiy Morskoy Biologicheskiy Institut, No 3(7), Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Trudy Baltiyskiy Nauch-Issled Inst Morskogo Rybnogo Khoz I Okoanograf. Distribution of Commercial Fish Shoals in the Suuthurn Bultic ii Wintor and Spring, 1956, by N. P. Biryukov, (pp 3-33). Feeding Conditions and Growth of the Sprat, by N. I. Nikolayev, (pp 34, 35). *FTD-TT *Ministry of Agriculture On the Causes of Fluctuation of Catches of Sprat in Vislinsk Bay, by A. V. Selotskaya, (pp 46-57). State of Abundance cf Salaka and Sprats in the Southern Part of the Baltic Sea, by A. V. Selotskaya, (pp ). Induction of Certain Symptoms of Atropine Psychosis in Animals and Their Significance, by M. A. Goldonberg. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Gosudarstvennyi Mod Inst, Vol XXIX, 19S7. MII/T

130 Scientific Biological $ Medical Sciences (Contd) Data on Study of Flora and Vegetation of the Ural. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Ak Nauk SSSR, Ural'skiy Filial, Inst Biol, Problems of Physiology and Pathology of the Nervous System, by K. M. Bykov, Ye. Sh. Ayrapel'yants. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst Fiziol imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol VIII, 1959, 631 pp. *FTD-TT *FTD-TT Transactions of the Institute of Genetics. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Ak Nauk SSSR, Inst Genetiki, No 29, 'FTD-TT A New Fish of the Lumpfish Family Found at a Depth of More Than Seven Kilometers, by A. P. Andriyashev, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst Okeanolog Ak Nauk SSSR, OTS Vol XII, 1955, pp P1-480 Larvae of Mackerel-Like Fish, Pisces, Scombriformes From the Indian Ocean, by N. N. Gorbunova, 35 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst Okeanolog, Vol LXII, 1963, pp JPRS Cod Sexual Cycle and Spermatogenesis, by V. P. Sorokin. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Polyarnyy Nauch-Issled Inst Morskogo Rybnogo Khoz I Okeanograf, Vol XII, 1960, pp *Ministry of Agriculture Biological Basis of the Rational Conduct of Fishing, by L. S. Berdichevskiy, 31 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Soveschaniy Ikhtiolog Komissii, No 13, 1961, pp JPRS Resolution of the Conference on the Dynamics of Fish Populations, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Soveshchaniy IkhtiologKomissii, No 13, 1961, pp JPRS Fishes of the Okhotsk Sea, by P. Yu. Shmidt. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Tikhookeanskogo Komiteta, Sprat of the Black Sea, by N. E. Aslanova. kussian, per, Trudy Vses Nauch-Issled Inst Morskogo Rybnogo Khoz I Okeanograf, Vol XXVIII, 1954, pp *Inst of Fisheries Vancouver *Ministry of Agriculture

131 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) A Review of the Genus Lycenchelys Gil, Pisces, Zoarcidae and Related Forms in the Seas of the USSR and Adjacent Waters, by A. P. Andriyashev, 37 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Zool Inst Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol XVIII, OTS , pp MO-T PL-480 The Effect of the Maintenance Temperature on the Heat Resistance of Hydras and Their Cells, by I. N. Dregollskaya, 19 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Tsitologiya, Vol V, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS The Philosophical Questions of Cybernetics, by B. F. Semkov, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Nauk SSSR, No 9, 1962, pp FTD-TT Certain Results of the Development of Space Biology, *by G. P. Mikhaylovskiy, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Nauk SSSR, No 12, 1962, pp 10S FTD-TT The Reservoir as a Biotope, by G. B. Mel'nikov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Skologii, Vol IV, 1962, pp JPRS 1949b Problems of Perception and the Phenomenon of Attunement of the Sense Organs, by P. G. Snyakin, A. I. Yesakov, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, VoprosF Pilosofti, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Voprosy Ikhtiologiy. No 11, 1958, pp OTS An Addition to the Review of Lycenchelys Gill, PL-480 With a Discription of Three New Species From the Kurilo-Kamchatkan Trench, by A. P. Andriyashev, 10 pp. Vol 11, No 1(22), JPRS Biological Fishery Research in Siberia, by B. G. Ioganzen, 25 pp, (pp 3-17). Radiation Injury to Carp Gonads, by N. V. Cherfas, 18 pp, (pp ). Breeding of Vimba Vimba Carinata Rallas in the Dnieper After Construction of the Kakhovskaya Hydroelectric Station, by V. 1. Vladimirov, 15 pp, (pp )

132 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Selected Articles From'the Russian Periodical Voprosy Ikhtiologiy. (Contd) Vol II, No 1(22), JPRS Feeding of Young Salmon, Salmo Salar L. Raised in Ponds in Early Developmental Stages, by I. B. Bogatova, 7 pp, (pp ). Numbers of Migratory Fish in Relation to Hydroelectric Construction, by Yu. A. Mitrokhin, V. R. Protasov, et al, 6 pp, (pp ). Vol II, No 4 (25), Seasonal Blood Changes in Pinh of the Rybinsk Reservoir, by L. I. Smirnova, (pp ). *Ministry of Agriculture Activation of Natrium Excreting Cells in the Gills of Chum and Pink Salmon Adapting to Existence in Marine Waters, by Yu. V. Natochin, G. D. Bocharov, (pp ). Some Data on Feeding in the Barents Sea Cod, by M. I. Tarverdyeva, (pp ). Ability of Some Black Sea Fishes to Orient Themselves to the Source of Sound, by Yu. D. Podlipalin, (pp ). Some Principles Of Correction Tables To Be Used for Evaluation of the Rate of Information Processing, by A. A. Genkin, V. I. Medvedev, et al, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Psikhologii, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical VoprosX Virusologii. No 1, Luminescent Microscopy Study of Tissue Culture Cells During the Initial Phase of Their Interaction With Sendal Virus, by A. G. Duktinskaya, F. I. Yershov, 8 pp, (pp 18-22). JPRS Immunologic Structure of the Moscow Populace to Adenoviruses, by R. S. Dreizin, E. E. Zolotarskaya, (pp 85-91). NIH No 2, JPRS Luminescent Microscopy Study of the Formation of Incomplee Sendai Virus in a Tissue Culture Treated With Proflavine, by A. C. Bukrinskaya, 7 pp, (pp ). Studyof Interaction of Sendai Virus With Cell 0 Lau rane Culture by Means of Fluorescent by Antibody, V. M4 Zhdanov, N, B. Azadova, 7 pp, (pp lo2-167)

133 Scientific Biological 6 Medical Sciences (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol. No 6, 1962, pp JPRS The Effectiveness of Fluorescence and Phase- Contrast Bacterioscopic Diagnosis of Tuberculosis, by I. K. Tsellarius, K. V. Shmaliy, 7 pp. No 7, 1962, pp JPRS Method of Processing Bacteriological Preparations With Fluorescent Antibodies, by I. 0. Dashkevich, S. I. D'yakov, 9 pp. No 9, 1962, pp JPRS Experience of Using Fluorescent Antibodies for the Accelerated Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever and Paratyphoids, by I. V. Osipova, 9 pp. No 12, On the Natural Occurrence of Leptospirosis Foci, by V. S. Kiktenko, (pp 49-S4). *USDA The Use of Luminescent Serum for the Rapid Diagnosis of Dysentery, by I. S. Zinov'yeva, M. K. Shpagina, 5 pp, (pp ). JPRS No 1, 1963, pp JPRS The Detection of Antibodies Against Rickettsia Prowazeki by the Luminescent-Serological Method, by M. Balayeva, M. Ya. Korn, at al, 8 pp. No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Fluorescent Antibodies in Microbiology, by I. I. Cherchenko, 17 pp. Use of Interference-Separator Mirrors in Fluorescent Microscopy, by Ye. M. Brumberg, T. N. Krylova, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Btolog, Vol XIV, No 6, 1953, pp JPRS Review of Second Edition of G. V. Platonov's Book: The World Outlook of K. A. Tliryazev, by V. P. Dobrokhalov, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Biolog, Vol XIV, No 6, 1953, pp JPRS Development of General Problems of Biology in Russia, by I. Ye. Amlinskiy, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch iolog, Vol XXIII, No 5, 1962, pp JPRS

134 Scientific Biolorical & :ledical Sciences (Contd) Thu Natural Focus of Trichinosis in the Artic, by G. G. Smirnov, 10 pp. RUSSTAN, per, Zool Zhur, Vol XlII, No l pp JPRS Tle Caspian Fauna in the Azov-Blnck Sea Basin, by L. A. Zonkovich, F. P. Hordukhay-Boltovskiy, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zool Zhur, Vol XLII, No 3, 1963, pp IRS Microbiology in China, and in Particular, Virological Research at the Institute for Ilicrobiology in Wuhan, by Kao Shan-yin, 8 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Prirodo, Vol XT, No 6, Nov/Dec 1962, pp JPRS Effect of Small Doses of Bota-Rays Prom Radioactivw Phosphorus on the Organism of Sheep, by F. V. Zakharova. RUI.GARIAN, per, Zhlvotnovodstvo, Vol XXI, No 11, 1959, pp NZDIA Recent Devolopments in Anesthesia in China as Viewed in Articles Received by This Journal, by Shang To-yen, 5 pp. CIIINIISEI per, Chung-hun Wni-k'o Tsa-chih, Vol X, No 12, 5 Doc 1962, pp 773, 774. JPRS Eitolopgy and Mechanism of High Favor Ievoloped After Cervical Spinal Sections, by Wu Tsu-yno, T'an Pu-shong, 10 pp. CIIlNESE, per, Chun&-hua lqni-k'o Tsa-chih, Vol X, No 12, 5 Dec 1962, pp JPRS Ionization Radiation in Croatian Industry, by Branko Prpic, Jerka Despotovic, et nl, 8 pp. CROATIAN, per, Tehnika, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Lactic Acid Fermentation, by H. Buntova, at al. CZi.Cl, per, Biologia, Vol XV, No 5, 1960, pp CSIRO/No 6114 Cultivation of Pasteurella Tularensis on a Simple Liquid Medium, by Hohumir Lukas, 8 pp. CZaiG, per, Ceskoslovenska Spidemiologie, Mikrobiolooie. Immunologie, No 11, July 1962, pp US Army Biol Lab The Urinary Excretion of Noradrenaline and Adrenaline During Musctalar Exercise, by N. T. Karki, R. Vasama. FINNISH, per, Sotilaslaaketieleelline Aikokanslehti, Vol XXXIV, 1959, pp 59-69, NII

135 Scientific Biological &i Medical Sciences (Contd) On the Extraordinary Degrees of Hent Which Man and Animals are Capable of Resisting, by M. Tillet. FRENCH, bk, Memoriesde Lfacademie Royale, 1764, pp *T1'!71'rTj63.6() Yeasts Doparaffin Petroleum, Increase Its Vnluc and Yield Proteins, by Jean Grive. ',ACSI FREiNCHI, rpt, Science Progres, Mar 1963, pp TD Isolation of Bacteriophage Recuptor Substances From Shigellae, by J. Boumer,.7. B1irkx, 5 pp. FRENCH, per, Annales de l'institute Pasteur, Vol XCVIII, No 6. pp 910-T914. LIS Army Riol l,nh Lipid Nature of the Substances Responsible for the Hlemolytic Activity of Myxovirus I'srain fluonzae, Sendai Virus, by C. Rebel, Ri. Fontagos, ot al. FRENCH, per, Annales de IlInstitut Pasteur, Vol CII, No 2, 1962, pp NIH The Diagnosis of Viral Pneumonopathies. Laboratory Aspect, by Monique Reginster. FRENCH,per' Bruxelles-Medical, Vol XLI, No 43, 1961, pp/ M3.- NIH Now Observation of Aphemia Produced by a L~esion of the Posterior Half of the Second and Third Frontal Convolutions, by Paul Broca. FRENCH, per, Bulletin at Memoires Societe Anatomigue do Paris, Vol XXXVI, 1861, pp NIhI Investigation of Ovarian Function by Means of Chorionic Gonadotropins in Combination With Dexamethasone, Application to the Diagnostic of Ovarian Virilism, by M. F. Jayle, R. Schol [or. FRENCH, per, Clinics Chimica Acta, Vol VII, 1962, pp N Infectious and in Particular Viral ltiology of Multiple Sclerosis Role of Macroglia. by P. Guiraud. FRENCH, per, 1'Encephale, Vol LI, No 3, 1962, pp NIH A Study of Some 132 Cases of Cancer of the Vulva, Examined at the Gustave-Roussy Institute in 1946 to 1958, by Pierre Denoix, Jean Lacour, 6 pp. FRENCII, per, Momoires do Academia Chirurgie. Jan 1962, Navy Tr 3404 pp NMS

136 Scientific Biological 4 Medical Sciences (Contd) Genetic Research on the Resistance of Insects, to the Action of Toxic Substances, by R. Milani. FRENCH, per, Revista di Parassitologia, Vol XVII, No 4, 1956, pp 223, 234; Vol XVIII, No 1, 1957, pp PANSDOC/Ref. 468 Immunological Research on Peripneumonia. First Part: The Agglutination Reaction, by A. Provost, R. Queval. FRENCH, per, Revue d'elv Med Vet Pays Trop, Vol X, 1957, pp NIH Immunological Researches on Pleuropneumonia VI. Bases for a Serological Classification of Microorganisms of the Genus Mycoplasma, by J. M. Villemot, A. Provost. FRENCH, per, Revue d'elev Med Vey Pays Trop, Vol XII, pp ' NIH Cancerous Transformation in Vitro, by G. Barski. FRENCH, per, Revue Francaise d'etudes Cliniques et Biologigues, Vol VII, No 5, 1962, pp NIH New Experiments in the Grafting of Homologous Bone Marrow After Total Irradiation of Children Suffering From Acute Leukemia During a Remission Phase. The Problem of the Secondary Syndrome in Man, by G. Mathe, Jean Bernard, et al. FRENCH, per, Revue ditlematologie, Vnl XV, No 2, 3, 1960, pp NIH Lichens, by G. Lindau. GRRMAN, bk, Kryptogamenflora fuer Anfangor, Dritter Band, 1923, pp MU/T 486 Brown Lung Induration in Children With Secondary Anemia, by S. Scheidegger, A. Dreyfus, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, Annales Paediatrici, Vol CLXV, 1945, Navy Tr 3400 pp NMS 784 Electron-Micruscujl Studios of the Connective Tissue in Skin Atrophy, by It. Teller. GERMAN, per, Archiv fuer Klinische und Experimentelle Dermatologie, Vol CCVI, 1957, pp Incidence, Cause and Detection of Nonspecific Agglutination Titres in the Diagnosis of Bovine Brucellosis, by E. Iellmann. GERMAN, per. Berliner und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift, Vol LXXIV, 1961, pp NIH 2-3S-63 NZD1A

137 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Behaviour Studies on Egg Parasites of the Genus Trichogramma, by K. Meyer. GERMAN, per, Biologische Bundesanstalt fuer Landund Forstwirtschaft. Mitteilungen, Vol C, 1960, pp NRC/Ref: C-4014 The Milk Trisaccharide Cleavable by Viruses of the Influenza Group, by Richard Kuhn, Reinhard Brossmer. GERMAN, per, Chemische Berichte, No 92, 1959, pp NIH Hypodynamic Pnergeto-Dynamic Cardiac Insufficiency in Clinical Practice, by R. Hegglin. GERMAN, per, Deutsches Archiv fuer Klinischo Medizin, Vol CCVIII, 1962, pp NIH Mt. Egmont - Taranaki, and a Contribution to the Study of the Vertical Arrangement of the Vegetation, by U. Schweinfurth. GERMAN, per, Erdkunde, Archiv fuer Wissenschaftliche Geographie, Vol XVI, No 1, 1962, pp NZDIA Investigations of the Thermal Economy and Heat Resistance of Mauretanian Desert and Savanna Plants, by 0. Lange. GERMAN, per, Flora, Vol CXLVII, 1959, pp OSIRO/No 6067 Pormation of Resin Pockets, by A. Frey-Wyssling. GERMAN, per, Holz ala Roh- und Werkstoff, No 19, 1938, pp NZDIA Chronic Hyperosmolarity Accompanying Brain Damage, Based on a Case of Cyclopean Ventricle, by W. Droese, Helga Stolley, et al. GERMAN, lir, Klinisuhe Wochenschrtft, Vol XXXVII, No 17, 1959, pp NIH Considerations on the Present Situation of Hoofand Mouth Disease in the German Democratic Republic, by A. Heinigs 8 pp. GERMAN, per, Monatshefte fuor Veternarmedizin, Vol XVIII, No 8, 15 Apr JPRS Concerning the Question of the Quantitative Characteristics of Nutrition of the Working Class, by P. Pencev, N. Hiley. 1ACSI I-2698-B GERMAN, per, Die Nahrung. No 3, 1963, pp ID

138 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) On the Demonstration of Bactericidal Substances in Commonly Used Culture Media, by A. Grumbach, 8 pp. GERMAN, per, Pathologia et Microbiologia, Vol XXV, 1962, pp US Army Biol Lab Venoud Oxygen Pressure, Regulation of Coronary Circulation and of the Carbohydrate Metabolism in the Heart With Muscular Exertion, by 11. Lochner, M. Nasseri, 20 pp. GERMAN, per, Pfluegers Archiv, Vol CCLXIX, 1959, Navy Tr 3403 pp NMS 787 Contributions to the Physiology of Prawn Shell Shedding, by H. Plandemann. GERMAN, per, Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fuer Schleswig-Holstein, No 21, , pp Formation of Resin Pockets, by A. Prey-Wyssling. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Z fuer Porstwesen, Vol XCIII, 1942, pp Occluded Resin Pockets in Spruce, by A. Prey-Wyssling. GERMAN, per, Schweizerische Z fuer Forstwesen, Vol XCIII, 1942, pp *UKAEA NZDIA NZDIA Tobacco Smoking and Pulmonary Tuberculosis, by Matthias Winkelmann. GERMAN, per, Tuberkulosearzt, No 11, 1957, pp NIH The Value of Cytological Diagnosis in Urology, by A. Suppan. GERMAN, per, Urol Int, No 12, 1961, pp NIH Arsenical Cancer Among Moselle Vine-Growers, by P. Roth. GERMAN, per, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Pathologische Gesellschaft, Vol XXXVIII, 1955, pp NIH Contributions to the Knowledge of the Physiology of the Pituitary Body, by J. B. Collip, 11. Solyo, et al. GBRMAN, per, Virchows Archiv, Vol CCXC, 1933, pp NIH Activation of the ATP-Splitting in the Muscle of Warm- Blooded and Cold-Blooded Animals by Freezing and Mechanical Injury, by W. Partmann. GEIMAN, per, Z fuer Ernahrungswissenschaft, Vol II, 1961, pp CSIRO/No

139 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Persistence of the Vaccine Virus After Smallpox Vaccination. Also a Contribution to the Problem of Vaccinal Immunity, by W. Ehrengut. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Hygience, Vol CXLVIII, 1962, pp NIH Behaviour of Chamois in the Enclosure, by W. Nel. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Jagdwissenschaft, Vol VIII, No 1, 1962, pp Epidemic Blindness in Chamois, by G. NiethamMer. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Jagdwissenschaft, Vol VIII, No 1, 1962, pp NZDIA NZDIA Serological and Clinical Studies on Viral Diseases of the Respiratory Tract. Report No I. On the Presence and Behavior of Neutralizing Antibodies Against Parainfluenza 2 and 3 Viruses, by Rudolf Deibel, Oskar Vivell, et al. GERMAN, per, Z fuor Kinderheilkunde, Vol LXXXVI, 1962, pp NIH Serological and Clinical Studies on Virus Diseases of the Respiratory Tract. Report No III. Contamination Studies With 12 Viruses of the Respiratory Tract With Different Antigens, by Rudolf Deibel, Oskar Vivell, et al. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Kinderheilkunde, Vol LXXXVI, 1962, pp NIH Paper Electrophoretic Determination of Small Concentrations of Hemoglobin in Minute Amounts of Serum, by P. Schleyer, K. Sellier, 6 pp. GURMAN, per, Z fuer Klinische Medizin, Vol CLII, 1955, Navy Tr 3401 pp NMS 785 Studies on the Structure of the Cranial Bone, by Rufold Hair. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Mikroskopisch Anatomische Porqchun, Vol v, 1926, pp NIH Electronmicroscopic Studies on the Connective Tissue of the Joint Capsule, by Horst Cotta. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Orthopadie und Ihre Grenzgebiete, Vol XCIV, No 2, 1961, pp NIH Histological Demonstration of a Nervous Transmission of Signals From the Adrenal Cortex to the Hypothalamus, by B. Halasz, J. Szentagothai. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Zellforschung, Vol L, 1959, pp NIH

140 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Technique for Measuring the ph of the Rumen Contents, by R. Matscher, et al.' ITALIAN, per, Archivio Veterinario Italiano Vol VIII, No 6, 1957, pp NRC/Ref: C-4013 Studies on the Reticulo-Rumen Digestion. I. Feeding of the Experimental Goat With a Rumen Gas, by M. Kandatsu, et al. JAPANESE, per, Journal of Agriculture Chemical Society of Japan, Vol XXIX, No 10, 1955, pp NRC/Reif C-4007 Volatile Components of Heated Edible Oils, Volatile Products of Soy-Bean Oil, by B. Toi. JAPANESE, per, Journal of the Japanese Oil Chemistry Association, Vol X, No 9, 1961, pp CSIRO/No 6070 Mode of Distribution of*plants in Plant Communities Expressed by the Equation D a AefX., by K. Suzuki. JAPANESE, per, Medicine and Biology, Vol LX, No 4, 1961, pp CSIRO/No 6082 Archives of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, by Ludwik Hirszfeld, 477 pp. POLISH, per, Archivum Immunoloii i Terapii OTS Doswidczalnej, Vol X, No 2, PL-480 Material to the Fauna of Tenthredinoidae, Humenoptera, in Poland II, by Jerzy Obarski, 7 pp. POLISH, per, Fragmenta Faunistica Musei Zoolosici OTS Polonici, Vol I, No 13, 1931, pp PL.480 The Effectiveness of Different Methods of Evoking Polyploidy by Applying Various Methods of Colchicine Treatment, by Barbara Nowak, 38 pp. POLISH, per, Hodowla Roslin, Aklimatzacja i Nasien- OTS nictwo, Vol II, No 2, 1958, pp PL-480 The Effect of Air Temperature and Humidity in the Ripening Chamber on the Development of the Surface Micraflora of Hungarian Salami, by W. Pezacki, H. Opuszynska, 12 pp. POLISH, per. Medycyna Weterynaryina, Vol XIII, No 9, OTS , pp PL-480 Contribution to the Fauna of Tenthredinoidea in Poland, by Jerzy Obarski, 11 pp. POLISH, per, Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne, Vol X, OTS No L, 1931, pp PL

141 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Attempt to Apply the Point Method for the Determination of the Sward Density, by J. Filipek. POLISH, per, Postepy Nauk Rolniczych, Vol VI, No 6, 1959, pp CSIRO/No 5813 Field and Laboratory Investigations on the Honey Fungus Armillaria Mellea Vahl Quel, by Karol Manka, 87 pp. POLISH, per, Prace Inst Badawczego Lesnictwa, No 94, OTS , pp PL-480 Accuracy of Photogrammetric Measurements of Trees and Stand Heights, by Miectyslaw Stanecki, 11 pp. POLISH, per, Roczntki Nauk Lesnysh, Vol XIII, 1955, OTS pp PL-480 The Influence of Low Doses of X-Rays on Some Species of Higher Plants, by Helena Birecka, Wieslawa Szymanska, 12 pp. POLISH, per, Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, Vol LXXIX, OTS Set A, No 3, 1959, pp B49 PL-480 A Contribution to Laboratory Investigations on the Coefficient of Lateral Pressure of Silt, by Wladyslaw Wedzinski, Janusz NaJder, 6 pp. POLISH, per, Rozpra Hydrotechniczne, No 4, 1958, OTS pp PL-480 Function of the Kidneys in Duffuse Glomerulonephritis, by Tadousz Orlowski, 103 pp. POLISH, per, Rozsrawy Komitetu Nauk Medycznych, OTS Vol I, 1956, pp PL-480 Selected Articles From the Polish Periodical Rozprawy Wydzialu Nauk Medycznych. Vol I, 1958, pp OTS '5 Functional Kidney Examinations by Moanb of the PL-480 Sodium Thiosulfate Clearance Degree, by Ilenryk Baraban, 57 pp. Vol II, 1958, pp OTS Pneumonia in Children up to Three Years of Age PL-480 Pathomorphological Assay, by Danuta Szymanska, 61 pp. Vol I, 1960, pp OTS Inhibition of Histamino Hypotensive Effects by PL.480 Adrenalin, by Jerzy Litwin, 134 pp. Vol II, 1960, pp S7 OTS Regressive Changes in Multiform (lioma, by PL-480 Maria Ojak, 176 pp

142 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Study of the Persistence of Blood Group Antigens in Cells Cultured in Vitro and Their Possible Use as Genetic Markers, by L. De Carli, G. Modiano, et al. ITALIAN, per, Atti A.G.1., Vol V1, 1961, pp NIH 2-19-f,3 Nuclear Inclusions in Malignant Tumors, by L. Pecchiai, S. D'Ancona. ITALIAN, per, Instituto Lombardo di Science, Biologiche e Mediche' (Rend. Sc.) B92' 1958N pp NIH Alterations of the Mesenchymal Ground Substance in Psoriasis, by E. Keining, 0. Braun-Falco. ITALIAN, per, Minerva Dermatologica, Vol XXXIV, No 3, 1959, pp NIH Culture Experiments on HeLa Cells in Cases of Molluscum Contagiosum, Verruca Vulgaris, and Pemphigus Bullosus and Vegetans, by Antonio Sapuppo, Delia Rizzu. ITALIAN, per, Minerva Dermatologica, Vol XXXIV, 1959, pp NI Poisonous Fishes and Plants in the Tropics, by Dept of Interior Toshio Kumada. 209(900) JAPANESn, bk, qun33pr No 378 Plants of Marcus Island, by Yoshitada Yabe. Dept of Interior JAPANESE, per, Botanical Magazine, Vol XVI, No 189, 1902, p (900) qun33pr No 397 Caulorpa Species in the South Seas, by Yukio Yamada. Dept of Interior JAPANESE, per, Kagaku Nanyo, Vol III, No 2, 1940, 209(900) pp qun33pr No 398 Studia, on ExperimunLally Produced Bacterial Endocarditis: Relation Between Mucopolysaccharide and ProducLion of the Disease, by Jun Abe. JAPANESE, per, Koio Igaku, Vol XXXVI. Fusion io drivers esxi free. No 10, 1959, pp NIH Histologic Findings in Rabbit Adrenals From Experimental Methanol Poisoning, by Ikuo Ando, Nobuaki Sasano. JAPANESE, per, Tohoku Igaku Zasshi, Vol L, 1954, pp NIII Clinical, Pathological and Pathogenic Distinctive Characteristics of Acute or Subacute Diffuse Glomerulonephritis, by 11. L. de Oliveria, Jose Filho, 5 pp. PORTUGUESE, per, Rovista Asociation Media Brasil, Navy Tr 3406 Vol VII, Apr 1961, pp N.S

143 Scientific Biological & Medical Sciences (Contd) Evolution of Nephropathy, Produced in Rats With Antipulmonary Serum, by J. S. Laus Filho, Walter Hadler, 7 pp. PORTUGUESE, per, Revista Asociation Media Brasil, Navy Tr 3405 Vol VII, 1961, pp NMS'789 Experimental Research on the Influence of Temperature Upon the Development and the Population Dynamics of the Gypsy Moth, by M. Maksimovic, 95 pp. SERBO-CROATIAN, bk, Eksperimentalna IstrazivanJa o Dejstvu Temperature na individualno Razvice I Populaclonu Dinamiku Gubara, Vol 11, 1958, pp 115. OTS PL-480 The Use of Coichicine Methud for Solution of Causal Morphological Problems, by V. Gligic, 6 pp. SURBO-CROATIAN, bk, Upotreba Kolhicinske Meted za Resavanje Kauzalno-Mortoloskil Problema, 194-, OTS pp PL-480 Pharmacodynamics of Psychic Functions of the Central Nervous System, by Frantisek Svec, 79 pp. SLOVAK, per, Parmakodynamika, 1960, pp JPRS Nature of the Pastures Where Derriengue is Found, by Jose L. Hernandez. SPANISH, bk, Relacion de Causa a Efecto Entre la Zamia Media y la Paresia de los Bovinos. Thesis, Univ Autonima de Santa Domingo 1960, 45 pp. NI A New Prostesis for Breast Hypoplasia, by Ernesto Malbec. SPANISH, per, 81 Dia Medico, Vol XXXIV, No 38, 1962, Navy Tr 3399 pp 927 ff. NMS 783 Prevention and Treatment of Acute Radiation Sickness in Dogs With the Aid of Sodium Gallato, by Horodetskiy, V. A. Baraboy, 6 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Piziolohichnyy Zhur Ak Nauk Ukrain RSR, Vol IX, No 2,9p p JPP 192 Participation of Phosphopyridne Nucleotides in the Respiration of Chlorella, by L. 0. Bynor, P. A. Kolesnikov, 10 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrin Botan Zhur, Vol XIX, No 1, 1962, pp JPRS The Effect of Sodium Gallate on the Nucleic Acid Content in the Organs of 1Hoalthy and Irradiated Rats, by V. A. Oaraboy, S. P. Matsuy, 8 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrayn Biokhim Zhur, Vol XXXV, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS

144 Scientific Chemistry Phosphides, by G. V. Sammonov, L. L. Vereikin, 27 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Fosfidy, Iz Ak Nauk Ukrain SSR, Kiev, 1961, pp 3-4, 45-54, 68-70, FTD-r Planning the Recovery of Voltaile Solvents With Batch-Operated Adsorbers, by K. M. Nikolayovskiy, 21 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Proyektirovaniye Rekuperatsii Letuchikh Rastvoritelev s Adsorberani PeTiodi er -Deysjyt.v, Moscow, 1961, pp 13-18, FTD-TT Radiation Biochemistry, by A. N1, Kuzin. RUSSIAN, bk, Radiatsionnaya Biokhimiya, Moscow, 1962, 333 pp. *FTD=TT= Determination of Rare and Trace Elements in Soils, Plants and Waters, by T. F. Borovik- Romanova, Yu. I. Belyayev, et al, SO pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Spektral'noye Opredeleni'e Redkikh i Rassoyannykh Elementov, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1962, pp FTD-TT Technology of Ceramics and Refractories, by P. P. Budnikov, A. S. Berezhmoy, et al, 79 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Tokhnologiya Keramiki i Ogneuporov, Gosudarstvannoye Izdatel'stvo Literatury Po Stroitel'stvg. Arkhitekture i Stroitel'nym Materialn, Moscow, 1962, pp , , 421-f FTD-TT Selected Articles From the Russian Rook Trudy Ak Nauk Ukrayin RSR, Inst Metall i Spetsialnykh Splavov. Seminar po Zharostoykim atnm, o 6, FTD-TT Analysis of Titanium, Chromimn and Zirconium ioridos, by V. G. Shcherbakov, R. M. Voytsmanj ot Ulf 10 pp. Chemiical Properties and Analysis of Some Nitrides, by Popova, G. T, Kabannik, 8 pp. Chemical Properties and Mothods of Analyzing Certain Silicides, by T. Ya. Kosolapovn, L. N. Kugay, 8 pp

145 Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Book Trudy Ak Nauk Ukrayin HSR, Inst ietall i Spetsialnykh Splavov. Seminar po Zharostokim Materialam, No 6, (Contd) FTD-TT Chemical Properties and Methods of Analyzing Chromium Carbides, by T. Ya. Kosoplapova, G. V. Samsonov, 8 pp. Chemical Properties and Methods of Analyzing Derides of Transition and Rare-Earth Metals, by L. N. Kugay, 10 pp. The Problem of the Presence of Dovitrite in Foam Glass, by R. L. Shustcr, T. P. Polyakova, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Trudy Inst Stroitel'stva i Stroyaterialov, No 2, IQ Ak Nauk S SSR, Alma-Ata, 1959, pp FrD-TT Contents of the Crystalline Phase in Foam Glass in Relation to Certain Factors, by R. L. Sluster, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, TrudX Inst Stroitol'stva i Stroy atorialov, No 2, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Alma-Ata, 1959, pp FTD-TT Development Trends in the Production of Chemical Current Source, by I. Fabionavichyus. RUSSIAN, bk, Voprosy Usovorshonstvovania *ACSI Gal'vanopokrytiy, 1961, pp ID An Industrial Bubbling Column for the Production of Sulfurous Acid Using Calcium Hydroxide, by M. D. Babushkina, L. V. Babayev, 7 on. RUSSIAN, por, Hum Prom, No 6, 1959, pp 12-1n. OTS PL-480 Oxygen Depolarisation Rate in Atmospheric Corrosion of Metals, by I. L. Rosenfeld, K. A. Zhigmlova, 6 pp. RUSSIANI per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR IPiz Khimia, Vol XCIX, No 1' 1954, pp CSIR Tr No 2S6 A Study of the Mechanism of the Effect of Prior Irradiation on Thermal Decomposition of Silver Oxalate Containing a Cadmium Admixture, by Yu. A. Zakharov, V. V. Boldyrev, ct al, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, bok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLV, No 1, 19 2, pp T2124, AEC-Tr

146 Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Compensation Effect in Activation Processes From the Viewpoint of Statistical Kinetics, by S. Roginskiy, Yu. Khait. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khim, No 7, 1961, pp CSIRO/No 5800 The Solubility of Inorganic Salts in Organic Solvents and in Their Mixtures With Water, by I. S. Pekhtashev, S. A. Voznesenskiy, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved Khim I Khim Tekh, No 2, 1959, pp AEC-Tr-5574 Surface-Active Substances and Their Application, by P. A. Rebinder, 19 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Khim Nauka i Prom, Vol IV, OTS No 5, 1959, pp PL-480 On the Methods of Cataphoretic Measurements in Suspensoids, by II. R. Kruyt, P. C. Willigen. RUSSIAN, per, Kolloid Zhur, Vol XLIV, 1928, pp INSDOC/T Effective Means of Combatting Metal Corrosion, by M. Trifel', 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Morskoy Plot, No 7, 1961, pp 27, B3149 FTD-TT Service Performance of Circonium Oxide Nozzles in the Continuous Casting of Steel, by V. M. Strelets, ot al. RUSSIAN, per, OpenQpory, Vol XXVIII, No 4, 1963, pp *lhb 5938 The Chemical Synthosis of Nucleic Acids, by B. F. Vanyushin, 12 pp. IUSSIAN, per, Priroda, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS The Dissociation Pressure of In 2 s by N. A. Kvorostukhiana, I. K. Skobyiv. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Akad Nauk SSSR Vostochno- Sibirski i opp 7 7.*AEC-UCRL-Tr

147 Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Contribution to the Problem of Chemical Biochemistry, by A. V. Sigrist. RUSSIAN, per 1 Voprosy Medit Khim, Vol VIII, No 1, 1962, pp NIIh The Condensation of the E~sters of Glyozalic Acid With Ketones, by Yu. A. Arbuzov, H~. I, Klirnova, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXII, 1962, pp '1=75 AEC-UCRL.1r-939 The Main Factors Determining the Danger of [Explosives Under Mechanical Influences, and Methods for Its Estimation, by K. K. Andreyev, 8 pp. RUSSIANI per, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXXV, No 9, 1962, pp Identificationi ot' Organic Compounds XXIII. Studies on thle Paper Chromatography of Aliphatic Amnines, by M. Vecara, J. flaspnric. CZECII, pear, Collection of Czech Chemical Communications, Vol XTV7T 19SI p AEiC-Tr-5654 NZDIA Contribution onl the Determination of Nickel Near Kobalt, by It. Pribil. CZEiCH, liar, Collection of Czech Chemical Comnmuilcations, Vol XIX, 19S4, pp) *SLA A-118 Extraction of Cesium Prom Aqueous Solutions by a Nitrobenzono 6olution of Dipicrylamine, by M.Kyib. j. poleik, at al, 16 ppl. CZE~CH, liar, Collection of Czech Chemical Commullicritions, Vol XXV, 1960, pp , AHiC-Tr-5729 lixtimination of Protecin in Pathological Urines by Filter Paper Ulectrophorosis, by D. Wiederinanil. C~zECII, per, l.ekarsko Listy, Vol VIII, No 2A0,CRf , pp 4, 8NSO47ef48 Tile iiigh-tciaiperflttrc Oxidation of Magnesium- Berylliu1m Alloys, by V. I:- Ivnnov, V. 1. Zelenskiy, at al. AR.Iawl FR110CII, paper, Paris, A~3Iawl 1-13S -

148 Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Contribution to the Study of the Formation and the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide Y Rays From Co 6 0 andarays from Po 2 1 0, by Anne-Marie Koulkes- Pujo, 59 pp. FRENCH, per, Annales de Chemie, 1960, pp AEC-Tr-5687 Plastic as Packing Material for Perfusion Solutions, by Eric Plodmark, Elsa Widell, et al, 9 pp. FRENCH, per, Archly for Pharmaci og Chemi, Vol LXIX, 1962 pp CSIR Tr No 257 Selected Articles From the French Periodical Comptes Rendus Academia des Sciences. Vol CCXLIII, 1956, pp *SLA A-128 The Sulphides and Polysulphides of the Rare Earth Series, by H. Picon, M. Patrie. Vol CCXLVIII, *SLA A-129 The Polyselonides of the Lanthanidos and of Lanthanum and Gadolinium, by A. Benacerraf, L. Domange, et al, (pp ). The Selenidos of the Lanthanidos Mo So3, by M. A. Bonacorraf, M. Giuttard, (pp ). *S1A A-125 Vol CCLV, Application of Gas Chromatography to the Analysis of Plasticizers, by Javior Zulaica, Georges Guiochon, S pp, (pp AEC-JCRL-Tr-gIS(L) Specific Rate of Oxidation in Air and Carbon Dioxide of Various Purified Graphites, by F. M. Lang, S pp, (pp ) AIC-NP-Tr-9S8 Vol CCLVI, 1963, pp AlC-Tr-S705 On the Regulation of DNA Synthosis in Bacteria: Hypothesis of the Replicun, by Francois Jacob, Sydney Brennor, 5 pp. Determination of Trace Impurities in Beryllium by Non-Destructive Methods, by J. Petit, Ch. ngeolmanu, 9 pp. GERMAN, rpt, Proceedings of the Conference on Practical Applcations of Short-Life Radoisoto o Produced in Small Research Reactors, 5-9 Nov, AEC-Tr-5693 Reactions in Solid State, by IH. Schmalzried. GERAN, per, Anewandto Chemc, Vol LXXV, 1963, pp *AIEC-UCRI

149 Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Syntheses of the Isoflavone Pseudo-.aptigenin, by E. Spath, E. Lederer. GERMAN, per, Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft', Vol LXIII, 1930, pp CSIRO/No 6028 Fluidized-Bed Drying, by Jojtech Vanecek, Miroslav Markvart, et al., 11 pp. GERMAN, per, Chem Prumsl, Vol X(35), No 10, 1960, pp AEC-Tr=5650 Peptide Structure Elucidation by the Use of Phenyl Isothiocyanate - [S3 5.) by Emile Cherbuliez, 9 pp. GERMAN, per, Helvetica Chimica Acta, Vol XLIII, No 118, 1960, pp CSIR Tr No 260 Synthesis of Phosphamidon and Its Degradation in Plants, by R. Anliker. GERMAN, per, Helvetica Chimica Acta, Vol XLIV, No 6, 1961, pp GB/39 Some Relationships in the Pressing of Tungsten Dioxide Powders, by L. Jakesova, M. Pour. GERMAN, per, Hutnicke Listy. Vol XVIII, No 3, 1953, pp 193- T, *HR 5921 Apparent Specific Volume of Filamentary Polyelectrolytes in Solution, by H. Inagaki, A. Teramoto. GERMAN, per, Makromolekulare Chemie, Vol XLVII, No 2, 1961, pp CSIRONo 6004 The Question of Bonding in the Rare Barth Hydrides, by K. Dialer, 6 pp. GERMAN, por, Mnnatshefte fuer Chemie, Vol LXXIX, 1948, pp AEC-SCL-Tr-472 Magnetic Studies on the Carbides of Titanium, Zirconium, Hafnium, Vanadium, Niobium, and Tantalum, by H. Bittner, H. Goretzki, 6 pp. GURMAN, pok, Munutashufte Euer Chomie, Vol XCIII, No 5, 1962, pp AEC-Tr.56$1 New Type of Combustion Process for a Precise Determination of Salphur in Foundry Pig Iron, by IH. Horn, E, Kendler. GERMAN, p(r, Neue Ilutte, Jan 1963, pp 31-3S. *BISI 3267 Indicator Systems for Vanadium Komplexonatbasis, by I. Sajo. GERMAN, per, Talanta, Vol X, 1963, pp *SLA A

150 Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Experiments on the Evaporation of Thin Films of Liquid, by R. Bressler. GERMAN, per, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Zeitschrift, Vol C, 1958, pp CSIRO/No 5860 Investigations of Nitrogen-Chlorine Compounds. Nitrogen-Monohydride as an Intermediate Product of the Decomposition of Chloramine, by J. Jander, J. Fischer. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Anorganische Allgem Chemie, Vol CCCXIII, 1961, pp TILT 5368 Separation and the Critical Point in Solid and Liquid Mixtures, by A. Munster, K. Sagel, 21 pp. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Elektrochemie, Vol LXII, No 10, 1958, pp , ABC-Np-Tr-977 Investigation of Zirconium Compounds of Low Valencies, by H. Schlafer, H. Skoludek. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Elektrochemie, Vol LVI, No 4, 1962, pp CSIRO/No 6095 The Diffusion of Uranium-233 in Uranium, by Roland Lindner, Franz Schmitz, 15 pp. GERMAN. per, Z fuer Naturforsch, Vol XVIa, 1961, pp Elimination of Phosphate Effect in the Determination of Calcium by Flame Photometry, by M. Filcek. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Pflanzenernahruni, Dungung. Bodenkunde, Vol LXXXIV, 1959, pp ABC-Tr-5511 NZDIA Selected Articles From the German Periodical Z fuer Physikalische Chemie. Vol CCXII, Quantum Efficiency of the Internal Photo- Effect of Organic Dyestuffs, by W. Noddack, (pp 55-70). NZDIA Action of Hydrogen on the Photoelectric Effect of Organic Dyestuffs, by II. Meier, (pp 73-85)

151 II Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Selected Articles From the German Periodical Z fuer Physikalische Chemie. (Contd) Vol CCXX, No 3, 4, 1962, pp AEC-NP-Tr-981 Polarographic Investigations with Plutonium, by D. Nebel, K. Scwabe, 20 pp. Vol CCCXXVII, No 2, 6, 1962, pp The Nature of the Changes Observed in Stored, Carrier-Free Na l3 l I Solutions, by 0. Eichler, M. Hobel, et al. *AERB-Harwell Tr-1852 Colorimetric Determination of Aluminium, Iron and Titanium in Cements, by M. Wallraf. GERMAN, per, Zement-Kalk-Gips, Vol IX, No 5, 1956, pp 86-19T NZDIA EDTA Titration of Aluminium, Iron and Titanium in Cement, by M. Wallraf. GERMAN, per, Zement-Kalk-Gips, Vol XIV, No 11, NZDIA Action oa Hydrogen Peroxide in Trivalent and Tetravalent Plutonium in Hydrochloric Acid Solution, by A. S. Ghosh Mazumder, P. V. Balakrishnan, et al, 12 pp. HINDI, per, Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika, AEC-UCRL- Vol IV, 1961, pp Tr-938(L) Education in Chemical Engineering at Veszprem Chemical Industry University, by Karoly Polinszky, 32 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Magyar Kemikusok Lagja, Vol XVIII, No 2, 3, 1963, pp JPRS Revised Curriculum of the School of Chemical Engineering of Budapest Technical University, by Gyorgy Varsanyi, 14 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Magar Kemikusok Lapja, Vol XVIII, No 2, 3, 1963, pp JPRS of Mechanical nignoers for the Cheolual Industry at the Misckolc Heavy Industry Technical University, by Byorgy Fabry, 6 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Magyar Kemikusok LapJa, Vol XVIII, No 2) 3, 1963, pp -65. JPRF Report on a Study Tour to the German Democratic Republic, by Gyorgyne Kliment, 19 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Magyar Tudoman os Akadenia Kemiai Tudomanyro OUsztalyana omenei, Vol XIX, No 1, 1963, pp JPKS

152 Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Report on a Study Tour to Leningrad, by Rezsone Moldvai, 10 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kemiai Tudomayok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyoe, Vol XIX, No 1, 1965, pp JPRS Design of Tubular Catalytic Fixed Bed Reactors, by Sergio Carra, Maria Paola Stabilini, 7 pp. ITALIAN, per, La Chimica e Industria, Vol XLIV, No 8, 1962, pp I-8S ABC-Tr-5716 Selected Articles From the Italian Periodical Gazzetta Chimica Italiana. Vol XXX, 1900, pp AEC-NP-Tr-941 Action of Bromoform and Chloroform on Some Pyrroles, by 0. Bocchi, 10 pp. Vol XCI, Solutions of Alkali Metals in Liquid Ammonia Part V. Chemical Characteristics, by Leonello Paoloni, 8 pp, (pp , Solutions of Alkali Metals in Liquid Ammonia Part VI. Theoretical Explanation, by Leonello Paoloni, 17 pp, (pp ) ABC-UCRL-Tr- 944(L) ABC-UCRL-Tr- 902(L) Solutions of Alkali Metals in Liquid Ammonia. Part VII. The Electron Structure of the Species Present in Sodium Solutions, by Leonollo Paoloni, 19 pp, (pp AEC-UCRL-Tr (L) Determination of the Tannanis in Wine by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry, by G. Maraheri. ITALIAN, per, Revista di Viticolture a di Enologia, Vol XIII, 1960, pp CSIRO/No 6212 Mutual Friction in Helium II, by T. Inoue, 5 pp. JAPANESE, por, Bussairon Kenkyu, No 69, 1953, pp U ABC-Tr-5660 Heavy Hydrogen Exchange keaction Between P-Xylene and Heavy Water due to a Nickel Catalyst, by K. Hirota, et al. JAPANESE, per, Japanese Chemical Journal, Vol LXXXI, No 37T190, pp CSIRO/No

153 Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Studies on the Velocity of Reduction of Nitro- Compounds and Their Hiomolog When These Are Reduced by Titanium Trichloride, by E. Imoto. JAPANESE, per, Journal of Chemical Society of Japan. Industrial Chem Section, Vol LIX, 1956, pp INSDOC/T.5096 Preparations and Electrical Conductivities of Polyvinylanthracene, by H. Inoue. JAPANESE, per, Journal of Chemical Societ of Japan, Industrial Chemistry Section, Vol LxV, 1962, pp *AEC Preparation and Electrical Conductivities of Metal Chelate Polymers, by H. Inouc. JAPANESE, per, Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan, Industrial Chemistry Section, Vol LXV, 1962, pp *AEC Studies on Colour Flame Composition of Fireworks: Part 3 - On Backgrounds of Colour Flame Spectra, by T. Shimizu. JAPANESE, per, Journal of Industrial Explosives, Vol XX, No 1, 1M, pp TIL T 5129 Syntheses of High Polymeric Semiconductors, by Masahiro Hatano, 39 pp. JAPANESE, per, Journal of the Society of Organic Synthetic Chemistry, Vol XX, No 4, 1962, pp ABC-SCL-Tr-462 Toxicity of EDTA Salt. (Disodium Bthylonodiamine Totraacetic Acid), by Shoji Shibata. JAPANESE, per, Nihon Yakurigaku Zasshi, Vol LII, 1956, pp l13-l20. NIH Zirconium Compounds. VI. Reaction Between Zirconyl Chloride and Oxalates, by Sadashige Takagi. JAPANESE, per, Nipon Kagaku Zasshi, Vol LXXVII, 1956, pp *AEC Reduction of Gadolinium, Dysprosium, Ilolmium, and Erbium in a Dropping Mercurial Electrode, by Akio Iwase. JAPANESE, per, Nipon Ka aku Zasshi, Vol LXXXI, 1960, pp *AEC Separation and Characterization of Fatty Acids, Parts I, II, by Y. Inoue, H. Yakawa. JAPANESE, per, Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi, ERDL, Ft Bolvoir Vol XVI, 1940, pp T

154 Scientific Chemistry (Contd) Changes in the Biochemical Properties of a Leuconostoc Mesenteroides Strain in Relation to Conditions of Storage, by I. Januszewicz, 62 pp. POLISH, per, Acta Micro Polonica Irace Inst Prze FermentaconeoPolonica, Vol VI, OTS No 4, 1957, pp PL-480 Use of a Plasma Generator for the Spectroscopic Analysis of Titanium-Base Alloys, by E. E. Vainshtein, V. V. Korolev, et al., 9 pp. POLISH, per, Chemia Analityczna, Vol VII, 1962, pp AEC-NP-Tr-986 Dovelopment of the Plastics Industry in the USSR, by Mikhail Garbar, 12 pp. POLISH, per, Polimery, Vol VIII, No 1, 1963, pp 1-3. JPRS Determination of Aldehydes in Glycerol by Chromatography, by Halina Grynberg, Hanna Jarnuszkiewicz, 12 pp. POLISH, per, Prace Instytutow i Laboratoriow Badawczych Przemyslu Sgozywczego, Vol VIII, No 5, OTS , pp PL-480 Determination of Benzene, Toluene and Xylenes in a Mixture, by Leszek Grzelewski, Stanislaw Ciborowski, 13 pp. POLISH, per, Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol XI(34), OTS No 7, 195S, pp PL-480 Characteristics and Evaluation of Strongly Alkaline Anion Exchangers. II. Investigation of Thermostability, by Rajmund Dybczynski, 10 pp. POLISH, per, Prze.ysl Chomiczny, Vol XXXVIII, OTS No 4, 1959, pp PL-480 Studies on Benzene Hydrogenation to Cyclohexane, by Stanislaw Ciborowski, 8 pp. POLISH, per, PrZemYsl ChemicznX, Vol XXXIX, No 4, OTS , pp , PL-480 Determination of Lactic Acid by Oxidation With Ceric Sulphate, by J. F. C. Lucas. SPANISH, per, Sociedad Espanola do Fisica Quimica Anales, Vol L B, 1954, pp INSDOC/T

155 Scentific CheistrX (Contd) Deuteron Splitting Under the Action of Nuclear Forces, by A. M. Korol'ov, B. D. Konstantinov, et al, 23 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrain Fiz Zhur, Vol VII, 1962, ABC-UCRL-Trpp (L) The Role of Magnese in the Electrolysis of Zinc Sulphate Solutions, by Z. A. Sheka, K. F. Karlyshova. UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrain Khim Zhur, Vol XXV, No 5, 1959, pp NLL RTS 2170 Solubility of Titanium, Kirconium, and Hafnium Oxides in Molten Alkali Metal Fluorides, by Yu. K. Delimarskiy, G. G. Buderskaya, 7 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrain Khim Zhur, Vol Xxvill, No 5, 1962, pp AEC-Tr-S601 Earth Sciences A Astronomy A. I. Voeykov and Problems in Climatology, by M. I. Budyko, 92 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, A. I.-Voeikov i Sovremennye Problemy OTS Klimatologii, Leningrad, PL-480 Bibliographic Index of Geodetic Literature for 40 Years, by Ye. F. Balikov. RUSSIAN, bk, Btbliograficheskly Ukazatel GeodeZieheskoy Literatury za_40 Let Moscow, 1961, 535 pp. ACIC Empirical Relation Between Total Radiation and Cloudiness, by Ivo Ponzar. RUSSIAN, rpt, GlasnikMat.-Fiz i Astron, Vol XVI, No 3, 4, 1961, pp Artificial Earth Satellites. RUSSIAN, bk, IskusstvennyyeSputniki Zunli, Moscow, No 13, 162, pp 1-6, *FTD-TT ACIC Now Achievements in tho Use of Aerial Photography for the Geographic Study of the Terrain, by L. M. Gol'dman, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Ispol'sovaniye Topograficheskikh Kartograficheaskikh IasledovanLy, 1958, pp JPRS

156 Scientific Earth Sciences & Astronomy (Contd) Numerical Method of Forecasting the Upper Pressure Field, by N. N. Bel'skays, P. K. Dushkin. RUSSIAN, bk, Materialy Soveshchaniya Koordinats. Komissii go Chisl Metodam Prognoza, Leningrd, 1962, pp *FTD-TT Meteorology for the Pilots by I. V. Kramchenko. RUSSIAN, bk, Letchiku o Meteorologii; Izdaniye Trtl eeer Vaan eoe TIiaei'tv0ii1strtai oo )w,1~co~ 1962,316 p. *TD-TT Factors Determining the Development of Phytoplankton In Water Basins, by K. A. Gusev. RUSSIAN, bk, Iervichnaya Produktsiya Moray i Vnutrnnykh Vodo 1961, pp *Navy/HO Tr 200 Radar Methods of Meteorological Observations, by V. S. Nelepets, V. D. Stepanenko, 220 pp. RUSSIAN, bk,radiopokatsionnye Metody Meteoropogicheskikh NabPYUdenly, Leningrad, 1961, pp k-V FTD-TT Relief of the Edge Zone of the Moon, by A. A. Gmrynya, V. K. Drofa. RUSSIAN, bk, Rel'ef Krayevoy Zany Luny, Kiev, ACI C Some Characteristics of Thick Cumuli Near Lake Sevan, by A. P. Chuvaysy. RUSSIAN, rpt, Resultaty Komplekan Isaled P1 Sevansk Prob 1,-Vol,5191, pp *FTD-?F F~urther Investigations of the Hydrologic Regime of the Barents Sea, by M. M. Adrov. RUSSIAN, bk, bovetskiye Kybokhozyaystvennys Issledovaniya v moryakh Evr22sya kogo Severs, *Ministry of 19b0, pp 9-2z. Agriculture Oceanographic Characteristics of the North Greenland Sea, by A. F. Laktionov, V. A, Shamontlyav, at R1, RUSSIAN, bk, Sovetskiye Rybakhoz aystvmn=y Issledovanlya v moryakh Evroipeyskogo Severa, IV50, pp 51-b5s. *Ministry of Agriculture Radio,- Observations of the Partial Solar 11clipse at a Wavelength of 1.5 m, by N. Barabashov. RUSSIAN, per, Astron Obsery, Kharkov Univ, No 24, 1961, p 3-38 CSIRO/No

157 Scientific Earth Sciences & Astronomy (Contd) On the Degree of Polarization of the Near Extragalactic Nebulae and of the Crab Nebula, by M. A. Vashakidze. RUSSIAN, per, Astron Tsirkulyar, No 147, Mar 1954, pp Radio Astronomical Observations of Venus With High Resolving Power, by D. V. Korol'kov, Yu. N. Pariyskiy. RUSSIANI per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLIX, No 1, 1963, pp *Navy/NRL *Navy/NRL Status of the Stratigraphy of Devonian Deposits in the Alay and Turkestan Mountains, by G. A. Kaleda. RUSSIAN, per, Geolojiya i Razvedka, No 2, 1962, pp ACIC Determining the Tensor of Pressure Buildup During Blast by Experimental Seismic Investigation Data, by H. A. Mikulinskiy, P. S. Mironov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, Gornyi AEC-UCRL-Tr- Zhur, No II, 1960, pp (L) On the Determination of Vertical Settling of the Boundary of a Iialf-Space in the Case of Planar Deformation A Dynamic Problem, by N. H. Boradachev, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per$ Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved. Stroitel i Arkhtektura, Vol VI, 1958, pp DDC RSIC-9 The Rocket Carriers Are Living for the Ocean. *Navy Tr 3412 RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvezda, 25 Nov 1962, p 4. ONI 46 Status and Perspectives of Development Hydro. meterological Service in the USSR, by E. K. Fedorov. RUSSIAN, per, Met i Gid, No 3, 1963, pp *Weather Bureau Observations of the Partial Sular Eclipse With the Large Pulkovo Radio Telescope on , by V. Gol'nev. RUSSIAN, per, Solnechnye Dannjc, No 10, 1961, pp S8-62. CSIRO/No

158 Scientific Earth Sciences & Astronomy (Contd) The Structure of the Earth's Crust in the Zone of Transition From the Asian Continent to the Pacific Ocean, by A. G. Gayanov, L. P. Smirnov, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Sovet Geologiya, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Some Results of Modeling of Atmospheric Convection, by T. V. Bonchkovskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Ak Nauk SSSR, Mezhduvedomstvennaya Konferentisia, Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Trudy Glav Geofiz Observ, imeni A. I. Voycykova. *FTD-TT No 106, On the Transfer of Mass, Heat and Moisture Across the Equator, by L. R. Rakipova, (pp 18-28). NLL M S161 Variations in the Total Content of Atmospheric Ozone in Depressions and Anticyclones, by Gui-chin', (pp 19-36). NLL M 5081 No 125, 1962, pp AID Rpt T On the Attenuation of Solar Radiation in the Upper Layers of the Troposhere, by Yu. I. Rabinovich, S pp. No 134, JPRS Tropopauso Waves in Upper Latitudes During International Geophysical Year, by M. P. Churinova, 47 pp (pp 38-74). Certain Characteriatics of Interlatitude Echange in Lower Stratosphere Based on Observations of Atmospheric Ozone, by G. P. Gushchin, R. G. Romanova, 14 pp, (pp ). Testing the Operation of blectromagnetic Current Moter in the Open Sea, by K. V. Moroshkln. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst Okeanolog, Vol XXV, 1957, pp *Navy/iiO Tr 198 Detailed Oceanographic Research in the Region of the Kurile-Kamchatka Deep in May-July 1953, by L. A. Zenkevich, A. N. Bogoyavlenski, 33 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst Okeanolog, Vol XVI, Amer Meteorol 1959, pp Soc T-R

159 Scientific Earth Sciences & Astronomy (Contd) Monthly Forecasts of the F 2 Layer's Maximum Usable Frequency, by V. F. Belugin, 21 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst Zemnogo Magnetizma, Ionosfery i Rasgrostraneniya Radiovoin, No 1 9(29), 1961, pp U, JPRS Helicopter Electrometeorograph, by V. P. Belyayev, N. K. Vinnichenko, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Leningrad Glavnaya Geofiz Observ imeni A. L. VoYKOVa, No 135, 1962, pp 1T Automatic Radiometeorologic Station APMC-H Arms-N, by D. Ya. Surazhskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Tru Nauch-Issled Inst Gidrometeorol Priborostr, No 7, 19s9, pp Automatic Radiometeorologic Station for Reservoirs Ariv-52, by I. N. Mogil'ner, F. N. Shevchenko. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Nauchno-Issled Inst Gidrometeorol Priborostr, No 7, 1959, pp *FTD-rT *FTD-TI' *FTD-TT VerticalRate of Air Movement Over Caucasian Districts, by S. U. Guniya. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Thilissk Nauch-Issled Gidrom Institut, No 10, 1962, pp Transactions of the Third Congress of the All- Union Astronomic-Geodeatic Society, April 6-11, RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Tret'yego S'yesda Vsesoyuznojo Astronomo-Geodezicheskogo Obshchestva, 6-11 Apr 1960, 1962, pp ; ; ACIC *FTD-7l Dissipating Clouds Over Large Areas: 2. Successes in Fog Dissipation, by I. I. Gayvoronskiy, Yu. A. Seregin. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Tsentral Aerolog Observ, No 44, 1962, pp 15-27; *FTD-TT Transactions of the Central Scientific-Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerosurvey, and Cartography. RUSSIAN, per, Trud4 Tsentral Nauch-Isslod Inst Geodozii. Aerosyemki I Kartografil, No 145, 1962, pp New Methods of Establishing a Thermodynamic Scale in the Low Temperature Region, Leningrad, by A. Brodskiy. RLPSSIAN, per, Trudy Vses Nauch Issled Inst e ii, No 49, 1960, pp CSIRO/No 5921 ACIC

160 Scientific Earth Sciences Astronomy (Contd) Problem of Applying Glow Discharge to Anemometry, by S. N. Kutin, I. G. Chudakov. RUSSIAN, per, Uchenye Zapisky Saratovskogo University, No 70, 1961, pp *FTD-7T Antarctica in the Light of New Data, by D. I. Shcherbakov. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Nauk SSSR, No 8, 1962, pp NZDIA Comments on Oceanographical Research, by I. Belousov, Ya. Golovanov, et al, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Znaniye-Sila, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Projective Method for the Transformation of Triaxial Ellipsoids With Nonparallel Axes, by Pick Milos. CZECH, per, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, Vol V, 1961, pp Geology of Africa, by Raymon4 Furon. FRENCH, bkv 377 pp. Gravity Measurements and Gravity Anomalies, by E. Riedkmann. GERMANY, bk, Deutacher Landesbericht Ueberdie in den Jahren 1957 bis 1960 Ausge uehrten Arbeiten, Vol XII, 1960, pp Spectrum of the Bursts of the Radio Frequency Radiation of the Sun in the cm-range, by 0. Hachenberg, G. Wallis. GERMAN, rpt, Heinrich-Hertz-lnstitut fuer Schwingungaforschung, Mitt, pp ACIC Hafner Pub Co ACIC CSIRO/No S716 Analysis of Pendulum and Gravtmeter Measurement on the European Gravimetric Calibration System, Situation on July 1, GERMAN, bk, Wisenschaftliche Referata, No 38, 1961, pp 113. ACIC The Determination of Geoid From the Gravity Values, and the Theory of Molodensky, by K. Arnold. GERMAN, bk, Wissenschaftliche Referate, No 38, 1961, pp ACIC Askania Control System for the Australian 210-Feet Radiotelescope, by C. Kalweit. GERMAN, per, Askania-Warte, Vol XIX, No 59, pp 1-7. CSIRO/No

161 Scientific Earth Sciences & Astronomy (Contd) On Earth Surface Conditions and Atmospheric Diffusion Processes, by F. Wippermann. GERMAN, per, Beitraege zur Physik der Atmosphare, Vol XXXII, No 1,2) 1959, pp *AFCRL Res Lib Earth Pressure Theories for Cohesive Soils, by C. F. Kollbrunner. GERMAN, per, Foundation und Konsolidation, Vol III, 1952, pp GB/10/C.E Hristow's Differential Formulas for the Conversion of Ellipsoids and Connections According to Helmert, by Eggert Jordan. GERMAN, per, Haidbuuh der Vermessungskunde, Vol IV, Part II, ACIC Gold in Oceanwater, by Fritz Haber. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Ang~wandte Chemie, Vol XL, 1927, pp *AFCRL Res Lib The Physico-Meteorological Principles of Barometric Height Measurement Altimetry, by E. Rossger, G. Ranike. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Flugwissenschaft, Vol X, No 1, 1962, pp RAE Tr No 1018 Distortion of Radio-Astronomical Observations by Antenna Characteristic and Low Pass Filter, by P. Mezger. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Instrumentenkunde, Vol LXVI, No 11, 1958, pp CSIRO/No 6096 > -Spectroscopic Studies on Stone Meteorites, by C. Mayer-Boricke, M. M. Biswas, et al, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Naturfurachung, Vul XVIIa, 1962, pp AEC-Tr-5708 Properties of Soils, by U. Schwertmann. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Pflanzenahrung, ldungun, Boderkunde, Vol XCV, No 3, 1961, pp Report on the Investigation of Floating Balloons at Sub-Stratoaphure, by S. Fukui. JAPANESE, rpt, Aeronautic Research Institute Tokyo University, Japan, The Distribution of Stress in the Lining of a Circular Shaft, by Ko Suzuki. JAPANESE, par, Journal of Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Japan, Vol LXV, No 733, 1949, pp -Interior GB/10/2796 MU/T.483 *Dept of

162 Scientific Earth Science & Astronomy (Contd) Earth Pressure on the Boundary of a Horizontal Elliptic Hole in the Ground, by Ko Suzuki. JAPANESE, per, Journal of Mining and Mlctallurgical Institute of Jaan, Vol LXV, No 738, 1949, pp On the Stresses Around an Underground Hole in Gravitating Elastic Earth-Crust, by Ko Suzuki. JAPANESE, per, Journal of Mining and Metallurgical institute of Jaan, Vol LXVII, No 753, 1951, pp 'Dept of Interior *Dept of Interior A Method of Forecasting the Inflow of Flood Wave to Water Reservoirs, by Maria Boczek, Andrzej Kiclan, 5 pp. POLISH, per, Gazeta Obserwatora Pihm, No 10, OTS , pp PL-480 General Characteristic of the Soils in Szczecin Province, by Jozef Piszczek, 17 pp. POLISH, per, Roczniki Gleboznawce, Vol IX, OTS , pp PL-480 Displacement of Soil and the Shape of Cultivated Fields, by Roman Hlibowicki, 17 pp. POLISH, per, Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, Vol LXXI, OTS No 1, 1955, pp PL-480 Topographic - Isostatic Reduction for the Hayford Numbered Zones - Southern Brazil, by Camil Gemael. SPANISH, per, Boletim da Universidade do Parana, No 5, AClC Moasurements of Sand Migration by Means of Tracers in Aid of the Europoort Jetties Scheme, by J. N. Svasek, 69 pp. SWEDISII, rpt, R_ kswaterstaat Deltadienst Waterloopkundige Afdelng- Rapport, No 8, Dec ABC-NP-Tr-984 Electronics Tuning and Testing of Radar Apparatus, by Y. I. Beman, B. M. Goltkin. RUSSIAN, bk, Leningrad, *FTD-TT Biological Radio Communications, by B. B. Kazhinskiy, 171 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Biologicheskaya Radiosvyazv, Kiev, 1962, pp FTD-1r

163 Scientific Electronics (Contd) Linear Capacity Storage Devices, by V. G. Brovchenko, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Conference on Nuclear Electronics, 1961, Vol 111, 1962, pp AEC-Tr-S624 Selected Articles From the Russian Monograph Elektronnyye Vychislitel'nyye Mashiny, Moscow Inflence of Thermal Effects on the operating Speed of Superconducting Computer Elements, by. R. A. Chentsov, 34 pp, (pp 1-45) FTD-TT An Instrument for the Investigation of the Pulse Properties of Magnetic Cores Stand S-2, by Yu. 1. Vizun, 81 pp, (pp 1-82) FTD-TT , pp FTD-TT Some Methods for Increasing the Rate of Calculation of Elementary Functions on Digital Electronic Computers, by Yu. A, Golubkov, A. B. LebeJev, 60 pp. * Absorption of Radio Waves by Air Behind a Shock Wave, by T. V. Bazhenova, Yu. S. Lobastov. RUSSIAN, bk, Pizicheskaya Gazodinamika Teploobmen i *ACSI *Termodinamika, 1962, pp ID Elevation and Altitude Indicators, by Sh, Gorin, P. U. Spivak, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Indikatory Na~ravleniya. Voye-nnoy. Izdstel'stvo Ministerstva Oborony Soyuza SSR. Moscow, 1960, -pp FTD-TT Amateur Television Receiver, by I. T. Akulinichev, 48 pp. RUSSIAN, monograph, Lyubitel'skiy Televizor, 1962, pp JPRS Voice-Frequency Telegraphy Systems, by V. S, Gurov, N. N. Yetrukhin, et al, 214 pp. RUSSIAN, monograph, Sistomy Tonnltnogo Telegrafirovaniya, 1962, pp JPRS Scintillation Method in Radiometry, by V. 0. Vyazemskiy, Lomonosoy, et al, 421 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Stsintillyatsionnyi Metod v Radionetrii, Moscow, AEC-Tr-S259 * Calcula~tion of Discharge Repetition Freq~uency in Electrical Ignition Systems, by M4. V. Gutovskly, Yu. A. Popov, 21 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, yoprosz Blaktroavtomatiki i Elektrooborudovanlya Samoleta, Moscow, pp Ir-D-rr

164 Scientific Electronics (Contd) A Method for Calculating Components of a High- Frequency Activating Circuit, by N. V. Lebedev, 26 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Voprosy Elektroavtomatiki i Elektrooborudovaniya Samoleta, Moscow, 1962, pp EB3140 Sound and Ultrasound Waves in Air, Water and Solid Bodies, by V. A. Krasil'nikov, 354 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Zvukovye i Ul'trazvukovye Volny v Vozdukhe, Vode t Tverdkh Telakh, Moscow, FTD-TF NASA TT-F-96 The Intensity of Spectral Lines in an Arc Between Carbon Electrodes, by S. L. Mandelstam, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol XVIII, 1938, pp DDC RSIC-6 Calculation of Construction Schedules and Priorities With the Aid of Electronic Computers, by V. Rybal'skiy, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Ekonomika Stroitel'stva, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Method for the Comparison of Bundles of Tubes With Wire Ribs, by A. P. Salikov, et al. UKABA-Risley, RUSSIAN, par, Energomashinostroyeniye, No II, 1959, InE Tr-EM-59/ pp 20, Problem of Employing Electronic Feelers to Measure Vibration Amplitudes and Frequencies, by Yu. D. Kornyushkin, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zavod Elektromekh, No 8, 1962, pp FTD-T' New (lass for Iltgh-Voltage Insulators, by L. A. Zhunina, N. A. Tinyakov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, par, Iz Vysshikh Uicheb Zaved Pnerget, No 7, 1960, pp FTD-rr On the Evaluation of tho Influence of the Reabsorption Effoct on the Intonsity of Spectral Lines, by N. G. Prcobrazhonskiy, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh 1icheb Zaved, Fiz, No 6, 1,9bi, pp b/-b FTD-TT Optical Rango Finder With Semiconductor Elements, by S. I. Vavilova, K. K. Yarmarkin. RUSSIAN, per, IZ Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved. Geodez i *ACSI Aerofetos, No 1, 1959, pp ID Interference Suppression by Nonlinear Feedback During Reception of AM Signals, by A. A. Gorvachev. RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekhnika, Vol XVIII, No 2, 1963, pp IFTD-TT

165 Scientific Electronics (Contd) Thermionic Power Converters, by Damaskina, G. A. Chetverikova, 8 pp. ACSI RUSSIAN, per, Teploencegetika, No 3, 1961, pp ID A Computer Compiler, by T. M. Volikanova, A. P. Yershov, ot al, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy VsesoyuznoLo Soveshchaniya po Vychislitel'noy Matematike i Promeneniyu Srodstv Vychislivtel'noy Tekhniki, 3-8 Fevralya 1958 Coda, iz AX Azerbayz ansku SSR, Baku, 1961, pl ) FTD-'Ir Instruction System of a General-Purpose Digital Computer Using Magnetic Ferrite E-lements, and Their Execution Pattern, by Yu. A. Makhmudov, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, Vychislitollnoy per, Trud atematike Vsesoyuznogo i Promeneniyu Soveshchaniya Srodstv pc Vychislitellno, Tekhniki 3-8 Fevralya 1958 (oda, Iz Ak Nauk Azerbazlianskoy SSPj Baku, 1961,i' pp I:TD-TT Investigation of the Stability of the Control System of a Major Direct Current Transmission System, by W. W. Voskresenskij. RUSSIAN, per, Vest lilektroprom, Vol XXXII, No 3, 1961, pp NZDIA Some Dielectric Characteristics of Epoxy Rosin Insulation, by U. K. I)obrer, RUSSIAN, peri Vest Ulaktroprom, Vol XXXIII, No 12, 1962, pp 16-19, Ageing of Solid Insulating Materials Under the Influence of Oxidation Products of Transfonrmor Oil, by M. I. Shakhnovich, I. A. Lipshtoin. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ulaktroprom, Vol XXXIII, No 12, 1962, pp *AW-Tr-.T41 *AWRE-Tr-42 Theoretical Principlus of Electrostatic Generators, by Vaclav Ilwnata, 25 pp. CZI-CII, per, Prace Ustavu I'ro Ulektrotochniku Csuv, Vol VII, 1957, pp r'ftd-tt-b3-24o Charge Transfer in tilectrostatic Generators With a Dielectric Trnnsfer Medium, by Vaclav lamata, 18 pp. CZECII, per, Praco Ustavu Pro Elektrotechniku Csav, Vol VIII, , pp PTD-If Mothod of Accelerating an!lectron in a n Induction Accelerator, by Bohumir Susts, 5 pp. CZrEai, Patent No 97206, (Class 21g, 36, IS Apr 1960), 1 Nov 1960, p IT.rl}-rr

166 Scientific Electronics (Contd) Electronic Photography, by A. Lallemand, M. I1uchesne, et al. FRENCH, per, Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Vol XII. 1960, pp *SLA Tr No A-133 Selected Articles From the French Periodical Bulletin d'informations Scientifiques et Techniques. No 61, Neutron Detectors, by J. Duchene, (pp 6-15). *AEC Progress in Logarithmic Amplifiers and Period Motors, by J. Bourdol, (pp 16-23). The Utilization of New Electronic Techniques in Security Chaines of Atomic Piles, by J. Furet, (pp 24-36). Xenon Reactimoter and Calculator, by NI. Deiss, (pp 46-S0). Critical Study of the Methods Used for Measuring the Electrical Conductivity of Molton Salt Baths, by R. Winand, 14 pp. FRENCH, per, Hloctrochimica Acta, Vol III, 1960, pp AEC-Tr-5679 Electroric Saw-Tooth Wave Generator, by G. Davolio, et al. FRENCH, per, Elctrochitnica Acte, Vol V, No 4, 1961, pp 291-7n8. GB/l0/C.E Guide to the Applications of Laplace Transforms, by Gustav Ductsch. GE1MAN, bk, 255 pp. Van Nostrand Electrotiic-Optical Imnge Convertor and Xraymplifier, by F. Uckart. GERMAN, bk, ilaktronoptischer Bildwnndlor und ERDL, Ft Belvoir Rocntgcnwolle-Verstaerkcr, Leipzig, 1962, 265 pp. T-1b41 leoinrich-hertz-lnatitute for Oscillation Rosearch Technical Report No 36, by R. Seckelmann. GERMAN, bouklet, ioinrich-hortz-institut fuer ERDL, Ft Belvoir Schwingungforschung, Berlin, 1960, 147 pp. T-1656 Heinrich-flertz-lnstitute for Oscillation Research Technical Report No SO, by It. Sockelmann. GERMAN, booklet, {einrich-hlortz-lnstitut fuer ERDL, Ft Belvoir Schwinggfo,'schung, Berlin, 1961, 25 pp. 'r

167 Scientific Electronics (Contd) Type EMB-3 Radiation Detector Operating Manual, 16 pp. GERMAN, rpt Strahlensuchgeraet T EMB- edienungsanleitung, M Encl No I to RD-13-62, USAREUR, 1962, ACSI I-2403-A 23 pp. ID Electronic Drive Control in Metallurgical Works Illustrated on a Tube Push Bench, by J. Ullmann. GERMAN, per, Bander, Bleche, Rohre, No 1, 1963, pp BISI 3243 Spraying of High Tension Insulators in Operation, by W.Estorff, W. Weber. GERMAN, per, Elektrotechnische Z, Vol XXXVI, 1940, pp NZDIA Cleaning Live E.H.T. Equipment. GERMAN, per, Elektrotechnische Z, Vol LXI, No 36, 1940, pp NZDIA Response Sensitivity of Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers, by A. Kemmer. GERMAN, per, Elektrotechnische Z, No 26, 1961, pp NZDIA Davelopment and Distribution of Industrial Electricity Tariffs, by W. Strahringer. GERMAN, per, Energiewirts Tagesfragon, Vol X, 1961, pp GB/10/C.E A Fast Pulse-Shaping Circuit With Adjustable Threshold Using Tunnel Diodes, by S. Gorodetzky, A. Muser, at &l, 6 pp. GERMAN. per, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Vol XIII, 1961, pp AEC-NP-Tr-947 Potentiometric Method of Determining Boron in Steel, by H. Grabner. GiERMAN, per, Z fuer Analytische Chemie, Vol CLXXXIV, No 5, 1962, pp *BISI 3281 Semiconductor Apparatus for tho Detection of Neutrons, by Hleinrich Walker, Rolf Gremmelmaier, 10 pp. GERMAN, Patent No 1,025,533, 6 Mar AEC-Tr-5542 Scientific Session of the Automation Commission of the Rumanian Academy, by I. Papadache, 8 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Automatica si Electronica, Vol VII, No , pp 45, 46. JPRS On the Synthesis of Electronic Models for Algebraic Objects, by G. Ye. Pukhov, A. Ye. Stepanov, 9 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Dopovidi Ak Nauk Ukrains'kov RSR, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS

168 Scientific Engineering New Nonmetallic Materials for Radio Equipment; Manual for Designers, by Dmitry Dmitriyevich Churabo, 27 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Nov e NemetallicheskiZ Materialy Dlya Radioapparatury. Spravochnoye Posobiye dlya Konstruktorov, Gosenergoizdat, Moscow, 1961, pp PTD-TT Bases for Calculating the Breaking of Rocks With an Explosion, by 0. E. Vlasov, S. A. Smirnov, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Osnov, Rascheta Drobleniya Gornysh Porod Vzryvom, Ak Nauk SSSR Inst Gornogo Dela, %36 AA- AL Rknrhjn4tknv MoScow, 1962, pp 32-43, FTD-TT p3299 Application of Hall Semiconductor Generators to Automation, by A. P. Pinsker. RUSSIAN, bk, Primenenlye Pol uprovodnikovykh Generatorov Kholla v Avtomattke, 1961, pp ACSI Encl to R , OUSARMA, Czech, 8 Mar ID Oscillations of a Flexible Cylinder During the Passage Through Critical Speed, Taking Into Account Coupling With the Motor, by L. A. Rastrigin. RUSSIAN, bk, Problemy Prochnosti i Mashinostroeniye, No 5, 1959, pp NLL M 5099 Calculation of the Basic Dimensions of a Single- Stage Centripetal Turbine, by M. V. Nosov. RUSSIAN, bk, Raschet Osnovnykh Razmarov 0dnostuponchatoy Tsentrostremitel'noy Turbiny; Uchebnoye Posoblye, Tboroniz, Moscow, 961, 84 pp. *'TD-rr Influence of Turbulenco Parameters on the Velocity of Flame Propagation, by G. M. Gorbunov, 23 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, StabilizatsiZa Plameni i Rezviti:e Protessa S1oraniya v Turbulentnom Potoke, Oborongiz, Moscow, FTD-T.r The Change in the 1a ahysino-m aii dl~al El.uLru- Insulational Properties of Some Compressed Materials Under the Influence of Temperature and Other Factors, Moisture, Fuels, and Oils, by V. A. Zakharov, G. N. Nadezhina, et al, 37 pp. RUSSIAN, bki Steklotekstolity i Drugiye Konstruktsionnye Plastiki, 1960, pp FTD-IT

169 Scientific Engineering (Contd) Operational Requirements of Rolling Stock Uscd in Hauling Containers, by Kh. Askinazi, Yu. Vlasko. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomobil Transport, No 1, 1962, *ACSI pp II) Seismic lffoct of Largo-Scale Blasting in Open Pits on Underground Mining, by C. T. Nestorenko, F. P. Bublik, at al, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Bezopasnost' Truda v Promyshlen, Vol V, AEC-UCRL No 10, 1961, pp Tr 935(L) Sital From Slags - A Path Into Life, by V. V. Vavilov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Ekon Gazeta, 11 Dec 1961, p FlID-TT-63-6(0 Three-Dimonsional Flow in Acial Turbomachinery, by Y. A. Sirotkin. RUSSIAN, per, Encrgomashinostroy, No 10, 1959, 1LKARA-Risloy Inf pp Tr P.M 51)/10.6 Improving the Organization of Geological Investigations, by A. A. Gavrilov, A. S. Lavrikov, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geodezlya i Kartografiya, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Application of the Asymptotic Method of Certain Problems of the Dynamics of Vehiclos, hy V. A. Yaroshevskiy, 19 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Inzhernerhy Zhur, Vol II, No 2, 1962, pp I. 96b )-TT Strong Interaction on a Plate With Considerntion of Slip and Near-Wall Temperature Jump, by A. A. Bogachova, V. S. Galkin, 13 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Inzhenomnyy Zhur, Vol II, No 2, 1962, pp PTD-TT Concerning the Strength and Stability of Cylindrical Bimetallic Shells, by [. I. Grigolyuck, 46 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Inzhornoy Sbornik, Vol XVI, 1953, pp b3 WIl ksic-12 Analysis of Test ResuLts on the Acial-Flow Compressors of a Universal Gas-Turbine Instalfation, by B. M. Likhtorov. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk, Energet UKAPA-Risley, Inf Avtomat Plektrosuyazi, No 6, 1957, pp Tr-IATS-59/

170 Scientific Engineering (Contd) Oscillations of a Cylindrical Shell Not of Circular Cross-Soction, by R. L. Malkina. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk, Mekh i Mash, No 1, 1960, pp UKAMA-Risley, Inf Tr-IATM-60/l.26 New Apparatus to Study the Kinematics of Moving Objects, by V. K. Morgunov, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Sibirskojo Otdel, Ak Nauk SSSR, No 12, 1961, pp FTD-TT Determining Friction Characteristics in a Two- Dimensional Laminary Compressible Boundary Layer at High Temperatures and Zero Pressure Gradient, by I. I. Suksov, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, Aviats Tekh, No 1, 1962, pp FTD-TT The Stability of a CylinL--ical Sandwich Shell With a Corrugated Metal Filler Exposed to the Joint Action of Axial Force and External Pressure Beyond the Elastic Limit, by I. A. Yefimov, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vsshikh Ucheb Zavod, Aviats Tekh, No 3, pp FTD-TT A Method for Economic Analysis of the Reliability of Parts and Systems of Flying Vehicles, by I. I.Drakin, 15 pp. RUSSIAN' per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, Aviats Tkh, No 3, 1962, pp PTD-TT Mechanical Pntrainment of Gas in Liquid During Plow Over Perforated Ripple Plates, by T. A. Ale1swidruv, A. I. Skoblo. RUSSIAN, per, Khim i Tekh Topliva i Masel, No 9, 19C0, pp GR/28 Certain Questions Relating to the Theory of the Welding of Plastics by Ultrasound, by L. N. Skorokhodov, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Plasticheskiye Massy, No 11, 1962, pp FTD-Tr Protecting Hydraulic Installations From an Overgrowth With Dreissona, by S. M. Lyakhov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Priroda, Vol LI, No 7, 1962, pp JPRS Dielectrics, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radio, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS

171 Sc-'entific Engineering (Contd) Interaction Between a Shock Wave in a Elasto- Plastic Medium and a Nonrigid Wall, by G. M. Lyakhov, N. I. Polyakova, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Mekh i Tokh Fiz, No 5, Sep-Oct 1962: pp FTD-TT Device for Starting Gas Turbine Engine, by A. F. Vilenskiy, A. V. Vimyguk, et al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, Patent No 146,136, Class 46f, 13, 1962, ACSI pp 1-5. ID Method for Improving the Stability of Lubricating Grease, by M. K. Badayeva, K. P. Grinepich, et al. RUSSIAN, Patent No 151,755. *FTD-Tr Method of Measuring Accelerations, by V. S. Klimov. RUSSIAN, Patent No 152,033, /26-10, 2 Nov *1rD-TT New Method of Improving the Machinability of Cast Steel, by S. V. Lominskiy, 6 pp. BELORUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk BSSR, Vol VI, 1962, pp FTD-rr Pressing, Forging anti Stamping in the USSR, by A. V. Altykis, D. I. Berezhkovskiy, et al, 240 pp. CZECH, blk, Lisovani a Kovani v CSSR a SSSR, SNTL, Prague, 1961, pp , V FrTD-TT With a Thousand Year Guarantee, by L'udovit Pad, 7 pp. CZECH, per, Zivot, No 12, 19 Mar 1962, pp FTD-TT Mercyrt-Roto Gyroscope, by T. Duda. CZECH, Patent No 9318, Class 42C. 25/61, 15 Jan *FTD-TT Rotor Design for a Gyroscope, by T. Duda. CZECH, Patent No 93741, Class 42C, 25/51, 15 Jan 1960, *FTD-TT Measurements of Sand Migration by Means of Tracers in Aid of the Europoort Jetties Scheme, by J. N. Svasok. FRENCI, rpt, Rapport GRISA, No 8, Le Sautot Station for the Study of Silting in Reservoirs, by A. Nizery. FRENCII, rpt, Transport Ilydrauliquo et Decantation des Materiaux Solides, Grenoble, France. *AEC NZDIA

172 Scientific Engineering (Contd) Study of the Probable Life of Paper Condensers, by J. P. Mayeur, 10 pp. FRENCH, per, Cables et Transmission, No 2, Apr 1958, pp , Encl No 1 to TI-6012, ACSI Apr 1963, PS ID Experimental Study of Time Resolution in Scintillation Detectors, by A. Sarazin, J. J. Samueli, et al. FRENCH, per, Le Journal de Physique et lo Radium, ERDL, Ft Belvoir Vol XXIII, T-1687 Presentation of a Device Destined to Prepare Glass Knives, by Jean Andre. FREN H per, Journal of Ultrastructure Research, Vol VI, No 5, 6, 1962, pp NIH Manufacture and Quality of Prestressing Wires, by Michel Ronsse, 40 pp. FRENCH, per, Precontrainte - Prestressing, Vol X, No IS, , pp CSIR Tr No 259 Study of the Propagation of Flames in a Reaction Vessel Formed by Two Compartments Linked by a Duct, by A. Combe, C. Meyer, et al. FRENCH, per, Revue Inst Franc Petrole, Vol XIII, No 10, 1958, pp OT 7282 Three Dimensional Lubrication in the Turbulent Regime, by V. N. Constantinescu. FRUNCI, per, Revue de Necanigue Appliqueel, Vol V, No 1, MLI/T 491 A New A.R.L. Fluorescence Instrument, by E. Davidson. FRENCH, per, Revue Universelle des Mines, Vol XVII, No 4, 1961, pp RUL/T Automatic Toepler Pump, by M. 1lanin, H.1. Voeltiel, FRENCH, per, Vide, Vol LXVI, No 11, 12, 1956, pp CRL/T Apparatus for the Destruction of Insects, by A. Braido, H. Bianchi. URDL, Ft Belvoir FRENCH, Patent No 618,847. T-1686 The Amplitude Variations in a Clock, Timepiece, by P. Bercot, P. Altenburger, 24 pp. GERMAN, rpt, Berichtsbuch des VI Congres International de Chronometric, Vol II, Jun AEC-SCL-T

173 Scientific Engineering (Contd) Non-Destructivt Studies of the U. S. Civilian Gas Mask CDV-805. GERMAN, rpt, Kriegstechnische Abteilun. Dienstkreis III, *ACSI May 1963, pp 1-4. ID Hot Dip Galvanizing and Pretreatment of Mass Produced Articles Manufactured From Plain Carbon Steel Sheet up to 1.2 mm Thick, by 0. Weihrich. GERMAN, per, Blech, Vol IX, May 1962, pp BISI 3082 Quantity and Behaviour of the Intergranular Moisture in Granular Materials, by W. Batel. GERMAN, per, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Vol XXXIII, No 8, 1961, pp Possible Methods of Suppressing Interferences From Ignition Systems in Internal Combustion Engines, by De Waard. GERMAN, per, Hlectrotechnik, Vol XXXIX, No 19, 1961, pp GB/10/2778 NZDIA Cleaning High Tension Installations Under Voltage With Fixed Built-in Spraying Equipment. Practical Experiences Gathered for Over a Decade, by A. Roggendorf. GERMAN, per, Elektrizitatswirtschaft, Vol L, No 2, pp 31-36; No 5, 1951, pp ' NZDIA Behaviour of Prestressed Concrete Poles in the Case of Conductor Failures, by M. Koerner. GERMAN, per, Elektrizitatswirtschaft, Vol LX, No 15, 1961, pp NZDIA Penetration Action Into Sand, by J. Rathie. BRDL, Ft Belvoir GERMAN, per, Forschungsheft, No 350, T-1672 (AD 298,865) Lateral Forces on Rigid Non-Driven Wheels, by 1I. Kromer, N. Sohne. GERMAN, per, Grundlagen der Landtechnik, No 9, 1957, pp CSIRO/No 5978 On the Question of Damping the Aerodynamic Force in Vane Vibration. by it. Hiller, 18 pp. GERMAN, per, Maschinenbautechnik., No 10, 1962, pp FTD-7T Bearing Capacity of Piles. GERMAN, per, Neue Hutte, Vol III, 1944, pp GB/l0/C.E

174 Scientific Engineering (Contd) The Jet Deflection at Nozzle- and Vane-Rings in Steam and Gas Turbines, by W. Gretler. GERMAN, per, Oesterreichische Ingenieur Z, Vol III, ERDL Ft Relvoir No 8, 1960, pp T-1680 Structural Design and Controls for Forging Cranes and Turn-Over Gears, by E. Berhoft. GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXIII, No 1, 1963, pp BISI 3173 Changes in the Finish of the Surfaces in Contact With the Tool During Cold Upsetting, by Ii. Wiegand, K. H. Kloos. GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXIII, No 3, 1963, pp *BIsi 3272 Cooling of Wide-Strip Bundles From Annealing in Bell-Type Furnace, by H. Wolff, R. Schneider. GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXIII, No 6, 196.3, pp *HB 5893 Frost Damage Considered From the Point of View of Bearing Capacity of Road and Subsoil, by L. Schaible. GERMAN, per, Strassen und Tiefbau, Vol XII, No 11, 1958, pp NZDIA Suction Insect Trap. ERDL Ft Belvoir GERIAN, Patent No 638,963. T-1685 Increasing the Heat Output of Gas-Cooled Reactors, by Laszlo Perneczky, 15 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Enorgia os Atomtechnika, No 8, 1962, pp FrD-T Oporational Limits for Uranium Extraction by Inclined Pipe T)ype Extraction Apparaktus, by T. Kurthars, Ii. Kimura, et al, 21 pp. JAPANESE, per, Nihon Censhiryoku Gakkai Sh, Vol IV, No 1, 1962, pp AIEC-NP-Tr-944 Scheme for Instruction for the Renovation of ripe Drainage systems, by Pranciszek Stryjowski, 11 pp. POLISH, per, Wiadowmosci Inst Melioracj I i Uzytkow OTS Zielonych, No 1, 1958, pp I'L-480 Arrangement of an Electronic Range Finder to Measure Small Distances, 6 pp. POLISH, Patent No 44P75 (Class No 21 a 4, 48/62, 27 Apr 1961), 1961, 1 p PTD-TT

175 Scientific Engineering (Contd) Ceramic Floors and Wall Facings: Methods of Construction, by I. Naslund. SWEDISH, per, Byggmastaren, Vol VI, 1960, pp CSIRO/No 5207 Standardization of Large Containers. SWEDISH, per, Teknisk Tidskrift, No 48, 28 Dec 1962, *ACST p ID Selected Articles From the Ukrainian Periodical Avtomatika, No 1, JPRS On Rosenblatt's Theorems and Systems of the Perceptron Type, by H. L. Otkhmezuri, 40 pp, (pp 10-23). Improving the Accuracy of the Digital Integrator, by S. 0. Sihov, 28 pp, (pp 39-53). Definitions and Classifications of Codes, by V. A. Stulov, 12 pp, (pp 63-66). American Research of Automatic Control Theory, by S. F. Kozubovs'kiy, 8 pp, (pp 70-72). Fuels & Propulsion Motor, Jet, and Rocket Fuels, by K. K. Papok, Ye. G. Somenido, 988 pp. RUSSIAN, hk, MotornXye Roaktivnyye i Raketnyye Topliva, Moscow, 1962, pp V TD-TT Use of niesel Fuels Containing Additives, hy G. A. Mortzov. RUSSIAN, bk, Primeneniye Dizel'nykh Masel s Prisadknmi, Leningrad, 1963, 112 pp. *PTDm-rr Factors Influencing the Thermostability of,jet Engine Fuels, by I, N. Dsnilov, Kh. A. Murzabulntov, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Sernistyyo Nefti i Produkty ikh Pererabotki, Moscow, 1962, pp rd-tr

176 Scientific Fuels &~ Propulsion (Contd) Liquid Rocket Propellants, by A. V. Soregin, 112 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Zhidkiye Raketnyye Topliva, Moscow, 1962, pp FTP-TT Reprocessing of Irradiated Fuels. FRENCI, rpt, Retraitemont Lio Combustibles Irradies, 1 Apr-30 Jun *AEC Fully Automatic Injector Mixing Devices for Gaseous Hydrocarbons, by K. Sigmund. GERMAN, per, Erdol und Kohle, Urgas Petrochemie, Vol XV, No 7, 1962, pp MU/T 489 Materials &~ Metallurgy The Present Data About the Abyssal Origin of Petroleum, by N. A. Kudryavtsev, 30 lip. RUSSIAN, bk, Kiev, Study of Crystallization in Classes Produced From Easily Melting Clays, by It. N. Sharay. RUSSIAN, hic, Khimlys i Khiriichesknya Tekhnologiya Silikatnykh Haterialov, 1960, pp MEB *rtd-tt Bibliographic Index o. USSR Works an Corrosion and Protection of Materials, by V. V. Krasnoyarskiy, F. M. Reznik, 128 pp. RUSSIAN, bkt, Korrosiya i Zashchita Materialov -- Bibilogra1tiyn otechostvonnoy LfterAtiry za Period s 1959 Gody, Moscow, 1961, pp 1-275, JPRS Corrosion anti Protoction of Constructionni. Metals. RUSSIAN, hk, Korroziya i Znshrhitn Koiistruktsionnykh Motallicheski1K Materialov; Shornik hetatoy, 1961, 258 pp. * PTD-TT

177 Scientific Materials 6 Metallurgy (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Book Metallurgiya i Metallovedeniye Chistykh Metallov, Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Pod Redaktsiye, Moscow, Vol I1, FTD-TT Investigation of the Oxidation Kinetics of Iodide llafnium in the Temperature Range From 600 to 1000C, by A. I. Yevstyukhin, I. I. Korobkov, et al, 13 pp, (pp 64-73). Zone Melting of Niobium by the Arc Method, by A. 1. Yevstyukhin, V. V. Nikishanov, et al, 13 pp, (pp ). Investigation of the Oxidation Kinetics of Niobium, by B. N. Revyakin, I. I. Korobkov, et al, 11 pp, (pp ). Diffusion Mobility of Lithium in Iron and Steels, by N. M. Beskorovayniy, V. S. Yeremeyev, et al, 18 pp, (pp ). The Solubility of Metals in Carbon, by Yu. G. Godin, A. I. Yevstyukhin, et al, 7 pp, (pp ). Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Steel, by M. L. Bernshteyn, A. G. Rakhshtadt, 138 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Metall I Term Obra Stall i Spravochnik, Metallurgizdat, Moscow, 1961, pp 49-58, , vf)-tr Thermodynamic Properties of Zirconium and Its Alloys With Tin, by G. B. Fedorov, B1. A. Smirnov, 29 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Proceedings of a Symposium on Thermd,namicA of Nuclear Materials,-=, Pp Rare Iarth Alloys, by H. M. Savitskiy, V. F. Terekhova, at al. RUSSIAN, bk, Splavy Redkozemel'nykh Metallov, 1962, 267 pp. *ABC ARC-Tr-S551 Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics, hy Boris Abramovich Kiselev, 337 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Stekloplastiki, Moscow, 1961, pp JPRS

178 Scientific Materials & Metallurgy (Contd) The Production of Pipe in the USSR, by V. L. Agre, 160 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Tekh Progress v Cher Metal SSSR: Prok i Trub Proiz, Moscow, 1962, pp JPRS Obtaining and Investigating of Some Properties of the Disilicido of Molybdenum, by I. S. Brokhin, I. S. Zolotarev, et al, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Vsos Nauch Issled Inst Tverdynk S plavov, Sbornik Trudov, No 2, Moscow, 1960, pp PTD-TT Relaxation of Stress and Creep of High Tensile Wire Reinforcement, by V. G. Chernashkin, T. N. Livchak. RUSSIAN, per, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 9, 1961, pp *BISI 3269 On the Problems of Phase Transformations in the Reduction of U409, by V. M. Zhukovskiy, Ye. V. Tkachenko, ot al, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Piz Metal i Metnllov, Vol XV, No 2, 1963, pp JPRS Structural Diagram of the Nickel-Tantalum System, by I. I. Kornilov, E. N. Pylayeva. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Inst Obsch i Neorgan Khim Sektor Piz-Kblm Analiza, Vol XxIll, 1953, pp *AEC-UCRL Selected Articles Prom the Russian Periodical Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, Chernaya Metallurg. No 12, 1962, pp 'HB 5880 Special Features of the Rotating PArrosilicon Furnaces, by I. T. Zherdev. No 1, Effect of Some Elements on the Seizing of Steel D;uring Hot Working, by G. I. Bel'chenko, A. A. Baranov, (pp ). *HB 5911 Microdefects of Diffused Layors in Iron Alloys, by H. A. Kirshtal, (pp ). *HB 5912 No 4, 1963, pp 20-26, *HB 5955 A Standard Method for the Determination of the Reducibility of Iron-Ore Sinters, by V. I. Korotin

179 Scientific Materials & Metallurg, (Contd) Radioactive Isotope Study of Crystallization of Aluminum During Continuous Casting, by. V. I. HOK, B. 1. Simakovskil, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Litevnoye Proizvodstvo, No 10, 1960, pp JPRS Electromagnetic Mixing During Stainless Steel- Making Inelectric Furnaces, by Ye. 1. Moshkevich, A. N. Porada, et all S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Metallurg, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS Microporosity of Powdered Beryllium Oxide, by S. M. Astrakhantsev, Ya. S. Umanskiy, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per,' Nauch Dok WysHO Shkoly Metallurg, AEC-UCRL No 3, 1058, pp Tr 908(CL) Experimental Metal-Ceramic Rolling Mill, by G. A. Vinogradov, 1. M. Fedorchenko, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Poroshkovaya Metallurg., No 2, 1961, pp JPRS Vertical Sintering Furnace, by A. N. Nikolayev, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Poroshkovaya Motallurg, No 5, 1962, pp JPRS Methods of Preserving Fibre Length in Wool and Chemical Fibres Dluring Carding, by V. Hi. Gusev, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Prindenilo, pp CSIR Tr No 255 Casting of Ferromanganose, by A. P. Popov, ot al, RUSSIAN, per, Stall, Vol XIV, No 11, 1954, pp * Mechnnization of the Processes of X-Ray Control of Weldad Joints, by S. T. Nazarov, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Svarnci Proi.z, No 4, 1963, pp *IPRS Diffusion Weolding in a Vntuum and Controlled Atmosphero, by 1. V. Afanas'yov, N. V. Kosichkin, et al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Svaroch Proiz, No 4, 1963, pp 28, 29. JPRS Overvaluation of Notch-Impact Tenacity in Estimating the Quality of Stool, by S. lkronmarck. RUSSIAN, per, Tochnik, Vol XV, No 11, 1060, pp OT s-

180 Scientific Materials Metallurgy (Contd) Effect of Hydrazine on the Process of Formation of Iron Oxide Scale, by N. N. Mankina. RUSSIAN, per, Teploenergetika, Vol IX, No 3, 1962, pp GB/10/2769 Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Textile Industry USSR, Vol XXI. No 7, 1961, pp CSIRO/No 5869 Modernization of the Combs, by N. Nechayov, I. Yakovlev. No 11, Use of Man-Made Fibre in the Knitwear Industry, by I. Lipkov, N. Grechukhina, (p 19-23). CSIRO/No 5871 Production of Bulked Yarn by Stapling Ropes of Synthetic Fibre, by P. Gakel', L. Kovyazina, (pp 35-41). CSIRO/No 5872 Selection of the Length of Staple Fibre for Blending With Wool, by V. Gusev, (pp 41-46). CSIRO/No 5873 The Tungsten and Molybdenum Ores of the Western Greater Caucasus - Genetic Classification and Minerialization lhpochs, by Yu. S. Borodayev. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Moskov Univ, No 5, MEB Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Zavod Lab. Vol VII, 1938, pp DDC RSIC-1S Polarographic Method of Iron Determination in Or s and Slags in the Metallurgic Industry, by Yu. S. Lynlikuv, 13 pp. Vol XXIX, No 3, Methods and 1esting Equipment for Studying the Mechanical Properties of Ittals at High Temperatures, by G. S. Pisaronko, 13 pp, (pp ). JPR5 188U8 Equipmont for Mechanical Testing at Tempuratures up Lo 2000*C, by N. I. Mikheyev, I. P. Bulygin, et al, 7 pp, (pp ). Instrument for Creep Testing at Hligh Temperatures in a Vacuum or Inert Medium, by V. G. Govorkov, V. R. Regel, 5 pp, (pp )

181 Scientific Materials & Metallurgy (Contd) Determination of the Number and Size of Particles in the Structure of Material, by Jiri Likes. CZECH, rpt, Proceedings of Conferences on Applications of Mathematics in the Engineering Industry Prague, 1962, pp *AEC Charge of Protective Atmospheres With Lithium Vapours, by B. Prenosil. CZECH, per, Strojirenstvi, Vol IX, No 12, 1959, pp *BISI 3202 Relationships Between Reed Setting, Dent'Thickness and Dent Spacing on Looms, by J. Kypta. CZECH, per, Textil, Vol XVI, No 11, 1961, pp GB/71 Continuous Determination of Alkylarylsulphonates, by 0. Ruzicka, 0. Vilim. CZECH, per, Vodni Hospodarstvi, Vol X, No 8, *AHRU-Iiarwell 1960, pp 348, 349. Tr 1861 Proportional Counters in X-Ray Spectrometry, by G. Seibel. FRENai, rpt, Institute de Recherches de la Siderurgie, Serie B, No 48, CRL/T Automatic Inspection of Steel Billets, by L. Colombior. FRENCH, per, Bulletin du Cerclo d'etudos des Metaux, No 3, 1962, pp *8ISI 3270 The Visible and Near-Infrared Spectra of Uranium (V) in Nonaqueous Media, by Gerard Kaufmann, Raymond Rohmer. FRSNQt, per, Bulletin Society Chimigue do France, No 10, 1961, pp *AEC Influence of Boron and Tellurium on Cast Iron, by M, A. Roos. FRENCH, per, Fonderie, Sept-Oct lSI 3174 Protection of Metal Parts Against Corrosion, New Process, FRENah, per, Industries Alimentaires et Agricoles, *ACSl No 2, 1963, p 128. ID Influence of the Direction of Twist of the Yarns on the Fabric, by D. Lenoir. FRENCH, per, Industrie Textile, No 894, 1961, pp CSIRO/No S

182 Scientific Materiale & Metallurgy (Contd) Some Observations Concerning the Effect of Oxidation on Creep in a Mild Steel, by 0. Paar, J. Horeau. FRENQi, per, Les Memoires Scientifiques de la Revue de Metallurgie, Vol LXIX, No 10, 1962, pp L*BISI 3311 Selected Articles From the French Periodical Revue de Metallurgie. Vol LIX, Elimination of the Products of Corrosion: Pickling of Steel With Hydrochloric Acid, by S. Menasce, A. Iiache, (pp ). *BISI 2961 Assessment of the Defect Size in Iron and Steel Products by Ultrasonic Testing, by M. Ferrero, P. Ravizza, (pp ). BISI 3110 Check Tests of Drawing Sheets and Comparison With Workshop Results, by N. Jentet, (pp ). GB/39 Vol LX, No 2, 1963, pp *BISI 3283 Continuous Detormination of the Carbon Content of the Bath in Refining Processes With Pure Oxygen, by J. Dumont-Fillon, F. Mangin. Selected Articles From the French Periodical Revue Universelle des Mines. Vol XII, No 11, CRL/T Estimation of Phosphorus in Steel by Direct Spectral Analysis, by A. lans. Vol XVII, No 4, Comparison Between X-Ray and Optical Spectrometry in the Analysis of Ordinary and Alloy Steels, by R. Loude, It. Billet, (pp ). CRL/T Application of X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis to Process Control in a Steel Foundry, by R. Bergor, (pp ). CRL/T Vol CVI, 1963, pp *Hb 5950 Pouring Trails of Rimming Steel in a Nitrogen Atmosphere, by P. Nilles, A. Thill. Applications of Vacuum in the Analysis of Gases in Metals, by M. Hanin. FRFNCi, pei, Vide, No 68, 1957, pp CRL/T

183 Scientific Materials A Metallurgy (Contd) The Status of High Temperature Sinter-Material Research, by Eberhard Meyer-lartwig, 11 pp. GERMAN, hk, Jahrbuch 1955 dor Wissenschaftliche ACSI Gesollschaft fuer Luftfahrt, 1955, pn ID Photoconductivity of Crystals Embedded in Pesin, by R. Epping, at al. GHRMAN, bk, Die Lichtelektrische Loitfaehigkeit von im Harzcingelagerton Kristallen, Muenchen, ERDL, Ft Belvoir 1962, 87 pp. T-16S3 CAD 283,439) Report From the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory at Konigl, Technical Hlighschool of Munich II. Some Alloys of Cerium and Lanthanium, by W. Muthmann, I. Beck. GERMAN, per, Annalon der Chemie, No 331, 1904, pp Selected Articles. From the German Periodical Archiv fuer Risenhuttenwesen. *AEC Vol XXXII, No 1, 0v61, pp CRL/T Application of X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis to the Ferrous Metallurgical Industry, by I. J. Kopineck. Vol XXXII, No 3, 1961, pp CRL/T, 1153 Spectrochomical Analysis of Preliminary Samples of Stainless Steels, Using the Quantometer, by II. de Laffolie. Vol XXXII, No 12, 1961, pp BISI 2807 Influence of Overall Pressure on the Decomposition of Austenite Into Pearlite and Intermediate Stage Structure, by H. Schmidtmann, W. Biermann. Vol XXXIII, No 10, 1962, pp BISI 3090 M 1ecallographic Detection of Ferrite Formation in Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Steel, by V. Pepperhoff, W.-E. Buhler. Vol XXXIII, No 11, 1962, pp BISI 3166 On the Kinetics of Degassing Steel Melts Under Reduced Pressure, by H. Knuppel, F. Oeters, Vol XXXIII, No 12, 1962, pp OBISI 3177 The Potential Dependence of the Intercrystalline Corrosion of a Tempered Austenitic Chromium Nickel Stool, by R. J. Schuller, P. Schaab

184 Scientific Materials 11 Netallurgy (Contd) Selected Articles From the German Periodical Archly fuer Eisenhuttenweseo. (Coutd) Vol XXXIV, No 2, 1963, pp *BISI 3287 Relationship Between the Heat Treatment and the Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels Containing Appox. 17% CR in Boiling Concentrated Nitric Acid, by A. Baumel. Vol XXXIV, No 4, On the Kinetics of Deoxidation of Steel With Aluminium, by L. von Bogdandy, (pp ). *BIS Experience in Spectrometric Supervision of Steelmaking Operations, by P. Dickens, P. Koning, (pp ). *11B 5959 Degenerate Structure as an Approximate Equilibrium Transformation of Aus.enite, by A. Rose, II. Hlougardy, (pp ). *BISI 3298 Effect of Corium Upon Properties of CR-Ni Stainless Steel, by I-J. Kirschning, ot al, (pp ). *11B 5960 Vitreous linamolling of SheeL Steel, by G. Prank. GERMAN, per, Blech, Vol IX, No 12, 1962, pp BISI 3296 X-Ray Spectroscopy in the Ferrous Metallurgy Laboratory, by II. do Laffolie. GERMAN, per, npw Technische Berichto, Vol I, No 4, 1961, pp CRL/T Lithium - Aluminium Silicates as Ceramic MAnterials, by M. Mehmel, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, (;lass-lmail-keramo-technik, Vol X, No 9, i959, pp 3=7-40, ACSIL Tr 1306 Polyamide and Polyaorylnitril Fibers. GEfRMAN, per, Informationen, No 1, Mar 1963, *ACS in pp 18, th MI Gp Resistance of Silicone Finishes on Uniform Fabrics, by IV. Ileydock. GERIMAN, per, Mellimnd Textilberiche, Vol XLIII, 1962, pp GB/71 = 170-

185 Scientific Materials F Metallurgy (Contd) Experiences Made With the Oscillating Pressure Treatment for the Impregnation of Spruce Poles by Means of Copper-Chrome-Arsenic-Containing Salt Mixtures, by S. T. lenriksson. GERMAN, per, eittailungen der Deutschon Gesellschaft fu ertlolzforschuiig, No 48, NZDIA A New Rapid Method for the Calorimetric Determination of Sulphur in Metals, by W. Fischer, If. Bastius. GERMAN, per, Neue Hutte, Vol VIII, No 1, 1963, pp BISI 3204 Modification Changes of Zircon and Hafnium, by C. Zwikker. AEC-UCREL GERMAN, per, Physica, No 6, 1926, pp Tr-887(L,) Intergranular Corrosion of Aluminum Raw Material, by E. Nachtigall. ERDL, Ft Belvoir GERDAN, per, Radex - Rundschau, No 6, 1960, pp T-1676 Determination of the Nitrogen Content in Steel by the Wet Method, by D. Blazajak-Ditgos. GERMAN, per, Radex Rundschau, No 1, 1963, pp *ISI 3278 Present State of Continuous Casting in Europe, by B. Tarmann. CHRMAN, par, Radex Rundschtiu, Vol II, No 4, 1963, pp *DISI 3268 Selected Articles From the German Periodical Stahl und Eisen. Vol.XXXII, No 9, 1962, pp CRL/T ntnlurgical Studies and Metallurgical Research Within the Framework of the American Educational System, by K. Grebe. Vol 1LXXXII, No 1, Changes in the Iron and Steel Industry, by A. Michel, (pp 10-17). DIST 3153 Effects of Development of Processes on the Future Structure of Heat and Power Economy in Mixed Iron and Steelworks, by F. Wasemann, (pp 65-75). DIST

186 Scientific Materials & Metallurgy (Contd) Selected Articles From the German Periodical Stahl und Iiisen. (Contd) Vol LXXXIII, No 2, 1963, pp RIST 3211 Effect of the Test Apparatus Upon the Strain Rate During Tensile Testing, by A. Krisch, R. Schweitzer. Vol LXXXIII, No 3, Oxygen Contents of Hllds Unkilled Basic Oxygen Steels From lhigh-phosphorus [lot Metal, by II. vom Endo, W. Pfaff, (pp ). *11B 5937 Experience With lni-l)irectional Flow Forging Furnaces, by [-J. Pohle, E. Kohlor, (pp ). *BISI 3271 Vol LXXXIII, No 5, 1963, pp *11B 5900 Eloctric Arc Furnaces With Special References to Large Capacity Units for Steelmaking, by F. Harms. Vol LXXXIII, No 8, 1963, pp *BISI 3310 Effect of Deformation of Austenite Prior to Martonsite Transformation in Low Alloy Structural Steels, by K. Detert, C. Schmidt-Krayer. Vol LXXXIII, No 9, 1963, pp *1iB 5918 Continuous Casting of Stool and Planning of Plant for It, by II. Pauels. Vol LXXXIII, No 10, 1963, pp * Testing Hot/Slab/Blooms for Pipe by the ise of Gamma Radiation, by It. lrmert, A. leorwig. A New Wet Method for the Separation of Fine Dust, by J. Pallinger. GMIAN, per, Staub, Vol XXII, No 7, 1962, pp 27n-275. *ISI 3277 Crucible and Rotor Furnaces for Oxygen Steel Production, by 11. Ilarrbrucker. GFRMAtkN, per, 'ochnik und Forschung, No 181(42), *BISI 3284 Ten Years Experionco With Austonitic Steels in Boilor Operation, by IV. Ruttmann, N. Brunzol. GRMAN, per, Vereinigung der Grosskesselbesitzor, No 80, 1962, pp *BISI

187 Scientific Materials & Metallurgy (Contd) Recent Observations and Information on the Behaviour of Ferritic and Austenitic Boiler Steels, by I. Glass. GERMAN, per, Vereinigung der Grosskesselbesitzer, No 80, 1962, pp *BISI 3289 Investigationb on th& Compound Formation and Electromotive Behavior of Cerium in Its Alloys With Iron and Zinc, by Fritz Olotofski, 21 pp. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, Vol CXIV'1920, pp AEC-Tr-5674 A Photometric Determination of Zinc in Iron Ores, by if. Pohl. GERMAN, per. Z fuer Erzbergbau und etallhuttenwesen, No 1, 1963, pp *BISI 3286 The Synthetic Emerald, by Ii. Espig. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Kristallographie, Vol XCII, 1935, pp *AEC-UCRL Self-Diffusion in Liquid Calcium Metal, by J. Rohlin, A. Lodding. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Naturforschung, Vol XVIIa, No 12, 1962, pp *AFC The Effect of Diffusion on Liquid Motals With Isotope Transference, by A. Lodding, A. Klenn. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Naturforschung, Vol XVIIa, No 12, 1962, pp W *AEC The Demonstrability of the Crystal-Structure Disorders of Fine Cyrstalline Carbons, by Pal Szabo, 6 pp. HUNCARIAN, per, Magyar Tudomanyos Akad Kosponti Piz Kutato Intezetenek Kozlemenyei. No 7, 1959, pp AEC-Tr-5565 Polarographic Analysis of Traces of Metals in Iron Ores, by G. Odone, G. Picasso. ITALIAN, per, Chimica a l'industria, Vol XLII, No 6, 1960, pp CSIRO/No 5964 Blackening and Effective Width of Spectral Lines, by R. Passeri, 16 pp. ITALIAN, per, La Metallurgia Italiana No 6, 1957, pp CSIR Tr No 262 Possible Utilization of Effective Line Widths, by A. Fiorenza, M. Lachin, 20 pp. ITALIAN, per, La Metallurgla Italiana, No 8, 1958, pp CSIR Tr No

188 Scientific Materials & MetallurRy (Contd) External Defects of Seamless Tube, by M. Mazzanti, A. Molaroni. ITALIAN, per, La Metallurgie Italiana, No 11, 1962, pp *HB 5910 Actinium, by G. Bouissieres. ITALIAN, per, Nouveau Traite de Chimie Minerale, Vol XIII, pp Electrodeposition of Metal From Solution in Organic Solvent, by Yoshizo Takeda. JAPANESE, per, Kinzoku, No 29, 1959, pp *AEC AEC-Tr-5533 A Method of Identification of Non-Metallic Inclusions in Carbon Steels, by S. Rudnik. POLISH, per, Ilutnik, Vol XXVIII, No 6, pp BISI 3099 Calcium Determination in Chemical Pulps by Means of a Flame Photometer, by Janina Kaszynska, 11 pp. POLISH, per, PIrace Instytutu Celulozowo-Papierniczego, OTS Vol IV, No 2, 1955, pp PL-480 A Contribution to the Determination of 0 and X Cellulose in Cellulose Rayon Pulps, by W. Piela, T. Poglodok, 7 pp. POLISH, per, Przogld Papierniczy, No 1, 1958, OTS pp PL-480 Mining and Metallurgy Quarterly, by Vlktor Kersnic, 63 pp. SLOVUNIAN, per, Rudarsko-Motalurski Zbornik, No 4, OTS A 1962, PL-480 Photometric Determination of Bismuth in Stainless SLool and Ferromslybdonum, by C. G. Carlstrom, V. Palvarinne. SWEDISH, par, Jernkontorets Annaler, Vol CXLVI, 1962, pp 'BISI 3309 An Optical Method for Continuous Measurement of Shrinksge of Metal Powders During Sintoring, by M. I. Tikkanen. SWEDISII, per, Jornkontorcts Annaler, Vol CXLVII, No 1, 1963, pp *HB 5919 Wear Resistance of Sintered VS. Cast Hard Metals, by 0. Knotek. SWIEDISI, per, Jernkantorets Annaler, Vol CXLVII, No I, 1963, pp 'HB 5920 The Vapor Pressure of Binary Metal Alloys, by Axel Wejnarth, 21 pp. SWEDISH, per, Teknisk Tidskrift, No 5, 1942, pp 33-39, AEC-Tr

189 Scientific Mathematics & Data Processing Algorithms Associated With Systems of Words, by A. A.* Markov, 103 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol XXVII, No 1, 1963, pp 101-1Z = JPRS Certain Problems in tho Application of the Theory of Games to Naval Studies, by A. P. Tron, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per,' MorskoZ Sbornik, Vol XLVI, No I, 1963, pp JPRS Constructing Algorithms for Logical Problems, by V. S. Korolyuk, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, peri Trudy Vses Soveshchaniya po Vychislitel'noZ Mathmat ± Promenonl.yu Sredstv Vychislitel'noy Tekh, 3-8 Fevralya 1958 Goda, Iz Ak Nauk Azorbayzhanskoy SSR, Balku, 1961, pp rtd.'r Symposium on the Theory of Relay Devices and Finite Automata, by M. A. Gavrilov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak Nauk SSSR, No 4, 1963, pp JPRS On the Question of Cp,q)-Analytic Functions of a Complox Variable and Their Application, by G. N. Polozhiy. FRI3NCi, per, Revue de Mathematiquos, Pures et Appliquees, Vol I, 1957, pp The Calculus, by Otto Tooplitz. GERMAN, bk, 192 pp, *Redstone Arsoenal Univ of Chicago Cold Pressing of Symmetrical and Asymmetrical parts, by 0. May. GE~RMAN ' por, Werkstattstochnik, Vol XLIX, No 1, 1959, pp On the Numerical Decomposition of a System Lf Linear Ordinary Differential Equations, by S. F. Pesconko, L. D. Nikoysako. UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrainskiy Matemnt Zhur, Vol XTI!, No 3, 196 1, pp l1tu-13 *R1odstome Arsenal -175

190 Scientific Nuclear Science $ Technology Selected Articles From the Russian Report Conference on Practical Applicationb of Short-Life adioisotopes Produced in Small Research Reactors, 5-9 Nov Contribution to the Study of the Preparation of Tellurium-132 and Iodine-132, by R. Stiennon-Bovy, G. Haegeman-Geladi. *AEC Labelling Human Serum-Albumin, Insulin and Fibrinogen With Bromin-82 by Electrochemical Means, by U. Rosab G. A. Scassellati, et al. *AEC Needles of Yttrium-90 for Endo-Electron Therapy Interstitial Beta Therapy, by B. Pierquin, M. Mortreuil, et al. *AEC Production of 1132 From Irradiated UP 4 by M. Barrachina Gomez. *ABC Prdduction of Short-Life Radioisotopes in Reactor VVR-M, by I. A. Kondurov, D. A. Yashin. Application of Decay Reaction T o-1l32 in the Preparation of Labelled Molecules, by Jean-Pierre Adloff, et al. *AEC *AEC Activation Analysis and Determination of Short-Lived Isotopes, by R, Loos, 6 pp AEC-Tr-5746 Practical Application of Short-Lived Radionuclides in Activation Analysis, by B. Chinaglia, L. Ciuffolotti, at al, 6 pp AEC-Tr-5748 Production and Use of the Isotopes Sodium-24, Potasaium-42, Copper-64, and Molybdenum-99, by R. Loos, 6 pp AEC-Tr-5749 Application of Sodium-24 to the Measurement of Rates of Flow and Leak Detection, by J. Guizerix, R. Gernuet, 5 pp AEC-Tr-5730 Use of Na 2 4 as Tracer in Public Works and Hydrology, by M. Birnbaum, E. Gaspar, et al, 7 pp AEC-Tr-57S1 Determination of Elements by Their Short-Lived Radioisotopes in the Analysis of Aluminum, Iron, and Zirconium of Very High Purity, by P. Albert, M. Deyris, et al, 18 pp AEC-Tr

191 Scientific Nuclear Science & Technology (Contd) Microwave Plasma Diagnostics, by L. A. Dushin, V. I. Kononenko, et al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, and rpt, First the Problem of Controlled Conference Thermonuclear on Plasma Physics AERE-Harwell Reactions, Tr-925 Corrosion Resistance in a Steam-Water Medium and Mechanical Properties of Hafnium With a High Zirconium Content, by R. V. Grebennikova, F. L. Shamushov. RUSSIAN, rpt, International Atomic Energy Agencg Proceedings of the Conference on Corrosion of Reactor Materials, Salzburg, Vol II, 4-8 Jun 1962, pp Transportation of Radioactive Materials, by N. I. Leshchinskiy. RUSSIAN, bk, Transportirovanie Radioaktivnykh Veshchestv, 1962, 195 pp. A Generalization on Heat Transfer in Liquid Metals, by P. L. Kirillov, S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Atomni a Energiya, Vol XIII, 1962, pp *AEC *ABC ABC-Tr-5776 The Affinity of Niobium to 0, by G. A. Meyerson, T, Segorceyanu. 2 RUSSIAN, per, Atomniya Energiya, Vol XIII, No 12, 1962, pp *AEC Vapur Pressure: Barium and Strontium, by Yu. A. Prizelkov, A. N. Neomaganov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol XCV, 1954, pp Study of the System Uranyl Nitrate-Water-Nitric Acid-Tributyl Phosphate in the Region of Phase Separation, by A. V. Nikolayev, I. I. Yakovlev, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLV, No 5, 1962, pp AEC-Tr-5766 Use of Secondary Ion-Ion Emission Phenomena in Studying Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions, by Ya. M. Fogel, B. T. Nadykto, et al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, No 2, 1962, pp ABC-Tr-5719 Automatic Closed Orbit Control, by A. A. Vasll'yev, N. I. Kuz'mina, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh Institut Ak Nauk SSR, AEC-NP-Tr-932 *ABC

192 Scientific Nuclear Science & Technology (Contd) Determination of' the Optimum Parameters of Drift Tubes for Cavity Resonators in Proton Linear Accelerators, by V. G. Andreyev. RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh Inst Ak Nauk SSSR, Measurement of Gamma Radiation Dose From Optical Activity Variation of Carbohydrates, by Sh. A. Ablyayov, V. V. Generalov, et al, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trud, Tashkent Kon pc Mirnomy Iapol'zovaniyu Atomn Energil, Vol 1, 1961, pp Investigation of Some Characteristics of AR and XE Plasma Behind a Powerful Shock Wave, by S. R. Kholev. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Magnitnoy Gidrodinaniki i Dinamiki Pla Ra AM Nauk Latv 5SR, 1959, pp 93-1OS. Radioactive Contamination of Aquatic Media and organisms, by Y. Fontaine. FRENCH1, rpt, Centre d'etudes Nucleaires, Saclay, Report CEA-IS88, 1960, 176 pp. *AERE-Harwell FTD-TT *FTD-TT ABC-Tr-5358 Study of Nuclear Materials by the Noutrocrystallographic Method, by J. Laniesse, Englander, et al, 10 pp. FRENCH, per, Bulletin d'informations Scientifiques et Techniques, No 49, Mar 1961, pp AEC-Tr-5780 Measurements of Very Low Radioactivities by Pseudoalewtory Excitation of the Source, by T. E,. Stern, J. Valat, at al. FREN0I, per, Bulletin d'informations Scientifiques et Techniques, No 61, 190, pp Symposium on Aqueous Reprocessing Chemistry for Irradiated Fuels, by P. Faugeras. FRENCH, per, Commissariat a 1'Energie Atomique, Apr *AEC *AEC Neutron Study of the Crystalline Texture of Uranium Bars, by J. Laniesse, P. Meriel, at al, 5 pp. PRENCi, per, Journal Nuclear Materials, Vol II, 1960, pp AEC-Tr-5779 Disc: Cerenkov Counter With Velocity Selection, by R. Meunier, J. P. Stroot, et al, 31 pp. FRENCH, per, Nuclear Instrumants and Methods, Vol XVII, No 9, 1962, pp AEC-Tr

193 Scientific Nuclesr Science 6 Technology (Contd) Comparison of Silver-Activated Metaphosphate Classes of Various Manufacturers. Part II, by Becker, 5 pp. GERMAN, rpt, AEC-Tr-5723 Calculation of Hot Channel Foctors in Nuclear Fuel Elements, by J. Clauss, 45 pp. GERMAN, per, Atomkernener ie, Vol V, 1960, AEC-DEG-Infpp 41-52; 128=-,. Ser-140 Hyperfine Structure and the Atomic Nucleus, by H. Kallmann, 1i. Schueler, 70 pp. GERMAN, per, Ergeb Exakt Naturwiss, No 11, 1932, pp AEC-NP-Tr-916 Selected Articles From the German Periodical Kernenergie. Vol V, No 4, 5, A Transistorized Anticoincidence Device for Low Level Measurements With Geiger-Muller Tubes, by R. Reichel, (pp ). *AEC Separation of the Boron Isotope by Chemical Exchange, by G. M. Panchenkov, A. V. Makarov, et al, (pp ). Phase Reversal in a Column Designed to Separate the Boron-Isotope of Chemical Exchange in the Anisole-BF 3 /BF 3 System, by P, Kulicke, G. Kretzschmann, et al, (pp ). Vapor Pressure-Isotopic Effect of a Hydrogen and Boron Compound, by I. Kiss, L. Matus, et al, (pp ). Reactor Simulator for Teaching and Training Purposes, Part I, by R. R. Gass, et al. GERMAN, per, Kerntechnik, Vol IV, No 5, 1962, pp Reactor Simulator for Teaching and Training Purposes, Part II, by R. R. Gass, et al, GERMAN, per, Kerntochnik, Vol IV, No 7, 1962, pp Man and Radiation, by Rudolf Schulze, 20 pp. GERMAN, per, Lichttechnik, Vol XII, 1960, pp *UKAEA-Risley Tr No 356A *UKALIA-Risley Tr No 356B AEC-FNL-TN

194 Scientific Nuclear Science & Technology (Contd) On the Ignition of Explosives by Ion and Electron Bombardment, by Von Hartmut Kallmann, W. Schrankler, 5 pp. GERMAN, per, Naturwissenschaften, Vol XXI, No 21, 23, 1933, pp AEC-Tr-5706 Theoretical Investigations of Reactivity Measurement on a Reactor With Reflector Uing a Plsd Neutron Source, by A. Fraude, 22 pp. GERMAN, per, Nukleonik, Vol IV, 1962, pp AEC-NP-Tr-936 Determination of Reactor Power by Means of Reactor Noise, by R. Schroder. GERMAN, per, Nukleonik, Vol IV, No 5, 1962, pp *UKAHA D Lib Tr 57 Experimental Investigation of Various Types of Luminous Paints, by Reinhold Wahl, 8 pp. GERMAN, per, Die Uhr, Vol XXII, No 11, 14, AEC-Tr-5560 Return to the Subject of Luminous Paints, by Reinhold Wahl, 9 pp. GERMAN, per, Die Uhr, No 1, 20, AEC-Tr-5561 A Plasma Burner as a Spectrochemical Excitation Source, by K. H. Neeb, Wi Gebauhr. GERMAN, per, Z Cuur Analytische Chemie, Vol CXC, 1962, pp *AEC Binding Energy and Single-Particle Model of the Atomic Nuclei, by K. Woesto, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Physik, Vol CXXXVII, 1954, pp AEC-Tr-5702 Internal Shielding of High Energy Accelerators, by M. Ladu, M. Petilli, SO pp. ITALIAN, rpt, AEC-Tr-5629 Thermodynamic Properties of Zr and lif Halides, by S. N. Lungu. ITALIAN. per, Acad Rep Populare Romine, Studii Cercetari Fiz, No 13, 1962, pp *AEC

195 Scientific Nuclear Science & Technology (Contd) On the Measurement of Changes in Relative Density of Filling Sand Slime Using Radioisotopes, by Hiroshi Fushimi, 6 pp. JAPANESE, rpt, AEC-Tr-5698 On the Deterination of the Criticality Conditions by the Multiple Collision Method, by T. Asaoka. JAPANESE, per, Journal Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Vol II: No 7, 1960, pp Studies and Experiments on an Evaporator for Radioactive Liquids, by A. Facchini, 13 pp. ITALIAN, per, L'Energia Elettrica, Vol XXXVII, AEC-TRG-Inf- No 12b, 1960 pp Ser-79(R) AEC-DEG-Inf- Ser-284(R) Dialkyl Methylenebisphosphonic Acid as a Means for the Extraction of Uranium, Thorium, Vanadium, and Titanium, by H. Gorican, D. Grdenic. POLISH, rpt, Yugoslav-Polish Colloquium on Problems of Extraction in Nuclear Technology, Sep 1961, pp Punched Card System for the Most Important Features of Radioactive Nuclides, by F. Illes, E. Va~ai, 5 pp. POLISH, per, Atomki Kozlemenvek, Vol IV, No 1, 1962, pp AEC-NP-Tr-968 Selected Articles Fromi the Serbo-Croatian Report Bilton Instituta za Nuklearne Nauke Boris Kidric. Vol XII, No 1, ABC-Tr Bulletin of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 88 pp. Vol XIII, No 2, AEC-Tr Bulletin of tho Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 83 pp. Vol XIII, No 3, ABC-Tr Bulletin of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 55 pp. Vol XIII, No 4, ABC-Tr Bulletin of the Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 56 pp. *ABC

196 Scientific Study of Instability in the Cyclotron Method of Plasma Heating, by N. I. Nazarov, A. I. Ermako, at al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt. Theory of Combustion Instability in Liquid Propellant Rocket Motors, by Yu. Kh. Shaulov, M. 0. Le:rner, et al. RUSSIAN, bk, 1958, pp Manual of Physical and Chemical Testing of Explosives, by D. S. Avanesov. RUSSIAN, bk, 1959, 174 pp. A 30 Mev Electron Linear Accelerator for Neutron Spectroscopy, by R. M, Voronkov, M. I. Pevzner, et al. RUSSIAN, rpt, Nuclear Reactions by Means of High Energy Particles, by N. A. Perfilov, 0. V. Pozhkin, at al. RUSSIAN, bk, AEC-AIT-Tr-5 *FTD-TT AWRE-Tr-30 *AEREHarwell *AEC=UCRL=Tr=949 Description of the Refuse and Nedi-2 Programmes, by K. Lindblom, S. Linde. RUSSIAN, rpt, Aktiebolaget Atomenergi, *'AERE-1arwell Physicochemical Hydrodynamics, by Veniamin G. Levich, 716 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya (;Idrodinamika, Moscow, AEC-Tr-SS55 Gravimetry, Apparatus and Methods for Measuring Gravity, by P. F. Shokin, 323 pp. OTS RUSSIAN, bk, Gravimetriya, Moscow, PL-480 Three-Stage Photoelectric Transistorized Tracking System, by I. Ya. Badinov, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Isskusstvnnyye Sputniki Zemli, No 14, 1962, pp AID Rpt T Neutron Resanance Studies by Means of A y Ray Capture Detector, by San Kim Khi, L. B. Pikel'ner. RUSSIAN, bk, Issledovaniya Netronnykh Rezonansov s Pumshch'yu Oetektara Zakhvatnykh 1-9Luchei, I9. pp *AEC

197 scientific Physics CContd) On the New Formula of the Intensity of Radiation and New Characteristics of the Transparency of the Air, by Kh. Myurk, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Isdoaia Ro Piz Atofe4 Ak Nauk Estonsko-13H. 1nt FPI AtrnNo 1, 1959, pp FTD-TT Selected Articles From the Russian Report, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Yields of Some Fragments in Bombardment of H1eavy Nuclei With Multi-Charged Ions. II. Fission U4 3 8 by Ne 22 Ions, by 1. Brandstetr, I. Zvara, et al. Electrophoresis of Complex Compounds III. Separation of Several Rare Elements by Sloctrophoresis on Paper in an NTA Medium,'by V. Knoblokh, Zhen Te-hou. *AF.C-UCRL-Tr-956 *AEC-UCRL The Real Part of the Elastic p-p Forward Scattering Amplitude, by L. S. Azhgirel, *AERE-Harwell S. R. Nurushev. Tr Phase Shift Analysis of Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering at Energy 147 MeV, by Yu. M. Kazarinov, *AERE-ilarwell V. S. Kiselev, et al. Tr Cascade of 'Y-Radiation in the (n, Y ) Reactions in Slow Neutrons, by 1. V. Estulin, A. S. Melioranskiy. RUSSIAN, bk, Kaskadny Y 1ucheiyev Reak44yj (n, y) na MelnnkhNatrnakh, *ARC Characteristics of IBR as Neutron Spectrometer, by G. I. Zabiyakin, L. B. Pikellner. RUSSIAN, bk, Kharaktoristiki IBRa kak Noitronnogoo Spektrometra, 1962, pp 3877:. Linear Ion Accelerators, by D. V. Karetnikovb 1. N. Slivkov, et al. RUSSIAN, bk, Lineinye Uskoriteli lonov, 1962, 208 pp. Inelastic Effects in Neutron Scattering Phenomena in Liquids and Solids. Part 11. Magnetic Materials, by Adam Vanin. RUSSIAN, bk, Neuprugiye Effekty pri Rasseyanit' Neitronov v KhidkOStayOKh i Tverdykh Telakh, C;*ast' 11. Maninyo Veshchestva, 1962, pp *AEC *AEC *AEC

198 Scientific Physics (Contd) Inelastic Effects in Neutron Scattering Phenomena in Liquids and Solids. Part I. Nonmagnetic Materials, by E. A. Yanik. RUSSIAN, 3k, Neurugye Effekty pri Rasseyaniy Neitronov v Zhidkostyakh I Tverdykh Telakh Mhost' I. Nemagnitnye Veshchestva, 1962, pp *AEC Inelastic Scattering of Slow Neutrons on Arbitrary Crystals and the Genera Problem of the Restoration of the Phonon Spectrum, by Yu. Kagan. RUSSIAN, bk, Neuprugoe Rasseyanie edlennykh Neitronov na Proizvol'nykh Krlstallakh i Obshchaya zadacha Vosstanovleniya Fononnog Spektra, 1962, pp -- =2 *AEC Review of Neutronographic Studies Carried Out During 1960 and 1961 at the Institute of Atomic Energy, by K. Blinovski, Ya. Letseyevich, et al. RUSSIAN, bk, Obzor Neitronograficheskikh Issledovanii Provedennykh v Godakhv lyai, 1962, pp *AEC Results' of Calculation of Nuclear Fission According to the Liquid Drop Model, by V. M. Strutinskiy. RUSSIAN, bk, Ordena Lanina Institut Atomnoi Energii imeni I. V. Kurchatova, Moscow, Fundamentals of Cosmic Electrodynamics, by S. B. Pikel'ner. RUSSIAN, bk, Osnovy Kosmicheskoy Blektrodinamiki, Moscow, 1961 *ABC-UCRL 'pp' *NASA TT P-17S Absorption of Gases by Active Metals, by G. D. Glebov, 18 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Pogloshcheniye Gazov Aktivnymi Metallami. Gosudarstvenne e Energeticheskoye Izdatel'stvo, Moscow, 1961, pp FTD-TT The Adaptation of Radioactive Isotopes to Engineer Research, by N. V. Glasov. RUSSIAN, bk, Primeneni e Radioaktivnykh Izotopov Y Inzheneraykh layakanlyakh, 1962, 23 pp. A Device for the Determination of Core Freqtieacy Properties in the Re-Magnetisation Process Along Hysterosis Symmetric Cycles Close to a Limiting Hysteresis Loop, by E. F. Berezhnoy, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Probor dlya Opredeleniya Chastokhykh Svoystv Serdechnikov pri Peremagnichivanil p slmmetrichnym Tstklam Gisterezisa, Vlizklm k Predel'nym, Moscow, 1962, pp AEC-Tr-$52S FTD-Tr

199 Scientific Physics CContd) Radiolysis of Hydrocarbons, by A. V. Topchiyep. RUSSIAN,' bk I Radioliz Uglevodorodov, Nekotoryye Fiziko-Khimicheakiye Problemy, Moscow, 1962, 208pp. Calculation and Measurement of Speech Intelligibility, by N. B. Pokrovskiy. (SF-2715) RUSSIAN, bk, Raschet i lzmereniye Razborchivosti Rechi, MOSCOW, 1962, PP *FTD-Tr *JPRS Proceedings of the Working Conference on Slow Neutron Physics, 240 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Sbornika Materilov Rabochego SoveshchaniyL p0 PiZika Medlennykh Neitronov, 712Dec 1961, *ARC Modern Plasma Research Methods, by V. D. Rusanov. RUSSIAN, bk,' Sovremennye Metody Issledovaniya Plazmy, 1962, 183 pp. *ABC Turbulent Boundary Layer in a Gas Flow With Heat Transfer and a Prandtl Number Different From Unity, by Yu. V. Lapin, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Trudy Politakhnicheskiy InSt imeni M. 1. Kalinina Tekh Gidromekh, No 217, 1961, pp FTD-TT Consecutive Operation of Gas Ejectors Under Steady-State Conditions, by I. G. Portnov, G. A. Zotov, 21 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Trudy Razrabotka i Bksypluatatsiya Gazovykh Mostorozhdonly. Transport Gazas Mo-u-JrstennyeN uchno-tekhni chesko e 1optv Nett F_, qii~o-scow.195 9, pp FTD-Tr-(63-l84 Zirconium. Chemical and Physical Methods o. Analysis, by S. V. Blinson, K. I. Petrov, 230 pp. RUSSI;AN, bk, Tsirkonii Khimicheskie i Fizihoskie.~et-odyA11iia, Mosot =,960. Effect of Ionization of immunity, by V. L, rroitskiy, M. A. Tumanyan, RUSSIAN, bk, Viiianiye Ioniziruiushchikh 'E *Izlucheniy ma Immunitatp 1958, 197 PP. *B ABC-Tr

200 Scientific Physics (Cntd) Interaction Between Small Perturbations With Discontinuities and the Stability of Shock Waves in Magnetohydrodynamics, by V. M. Kontorovich, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, VoErosy Mnitnoe Gidrodinamiki Plazm!, Ak Nauk Latviyskoy SR, Riga, 1959, pp FTD-TT Bending of a Prismatic Beam Under Conditions of Non-Stationary Creep, by U. Zhui-Fyn, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk Armenian SSR, Vol XXX, No 3, 1960, pp DDC RSIC-4 On the Positive Charge of the Sun, by V. Krat, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol LV, No 3, 1947, pp AID Rpt T Effects of a Transverse Magnetic Field on a Toriodal Discharge, by L. A. Artsimovich, K. B. Kartashev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVI, No 6, 1962, AEC-MATT-Tr-2 Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Na 2 0- A Si0 2 Glasses, by V. V. Vargin, S. A. Stepanov, S pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, 1962', pp AEC-Tr-5616 UKABA-Risleylnf-Sor-Tr- EM-59/11.7 *AEC Investigation of Heat Transfer in Annular Channels, by V.8E. Doroshchuk, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Energomashinostroy, No 11, 1959, pp 22, 23. Quantitative Measurements of Cloud Element Radioactivity, by V. Yu. Potsius. RUSSIAN, per, Geofi, Vol XI, 1960, pp The Primordial Transuranium Isotope in Nature, by V. V. Cherdyntsev, V. F. Mikhsilov, 15 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geokhim, No 1, ABC-Tr-5739 Certain Theoretical Prerequisites on the Construction of Metal-Like Refractories, by G. V. Samsonov, V. S. Noshpor, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Inzhenerno-Fiz Zhur, Vol 1, No 8, 1958, pp 30-3B FTD

201 Scientific Physics (Contd) On the Question of Heat and Mass Transfer at the Forward Point of Blunt Rodies in the Presence of Heterogeneous Chemical Reactions, by V. P. Motulevich, 15 pp. RUSSIANI per, Inzhenerno-Fiz Zhur, Vol IV, No 11, 1961, pp FTD-TT On Fluctuations of the Electromagnetic Field in a Non-Equilibrium Plasma, by 1. S. Bogdankevich, A. A. Rukhadze, et al, 17 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Inst Fiu ineni ABC-UCRL-Tr. P. N. Lebedeva, (L) Heat-Transfer Crisis in Steam-Gene~rating Channels, by M. E. Shitsman, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Inzhenerno Piz Zhur, Vol V, No 9, AEC-TRG-Inf- 1962, pp Ser-267 CR) Stimulating and Quenching by Exciting Light in Crystal Phosphors, by V. V. Antanov-Romanovskiy, 29 pp. RUSSIAN, per, It Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Piz, No 15, AEC-UCRL- 1951, pp Tr-85S CL) Oscillat~lons of a Weak ly lieterogeneous Plasma, by V. P. Sili, 20 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR Inst Fiz imeni AEC-UCRL- P. N. Lubedeva Tr-945(L) Experimental Study of Surfaco Salvation in Developing a Mathematical Theory of Stable Lyophilic Colloids, by B. Deryagin, M. Kusakov, 52 pp. RUSSIAN, per, 1: A Nauk SSSR, Otdel Matenat i. Ynttn tt.vannih Nauk, 1937, pp FTD-TT Selected Articles From the Russian Poriodical I: A Nauk SSS1, Otdel Tekh Nauk. Mekh i Mash.- No I, 19GO, Effects of Aerodynnnics Dnznping u.n Supe1rnoric IIKABA-Risley- Fluttor of a Panel, by A. A. Movchan, Inf Tr-IATM- (pp ). 60/1.27 Motion of Vortex Layers in an Idoal Liquid, UKNEA-Risleyby V. T. Kharin, (p ). InE Tr-IATM- * 60/

202 Scientific Physics (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical It Ak Nauk SSSR Otdel Tekh Nauk, Mekh i Mash. (Contd) No 2, 1961, pp FTD-TT Classification of.flows in Air Shock-Tubes,J: by G. M. Arutyunyan,43.p. No 6, 1961, pp FTD-TT Heat Transfer in Laminary Boundary Layer up a Plate With Consideration of. Chemical Non-Equilibrium, by V. P. Stulov, 7 pp. pp 19-23, Thermoaoustical Instability of a Heterogeneous Gas Plow, by K. I. Artamanov, I. G. Krutikova, 11 pp. FTD-TT pp , 1962, , FTD-TT Non-Steady Flutter of Plates and $.anted Shells in Gas Flows, by V. V. Bolotin, 15 pp. No 2, 1962, pp FTD-TT Boundary Layer on a Slightly Wavy-Surfaced Wall, by I. P. Soprunenko, 7 pp. No 1, 1963, pp Method of Complementary Strains in Problems of the Theory of Plasticity, by I. A. Birger. Study of Thermal Electron Emission From a Hollow Cathode, by M. B. Pyt'yeva, Ye. M. Dubinina, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, It Ak Nauk SSSR.Seriya Fi, Vol XXVI, No 11, 1962, pp *FTD-TT FTD-TT Angular Features of the Disintegration or Metals by Ion Beams, by V. A. Molchanov, V. G. Toltkovskiy, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, I Ak Nauk SSSR, Spriya Fi, Vol XXVI, No 1Tpp FTD-Tr Distribution of Brightness Over the Disk of the Moon, by A. Yezerskaya, V. I. Yezerskiy, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izvestiya Komissiya po Fit Planet, No 3, 1961, pp FTD-7T Vapor Diffusion in Capillaries, by N. N. Fedyakin, 19 pp. RUSSIAN, per, I: VYsshikh Ucheb Zaved, Fit, No 3, 1962, pp ABC-SCL-Tr

203 Scientific Physics (Contd) Dielectric Properties of Insulating Materials in Gamma-Radiation. 1. Methods of Measuring Dielectric Characteristics in the Process of Irradiation, by B. I. Vorozhtsov, V. M. Nesterov. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved Fiz, No 4, 1962, pp T. *Navy/NRL Structure and Properties of the Uranates, by L. M. Kovba. UKAEA-Risley RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved Khim i Khim Tekh, No 2, 1960, pp Inf Tr-IVK- 60/2.1 The Physical Nature of the Lubricating Action of Boundary Layers, by A. I. Epifanov. UKAEA-Risley- RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh lcheb Zaved, Ser Fiz, Inf-Tr-IVF- No 3,'1959, pp /3.1 Comparison of lonisation and Calorimetric Measurements of the Gamma-Ray Flux from a Synchroton, by S. P. Kruglov. UKAEA-Risley- RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved Ser Piz, Inf-Tr-IVF- No 1, 1960, pp /1.1 On the Pleonasms in the General Solution of Equilibrium Equations of an Anisotropic Body in Displacoment, bv H. N. Bayda, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, per, lz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, Stroitel i Arkhitektura7FNo l, 1959 pp DDC RSIC-1O On the Rate of Levelling Off of the Temperature of Charged Particles in a Plasma, by R. R. Ramazauhvili, A. A. Rukhadze, et al. RUSSIAN, per, Laboratoriya Uskoritelei, Piz Institut imeni P. N. Labedov. Akad Nauk SSSR, *ABC Use of the Small Perturbations Method to Calculate Nonadiabatic Plow Around a Flat Plate Using a Supersonic Flow of Ideal Gas, by I. F. Shakhnov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Mekh i Mash, No 6, 1961, pp T14 PTD-TT-63-16S Non-Linear Oscillations of Rarefied Plasma I., by A. A. Vedonov, E. P. Velikhov, et al, 59 pp. RUSSIAN, por, Nuclear Fusion, Vol i, No 2, 1961, pp AEC-NP-Tr

204 Scientific Physics (Contd) Comparative Study of the Effect of Animal Bodies of 197-kv X-Radiation and Premsstrahlung from a 3-mev Linear Accelerator, by A. K. Arnautov, et al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radiobiolo iya, Vol XI, No 2, 1962, pp AEC-TT-721 Effect of History of Loading on State of Stress in Two-Layer Shells, by I. Z. Palley. RUSSIAN, per, Sbornik State A Nauk Latvirskoy SSR, Inst Avtomat kh Volrosy aan, Dinamiki I Prichnosti, No 9, 1962, pp *FTD-TT An Investigation of the Dependence of the Critical Heat Load on Mass Flow Rate, Subcooling, and Pressure, by A. P. Ornatskiy, A. M. Kichigin, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Tploneretika, Vol VIII, No 2, 1961, pp US24 ABC-Tr-5710 Yield of Radioluminescence of Organic Matters, by Z. A. Chizhikova, 73 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Piz Institut Akad Nauk SSSR imeni P. N. Lebedeva, No 15, 1961, pp ARC-Tr-5377 Bxperimental Investigation of the Effect of a Transverse Magnetic Field on Velocity Distribution in a Mercury Flow, by G. G. Branover, 1. M. Kirko, at al, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Trud' Inst Fiz, Ak Nauk Latviyskoy SSR, Prik magnltolidrodtnamika, No 12, 1961, pp FTD-TT Application of X-Rays in the Study of Materials. RUSSIAN, per, rrudx Laningradskogo Univ4 Izd-Vo. Primenenye Rovanlu Materiallov, No 28, 19S9, 125 pp. Some Problems of Excitation Transfer in Monumolecular Radiation-Chemical Reactions, by Yu. A. Kolbanovskiy, L. S. Polak. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Vses Soy po Radiat Khm, Akad Nauk SSSR Otdel Khim Nauk, 1962, pp *FTD-TT * AEPtE-Harwull Tr-1855 Introduction to the Theory of Branching Stochastic Processes, by B. A. Sevast'yanov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Usokh Matemat Nauk Nova a Seria, Vol VI (46)8 NO 6, 1951, pp AEC-NP-Tr

205 Scientific Physics (Contd) Quantitative Separation of Beryllium From Various Elements by the Method of Ion-Exchange Chromatography, by T. A. Belyavskaya, V. I. Fadeyeva. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Nosk Univ, Ser Fiz Matemat Estestv Nauk, Vol XI, No 6, 1956, pp AWRE-Tr-33 Transition Radiation, by N. P. Klepikov, & pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Moskov Univ, Ser Fiz-Matemat i Yestest Nauk, Vol VI, 1951, pp ARC-Tr-5642 Ozonization of Atactic Polypropylene, by M. Lazar, I. Pavlinets, et al, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vysokomolekulyarne Soedineniya, Vol III, No 6, 1961, pp AEC-SCL-Tr-469 Is a Gravity Screen Possible?, by Oleg Kostko, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Zarya Vostoka, 5 Jan 1963, p FTD-TT-6S-IS$ The Dynamic Method of Determining Metal Vapor Pressures, by S. P. Detkov, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Piz Khim, Vol XXXI, No 1, OTS , pp PL-480 A Sensitive Method for the Determination of Diffusion Coefficients, by V. A. Geodakyan, A. A. Zhukhovitsky, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Piz Khim, Vol XXXI, 1957, pp Problems in the Theory of the Second Method of Liapunov, Construction of the General Solution in the Region of Asymptotic Stability, by V. I. Zubov. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Matemat i Mekhaniki, Vol XIX, 19SS, pp Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Zhur Prik Mekh i Tekh Fiz. AEC-Tr-5663 *Redstone Arsenal No 6, 1961, pp Shock Load Wave in an Underground Explosion in Rocks, by N. S. Medvedeva, E. I. Shemyakin, 19 pp. No 2, Conversion of Kinetic Energy of a Stationary Plasma Stream Into Electricity With Isothermal Retardation of the Stroam in a Transverse Magnetic Field, by V. M. Sarychev, 7 pp, (pp 3-6). ABC-UJCRL- Tr-934(L) rtd-tt

206 Scientific Physics (Contd) Selected Articles Prom the Russian Periodical Zhur Prik Mekh i Tekh Fiz. (Contd) No 2, FTD-TT Generation of Electric Current by a Plasma Flowing in a Tube, by E. I. Andryankin, 11 pp, (pp 7-13). Thermal Ionization and Electric Conductivity of Some Combustion Mixtures and Products, by G. S. Aravin, V. P. Shevelev, 20 pp, (pp 20-31). Effect of Rate of Heat Release in Electric Explosions in Water on the Distribution of the Explosion Energy, by M. I. Vorotnikova, 6 pp, (pp ). Survey of Vacuum Phototubes, by Yu. Yukyanov. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XIII, No 1, 2, ERDL, Ft Belvoir T-1678 Investigations of the Influence of Atomic Admixtures on the Thermal Conductivity in a Crystalline Lattice, by L. D. Devyatkova, L. S. Stil'bans, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Piz, Vol XXII, 1952, pp ABC-SCL-Tr-468 An Investigation of Heat Transfer During Longitudinal Flow of Water Round a Sheaf of Pipes With Relative Rod Pitch S/D - 1.4, by V. I. Subbotin, at al. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol IV, No 3, 1961, pp 3-9. *ABC Removal of Radioactive Materials From Water, by A. S. Smirnov. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Velsoyuznolo Khim Obhch imeni.mendele.ev, Vol V, No 6, 1960, pp *AEC Relaxation Phenomena at a High Speed Gas Flow, by M. A. Yel'yashavich, S. I. Anisimov, 5 pp. BELO-RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk BSSR, Vol V, No 8, 1961, pp ]56 FTD-TT Thermal Emission and Thermal Luminescence in Fluorite, by Antonin Bliun. CmEaI, per, Czech Journal of Phsics, Vol V, No 2, 1955, pp *AEC

207 Scientific Physics (Contd) Corrosion and Erosion Wear of Power Generating Sets Operating at High Temperatures, by P. Hoch, P. Burda. CZECH, per, Strojirenstvi, Vol XIII, No 2, 1963, *ACSI pp ID Contribution to the Study of the Flow of Adsorbed Phases Enrichment of Binary Gas Mixtures, by Jean Claude Sapet, 71 pp. FRENCH, rpt, AEC-Tr-5712 The Experimental Study Methods of the Mechanics of Gas Reactions on Metal Surfaces, by Pierre Le Goff, 26 pp. FRENCH, bk, Ecole Nationale Supericure des Aner Meteorol Industries Chimiques, Soc T-F-45 Physical-Chemical Study of the Separation of Calcium Isotopes by Chemical Exchange Between Amalgam and Saline Solution, by P. Duie, G. Dirian. FRENCH, rpt, Etude Ph sico-chimique de la Separation des Isotopes du calcium 2ar l1change Chimi46ie Entre Amalgme et Solution Saline, *ABC Contribution to the Study of the Probabilities of Gamma Transitions by the Method of Delayed Coincidences, by Robert Manquenouille, 96 pp. FRENCHI, par, Annales do Phstgue, Vol VI, Navy 3408 No 9, 0, 1961; pp NRL 929 The Functioning of Spark Counters, by D. Blanc, 13 pp. FRElNCH, rpt, Journal Phys Radium, Vol XV, AFC-DEG-Inf- 1954, pp Ser-285 On the Formation of Sound Waves During Traction Tests in Metal Specimens, by John Barry Lean, Jean Plateau, at al, 7 pp. FRENCH, per, Copetes Rendus, Vol CCXLVI, 19S8, AEC-UCULpp Tr-905(L) Thermochemical Studies of Organic Compounds Containing Fluorine, by F. Swarts. FRENCH, per, Journal do Chimie Physiquo, Vol XVII, 1919, -p *AEC-UCRL

208 Scientific P (Ccntd) Hydrolysis of the Thorium Ion, Th 4 +, by Jean Lefebvre, 14 pp. FRENCH, per, Journal do Chimie Physique, Vol LV, 1958, pp ABC-Tr-5628 Adsorption of Radioelements in Solution. Part I. Adsorption of Pu(IV) in H SO, by H. Haissinsky. FRENCH, per, Journal do CRimle Physique, Vol LV, 1.58, pp 10. *AEC On Changes of Long Waves Obtained by the Rotation of a Polarizer, and in the Beats Produced With Luminous Vibrations, by A. Righi. FRENCH, per, Journal de Physique, Vol II, Ser Z, 1853, pp *AFCRL Res Lib Mechanical Selector for Slow Neutrons, by G. Gobert, B. Jacrot, 21 pp. FRENCH, per, Journal de Physique at le Radium, AEC-UCRL. Vol XIX, 1958, pp 51A-60A Tr-899(L) Hypophysectomy by Means of Radioactive Isotopes in the Treatment of Metastasized Mammary Cancers, by J. Gary-Bobo, J. Belotte. FRENCH, per, Journal de Radiologie, d'electrologie et do Madecine Nucleaire, Vol XLI, 1960, *AERE.Harwall p=p 22- M4. Tr Beta Dosimetry in Interstitial Applications, by J. Dutreix. FRNCI, per, Journal de Radiologie, d'electrologio et de Meducine Nucleaire, Vol XLI, No 11, *AERE-Harwell 1960, pp Tr-1845 Tochniquos and Dosimetry in Interstitial Radiotherapy With Gold-198 Seeds, by J. Dutroix. FUNCH, per, Journal tie Radiologie, d'blectrolo ie et do Medocine Nucloairo, Vol XLII, 1961, pp The Study of Motion by Flashing Lights, by F. Frungol, W. Whorwart. FRENCH, per, Measures et Controlo Industrial, Vol XXVI, No 289, Jun New Methods of Personal Dosimetry, by R. Paoletti. FRENCH, per, Minerva Nucleare, Vol 1I, 1958, pp 393, 394. *AERE-1larwell Tr-1846 'Redstone Arsenal *AEC-UCRL Tr 954(L) Disc Counters With Liquid Radiators, by R. Mouaizer, J. P. Stroot, et al., 15 pp. FRENCH, per, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Vol XVI, Sep 1962, pp AEC-Tr

209 Scientific Physics (Contd) The Influence of Defects on the Lattice Thermal Conductivity at Low Temperatures, by H. Bross, 73 pp. FRENC1, per, Ph sica Status Solide., Vol II, AERE- Harwell No 5, 1962, pp NP-Tr 963 Detection and Study of Ionization in Industrial Dielectrics, by F. Viale, 13 pp. FRENCH, per, Revue Electricite Hecanigue, No 96, 1954, pp AEC-SCL-Tr-447 Electron Diffraction Study of Thin Layers of Silver Oxidized in the Reactor and Thermally, by I. Teodoresku, G. Glanz, 11 pp. FRENCH, per, Revue do Physique, Vol VI, No 4, 1961, pp AEC-NP-Tr-98S Invisible Condensation, by H. Masson. FRENCH, par, Revue Scientifique, Vol LXXXV, No 18, 1947, pp CSIRO/No 6066 Improvements to Insect Traps Using Light Sources, Particularly Those Using a Light Source Emitting Ultra-Violet Rays, by P. Boutellier. ERDL, Ft Belvoir FRENCH, Patent GR. 1-Cl. No 4. T-1684 On tho Effects of External Electro-Magnetic Fields on Small Systems, by F. Bloch. GERMAN, bk, Werner HeisenberN und die Physik Unserer Zeit, 1961, pp *SLA Tr No A-130 Solved and Unsolved Problems of! the Measurement Processes in Quantum Mechanics, by G. Ludwig. GERMAN, bk, Werner Heisenberg und die Physik Unserer Zeit, 1961, pp *SLA Tr No A-131 Wave Equation of the Electron in the General Relativity Theory, by L. Infeld, II. L. van der Waordon. GUIDIAN, per, Akademio der Wissonschaften, No 9, 1933, pp *ABC-UCRL Rapid Polarography, by Siegfried Wolf, 19 pp. GERMAN, per, Angewandte Chemie, Vol LXXII, 1960, pp AEC-Tr-S

210 Scientific Physics (Contd) Selected Articles From the German Periodical Annalen der Physik. Vol XXIX, 1909, pp Experimental Determination of Pressure of Saturated Mercury Vapor at 00 and Higher Temperatures, by M. Knudsen. Vol XXXIX, No 4, 1912, pp Anomalous Dispersion in Sodium Vapor, by D. Roschdestwonsky. *Redstone Arsenal *AFCRL Res Lib Vol IV, No 3, 4, Energy Levels of Electrons and Radiation From Atoms in Crystals. ParttI. Fission Energy Levels and Electrical Dipole Radiation, by K. I. Hellwoge, (pp ). *SLA A-119 Energy Levels of Electrons and Radiation From Atoms in Crystals. Part II. Magnetic Dioole Radiation, by K. II. lellwoge, (pp ). *SLA A-120 Energy Levels of Electrons and Radiation From Atoms in Crystals. Part III. Electrical Quadrupole Radiation, by K. II. Illlwege, (pp ). *SLA A-121 Energy Levels of Electrons and Radiation From Atoms in Crystals. Part IV. Symmetrical Degeneration and Kramor's Degeneration, by K. I. Hellwege, (pp ). *SIA A-122 Enorgy Levels of Electrons and Radiation From Atoms in Crystals. Part V. Cubic Crystals, by K. i. Hlellwege, (pp ). *SLA A-123 Structure Developments by Means of Interference Vapour Deposited Films, by W. Pepperhoff. GERMAN, per, Archiv fuer Elisenhuttenwosen, Vol XXXLI, No 4, 1961, pp ISI 3111 The Determination of Epithermal Neutron Spectra by Means of Resonancu Probes, Sandwich Method, by G. Ehrot, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, Atompraxis, Vol VII, No 11, 1961, AERE.larwellpp Tr-906 Measurement Sensitivity and Error in Thickness and Density Measurement With Radioactive Isotopes by the Transmission Method, by W. Dietzsch, 13 pp. GERMAN, per, Atompraxis, Vol VIII, No 4, 1962, AERE-Harwellpp Tr

211 Scientific Physics (Contd) The Radiation-Optical Theory of Scintillation, by i. Scheffler. GERMAN, per, Beitrage zur Physik der Atmosphare, *ACSI Vol XXXIV, 1961, pp ID Continuous Measurement of the Concentration of Solutions by Means of Bremsstrahlung From Low Energy, Beta Emitters, by W. Kuhn, 9 pp. GERMAN, per, Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, Vol XXXII, 1960, pp AEC-Tr-5707 Determination of the Distribution of Particle Sizes in Powders by Means of a PhotosedieiiLugraph, by J. M. H. Fortuin, J. M. G. Prop, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, Chemisch Weekblad, Vol LVII, No 38, AEC-TRG-Inf- 1961, pp Ser-202 Automated Apparatus for the Gravimetric Measurement of Gas Sorption Particularly for the Determination of Specific Surface Area and Pore Size, by G. Sandstede, E. Robens. GERMAN, per, Dechema Monographien, Vol XLIV, *AERE-Ilarwell- 1962, pp 59-8T. Tr 1851 Pneumatic Bearings, by R. Lehmann. GERMAN, per, Feingeratetechnik, Vol XI, 1962, pp CSIRO/No 6017 Lapilary Depression in Mercury Barometers and Manometers, by K. Godecke. GERMAN, per, Feinwork Technik, Vol LXV, No I, 1961, pp CSIRO/No 5991 Glass Working by Impact Lapping at Ultrasonic PraciAncv, by D. Blanck, 9 pp. GERMAN, per, Glastechnische Berich _, Vol XXXIV, No 11, 1961, PP AEC-SCL-Tr-470 Thin-Layer Chromatography IX. Report Concerning the Quick Separation of Digitalis- and Podophyllum-Glucoslde Mixtures, by Hgon Stahl, Ulrich Kaltenbach, S pp. GERMAN, per, Journal of Chromatology, Vol V, 1961, pp DDC RSIC-17 Nuclear Quadrupole Resonances, Phase Transitions and Ferro-Electricity of the Alkali Iodates, by F. lierlach. GERMAN, par, lielvetica Physica Acta, Vol XXXIV, No 4, 1961, pp M CSIRO/No

212 Scientific Physics,(Contd) Problem of the Origin of Self-Excited Vibration During Machining, by H. Berthold. GERMAN, per, Industrie-Anzeiger, Vol LXXXII, No 98, 1960, pp CSIRO/No 6024 Effect of Duration Measurements by Determination of Maximum Concentrations Uniting Themselves in Turbulent Flows Currents Diffused Gases, by P. Wippormann. GERMAN, per, International Journal of Air and Water Pollution, Vol IV, No 1, 2, 1961, pp Absolute Measurement of the Activity of Radionuclidos by the Beta-Gamma Coincidence Method Using Detectors of Great Efficiency -- Dead Time Corrections, by A. Candy. GERMAN, per, International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, No 13, 1962, pp 5U *AFCRL Res Lib *AEC The Role of Water Organism in Radiation Protection Problems of Areas Surrounding Nuclear Establishments, by R. Glaser, 42 pp. GIIRMAN, per, Korenergie, Vol V, 1962, pp AEC-Tr-5754 A Study of the Possibilities of Using Ionizing Radiation for Soft-Fruit Preservation, by D. I. Langerak, 7 pp. GERMAN, per, Kernonorgie in do Landbouw, Vol III, No 3, 1961, pp 13, AEC-NP-Tr-971 Thermoconductivity in Electrically Isolated Crystals, by Gunther Loibfried, Ernst Schlomnnn. GERMAN, por, Nachrichtoi der Akadomie der Wissonchafton in Gottinpon aus dem'.thhre 1954, Vol Ila, 1954, pp *AEC Study Into the Pffncts of Gamma Rays on L-Ascorhlc Acid, by M. Toi-.,fl1t, U. avubinsky, at al. *ACSI A GI.R14IAN, par, Dio Nahrung, No 3, 1963, pp ID Superconductivity, by W. Moissner, Ochsenfed. GERMAN, par, Naturwissen, No 21, 1933, pp 787. *AEC

213 Scientific Physic (Contd) Selected Articles From the German Periodical Optik. Vol XI, No 5, The Theory and Practice of Electron Microscope- Stero Pictures, by J. G. Helmcke. *Redstone Arsenal Vol XV, 1958, pp AEC-Tr-5725 Greater Matching-Accuracy With Disappearing Filament Optical Pyrometers by Moans of Contrast Plates, by J. Euler, 17 pp. No 3, 1960, pp ERDL, Ft Belvoir Investigations on Frequency Response, by T-1646 (AD 291,487) H. Kubota, et al. Vol XVII, No 5, Studies on the Theory of Spatial Vision IV, by N. Gunther. *Redstone Arsenal An Apparatus for the Measurement of the ERDL, Pt Belvoir Frequency Response Functions of Optical systems, by K. Murata, (pp ). T-1647 (AD 291,490) On the Range of Approximation by Geometricaloptics and Its Usability for the Evaluation of Photo- ERDL, Ft Belvoir graphic Image Characteristics, by E. fleynacher, T-Ib48 (pp ). (AD 287,767) Studies on the Theory of Spatial Vision II, ERDL, Ft Belvoir by N. Guenther, (pp 168, 169). T-1649 (AD 291,488) Theory of the Photoelectron Emission by Metals I. Calculntion nf t.ha FvtnrnA1 Fnpr y Anvis!nr Distribution II. Distributions of the Photoelectrons, by Ileinz Puff. 38 pp. GERMAN, per, Physica Status Solidi, Vol I, AEC-ICRL 1961, pp T5. 9=06091 Tr-907 (L) Layer Donsity )ependence of Lhc Lowest ChuructerisLic Energy Loss by 25 kuv Electrons Penetrating Thin Silver Layers, by A. Otto, N. Steinmann. GERMAN, per, Ph1sica Status Solidi, Vol II, No 8, 1962, pp '.*AC

214 Scientific Physics (Contd) Generalised Dalitz Diagrams in Low-Energy Nuclear Physics, by D. Dehnhard, D. Kamke, et al. GERMAN, per, Physics.Letters, Vol III, No 1, *AERE-Harwell 1962, pp Tr-1854 Sputtering of Solids, Study of the Literature, by Rainer Behrisch, 100 pp. GERMAN, per, Phy2iik und Astrophysik, No 20, Mar AEC-NP-Tr-930 Determination of a Crystal Systems by Means of X-Rays, by C. Runge. GERMAN, per, Physikalische Z, Vol XXI, 1917, pp NIlB On Sound-Absorption in Solid Bodies, by L,. Landau, G. Rumer. GERMAN, per, Physikelische Zeitschrift der Sowjetunion, Vol XI, 1937, pp *AFCRL Res Lib Experiences in Flaw Detection by Ultrasonics Compared With Radiography, by R. Hornung. G R IAN, per, Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXIII, No 5, 1963, pp *HB 5707 Electrical Separation of Finely Divided Iron Oxide Dust at High Temperntures With Particular Regard to the Spocific Electrical Resistance of the Dust, by Winkel, August, ot al, 63 pp. (RNlMAN, per, 'al&, Vol XXII, No 9, 1962, pp Sopuratlon of ki nium From Trivalent Iron by Ion Exchango, b: Robert Kloment, 6 pp. GERMAN, per, Z Analytische Chemlo, No 145, 1ub, pp 9-i. ABC-Tr-5607 AIC-GAT-Z-S035 Selected Articles From the German Periodical Z fuer Angowandto Physik. Vol VIIY, No 6, 1950, pp ACSIL Tr-1525 An X-Ray Flash Tube for the Production of X-Ray Interferences in One Microsecond, by W. Schaaffs, 7 pp. Vol XII, No 2, 1960, pp Mechanism of the Exploslve Vnporation of Copper Wires by Means of Very Strong Current Impulses and the Bdhaviour of the Copper at the High Pressures and Tenipextun Which Occur, by M. Keilhacker. *AERE-Harwell Tr

215 Scientific Physics (Contd) Selected Articles From the German Periodical Z fuer Angewandte Physik. (Contd) Vol XIII, No 2, 1961, pp Production of Strong Molecular Beams in High Vacua by Means of Jets, by Gerhard Becker, 13 pp. Vol XV, No 2, 1963, pp Ion Counting With Allen Multipliers and Commercial Counters for the Measurement of Intensity in Mass Spectroscopy, by H. E. Beske. AEC-Tr-S695 *AERE-Harwell Tr-1859 Vol XV, No 3, 1963, pp *SLA A-117 The Possibilities of Using the Kerr-Technik for the Observation of Magnetic Regions, by J. Kranz, A. Hubert. Contribution to the Theory of Alternating Current Polarography, by Hiroaki Matsuda, 40 pp. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Blektrochemie, Vol LXII, 1958, pp AEC-UCRL-Tr-932 A Field Ion Source With Thin Wires or Sharp Metal Udges for Field Production, by H. D. Beckey. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Instrumentenkunde, Vol LXXI, No 2, 1963, pp Investigation Concerning Dendritic Growth by Crystallography, by A. Papaetrov.GERAN. per, Z fuer Kristallographie, Vol XCII, 1935, pp *AEC *AERE-Harwell Tr-1850 Calculation of Stressed Rectangular Plates, by H. Leitz. GERMAN, per, I fuer Matematik und Physik, Vol LXIV, 1916, pp 'SLA A-126 Absolute Characteristic Curves of Mass Spectrographic Photo-Material for Positive Ions, by W. Rudloff. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Naturforsch, Vol XVIla, No 5, 1962, pp *AEC The Schwarzschild Exponent of Ilford Q Plates for Ions With an Intermediate Mass, by J. Franzen, BE. Hebeda, 6 pp. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Naturforschung, Vol XVIIa, 1962, pp AEC-Tr

216 Scientific Physics (Contd) Field-lonisation Mass Spectra of Organic Molecules. Part I. N-Paraffins From C 1 to C 9, by H. D, Beckey. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Naturforschung, Vol XVIIa, No 12, 1962, pp *AER-Harwell Tr-1849 Selected Articles From the German Periodical Z fuer Physik. No 35, 1926, pp Heat Motion in Solids and Liquids, by J. Frendel. No 36, 1926, pp Concerning the Strength and Plasticity of Bismuth Crystals, by M. Georgieff, E. Schmid. Vol LXIX, 1931, pp The Production of High-Intensity of X-Ray Spectra With the flelp of Concave Crystals, by H. H. Johann. ABC-UCRL-Tr-832(L) *ABC *ABC Vol XCIII, 1935, pp CSIRO/No 6033 Absorption Series of Argon, Krypton and Xenon, by H. Beutlor. Vol CXVIII, , pp Amer Meteorol Simplified and Generalized Theory of Surface- Soc T-G-192 Layer Rectifiers, by W. Von Schottky, 57 pp. No 151, 1958, pp The Hxamination of Heterogeneous Evaporated Films, by B. Cramer, B. Ruedl, 23 pp. Vol CLXI, 1961, pp 5SO D1buiuLiua ind Charge Exhange of Hydrogen and Deuterium Molecules During Passage Through Hydrogen, by Albert Schmid, 15 pp. ABC-UCRL- Tr-497(L) ABC-Tr-5733 Vol CLXV, 1961, pp Navy Tr-3410 Associates of Color Centers With 100-Symmetry NRL 938 A and B Centers, by Fritz Luty, 20 pp. No 162, 1961, pp ABC-Tr-5694 Theory of Molecular Beam Formation With Long Channels, by Gerhard Becker, 24 pp. Vol LXX, No , p ABC-Tr-565S Measurement ot Chain Length for O -Decay of Fission Products in ThermRl Fission of UZ35, by P. Armbruster, H. Meister, 28 pp

217 Scientific Ps (Contd) Measurement of the Diffusion Coefficient in Solids at Different Temperatures With a Continuous Method Using the Technique of Radioactive Surfaces, by J. Nolting, 10 pp. GERMAN, per, Z Physik Chemie, Vol XXXII, 1962, pp AEC-Tr-5761 The Kinetics of the Iodine Sulfite Reaction, by G. Von Burneu, H. Eigen. GERMAN, per, Z fuer Physikalische Chemie Neue Folgo, Vol XXYI No 1, 2, 1962, pp NIH A Conductometric Investigation of Molybdic Acids in Dilute Aqueous Solutions, by i. Kipan, A. Duca. HUNGARIAN, per, Buletin Stiintific Sectiunoa de Stiinto Tehnice si 'imi.ce, No 6, 1954, pp *AEC Optical Pumping of Gases, by Laszlo Csillag, 18 pp. [UNGARIAN, per, Fizikai Szemle, Vol XIII, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS International Conference on High Energy Physics, 5 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Fizikai Szoinle, Vol XIII, No 3, 1963, pp 95, 96. JPRS The Orientation of Largo Single Crystals Prepared for the Purpose of Neutron-Mono-Chromatization, by Pal Szabo, Emil Kren, 9 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Magyar Tudomanyos Akad Kozponti Piz Kutato Intozotenek Kozlemenyei, No 7, 1959, pp Report on the Results Obtained in Connection WILh Our Preparations for the Study of Neutron Diffraction, by Pal Szabo, 5 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Magyar Tudomanyos Akad Kozponti Fiz Kutato Intozetonek Kozlomenyei, No 8, 1960, pp AEC-Tr-S566 ABC-Tr-S567 The Work Function of the Tungsten and Molybdenum Disilicides in Pure State and After Being Evaporated by Barium Oxide, by Istvan Vacz, 32 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Muszaki Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyanak Kozlemenyei, Vol XXVIII, No 1-4, 1961, pp 69-8B FTD-TT

218 Scientific Physics (Contd) Electromagnetic Effect of Metal Ions Deflected From the Normal Path Owing to a Magnetic Field, by 0. Cc'rbino. ITALIAN, per, Academia Nazionale Dei Lincei Atti, Vol XX, No 5, 1911, pp CSIRO/No 6144 Derivation by Statistical Mechanics of the Law of Dependence of the Solids on Temperature, by Piero G. BordonL. ITALIAN, per, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Classe di Scienzo, Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturall endicant, No 6, 150, pp *AEC.UCRL Dependence of the Characteristic Frequency of a Solid on Temperature and Volume, According to Statistical Mechanics, by Piero G. Bordoni, 11 pp. ITALIAN, per, Nuovo Cimento, Vol X, No 9, 1953, AEC-UCRLpp J20873 Tr-927 (L) Statistical Theory of F-requency Changes in the Normal Modes of a Solid With Temperature and Volume, by Piero G. Bordoni. ITALIAN, per I Ricerca Scientifica ed il Prog resso Tecnico N11' lhconomia Nazionale, No 23, 1953, pp *AEC-UCRL Experiences on the Odorization of Glas, by J. L. Joachim. ITALIAN, per, Rivista dei Combustibli, Vol V, 1951, pp 404-4=. *Redstone Arsenal On the Shearing Stress and the loat Transfer Coefficient Over the Artificial Pond, by ACSI Z. Uchijima, 16 pp. ID JAPANESE, per. 319th MI Bn Isolation of Zirconium and Niobium From Fission Products by Solvent Extrnaution With Dilute TBP, by T. Ishimori, ot al. JAPANESE, per, Junlof Atomic lincrg Society of Japan, Vol Iwo9709li 9-0.UKAHA-Risloy On the Problem of the Theory of Elasticity for a Region Containing More Than Two Spherical Cavities let & 2nd Reports, by It. Miyamoto. JAPANESE, per, Japanose Society of Mechanical Engineers, VolI XXIII, 1957, pp *Redstone Arsenal

219 Scientific!jhsics (Contd) Experiments on Microwave Emission at Cyclotron Harmonics of a Cold Plasma. Part I., by Kenji Mitani, Hiroshi Kubo, et al, 44 pp. JAPANESE, per, Kaku Yugo Kenkyu, No 9, 1962, pp = 2 AEC-Tr-5564 The Mechanism of Freezing in Micro-Organisms. I. Factors Affecting the Survival of Yeast Cells Subjected to Subzero Temperatures, by Tadashi Araki, Tokio Nei. JAPANESE, per, Low Ten erature Science, Series Vol XX, 1962, pp B. B, *AEC The Mechanism of Freezing of Micro-Organisms. II. Morphological Observations of Freeze-Dried Coli Cells With Electron Mioroscope, by Tokio Nei. JAPANESE, per, Low Temperature Science, Series B, Vol XX, 1962, pp Zaro-Current and Polarity-Effect in Ionization Chambers, by H. Tatsuta, K. Kate, 10 pp. JAPANESE, per, Nihon Genshi-Ryoku Gakkai Shi, Vol III, No 8, 1961, pp Selected Articles From the Japanese Periodical Procaeoings of the Fourth Japan Conference on Radlolsotopes, Oct 1961, *AEC AERE-Harwell- Tr-927 Some Examples in the Application of Radioisotope Sources to Civil Engineering, by Akira Arisumi, Osamu Kondo, 12 pp, (pp ) ABC-Tr-5697 An Investigation on the Measurement of the Nevtralliztion of Mortar Using Cl4n 2, by Akira Arisumi, Osamu Kondo, 9 pp, (pp ) AEC-Tr-5699 Activation Analysis With Past Neutrons, by Kakuzo Tada, [sao Fujii, et al, 6 pp, (pp ) AEC-Tr-5637 X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Using Radioisotopes, by Shigemasa Enomoto, Chikao Mori, 6 pp, (pp ) AEC-Tr

220 Scientific Phi (Contd) Selected Articles From the Japanese Periodical Proceedings of the Fourth Japan Conference on Radioisotopes, Oct 1961, (Contd) The Effect of Cobalt-60 Gami a Radiation on Cds, by Tsunesaburo Asada, Masaharu Kawanishi, et al, 6 pp, (pp ) AEC-Tr-5701 The Determination of Gaseous Tritium Compounds With a Proportional Counter, by Akira Ono, Wataru Morimitsu, 10 pp, (pp ) AEC-Tr-5639 Neutrons as a Tool in the Investigation of the Mechanism of Self-Diffusion. of Liquids, by J. A. Janik, 12 pp. POLISH, per, Postevy Fizyki, Vol XII, No 4, 1961, pp CSIR Tr No 2S8 A Study of the Internal Surface of Coals by the Dye-Absorption Method, by Maria Weclewska, Sojciech Olpinski, 39 pp. POLISH, per, Prace Glownego Instytutu Gornictwa, OTS No 136, Series B, 1953, pp PL-480 Introduction Into Magnetohydrodynazics, by Andrzej Pacholozyk, 10 pp. POLISH, per, Urania, No 9, 1960, pp FTD-TT Dynamic Stability of a Conical Shell Under Longitudinal and Transverse Continuous Pulsating Loads, by P. Twardosz. POLISH, per, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Gdanskidj. Mckhanika v, No 29, 1962, 81 pp. Method of Measuring the Propagation Velocity of Shock Waves, by I. J.ikab, A, Zaharesku, et al, 16 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Acadomic de la Republique Populaire Roumaine, Revue de Mechanique Ap4iqes, Vol VII, No 1, 1962, pp IS0 Problem of Stereoscopy in the Bubble Chamber. Correction for Refraction, by D. Nyrgv. RUMANIAN, per, Studii si Cercetari de Pizica, Vol IX, No 2, 1958, pp *PTD-TT FTD-TT *Redstone Arsenal - 2C6 -

221 Scientific Physics (Contd) Contributions to the Study of Deformations of Thin Shells, by M. Soare. RUMANIAN, per, Studii si Cercetari de Mechanica Aplicata, Vol XIII, No 5, 1962, pp Some Hypotheses of Crystal Physics as Controls of Economic Mineral Occurrence, by L. N. Yelanskiy, 35 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Trudy ekonomika Geol Inst, Ak Nauk, Ukrainian SSR, Part IV, *FTD-TT MEB Emissivity of Diffused p-n Transition, by Yu. 0. Tkhoryk, 8 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrayin Fiz Zhur, Vol VII, No 5, 1962, lyp 47T FTD-TT Effects at the Cathode of Plasma Diode as a Model of Magnetogas Dynamic Energy Conversion, by N. D. Morgulis, 6 pp. UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrayin Fiz Zhur, No 10, 1962, pp JPRS

222 Scientific Misce 1 laneous Cybernectics, Automation and Telemechanics, by V. D. Buzayeva, N. N. Sushkina, et al. RUSSIAN, bk, 1962, 356 pp. *FTD-TT Soviet Bibliography of Foreign Works on Machine Translation, by I. A. Mel'chuk, G. S. Tsveyg, 126 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Bibliografiya Zarubezhnykh Rabot po Mashinnomu Perevodu ( GG.), Moscow, 80 pp. JPRS Glaze and the Icing of Overhead Wires in the USSR, by A. V. Rudneva. RUSSIAN, bk, Gololed i Obledeneniye Provoduv na Territorii SSSR, Leningrad, 1961, 175 pp. *AID Personality and Neuroses, by V. N. Myasishchev, 281 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Lichnost' i NevrozZ, 1960, pp 1-51, , , , JPRS Scientific and Technical Progress During the Building of Communism, by G. D. Anisimov, 43 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Nauchno-Tekhnicheski, Progress v Period Stroitel'stv, Kommunlzma, Moscow, 192, pp JPRS A Method of Constructing an Algorithm Simulating a Certain Production Process, by I. S. Lyubchenko, I. Ye. Mayzlin, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVIII, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS The 1963 Lenin Prizes for Science and Technology, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Izvostiya, 21 Apr 1963, p 1. JPRS The Achievements of the 1963 Lenin Prize Winners, by V. Yelyutin, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, np, tiya, 21 Apr 1963, p 2. JPRS A Year's Work of the Soviet Scientists, by M. V. Keldysh, 12 pp. NLL Tr Bulletin RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 5 Feb 1963, p 2. Vol V, No 5, 1963 Machine Translation From French to Russian, by G. V. Vakulovskaya, 0. S. Kulagina, 56 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Problemy Kibernotiki, No 8, 1963, pp JPRS 196*M

223 Scientific Miscellaneous (Contd) Selected Articles From the Russian Periodical Vest Ak Nauk SSSR. No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Annual Meeting of the Academy of Sciences USSR 4-5 Feb 1963, 143 pp. lo 4, Cybernetics and the Interrelationship of the Sciences, by I. V. Novik, 11 pp, (pp 54-61). JPRS Science and the Development of Agriculture and Medicine, 22 pp, (pp 62-77). JPRS Dissertations Defended in Institutions of the Academy of Sciences USSR in 1962, 44 pp, (pp ). JPRS Computers for Iluation, by P. D. Lebedev, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest. 'Iysshey Shkoly, No 3, 1963, pp ,PRS Application of Teaching Machines in EducuLLlcm, 'by Ye. A. Sankovskiy, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per$ Vest Vysshey Shkoly, No 3, 1963, pp 18-20, JPRS Selected Articles Prom the Russian Periodical Voprosy l'sikhologii. No 1, On the Question of Experimental Investigation of Personality Trend, by M. Z. Neymark, 14 pp, (pp 3-12). JPRS The fxercisability of Tactile Sensitivity, by I. M. (ol'dberg, 7 pp. (pp 35-40). JPRS lq?.? The Algorithmic Structure of Active Touch, 17 pp, (pp 67-79). JPRS On the Question of Materialistic Social Psychology, by I. F. La Ny, 10 pp, (pp ). JPRS A Conference on the Status, Tasks and Prospects for Psychologicnl Sciences in Bulgaria, by M. Babnnova, 6 pp. BULGARIAN, per, Filosofska Misul, Vol XIX, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS

224 Scientific Miscellaneous (Contd) Machine Translation and Language Reform, by Liu Yung-Ch'uan, 9 pp. CIIINESE, per, Wen-zu Kai-ko, No 2, 1963, pp 1-3. JPRS Doctorates in the Sciences in 1961 and. 1962, 43 pp. CROATIAN, per, Jugoslovenski Pregled, No 1, i963, pp JPRS Military Applications of Cybernetics, by Heinz Raulien. (DC-8690) GERMAN, bk, Kybernetik i Militaerwesen, 1963, pp *JPRS Transport and Distribution of Labelled Assimilate I, by H. Wanner, R. Bachofen. GERMAN. per, Planta, Vol LVII, 1961, pp MU/T 485 Fifth Annual Aviation and Astronautics Conference in Israel, 9 pp. HEBREW, nps, 27, 28 Feb JPRS Report on the 1962 Scientific Congress of the Chemical Society of the German Democratic Republic, by Gabor Fodor, 6 pp. Tudomanyok HUNGARIAN, per, OsztalyanaK' A Magar Tudomaneos Akademie KoR1ia3 VoO1mnyi.A,' A'e NO 0; JPRS 1973S 1963, pp Visit to the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, by Frigyes Ilenszelmann, 8 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kemiai TudomanyokOsztaleano Kozlemenyei, Vol XIX, No 3, 1963, pp JPRS Developmental Possibilities in Scientific-Technical Information, by Ferenc Patek, 14 pp. HUNGARIAN, per, Muszaki Konyvtarosok Tajekoztatoja, No 4, 1962, pp JPRS Pitch Pockets, by A. de Carvalho. SPANISH, bk, Defeitos do Madeira, Part I, 19S7, pp NZDIA The Concept of Self-Organization, by K. 0. Shkabara, S. C. Kozubovskyy, 15 pp. UKRAINIAN, par, Avtomatyka, No 1, 1963, pp JPRS

225 INFORMATION RECEIVED DURING JUNE ON COVER-TO-COVER TRANSLATIONS Acta Biochimia Polonica, Vol X, No 1, OTS PL-480 Acta Mathematica Sinica, Vol XII, No 3, Akusticheskii Zhurnal, Vol VIII, No 4, Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, Vol XXXIX, No 6, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 7, Biofizika, Vol VI, No 5, Byulleten Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol LIII, No 2, Amer Math Soc Amer Inst of Physics Soy Phys - Acoustics Vol VIII, No 4 Amer Inst of Physics Soy Astronomy - AJ Vol VI, No 6 BWRA PP Co Doktady Akademii Nauk SSSR, (Earth Sciences Section), Vol CXL, No 1-6, AGI Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, (Physics Soction), Amer Inst of Phys Vol CXLVII, No 4-6, Soy Phys - Dok Vol VII, No 12 Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol IV, No 2-12, Geokhimiya, No 6, 7, Geologiya Nefti i Gaza, Vol IV, No 10-A, Geoaagnetizm i Aeronomiya, Vol I, No 5, Isknustvennye Sputniki Zemli, Vol XIII, Izvestiya Akadomii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk, No 7, 8, Amer Inst of Phys Soy Phys - Solid State Vol IV, No 2-12 Geochom Soc RRG AGU CB CB Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, Metallurgiya i Toplivo, No 6, SIC Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, Vol XXVI, No 6, CTT

226 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, No 1, 2, AGU Izvostiya Vysshikh 11chobnykh Zavedeniy, reodeziya i Aerofotos'yemka, No 4, AGU Kauchuk i Rezina, Vol XXI, No 6, RAPRA Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol III, No 5, CB Koks i Khimiya, No 12, CTRA Kolloidnyi Zhurnal, Vol XXIV, No 5, CB Kristallografiya, Vol VII, No 6, Litainoe Proizvodstvo, No 11, *Priborostroyoniye, No 12, Amer Inst of Physics Soy Phyq rryqta1 Vol VII, No 6 BCIRA Taylor &i Francis Ltd. IPadiobiologiya, Vol II, No 2, AHC-Tr-5429 Radiotekhnika i Rlektronika, No 11, 12, AIEE Saopstenja, Vol IX, No 23, OTS PL-4 80 Tooriya Veroyatnostei i Yeye Primeneniya, Vol VII, No 2, Tsvotnyo Metally, Vol III, No 4, Uspokhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, Vol LXXVIII, No 1-2, Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Uspakhi Vol V, No 5 Uspekhi Khimii, No 9-11, CS Uspekhl Matematicheskikh Nauk, Vol XVII, No 4, Voyennyy Vestnik, No 1-12, SIAM PS (loavar-ilume Press Ltd. *ACSI A-L ID Zhurnal Eksporimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, Amer Inst of Phys Vol XLIII, No 5, Soy Phys - JIETP Vol XVI, No

227 Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, Vol XXXVI, No 10, Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii. Vol I, No 7, Vol I, No 9, Vol I, No 10, Vol I, No 11, No 8, 9, Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii, Vol XXXV, No 8, CS AEC-Tr-4588 AEC-Tr-4590 AEC-Tr-4591 AEC-Tr-4592 CS CH Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol XXXII, No 12, Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Tech Phys Vol VII, No 12 Vol XXXIII, No 1, Amer Inst of Phys Soy Phys - Tech Phys Vol VIII, No 1 Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel'nosti imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol XI, No 6, Elsevier Pub Co *Table of Contents not available Table of contents follows for the above cover-to-cover translations

228 Acta Biochimkca Polonica, Vol X. No 1., CONTENTS J, Rogulski and S. Angi lai. Effect of malcie acid on the kidney. II. Hydrogen donors in the reductive amination of a-ketoglitarate in rat Icidney and livc.. I Daniela Barszcz, Zoln Tremor and D. Shu gar, Bromination of thymine and photochemisiry of 5-bromo-6-hydroxyhydrothymine analogues K. Beron s and D. S hug a r. Ultraviolet absorption spectra and structure u! haiogensted uracils and their glycslida W, Rzeczycki, Alicja Grudzisska, M, Hillar and Ewa W a z a ia kc I-L a s s, Iso~niion and Pmino acid composition of the cathodic protein from hog kidney miltochondria MariaM. Joltws ka, B. Oorzkowski and. Heller, Nitrogen ompounds In snail Helix pomatia excretion.5.. J, BuchowIcz, Lidla D. Wasilewska, J. Witcclit and I. RII iar, The anaboll pathway of uracil in higher planl%. 87 S. L a v t r a p and K. n o o s. MlcroblologlaCl determination of deoxyrlbornnclpic acid.3 W. Szor, M, w aniid D. Sh u g ar, Secondiary structure of poly-uridylic und poly-ribothymidyll sacids, their N-mothylatad analogues, and their 1:1 complrarsa with poly-a R, Nlem iro and J. Przyjomski, Chainges In phoapholipids during autolysis of rut brain and lang Kon&tanc)a Ra czyatska-bojanow'sia and Ina Oaior o w s k a, NAD Olycohydrolse In carp liver Booki roviewod (in Polish) It i Available From 01TS

229 Due-S Jen-zhu:* (Dong Iin-zhu, Tung Chin-chu) of th AMA Z4AUVICA 83ICA TABLE OF CONTENTS (Vol. 3, No. 3, 1963-Chinae orisinal Vol. 12, No. 3, 1962) 2.he structure of the aeparatrik cycles Pass OS.~ kte #_ yz l.b de Oks<_t O _i k<2 Chang Kal-mlng (Zhang Kai-ming, Chang K'ai-mlng) Boundary problem of tie statlonary magnetohydrodynamics equations Chang Keng.ching (Zhang Gong-ching, Chang Kung-ch'ing) A proof of dispersion rol. lions based on the theory of dlstributions Lu Wel-mian, Wang Guang-fa, Chen Pu-quan, Wang Shao-mhang,and Sun Jing-sen (Lu Wel-nden, Wang Kuang-fa, Ch'en P'u-ch'Can, Wang Shao-shang and Sun Ching-sen) On the Cauchy problem for a parabolic Monge-Amp re equation Zhu Yeng-jen (Zhu Yong -jin, Chu Yung-chin) Maximum number'of iterations in the dual algorithm of te RantorovlV-Hitjhcook problem in linear programming Gu Lan-kuen (Gu Lian-kun, Ku Lien-kun) Asymptolic behavior of the solution of the Cauehy problem for a parabolic equation Chen Chang-peng (Ch'en Ch'n-p'eng) Some criteria for hypoellipticity of partial differential equations Sun Yong-sheng * (Sun Yung-heng) On beet approximation and beet linear approi. ma lon of convolutions of periodic functions Geo Zhu-tuui (Kuo Chu-Jul) The approximation of a continuous function by the Ce a mean. of Is. Fourier eeries Available From American Mathematlcal Soeiety

230 Soviet Physics ACOUSTICS A Translasion of 'Akusikheski ZburnO' (Russian Original Vol. 8,No. 4. PP , Octob.r-December, 196,J) Vol. 8, No. 4, pp April-June, 1963 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE Stimulation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance by Ultrasound. Review. V. A. Shutiiov The Special Features or Differential Intensity Thresholds for a Brief Sound Signal. R. V. Avacyan and E. A. Radionova.. * An Inserferometer with Two Generating Crystals. Yu. A. Bashlachev, V. V. Voitonis, and V. r. Yakovlev The Relief *2-apacity Method of Measuring Ultrasonic Intensity. V. V. Boigorodsklrl AN V. N, Romanlov The Effect c-f Sowid on Comhiustion Processes. P. Greguss I The Correlation of Amplitude and Phase Fluctuations it Bound Waves Reflected from a Statistically Rough Surface. 9. P. G ulin The Effect c f Seiche Oscillations of the Surface of a Reservoir on the Phase Fluctuations of ant Acoustic Signal. L. N. Zaldiarov Oblique-Sic cit Gai-Jet Sound Radiator. V. P. Kurint Nose on the 9casttering of a Plane Wave on at Periodically Unevetn Surface, A. D. Lapin ? 442 Measuring te Intensity of a B~rief Sound Signal at ste First Neuron Level of the Auditory Syltal 1, ri, A. Radionoa Static Deformastion of a Piezoulectric Plate Vibrating at Its Natural Frequency '? B. A. Uinagn Correlation rhiaraicteristicg of tie Diffraction Image Formed by a Focussing system Ya, S. Sirtin BRIEF CONINICATIONS Tito Spectra of rhoie Noises of Natural Origin, V. 1. ArabAdzhI and K. 1. Rudik Finding the ropaigatirin Velocity for Elastic Waves in a Medium Having Cylindrical Diucts, V. E. 61zIl~aoy I The Propagation of Ultrasonic Waves In Compressied ilquids. A. A. Glinski A Theoretic i1 and Experimental Study of the End Correction for a Slot Placed Transversely in a R-cttangular Tube. E. M, Greshilv l Coagulation of Aerosols In Response to Periodic Shock Waves,. I uy and V. M. Kuznetio Note on the Reflection of Normnal Waves from the Closed End of a Waveguide. A. D, Lapin, '?6 Absorption of Ultrasonic Waves in Concentrated sntnitioss of Certain Polymers. 1. G. rmithailv Charging of a Suspension of Colinidal Particles in an Uiltrasonsic Field. 1. B. Moukovenco. 478 L. D. tpigulevskii and N. G. Semenova Avilable From Ameri.can Institute of Physics Soviet Physics - Acoustics (COntinued) voi iu, o

231 AKUSTICHESKII ZIURNAL Vol VIII, No 4, 1962 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE The State of the Dispene Phase during the Formation of an Emulsion in an Acoustic Field. S. A. Neduzhb i The Scattring of Sound in u Liquid by Bodies with a Low Shear Modulus. I. A. Chaban CHRONICI.- M. I. Karnovskii (In Honor of His Fiftieth Birthday) Conference on Acoustical Methods for Purifying the Atmosphere of Industrial Pollutants. V. P, Kurkin Fourth tntsrnational Cograss on Acoustics. B. D. Tartakovskl Stockholm Speech Communication Seminar. N, Andreev, I, Golyamina. F. Kryazhev. and t. Rozenber BIBLIORAPI IY Werl.stoffprfung Mit Ultraschall (Materials Testing with UltraNonics), by J. and H, Krautkramer. Reviewed by L. D. Rozenberg Polish J~urnahl Proceedings otv1irations Problems. Reviewed by L. hi, Lyamshev INDEXES TO VOLUME 8, 1962 Subject In-iex Author Index Available From American Institute of rhysics Soviet Physics - Acoustics Vol VIII, No

232 SOVIET ASTRONOMY.AJ A Transltuions of 'AslronamikheskM Zburnal' (Rwssai Original Vol. 39. No. 6. pp , November -Decermber, 1952) Vol. 6, No. 8, pp May-June, 1963' CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE The Probl-!m of the Gravitational Instability of a&compressible Medium. A. 0. Pacholcays, some Pro[perties or Magnetic Fields Associated with Solar Flares. A. B. Severnyl A Study of the Contrast between Facula and the Photosphere In the Replaon ) A. 1). Kuz'minykh Formnation of the Chromospheric Networkand she Structureof the Magnetic Field. S.DB. Pikelrner Sensitivc Ili I Lines in the Solar Spectrum. V. P. achalo The Charicter of Large-Scale Motions in the Solar Photosphere. M. A.-Klyakotko and N. 1. Kozheynikov The Stability Of Plasma in a Nonuniform Magnetic Field and the Mechanism of Solar Flares. S. 1. Syrovasi The Installity or a Plasma Layer with a Neutral-Point Magnetic Field. A. B. Sevemy Some Per aliaritle& of the Magnetic Field in the Solar Corona. A. T. Nesmyanavich Spherically Symmetrical Modiels of Nova Outbursts. D, K. Naeehin and D. A. Frank -Kamenesiil Determinaition of Biltd -up of Radiation Intensity Prior tn the Emergence Of A Shock Wave At tie Surface Of A Star. 1, A. Klimistilo MAgnetohynlrodynamic Instability of Solar Corputiular Stream&. V. P. Doltuchaevy On the Ncnrelativisdic Theory or superdlense stellar configurations. G. S, SAAkyAn Diff usion of Resonance Radiation in Stellar Atmospheres and Nebulae. 1. Semniinfinite Mrltim. V. V. Ivannv.. I Type It Sipernova Ejecta and Hes-Emissiolt Stairs. R. B. Gershiberg The Stability of Stellar Rotation. 1. V. V. Portirev On the Ns ture of the Galassy M B2, 8. B. Markaryan.. O The Probt hitity of Hydrogen Ionization by Electron impact. f. V. Kononovich.,.. R The K -0'ect in the Galaxy M L. Genkin Star Densty in the Praesepe Cluster, N. M. Art uliina.. I I A Compa lion of Luminosity Functions of Open Clusters. 0. A. StarikoVA interaction of Solar Corpuscular Streams with Cometary Atmospheres. i.shock Waves Int comests, L. S. Machnik Radio-ork-ghtness Distribution on dite Lunar Disk at 0.0 cm. A. 1, Salomonovich and 0. Ya, LosovAlsil Clbsez'vati.,sss of the Radio Emission from Venus And Jupiter on a Wavelength of 3.3 cm. V. *). Bibinova, A. D. Kusiin. A. E. Salomonovich, and 1. V. Shavlovskii The Emissivity, of the Moon at Centimeter Wavelengths. V. 1). Krotliiov and V. S. Troltshil Absolute 4 agnitudes of Comets. S. K. Vselthiyatskii Availasble From Anrican Insatitute of' PhysicT (continued) Soviot Actrononsy - P Vol VI, No 6-218

233 ASVRONOMIClBKII ZHURNAL Vol xxxix, No 6, 1963 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE lncreasing the S.-nsitivity of Astronomical Photographic Plate. 0. D. Doknchaeva and L. y. Krauth An Example of 'Exchange' in the Three-Body Problem with a Negative Bnergy Constant V. M. o the Eplsteran4 of Resonance Phenomena in the Motion of a Satellite Resulting from its Shape and the Form of Its Orbit. V. T. Kondurar' BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Meuruement of the PolarizatLon of Lunar Radio Emission on a Wavelength of 8.2 cm, N. S. Sobclcva The Formation of Ks and Hs Absorption Components on the Emission Lines in the Solar Spectrum. V. L. Khokhlova A List of Novae tacommended for the Determination of Coordinates and Proper Motions. N. M. Arq aukhtn and P. N. Kholopo Wide Star Pain in the Vicinity of the Four Open Clusters NGC 1813, 1980, and N. M, Bronlkova New Literminat,ont of Elements of Visual -Einary Orbits. A. V. Bepaloy Experimental Television Photographs of the Moon in the Spectral Region 0,8-9.8 P. N. F. Kuprevich LETTER TO THE EDITOR V. Kurt BOOK REVIEWS Aerodynamic Phsnomena In Stella Atmospheres. S. B. Pikl'ner Physics and Astrinomy of 1he Moon. Edited by Z. Kopil. A. Marko Stellar Atmosphlures, Edited by 3., L. Oreenstein. B. R. Mustl ABSTRACTS Radlophysis NEW BOOKS ANNOUNCIMENT Computing.ent-r for Astmophyscal information Cover INDBXUSTO VOLUME 6 Author Indax SubJet Index Available From Amrican Institute of Physics Soviet Astronomy - AJ Vol Vi, No

234 AVTOMATICHOSKAYA SVAKA No 7, 1962 CONTENTS Page Numbers SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL The wilding of carbon steel to aluminlus agneolum alloys. D. N. Rabkin and V. R. Ryabov I (1)' Corrosion resistances of welded joints between alusinlum alloys and steel. G. A, Bel'chuk, I. V. Petrushin, P. 0. Korobov and A. 0. Storov 7 (a) Joints besteen pondered metal tips and tool shanks. G. A. Shcopettna and N. F. Kazakov 10 (12) The hardfacing of coeponents subject to abrasive wear and Impact. N. A. GrInberg and L. S. Livahits 15 (19) The M-28 flux for the arc deposition of Irons and certain high alloy steels. 6. V. Koondzyk 21 (25) Investigation of the thermal fields and residual stresses created when holes in flat steel plates are welded up by arc processes. 0. A. Bakshi and N. A. Klykav 2? (31) The effects of the final fleshing stage on the quality of flash butt velded joints. S. 1. Kuchuk-Yatsonka 31 (38) Determination of the dynamic properties of current supply sources for CO 2 welding. A. 6. Pstsp'svskit 37 (43) The form in which hydrogen is present in iron alloys. V. I. Lakoackli 42 (50) INDUSTRIAL The deslon oualitles of welded steel etrucvures used in construction,. k. Sakhnovakil 19 (58) High strength iron welded to stel by CO 2 process using fine electrode wire. Yu. A. Sterenbogen, V. F. Khorunov, Yu. ia. Gretakil, V. i. Kuonetaov, 6. S. Polikarpov and N. P. Karpov 52 (61) Cast iron Ingot mulds repaired by welding. I. 6. gorin so (68) Available From British Wecdling Research Association

235 AVTOIM-ATICHEKAYA No 7, 1962 SVA= A CO ITS (Contd) Page Numbers Technology for welding Khi4G64N3T (El711) stainless steel. H. I. Kakhovskii and V. G. Fartushnyl 60 (71) Development of a method of depositing cavitation resistant metal. F. A. Khomus'ko and R. 1. Mints 69 (81) Universal electron beag welding gun with accelerating voltages of up to 50 kiv. A. V. Kuzhil', 0. K. hazarenko, A. 6. Povod and L. P. Strekal' 75 (88) SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNI. INFORMATION Devices for reducing the opan circuit voltage at the electrode holder. 79 (92) The argon tungsten 'arc welding of tungsten. R. 0. Shtain 82 (95) Submergod arc welding with two converging or diverging arcs. A. 1. Korennol, V. A. 8ogdanovskil and V. E. Dm1trienko 84 (98) Avllublu Frou British Welding Research Association

236 BIOPHYSICS 1961 VOLUME 6. NUMBER 5 CONTENTS NI. V. VOOtCENSHTEIN and A. M. YEL'vARIsVICH: Statistical-thermodynamic theory of repilcation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) T. M. BIRWMEIN. V. 1. Vosoasy and 0. B. PrravrN Theory or mcchanocliemnical phenomena-i. Neighbour Interaction In poiyclectroiytes and mechanochemistry Sal SHIEN PEi-GEN, L, A. BLNUMINFUD, A. E. KALMANSON and A. 0. PARYNIK:11 Spectra of alec. tron paramagnetic resonance of biological specimens-ivy. Effect ot ionizing radiations on the chemically modified and denaturated derivatives of nucleic acid&s M. K. PULArOVA, V. N. RoaULENKOVA and L. P. KAYUSHIN: Features of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of synthetic polypeptide filins And pfueiiis L. A. TuMERMAN, YU. V. Moftozov and Yu. r. NAsSRUXsuN: Verification Of the alled-. mental basis of the bloenergetic concept of A. Sgent-Gyorgyl,..II. 1, V. B. YRVsnT~IONHav and V. A. GAVRILOVA I Ability Of An Artificial lipoprotein compute of chlorophyli to mitmillun WdON fi~lons.,...,...,., 1 S. V. TAeOtVsVA, A. B. BRANDT and V. S. KontifUOVAI Optl~jal properties of a suspension of ChuloreIla pyrerwiday L. N. Vo~ou'av, Ci. A. KuKaL' 1% and 0. A. PoPov: Intrsaeliural ph of NiteII, fikxllla at rest and during excitation Ytj. S. CHSNTsov, V. L, BOROVYAGIN and V. YA. BsatMaxit; Submicroscopic morphology of the ganglion necurones, of the retina As a ref anion of certain reaturis of their metabolism 6M6 N.V. LoDANOVA and NAl SPERANSICAVA: fletrrmnln of the curves of spctral sensitivity of the eye recptors in anomalous trichromat N 1. Yb. BAtSIsm, YRn. MI. Baumusmo and T. M. KONDRA19IVA: Uisra-VIOlet ficorea1cence of the formal elements of bonc nsarlow and peripheral blood at animals and man in normal iao pothologicat con4itinnv-lt. I litrn-vinirt fluorecencce of the calls of the boneo marrow end pmriplierai blood of animials un radiation Injury N. 0. RAZtUMovaKI, 0. L. TORCHINSKAYA and V. S, DALARUKHt4A use of certain complesing agents to reduce deposition of 91Y and 'Ce in the body Methods and Instruments MI. 1. MtxsHLN~cov and A. P. Aomyra: Universal recording Instrument for spectral luminescent analysis fi Discussion A. 1. Byzov: ture of the R membrane in the frgretina Available From Pergamott Preata

237 BULLETIN OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE A t'ransation of BYULLETEN' EASPERIMENTAL'N0I BIOLOGII I MEDITSINY, a publibation -of the Academyi of Mediical Sciences of the USSR (Ru%4ia Original Dated February. 1962) Vol. 53, No. 2, pp May, 1963 CONTENTS RUSS. PHYSIOLOGY Changes in the Oxygen Tension of the Brain and Skeletal Muscle in Hyper- and Hypocapnia. N. V. Sanotskaya Reflex Influences from the Venous Siuses an the Regional Cerebral AMrodies. 0, 1. Mehedlisil and L. G. Ormotsade.. I Vatodilator Effects in tie Limbs Due to Stimulation of the Sympathetic Chain. Communication L. The Influence of the Frequency and the Duration of Stimulation, and of the Condition of the Animal. 1. M. Porodionov and V. P. Kulagina is The Physiological Properties of the Senzor Fibers of the Phrenlc and itercostal Nerves. V. D. Clebovskil ThAlamic Representation of the Visceral Afferent System. Commuication I. Representation 17 of the Splanchoic Nerve in the Postarovesttrod ThAlamic Nucleus of the Cat. R. A. Dissinyan.. I Depression of the at-rhythm as an indication of Underlying Nervous Processes ' M. P. v a nova The Effect of Diencephallo and Mesencephalic Damage on Cortical Electrical Activity in Pigeons. M. 0. Belekbova PATHOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY AND GENERAL PATHOLOGY The Effet of Atmosphnric Press Reduction on the Cardiac Activity of Animals at Remote Period& afserpneumnonectomy. L. P. Cherkaiikil Nonthirmal Action of Microwiaves on the Rthythm of Cardiac Contractions in Animals, Report IL Investigation of the Action of Impulse Microwaves. A. S. 6 P r as mana and N. A. Lavitina.. I.. I.. ' The effect Of pure ox5geut inhalation on the Lungs and Heart wf Whits. PAtU. 1. i. Ealakhovskii, A. R. Maniurov, and V. 1. Yasdovskil The Rate of Blood Flow In Experimnental Bubonic Plaguse. K. M. Mokhin An ElectrophysiologLcal Investigation of she State of the Central Nervous System i Experimental Brcllols Polyaltov and K, M. Mohin Functional Chainges in fie Peripheral Motor Apparatus of the Human Associated with the PairsSyndrome. L. N. Panlsova The insulin Activity of fth lood Plasma tn Female and Newborn Rabbits During Allosen 179 so Diabetesinadued at DJffemeniPerhls ofpregnancy. L. L. Liberman and S. E. Drlagalovich.Egorova Available From Consultants Barcau

238 BnIUXLITEK ESPE~nd=L'XL NO 1 BIOLOGII I I4EDITflINY Vol LIII, No 2, 1962 CONTENTS (continued) PAGE RUSS. PAGE The effect or overstraining the Differentiating inhibition Process on the Microstructure of the Thyroid GlandIn Raua. N. E. Kovaleva.. 18ei 67 Zaperlrnental, Data on the Heat Iiac1ange In Fever and Olnltrophfnol Hyperthctrmia, 3. S. Oraimenltskaya O 12 The Quantitative Characteristics of Anti-tumor y-globulins of Narrow Specificity. N. A. N&aaenko The affect of preliminary Radioisotope Administration on the Peripheral Blood Compositlor and the Survival of Animals. Subsequently X-Irradiated with a Lethal Does. P. L. Lomonos.., g The Sensitivity of 5kin s.nzomnatophores to the Ionizing Radiation. Rl. 1. Pogosyan On the Oncogenic Effect Produced in RAts by Tissue Culture preparations, Subjected to the Action of Human Mammary Gland Cancer Tumor xtracs DelcbMan XPRRINTAL BIOLOGY The Sexual Cycle of Flats after.degeneration of the Ovary. 0. V. Volkova The Maturation Division of Oocytei in Mammalian Ovurles at Various Pbases of the Istrus Cycle, and IAn Acute Radiation Sickness. V. Ya. Karmyslieva '7 93 Reasnerato ofhdne atvaew Meablic PAN, 0. V, Koullo,.. a a, The Size of Uninucleate Liver Celli and the Glycogen Conient of Normal and Regeneratlngitat Liver. Z. A. Ryablnina.. I MORPHOLOGY AND PATHOMORPHOLOGY The Significance of the Recturrent Collateral in the Structural Organization of Nervous Centers. V. 1. Pilipinlso An 1xpetimantal Morphological Investigationi of the Innervation of the ingulnsal Lymph N4odesin the Dog. V. Ya. Volik On the participation of Azgytophyllic Fibers in Reparative Osteosenla after Partial lextipationoftba CerebralCortex. M. 5. Rappoport AMorphologic 1nvestigation duuring xperlrnental Heteuimmube Hlemolytic Anemia. A.* K. Ageev ME1TIJOS The Chest-Head preparation Used to Study Cerebral Circulation Mhedlisrvill ,1 Extension of the Life of Nephrectomlizad Rabbits by Peritoneal Dialysis. a. M. sheaderow ** * '5 Available Froia Conoultantn lhireau -224

239 DOKLADY OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES of the U. S. S. R. IOOK(LADY AKADEMII NAUK SSSAI EARTH SCIENCES SECTIONS Vol. 140, Nos. 1-6 (Russian original dated Sr.uemhcr-Octobar. 1961) March, 1963 CONTENTS PAERUSS. RUSS, GEOCHDAISTRY Baerite from the Lower Oligocene Deposits of Mangity:Lak. Ye. S. Tikhomirova The Geochemistry of the Organic Mattea of Rocks of the Fulded Foundation'in'the Prikum Region of the Bsast Forecaucasus. Yo. S. Larstaya The Question of the Nature of Certain rmdogenous Solutions. 1. M. Karman The Question of die Modes of Migration of Germanium during Lithogencsis. 1. P. Lomashov The Problem of the Geochemical Faciel in M esozoic Deposits of East Fore-Caucasus. Ye. S. Laurakayaa GEOLOGY The Now North ibaykallan Alkalfie Province and Some Features of the Occurrence of Nepholine in Its Rocks, A. Ya. Zhidkov New Data on the Tectonic Defominations in the Central Regions of the Rtussian platform. N. S. flia The Problem of the Structur%; of Continental Quasonsary Deposits of South Moldavia and the Adjacent Regions or the South Ukraine. N, A. Konttnova Now Data on the Cretaceous Volcanism of the Last Carpathians. S. S. Kruglov Volcanic Activity in the Iligit Crimeat during Punly luraisic. Time, V. 1, tlnbcdliky ind A. 1. Shaliioil The structure of the Central Blasin of Lauko lailtal. ii. r. mit.,..,.,..i A New Algal Horizon ItI the latulian Terrigosious Carbonate Series of the Onoga Region of Karelia. V. A. Soktolov and Ri. V, Ilutin The Stratigraphy of the Artin~ka lnid Kungurian flrpeslt 1in Their Marginal (Thinning-Out) Zene (Northsaat of Tatarlya). 1. N. Tilinssy, P. 1), Pavlov. And G. V. Ovchlnnilsov The Pre-uevcnian ISA Basin. A. Sit. Fam'11sn A Contribution to the Problem of Correlating th Subdomanikovan Sediments of South Timan and tise Volga-Ural Region. V. Ya. Vasserman and N. V. Sn7.onov The Uptisrut Disturbanes of t)z'herhim-1 5 arma in South Timan. V. A.' Razsnitsyn On Certain Peculiarities of Geosystciinal Volcanogenic Sedimentary Formations in the Light of Recent Data, V. K. Rotnsan Faunal Osiange in the Alluviunm of the Dniester Terraces and Its Paleogeographic Significance. A. L. Choepalyga Organic Remains of Older Appearance from Petroleum of Tertiary. Mesozoic and Pateovroic Dleposit%. K. Ri. Clscpllsnv and A. M. Mendiva N%;w Data on the Stratigrapsy of die Paleogenec Deposits of the North Aral Region. T, P. Ilondareva and V. 1. Samodurov a 055 Structure and Ago of Depositt Blonging to the Tolisa Formation (South-Eattern YakutiVa). Z. A. Zhuravleva. VI, A. Komar, and N. M. Chusnakov Available reei t;rican Geological Inatitute

240 DOELAflY AICADE411 NAUK SSS (Earth Sciences Section) Vol cn, Nos 1-6, 1961 CONTENTS (contnued) RUSS. RUSS. PAGE ISSUE PAGE The Question of Paleoclimates and Formation Designation of Devonian Age lin the Loutheastern Part of the R~ussian Platform. P. A. Karpov Prospects of the Petroleum Capacity of the Domanik Hori~on. A. R. Kinzikeyev and N. G. Abdullin Pontian Deposits of Northern Usrytut. Yu. M. Kleyner, V. N. Kravchuk, N. Ye. Nevzorov, B. Z. Uretsky, A. 1. Sharapov, and A. G. bberzin '10 Now Data on the Strarlgraphy of the Lower Carboniferous of South Fergana. L. V. Kushnar, A. D. Milklulrho-Maklay, Ya. F. poroshnyako~va, rnd A. V. Yagovkin g 3 6'73 New Finds of Chaudiniart and Old Euxine Deposits in the Western Caucasus. V. M. Muratov and L! Ilua-chaig New DaLa oiu Bittian Deposits in the Kholzunih. 1Ruijonsk and Tigeretak Ranges of the Altay. V. Ye, Popov a Si9 Upper Hsuteriviart Deposits of the llovlya -Medveditsa Interfiuve in the Stalingrad Region. G. G. Poslavakaya. I s Middle Paleozoic Alkaline Bxtrusives of the North Caucasus. G. D, Afanatyev and N. P. 1.spanova B89 The Problem of the Aga of the Tasamsk Formation of the North Aral Region. T. N.!3ondareva. 0. 1, Nemkov, andy V.1. Sarnodurov Neptunian Dikes in the Cretaceous Deposits of Northeast Fergana. N. N. Verzilin. 9q The Lower Age limit of the Rakhovsk Formation of the Sast Carpathian Flysch. S. S. Kruglo Stratigraphy of the Upper Permian and Triassic of the Northwestern Margins of the Donets Ridge and the Correlation with the Coetaneous Deposits of' uit Dnepr-Donets Depression, Mv. L. Lovenahtev,./ A. -Sokolov, and, B. P. Stalin IntrAformatlonal Washouts in Coal Seams, L. Nefedyeva The Relationship Between the Aitkol and Chinga Formations of Western Sayan. L. P. Paley Marine Lower Volgian Stage of Berlihaui Island (Franz Josef Land). L, P. Pirazhnikv itacent informstion abuut 1116 Tfia;'ic Baux.ite, on the Eastern Slop^ enf tha rirals, V. 1. Tuzhi4ova and N. 1. Arithangeliky I Toutuaislass-Viaan Bioundary Deposits of the Ryauzyak River (Southern Urals), R. 0. Khachatryan, V. N. Krestovnikov, 0. A. Lipina. and L. V. Rastovtseva Sifellan Deposits of Southern Udmurtia and Northeastern Tataria. V. 1. Avaryanov, The Palisegene of Karategin. A. B. Burmakin, L. P. KakhanovA, and D. A. Starshinin..9go Salt Domes in Betpak-DAIa (Southern Kazakhstan). V. 1. Ditmar ' Principal Features of the Tertonlics of the Cretaceous Complex in the Northwestern Caspian Region. M. Ye. Leviton and N M Mzcenko Riphoan Deposits of the Bate of the Fore-CarpthiAn Depression. 1. V. Linetska A and V. N. Utrobin Characteristics of the Upper Carboniferotus Spiriferids of SamarskAya Lulta. V. A. Prokofyev Zona& Sequeance ol o~ Famnmenian Stage of the Xaratau Ranage. the Westem Spu of Tyan-Shan, and the Western Part of Central Kaziathstans with Respect to Brachiopods. A. 1. Sidyachenko Available From Asmerican GeologiLcal insbiitute

241 DOKLIADY AKADEII NAUK SM (Earth Sciarces Section) Vol CXL, NOB 1-6, 1961 CONTENTS (conti.ued) RUSS. PAGE ISSUE RUSS. PAGE Manifestations of Mud Volcanism In the Deep Part of!.e South Caspian. V. F. Solovycv. Ye. C. Mayev. and A. Yu. Yunv, Devonian Deposits of the Chu-Ilyky b4ountains andt Their Flora. T. A. Rumanteva Thu u-.. faca of the Crystalline Foundation of the Kuybythev and Orenburg Regions. F. F. Rybakov The Vercian Horizon in she Southexu Side o' the Moscow Syneclse and in the Fast of the Russian Platform. S. V. Se tlkhatova..,.,.1025 a 140. GEOPHYSICS Data from a Study of Soil and Plant Sampler; from the Region of thdi Tunguska Catastrophe of A. V. Zolotov A New Verification of the Hypothesis on the Nature of Magnetic Declination. V. V. Shuleylin and N. 1. Sigachev A Hydrodynamic Investigation into Nonstationary Atmospheric Processes of Planetary Scale, Ye. N. Blinova Some Hydrodynamic Effects In Nonstationary, Purely Wind Currents. Ye, G, Nfklforov A Study of the Polarization Characteristics of the Light Field in the Turbid Media. V. A. Timofeyeva The Hydrodynamic Theory of Climate and Long-Term Weather Forecasting. li, N. Blinova The Use of Radar Methods for the Study of Cloud Structure. A. M. Bobrovnikov, V. V. Kostyrev, and I. P. MazLn The Dependence of tht Spectrum of Radar-Signal Fluctuations on the Motion of Scattering Particles in Meteorological Formations, A. G. Gorelk and Yu. VM tel ichuk Velocity and Energy of the Tunguska Meteorite. IA. P. Stanyukovich and I, A. Bronshten The Electromagnetic Investigation of Deep Strata in the Earth. A. N. Tikhonov. N. V. Lieskaya, N. A. Deniskin, N, N, Nlidforova, and Z. D. Lomakina a 58? The Use of Iiliptically Polarized RadLowavew in the Study of Clouds and Precipitate,. A. 0. Shupyotsky and. P. IviuAu.u a 69L RadioiSotoplc Analysis of Rooks and Soila by the Energy Content of Gamma RayS In the Near-Surface Atmosphere, N. D. Balyasnyy, R. M. Kogan,L M. V. Nikiforov, 0. S. Renne. and Sh. D. Fridman Preliminary Results of an Investigation into Solar X-Raey Using Rocke ts and Space Claft. B. N. Vatilyev, Yu. K. Voronko, S. L. Mandelhtam, 1. P. Tindo. and A. I. Shurygin a 1088 Ionization In the Ionosphere at Night (Corpuscular Hypothesi), G. S. Ivanov-Kholodnyy and L A. Antonova a 1062 LITHOL GY The Determinative Influence of the Conditions of Sediment Accumulation on the Collector Properties of Arenaceous Rooks. V. L. Kom.-irov and D, V, Postikov, The Question of the Conditions of I= Ore Segregation during Diagenes l. Z. V. Timofeeva ll MINERALOGY Orientation or Pseudomorphs of Ruticl After l1menite. K. P. Yanulov and I. V, Chulkova Available From American Geological Inetitute - 2'7 -

242 DOMlADY AXADEMIE NAU SBSR (Earth Sciences Section) Vol CXL, Na 1-6, 1961 CONTENTS (continued) RUSS. RUSS. PAGE ISSUE PAGE The Morphology of Distorted Zircon Crystals as an Indicator of Their Genesis. T The Crystal Structure of Bertrandlte, EeSi 2 CO 1 OH) 2. L. P. Solovyava and N. V. Belov Loparite - A New Accessory Mineral of Albitized and Greisenized Granites, 1080 a 688 A. A. Siutin and T. N. Leonova PALEONTOLOGY The Genus Yakovlovia Fredericks, 0. V. Kotlyar On the Interglacial Deposits on the Outitskirts of Rybilks. Yaroslav District, R. N, Gorlova, Ye. P. M Lt iva, V. A. Novshy, and V. N, Sukachev '7 PETROGRAPHY Siliceous Formations in the Upper Jurasso Deposits of the Northeastern Caucasus. 0, N, Komardinidna Burnt Rocks from the Marine Lower Volglan Stage of Borghaus Island (Franz Josef 448 Land). L. P. Pirozhnk ov The Effect of Metamorphism on the Electrical and Elastic Properties of Fossil Coal S. A, Toporats Cruciform Inclusions of Sphalerlte in Chalcopyrite. L, V. Firtoy Corrosion of Quartz Grains and Examples of the Possible Effect of Oil on the Reservoir Properties of sandy Rocks. K. P. Cltepikov, Ye. P, Yermolova, and N, A. Orlov.., ' The Role of Micas in the Process of Tantalum Concentration. M. V. Kuzmenko, a 1411 Rod-Llke and Bifurcated Amygdula In Lava of the Mountainous Crimea. V. 1. ebedinky I ' Available From American Geological Institute

243 DOCL.ADY AI=EM2.I I NAUK SBR Soviet Physics DOKIADY' A TfrnS Jdiin o~f she Physics Sections of the Proceedings ot the USSR Academy of Scienes (Russian Original Vol. 141?, Nos, 4-B. December, 1962) Vol. 7, No. 12, pp June, 1963 CONTENTS RUSS. RUSS. PAGE ISSUE PAGE ASTRONOMY The Reson ince Lines 304 A lie 11 And 584 A 1161 in the Solar Spectrum. 0. MNikol'il ? Radar Obst rvationi of the Planet Mercury. V. A. ikotel'nlkov, 0. Ya. Gus'kov. V. Mv. Dubrovin, B. A. Dubinsii, M. D2. Kislik. E. B. Korenberg, V. P, Minathin, V. A, Morozev, N. 1, Nikit-sil, G. M. Petrov, 0. A. Pedoprigore, 0. N. Rishiga, A. V, Franugason01, And A. M. Shakhovikoi CRYSTALLOGRAPHY Control of the Structure of Crystals Grown in a Stream of Supercooled Aerosol, L. G. Kachurin, L, 1. Gashin, and Yu. G, Osipov The Crystal Structure of ilydrobrracite, CavgBE7O 1 s. 611 n 0 -CaMg[0,O,(OH)s])'3ii 3 O. A. Aslirty, 1. M. Rumanova, and N. V. Belay CYBEIRNETICS AND CONTROL THEORY On iie Syntheais of Systems with a Rigid Structure Which are Equivalent to Self- Adaptive Systems. Mv. V. Meerov [he Inversion of Finite Automata, V. 1. Levcnlhteln The Synthsesis of A Class of Davieel foi Numrserical Solution, M. V, Rybaaiiov FLUID MECHANICS Trhe Asymptotic Behiavioir of Waves Generated in a Liquid of Finite Depth by Arbitrary Initial Disturbances of the Free Surface. R, M. GAiipov B 3300 A Mathematical Model of APAAAli Flows in an Incompressible Liquid. M. A. Gol'dshtik a 1310 P'HY SIC S Lifetime of Nonequilibrium Carriers in Semiconductors with Localized Levels, Adirovich and B. M.i Kuznetrova The 'Negiave* Effect of Enrichment Resulting fronm Thermal Diffusion of OAses in Porous Media. B. N, Goslbchitsli And 1, S. lzrailevich Exrperimeuntal study of the Filtration of Rarefied Ail through Porous Solids in the Knudsen and Transition Pressure Ranges. B. V. Deryagin. Mv. V. Talaev, and N. N. Zakhavaeva Some Features in the Electric Breakdown of Electrolytes. hi. P. l'nhlov, G. A. Ostroumov, and A, A. Shteinberg Available From Amer Inst of~ TIhyt Soy Phye - Doik Vol V1I, C:o

244 DO1LADY AICADEMII NAUK SSSR (Physics 5acion)~ Vol CXa.NII, Nos CONTENTS (contl.ed) RUSS. RUSS. PAGE ISSUE PAGE Trhe Probability of Phonon-Free Transition at the Impurity Centers of Crystals. ED.Trfonov Spectral Rspret~tion of Mass and Polarization Operators at Arbitrary TernpeZ4111l. V. L. Ponch-Bruevich The Infrared Eiectroluminescance of Cuprous Oxide. A. G. Golciman and L. V. Toropkava Photomagnetic Effect Resulting from Illusmination of A (p-n)-inti.tion. A. A. Grinberg and L. N. Nikolaev B'7 The Distribution of Radiant Intensity Measured with a Wide-Angle Receiver. A. A. Dmitriev A Contribution to the Statistical Theory of Homogenous Isotropic Turbulence In a Relativistic Plasma. Yu, L. Kilmontovich The Calculation of the Electrical Conductivity Tensor. N. M. Plaida The Stability of a Cylindrical Plasma Stream in a Magnetic Field. L. S. Soloveav Elastic Scattering of 6,9-MeV Protons by lio;opea of Chromium and Zinc. A. K. Val'ter. A. P. lklyucharev, V. A. Lutsik, S. F. Orlenko, M. V. Pasechnils, V. S. Prokopenko, and N. N. Puchero Determination of Optimal Functions In Approximating Matrix Moments. S. I. Vetchinkin Slectron -Positron Annihilation during Ordering of Alloys. I. Y.Deityr S. 0. Litovchenko. and V. S. Mikhalonkov A Model of Scalar Field Theory in Quantum Space-Time~. V. G. Krdyshavskii.. 11a Criterion of Superconductivity. V. A. Moalaenio.. I Electron Density Distribution and Diamagnetic Susceptibility of Grey Tin, N. N.6irota and A, U. Sheleg Possible Changes in the Gravitational Constant. KC. P. Stanyukovich TEChINICAL PHYSICS Mechanism of Plastic Deformation of Alloys In thc Rtange of Melting Temperatures. J1. 1. Novikov and F. S. Novik.. 11ba 6 1IZ02 THEORY OF ELASTICITY T-he Stability of a 'rhick Plastically Deformed.Plate, 1. D. Legenya a 1314 A Qualitative invewsslgation or a circular, Symmestrically Compressed Plate under a Large Edge Load (Proof of the Appearance of Crimping). N. F. Morozov a 1319 BIOPHYSICS Free Radicals in Lipids of Rat Liver in Normal State and at Different Times Aftetr Gamma-Irradiation, I. K. Kolomlltseva. L. P. Kaywihin, And A. M. Kuaiss a Light-Induced EPR Signals In Crystalline Chlorophyll and Ius Infrrd Spectra. V. E. Kholmogtorov, A, N. Sldorov, and A. N. Terenin A Hypothesis on the Physical Nature of she Forces of Muscular Contraction, L. IKh. Iidus INDEXES TO VOLUME 7, 1062 Author Index Subject Index Available Fromt Amer Inat of Phys Sov Phys - flak Vol VTT, No 1.P -230

245 Soviet Physics SOLID STATE A Translation o1 the Journal 'Fizika TverdogoTOW' (Ruuian Original Vol. 4, No. 2. pp February, 1962) Vol. 4, No. 2, pp August, 1962 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE Certain Properties of Current Carriers in Ferromagnets. V. L. Bonch-Bruevich and It. A. Suds High Field Effect in p-n Junctions. G. V. Gordeev o 'he:-mltlz afe't and Photoconductivity in a Magnetic Field, V. N. Dobrovol'sklii Shielding of Coulomb Potential In Nondegenerate Semiconducto. V. B. Glasko and A. G. Ilronov Investigation of Surface Recombliation Velocity on the Germanium/Electrolyte Interface. V, A. T'astai and Yu. V. Plekov Theory of Thermal Conductivityof Antiferromagnets at Low Temperatures. G. I, Lrushadze rite Temperature Dependence of Certain hlagnetl Properties of Gadolinium. R. V. Telusnin, D. B. Al'mcneva. and V. A. Pogz Temperatu-re Dependence of the Static MagnetL and Electric Properties of Some Petite Ilaving the Garnet Structure. R, V. Telemin, A. M. Efimova, And R. A. Yuslitaev Sensitivity of Germanium and Silicon Photocells in the Impurity Excitation Region, F.,M. Berkovski And S, M. Ryvin A Majority Carrier, Nensteady-Stte Photo-emr in an n-p Junction. F. M. Betkovskii And S. M. Ryvkin.. Defects Produced in n-type Germanium by Irradiation with Illgh-Volocity EleQUuns H. hi. Konovalenko.M. RyvkLn, ard I. D, Yaroshetskii.. hubility and Elfuwive hlau of HelOs n Gallium Antimonide. -v. 1. lvanov-umski, B. T. Kolomiets, And Ah 'fg.. * The Relaxation Time of C;' and Fe' ions in Single Crystals of Rutile. A. A. Manenkov, 98t In V. A. Milyaetv, and A. M. Prokhorov Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Spin -1.tUce Relaxai-li uof Era' in a CdFs Single Crystal. G. M. Zverev, L. S. Komienko, A. N. Prokhorov, and A. I. Smirnov Extoton Spectrum of Hexagonal nse Single Crystals. E. F. Gros, L. G, Suakin&. and P. A. Kon'kev Electric and Photoelectric Properties of Arentic Selenide Layers. B. T. Kolomilet and V. M. Lyubln.. Thle Eltaton of Spin Waves by Local Surface Magnetic Irregularities Yu. M. Yakovlev Aailable Prom Amer lust of Phye 407 Soy Phys - Solid. State (continued) Vol IV' No

246 FIKA TVERDOUO TELA Vol. IV, No 2, 1969 CONTENTS (continued) PAGE RUSS, PAGE Antifernomagnetlc Semiconductors with Small M~obility. 3. L. Nagaev On the Conditions Governing dhe Condensation of Zn and Cd in the Second (Lower) Boundary Temperature iefion. L S& Palatnilt and N. T. Gladkh kld A Study of the Charge Carrier- Wiee on Different -Stages of Saturation of Dislocation Impurity Atmospheres by Copper Atoma. I. S. Milevaskii Energy Model of Compound Semiconductors. Valence Band Spectrum of SnS-Type Anisotroplc Compounds. F. M. Gashlmmzade and V. B. KhartsLev Additive Coloring of Alkali Halide -Crystals in the Presence of-an Activator. A. S.Shibancv and L.M, Shamovsldl te Optical Propertie, of Sb 5 S Single CrYstaIl A. F. Shubenko and S. V. Lapthii Electrical Conductivity of Sodium -Load-Silicate Glasses Containing Ferric Oxide. L A. Grechanik, B.A. Fainbearg, and 1,N, Zertalova X-Ray Determination of the Diffusion Coefficients by the Method of Double Thin Metallic Layers. I'l A. klvitkaya and N. A. Vodep'yanovA Determlnailun of Seiconduotor Parameters by Photoconductivity-Compentation of the Photomagnetic Effect. V.,A. Petnsevlch Comparison of Structure Changes Produced by Creep in'nicitel After Deformation At 4,2 and 3006K. L, A. Gindin, V. V. Kollnets, and Ya. D2. Starodubov Characteristics of impurity Photoconductivity in the Presence of Several Types of Local Levels In the Forbidden Band of a Semiconductor, 1,. G. Parlukl Frequency Spectrum of Electron -Nuolear Spin Double Resonance at Paramagnetic Defects in, CryataIl. V. Ya. Zevin Effect of th First-order?base Tranaltion in Ceriumn on the Hall Bifect. A. 1, Likhter and V. A. Venttael Mobility of Sb, Fe, Co In Copper, P. P. Kua'menlto, 1. F. Ostrovaltii, and V. S. Koval'chuk Natural FerromagnetIc Resonance In the Fields Produced by Anisotrpy in tesape of Single-Domain Particles of Fe, Ni, Co. L A. DariW and M. isal Light Diapersion in the Wxiton Absorption Region in the Case of Diipoe-orbidden Transitions. LB,. Tsekvava I The Theory of 'Cascade' Carrier Reoonssbimats iti Hwssopolat Sesssionduuturs. V. L Sonch-Bruevlob and V. B. Glasko X -Ray Method for Observ ation and Measurement of Small Dislocation Densities In Garmanium.L. Datenko Theory of the Phon Drag Effect in Semiconduotors of th. Rhombshodral System. V.1. Gurevioh and Yu. A. Firv Absorption and Photoconductivity of Activated Amorphous Selenium Films, G. A, Ardev A Study of the Diffusion of Selenium and Mercury in Solid and Liquid Tellurium. Sh. Movlanov and AA. Kull.. 3H4 842 DRIB? COMMUNICATIONS The Nernst-Ettingghausen Effects in Degenerate Indium Antlmonide. 0. V. 6#1ejayank~o, F. P. KesamI.ZandD,.Nasledov.. 39? 546 The Posblityo C1alculatingte -Forbickien Band Width AS In the Type A 111 SV Semiconductors. V. A. Presnoy Diffuion nd Solubility of Silver in Bismuth Tellutride. B. L. Boitaks and Ni. A: Fedorovich.. * Secondary Electron Emission from Potassium and Calcium,7 I. M Bronshtein and Ya, MShchuchinskci Negative Photoconductivity in Germanium At the Tempeatmure of Liquid Helium. V. P.Dobrego anids. M. Ryvkin Avala~jble F=o Amer Laat of PIhys (coninued) Soy Phys - bolidi State Vol IV, No

247 FIZIKA TVERDOGo TELA Vol IV, No 2, 1962 CONTENTS (continued) RUSS. PAGE PAGE The Czoss Section for 1&elutic Electron Scattering in Crystals. A. Ya. Vyraskin Strength of 'Cleavage Whiskers.* L. S. Dihina and A. A. Shpunt On Combined Resonance in Crossed Magnetic and Electric Fields. L. L. Buishvill Optical Properties of Black Mercuric Sulfide. F. I. Kreingol'd The Change in Surface Pboperties of p-type Silicon upon Bombardment by Lithium Ions. M. M. BrEdov and A. n. Nuromskii Growth Mechanism of Germanium Epitxlal Layers. G. A. Kurov Etch Figur. in Crystals of Cadmium Selenide. R. V. Bakiadze and 1. A. Rom-Krichevskaya Combined Re4onsince In Metals. M. Ya' Ambel Available From Amer Inst of Phys Soy Phys - Solid Bate Vol IV, No

248 Soviet Physics SOLID STATE A Trandsjku of Me Joxrua 'Firika Tvtrdozo Tale' (Rusian Original Vol. 4. No. 3, pp March, 1962) Vol. 4, No. 3, pp September, 1962 CONTENTS PAERUSS. On *Them/ao of Moltng, ~~s ff$ Stacking Faults i Crystals of CAdmium gulfide Powders A Andrusbbo Effect of Spin- photkon interaction on the Energy Dh1stributil iisee a in a' paramtagnet. 0. M. Khabibullin..I Damping of Spin Waeves _Intoracting with Phonons. 8. N. Yakovley.. I Uncompensated Antiferromagnetism and Anomalous Tempera ture Dependence of MaUg Properties of the FS 5 C: Alloy and their Relation to Atomic Ordering. M. V. Dehhtyar Antifeffornagnetic Propertlea of the Alloy Nig 5 Mn in Ralation to Atomic Ordering. M. V. Delchtyar Nature of the Diffusion of Phosphorus Into Silicon. B, 1. Boltaks and N. N. Matyeeva Somea Electrical properties of ilithermt~t Semiconducting Compound C4Sb, Doped with Various Imporities. Ya, A. Ugl, R. K, Averbakh, T. A. Marshaltova, and 0 V Maktveev on the Theory of Magnetization lintshe Two-Dlmansional Isung Model. P. L.Stratonovich Dependence of the Field for Rsace in Single Crystal Feridtes on Temperature and Specimen Dimensions. A. 1. Pl'shchikov. Z. D. Sloyakhotava, and U. B.. n Rascombination properties of Gold In n-germanium. 1. V. KarpovA, V. G. Alekseeva, and S.G. Kiahnikov Magnetic Screening of the IFla Nucleus in Alkali Fluoride Crystals. Wing 1-ohliu and M,* Volodicheva Paramagnetic Resonance of Trivalent Chiromium in Andalusite. V. M, Vinokuroy, M. M. Zaripov, V. 0. Stepanov, Yu. S. Pol'skil. 0. K. Chirkin. and L. Ye. Shelton Effect of Heating on the Polarirgation or Barium Titanate Single Crystals. A, Yur, Kudzink and V. Shapovloy Changes in the Infrared Spectret of N11 4 HS0A, flbhso 4. And (NNHjSO 4 At Ferroe~lei Transit~lons. T. P. MyamniovA and A. F. Yattenko Spin-Lattice Ralaxation in QAdolinium Ethyl Sulfate. S. A. Peslrovau~kii and A.N. Cherists, Concentraion Dependence of Relaxation Time in Gadolinium Ethyl Sulfate at Helium Temperatures. S. A. Pekovattkii And A. N, Chets Resonat Dielectric Losses in AlssralmoilicAtes. V. A. loffe and 1. S. Tanc evsa Galvanomagnet and'tbesmomeagnetlc properties of p-type Indium Are de. 14,V, Zotova and D. N. Nasadov.. * e1 Availle. From Amer inat, or Phys Soy Phym - Solid State(cniud Vol. ly, No 3(onnu) -234-

249 FIK TVXRDOQ TELA Vol. LV, No 3, 1962 CONTENTS (continued) RUSS. PAGE PAGE Effect'of a Slightly NKnundform magnetic Field on the Resonance Effects in Metals. A. A. Kaner and V.M. Nbutovskii Discrete Strucutre of the Intrinsic-Absorption Edge of Sodium Nitrite. A. F. Yatsenko, Yu Klypiand A L. M. RAbiin Theoy of te Shape of thenuclear Acoustic Resonance Una in Cubic Crystala. N. G. Koloskova and U. K,Kopviller '? Recombination Pisotocurrent 1luutiont on Illumination of p-n Junctions. D. N. Mirlin And Yu. S. Kar.. 5$ Elementary Excitation Spectrm and Magnetic Susceptibility Tensor of a Ferromnagnetic Ellipsoid. Meng Hsln-ch~n B1 705 Application of Green's Functions to the Calculation of lifraed Absorption in Ionic Crystals. V. a. inoradov A Std fg Mcrorelief Surface Surrounding Indentations in NedI-Type Crystals. A. A. shpunt On the InadequAcy of the Me*thodsAppied 'and' Rcsults Obtaine*d in the Ivigto of,*,* * Crystal Substructures by Fourier Analysis of a Single Diffraction Line. V. V. Kultol' Interactionr of a Nonlocalized Esreiton with an F'-Canter. B. S. Kachliasvill Secondary Electron Emission and Elastic Reflection of Slow Electrons from Different Faces of Tungsten Single Crystals. A, R. Shul'man and D. A. Oanichev Temperature Dependence of Ultruonic Velocity in PbTe Single Crystals in Temperature Range 'K. A. A. Cludinov.., Effect of Spin-Spin and Spin- Phonon Interactions in Antifarromagnets on the Energy Distribution of ;cattered Neutrons. V. N., Kaihcheev, Influence of Crystal Structure on the optical and-photoelectric Pioperties of Plsthaloepanin withoutmal. V. 8,Myl'nikov And B, K.Putsoiko.., Vibration spectrum of Graphite. L. P. Semenov I80 on the Theory of Exciton Thermal Conductivity. S. L. Korolyuk On the Influence of Spin-Phonion Interaction on the Magnetic Properties of paramagnets. B.,M. Khabibullin BRIESF COMMUNICATIONS Photoelectric Properties of Cadmium Telluridie taam Activated with Mercury. A. D~. Shnuider and 1. S. 2liko goo Preparation of Photosonsitive Cadmium Sulfide Crystals from the Mcli untder Inert-Gas Nelursu. L. A. Syioev and N, 1. Krainyuhov A Method Of.AsUrIng Tangential stressti in a Medium Transmitting High Pressures. * YA,.Kan and L. MPolyatov influonce of Irradiation on the Dielectric Strength of Tri'n Rocitl Layers. G. A. vorob'ev And V. A. Kowsirun on the Question of a Change in the Index of Refraction of Semiconducting Filmsl wnder tba Action of intense Illumination, S. N, Chechurin Plretoelectromotive Force in Arsenic Chalcogenides. Androichin and B. T. Kolomiets g14 on the Question of the Energy Spectrum of Certain In -'rity Atoms In Germanium and Silicon. N. A. Vitovsi, D. P. Lukirsirt, T. V. M oas an o 916vif l Effect of Uniaxial Deformation on the Electrical Cor d~.ctivity of Bismuth Telluride and Sclenide. Yu. V. ilisavokii t, Effect of Phonon Drag In o-sic Crystals. 0. A. ILomaltina And Yu. A. VodAltov Negative Absorption Associated with Indirect Excitos Recombinatioe in Semiconductors. 0. N. Krokhin.. an' 822 The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Current Carrier Lifetime In Silicon Doped with Copper. L. S. Milevskii soo un Available From Amer inat of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol IV, No

250 Soviet Physics SOLID STATE A TI-aitiio o the Jourmal 'Fixijka Tverdozo Teia' (Rusdan Original Vol. 4, No. 4, pp B, April, 1962) Vol. 4, No. 4, pp October, 1962 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS, PAGE Study of the Long-Time Changes in the Electrical Properties of a Germanium Surface. V, G, Litovchenko, Frolov. and Pao Sbih-mao Excitation of Mechanical Exciton Waves by an lectromagnetio Wave Field on the surface of an Optically Active Crystal. Yu. A. Tagirko The Effect of Annealing on the Spatial Distribution of Radiation Defects in Silioon. IM I.., On the Nature of the Liactrcal Coniduu.Ivity of Beryllium. Magnesium. Calcium. and Strontium Oxides at High Temperatures. S. F. Pal'guev and A. D. Neulmin Thermodynamic Properties of the Spin Systems of Potassium Copper Sulfate and Potasum Chrome Alum. K. P, Sltnikov So1 The Kinetics of Dislocations with jogs in a Simple Cubic Lattice. A. S, Orlov.. 63' 866 An Improved Method for Observation of the Structure of Crystal Reflection spectra. Chng Kuang-yln Secondary Electron emission in GaAs, InSb, AuCug. V. 0, Bol'shov Determination of the Concentration and Temperature Dependence of Correlation Parameters of a Three-Component Spinal. A. N. Man Magnetoreslstmnce and Hall Effect in Semiconductors with Hot Elections and In Plama. 1. M. Dkman and E. I. Tolpygo.. 6a 896 On the Tleory o-' ound Absorption in Piezoeleactcs. V. L. Gurevich Plezoreslstance Effect in PbTe and PbSe. Yu. V. Ilsaylvti I On the 'leory of the Tensile Strength of Solid Polymers. A. 1. Oubanov and A. Chevycholov G Thermoelectric Properties of Tellurium at Low Temperatures. I, N, Tlmchenko and S. 9. Shay,.. BRA 934 Investigation of the Electrical Conductivity of Liquid Semiconductors of the A 5 Sej - AvsTN Rystemr Using a Contactless Method. V. P. Pozdnev Time Depeadence of Strength under Static and Alternating Loading. V. L Regel' and A. M. Leuovskii The Hyparflna Structure of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra for an Electron which is DelocAllsed with Respect to A System of Equivalent Potential Wells. Yu. 1. Naberukhln and A. 1 urshtein ' Available From Amer Lat of Phys (continued) Gov Phys - Solid Statoe Vol IV, No

251 MIIKA TVERDOUO TEIA Vol. IV, -No 4, 1.9b2 CONTENTS (continued) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Computastion of the First Excited State of an F-Center Inc1'rdlng Degeneracy Zailavskaya ' Mechanism of thre Increase of the Electrical Conductivity of Zinc Oxide on Illumination. G. A. Xotsunppkll.'.. I se8 Changes in the Electrical Conductivity and ;a the Distribution of Electrical Potential in a Ruie Ceramic during Aging. V. Ya. Kunin, L. N. Fomenko, and A. N. Tilio '72 Dependence of thse Asnblpolar Diffusion Length and the Sum of the Hall Mobilities of Cardiens in p-type lnsb on the Magnetio Field Intensity at Room Temperature. Y. F..Z2ooay. and D.N, Nasledov ' An Investigation of the Syrmetry of Energy Z~ones for CdSlr and ZnSb Alloys. V. 3, K5Irtse ' Elgenfrequenscles of thre Latticer ViL.natons of Silicon and Diamond. :~jl.. ' Dislocation Etch Patterns In In~b. JI.LLM Zeemen Pffect o: Indirect Exclrnns in a CujO Crystal. E. F. Oss, B. P. Z-%khhachenva,. and A. I.Sibllev Effect of Directed Deformations on the Spectra of Direct And Indirect Excitation of t1h1 Exciton,.Ground State In Cu 5 O. 8. F. Gross, A, A, KAplysakii, and V. T. Azeisyan Election and Ion Emission from the (110) and (100) Faces of a Large Tungsten Monocrlstal. E.aP a, M. 1. Smorodinova, and N. 1. Imangulova.. ' Determinat~ion of the Electronic Effective Mass _In nsb fom Thermal emf Measurements ina Strong Magn-tlc Field. I.V.11ca, Orzv and V., 0SI1m2va Edge Absorption Theory in Semlconduotoril 1, 1, Rashba and 0. 8.Gurgntarvill ' The Long -Wavelength Photosensitivity and Infrared Quenching of Photocurrent in Cadmium Sulfide Slngle Ctystala. V. V. Serdyu~kansdT. Ya. Skra ' On Certain Regularities in thu Passage of Bleevresthrough Bolds, A. Y&. Vvarsi and A. N. Pilysirkevich ' Low-Temperature Absorption of Light by Current Carriers In Certain Semiconductors. V.A. YAkovlev I Gamma- and Photoelectric Properties of Cadmium Sulfide. P. G. Litoychenko and Vy', tst'yanov '773a 1050 BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Mlcrohardnass Of GerMAnim11 Of VaIlOUm Conductivitriai M. R, Ahlnva and A. P. RE!1I:.. ' Displacemsnt of the Curie Temperature of Manganese and-c-obalt Carbonates under Hydrostatic Pressure. D, N. Astroy, G, A. Kytin. and M. P. Orlova Surface Inversion Layer on Cuprous Oxide. Y u. 1. KrithaiM and G.,P. Peka Anisotroplo Behavior of the Width of the Resonance Curve Ins Ferrites Due to impurities. Minx Hlen -chan,. 8, Strob nets and A.0Gutev~ievich.. ' RecomhInati on Radiarion of Gallium Arsenide. D. N. NasledoyA.A Roacsv, S. M. Ryvkitn, and 0, V. Tiarnkov.. I Mobility of Electrons in Germanium Strongly Doped with Arsenic. Y.. iilu, iu Iglitsyn, and 9. M, Omeallyanovikll S4 inebt Analysis of Some Hypotheses about Electrical Aging of Rudle Ceramics. S. N Koky V. Ya.Kunin and A. N, Tlkin Ferroelectric Properties of Barium Titanata in the Centimeter Range of abc. Yu. M. Poslavito. ' The Applicability of the Pfann Distributlion in the Zone Puzlftcation Proces. Lb A. alchok Available From Amer Inot of Phya Soy Pliya - Solid State Vol IV, No l4-237-

252 Soviet Physics SOLID STATE A Trans Jasion of the Jotornal 'Fizika Tviordozo Tela (Russian Original Vol. 4, No. 5, pp , May, 1962) Vol. 4, No. 5, pp November, 1982 CONTENTS RUSS. PAGE PAGE Electron Transitions In Compressed Cesium and Rubidum. E. S. Alealuiev and R, rk ipv i.., il Effect of an Electric Field on Electron Temperature, Electrical conductivity and Thermionic Emission of Semiconductors. V. 1. M. Dyictan And P. M. Tomchuis. ' Thermodynamic Theory of Crystals Possessing Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic Properties, G. A. Smolensii internal Friction in SIver Chloride at Low Temperatures. Yu, Kb. VekLdov and Yu. V. Piguzov Some Questions 1sn the Dislocation Theory of Twins. A. M. Kosevich The Tunel Effect Through a System of Identical Potential Barriers. 8. A. Psaenichnovt 819I 1113 Investigation of the tffcct of an Electric Field, Aprplied at the lurface, on the Luminescence and Electrical Conductivity of Cuprous Oxide. G. P. Pek&a Calculation of the Mean Square Thermal Displacemsent of Atoms in a 0CdType Crystal Lattice by Houston's Method. V. A. 2.hdanov and V. V. Katkl'nlov interaction of Lithium Atoms, Introduced Into Silicon, with Radiation Defects ofti Struscture, V. S, Vavilov, 1, V, Smirnova, and V. A.' Chapnin. I Investigations of Electuic Pulse Generation by Cdk single Crystals At the Temperature of Liquid Nitrogen, 1. D. Konouqenkcs, Y. A. MunAlevsllt, And 8, 1. Shaldiovtaova , investigation of the Photoconductivity Spectra of CtIS Crystals at '17 and 4'K in the Absorpilun Edgc Recgion. E. F. Crosn, K. F., Wier, and 0. V. Novtltov Energy spectrum of Defects Produced in Silicon by Irradiation with Eletrons. N. A. Vitovsil. P.1 ukil, T. V. Masihovew. and V. 1. Myakota Thormionic Emission from Ioni Semiconductors in Strong Fields, K, B. Tolpylto and G. R. CiIika The Aplication of Functional Methods to the Theory of Solid Solutions, R. A. Stsris.. a5o 1164 On the Diffusion Theory for A Transition Through a Potential Barrier ins an Alteratig External Field, YU. Ya, Gotlib and K. M. Salilthov Field Effect and Photoconductivity sin Lad'&Sulide -Flms. A. A, Rtogachey and S. N.Chechurin I.. Galvanornagnatic Effects in Semiconductors with Degenerate Uonets, G. L. Bit,.S ss ~Normtntas, and r3. a. Filer Available From Amer Tract of Phys (continued) Sov Phys - Solid State Vol IV, Wb -238-

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253 FIZIKA TVERDOGO TELA Vol IV, No 5, 1962' CONTENTS (continued) PAGE RUSS. PAGE The Physical N ture of the Electret Effect in Carnauba Wax. A. N. GubkIn and D, N, Matsonavhvll Electrical and Therioelectric Properties of TISe Single Crystals. G. Guseinov, G. A. Akhundov, and G. B. Abdullaev Photocurrent Noise Associated with An Exciton Mechanism of Carrier Generation in Insulator Type Photoconductors. M. K. Sheinkman and N. B. Luk'y&anchikova Kinetics of Photoconductivity in GaSe. R. F. Meidtiev and L, G. Parictkit Photomagnetic Effect and Photoconductivlty in InP. M. P. Mlikhallova, D. N. Nasledov. and S. V. Slobodchikov ' On the Problem of Quantum Oscillations of Galvanomagnetlc Effects In Indium Arenide and Antlmonlde. S. S. Shalynm and A. L. Efros Concerning the High Voltage Photo-emf in Thin Films of Cadmium Telluride, S. A. Scm iletov Alteration of the Submicroporosity In Electrolytic Iron Films After Annealing Under Load, B. Ya. Pines and R. I. Kuznetakova.., On the Part Played by Optical Phono ns In Infrared Absorption by Free Carriers in Semiconductors. V. L. Ourevich, I, G. Lang, and Yu, A. Flrsov influence of Lattice VIbations on the ThermodynamIc Properties of Otho- and Parahydrogen Solid Solutions Stpanova Revesible Characteristics of Certain 3iT&QO-A 1 9O-Typ6 1 Solid 8olulo16. L.Statlliuk.., , Recombination at a Germanium Surface with a Large Amount of Adsorbed Water. A. V. Rzhanov and L A, Arkhlpova Surface Recombination and Trapping by a Continuous Spectrum of Surface Levels. A. V. Rzhanov On the Theory of Current Carrier Recombination at Dislocations in Semiconductors. Yu V. GuYaev Raman Spettum oa Lithium Chloride Crystal. A. L Stokhanov, A. P. Korollkov, and M. B. Eliihberg Theta-Punction Expansion of the Dispersion Laws for Quai-Particles in Crystals. A. B. Almzzov On the Theory of Additional Electromagnetic Waves in Crystals In the Exclton Ab.o:ptlon Region. S. I. Pekar ,101 Investigation of the DielectrLc PZoperties of Polarized Ferroelectrics in Strong Electric Filds, A. M. fl'ard Investigation of Anisotropy in the Dielectric Properties of Ferroelectrics Subjected Beforehand to an Electric Field, in Strong Electric Fields. A. M. Iluard ' Mechanism end Kinetics of 'Healing' of an Isolated Pore in a Crystal. YA. E. Ge2kzln and 1, M, Lifthits Experimental Invesigatlon of the PertoeleculC Properties of Ammonium Bhulfate in the Vicinity of the High-Temperature Phase Transition. B. A. Strukov, V, A. Koptsik, and V. D. LigaSova Properties of the Bloch and Wannier Functions. D. S. Bulyanltss and Yu. E. Svetlov Effect of Impurities and Dislocations on the Electron Field Emission from Metallic Crystals. A. P, Komar and V. P, Savchenko e 1346 Calculation of Potentials in Superstructures. V. N. Lyublmov and Yu. N. Venevtev BRIEF COMMUNICATIDNS Mobility of Silver in Nickel. P. P. Kua'menko and L, P. Ostrovskii Available From Amer Ins of PhW Sor Phys - Solid State (continued) Vol IV, No

254 F'IZIYKA TVERDOGO TIWIA Vol IV, No 7, 1962 CONTENTS (coni..ed) RUSS. PAGE PAGE Dependence of the iong-wavelength Threhold of the Photoeffect in GaAs p-n Junctions an the Electric Field. A, A. Gutkin and D. N. Nasledov On the Problem of the Physical NatuM of the Dlacharge Delay Time in Solid DlielectrLe. G. A. Vorcblev Visualization of Dislocations in Single Crystals of Hexagonal F a.ies. L A. Deryugin, V. N. Danilov, and V. V. Danilov On Nuclear Paramagnetic Resonance in a Ferromagnetic Crystal. L. L. dulhvili On the Nuclear Quadrupole Resonanc: Spectrum of Sb'.' in Polycrysti.ina Me. 1. A. Safn.. I e 1 8 Effect -of Adding Nickel on the Properties of 1 Barium Titarh.te Monocrystals. N. Yu. Kudzn :urZl an. Conductlvlty of Germanium Heavily Alloyed with Phosphorus. V. I. PFis and i. M. Omel'yanovsii ? 1310 Concerning the Radiation Defect Spectrum in Silicon. V. M. Malovetzkays, G. N. atlkif, and V. S. VavlLov The Effect of Oxygen on the Lifetime of Nonequllibrium Carriers In p-type Silicon. L, L. Nolle, V. M, Malovetaaa, and V. 5, Vavllov Certain Peculiarities of the Dark Conductivity of CdS Photoresistors. 1, Ya. Kucherov, A. Z. Zhmudikli, and V. 1. Shiyanovall Ii6 Revealing Dislocations on the 11 Plans of Gallium Arsenide by Etching, R. L. Petrusevich, E. S. Sollertlnskaya, and 0. L Pavlova Avalanche Production of Excltons in Semiconductors. V. L. Gurevich Impurity-Band Conduction in n-gaas. M. Sh. Glterman, L. Y&. Krol' V. A. Medvedev, M. P. Orlova, and Pado & Correction to the Article 'fre Path o1f xcirona In polar Crytals' (FTT, (1961)[Soviet PhysIcs-Soid State, Vol. 3, p r, M. Oenkin , Avalabl.e From Amer last of Phys ov Phy5 - Solid State Vol IV, No

255 Soviet Physics' * SOLID STATE A Traptlaion ato the jomornal 'Fizika Tverdogo Tots CRusnian Original Vol. 4, No. 6. pp , June, 1062) Vol. 4, No. 6, pp December, 1962 CONTENTS RUSS. PAGE PAGE The Prenkel Exciton In Crystals of Different Symmetry. _VN. Pikovol Interaction Between the 90' and 180' Domains In BaTIOs. B. irresina And, usi,., Investigatiorn of Crack Growth During Dynamic Fracture of Glass, V. M. Pistiel' and K.. tki...i Energy Spectra of Slow Positive RWbIiu arnd Cesium Ions Scattered by a Molybenurn Surface. V, 1, Veksler Soume Features of the Photoelctrot State in i 1 s. V, L. Buorienk and Kj K, v On the Photoelectret State in Silver Chloride. V, 1. Bugrienk and V, M. Belous Sonie Properties of Type A, BIV ':.Vl 3 Semilconducting Compounds. I., S. Palatnikt V, Mi, Koshicin,.L. P. GAIlclinetskii, V. 1. Kolesnikoy, and Yu. P. Komnik Theory-of Magnetovibrational Scattering of low eutons In a Uniaxial Antiertonsagnot. V, N.,Kashchee.. I Heat Conductivity and the Chemical Bond In ABXs-Type Compounds, A. V. Petrov And E. L, Shtrum Recombination at Dislocation Lines In Germanium. L. I. Kolesnik.I An X-Ray Method for Finding the Voigt Elastic Constant. And thwe ransverse Blanches of the Phonon Spectrum of Disordered Substitutional Solid Solutions Having a Cubic Structure. S. V, SenrOVsIkAYA and Ysa, S. narsakil kaman Scattering In Piezoelectric Crystals with Tetragonal Sym-metry. L N va r A Resonance Raman Scattering In Crystals. 1,SyA=jj I Temperature Dependence of the Tunnel Current in Thin P -n Junctions, A. P. Shotoy And S, P, Grishechicina Optical Ilr.ed Charge Exchange in Impurity Centers and the Kinetic& of Extrinsic Photoconductivity. Yu. L, Ivanov and 5,M yvi lisectromagnetic Field Quantiaktion ini a Dispersive Crystalline Medium. V. L. StrinhevskIL Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in the Titanium- Oygen System:!. V V uev, YA, V, Vasil'ev,. P. Votinov, 0. K. Kharltonova, And LY,htItonov Optica and Photoelectric Properties of Gel and GeS 0. K. P. Lider And 6L. S 6011' vv Kinatics of Impurity Photoconductivity in n-.type Germanium Containing Geld. 1, AKuroy, 8, 0,Kalmohnikov and N. D, Ty± kn lk' 1503 Available Fromt Amer luet of Sov Phys - Solid St~ate (continued) Vo~l WD No 6-241

256 FIZIKA TVERDOGO TEL.A CONTENTS(cnied PAGE PAGE Maciron spectrum In a Obe-Dlmensioal sad In a Three-Dimensional Liquid Model. A. 1, Guano Electron Inelastic Scattering in Thin Pilmu. N4. 0. Nakhodkin. A. A. Ostroukhov, and V. A. Romanovskii Photoelectric Properties of Synthetic PbS Single Crystals. N. S. Baryshev and I. Ave = -y-n-v E iipimince of TO in Some Silicate and Phosphate Glasses. N4. P. yafaev andyu. V. Yablokov Dependence ofxactivation Energy on Molar Composition for Certain AIIBVI-AU 8 VI Systems 159 in Thin Layers. M. V. Kot, V. G. Tyrziu, A. V. SrLmashlkevich. Yu. B. Maronkchuk. and V,A. Mthenskil Photoelectric Sensitivity Spectra In Semiconductors Determined by Various Methods. L A. Altimo and!s. K. Putselto Spectral Distribustion of the Internal Photoeffect in Photochamically Sensitive Semicondusctors. 1.A. Akimnoy Resonance Rotation of the Acoustic Polarization Plane in Paramagentic Crystals. 0. LKochelaev I Acoustic PArAmagnettc Resonance in Crystals with loas In the S State. A. M. Leusiin, Longitudinal Thermornagnetic Effects in Seco~cnductors In a Strong Longitudinal Magnuuic Field. A, L Antal-m and B.M. AkewO ALong-WAve Photoelectric Method for Probing Local Levcls in Semiconductors, 5, N4. Arkad'eva A. G. Paritskil.And S. M. N~vkin.., i6 Effect of Resonance Absorption of Space- Inhomogasout Electromagnetic Radiation in Perromagnats. N. YLikavlev Stark Effect And Spin-Phonon Interaction in Paramagnetic Ccystals. I. V. Ovchlnnikov, Emission of Hot macirons from Germanium, IL.5K.Poaela and V. I afllntias Influence of Spin-Phonon Interaction on the ParaMagnetic Resonance Spectrum. LL K. Arnlnovand B.tL.KocholAev.., Clianges in'crystaliceprmtr of Pentaerythritol at Pressures up to 10,000 kg/ame A. P. Polov,. Vreshahin,ld K.P. Rodionov.., Temperature Dependence of the Complex Per-mittivity of $ama TirArates 11twnia 96 and i0nrc, G, eva l6ll Electromagnetic and Aiiioro ayes in Ferroelectrics. D. 0. Sannikov Diffusion of Tellurium in Germanium. V. D. lsjnatkov and V, S. Komenko l627 The Snargy.Angular Distribution of secondary Electrons During Secondary Election Elnsiason. A,. 1. uba '? 1633 Theory of Nonradiative Transitiont in the 'Non-Condon' Approximation. Low Temperatures. V. A.Kovarskl I.. Thermal Conductivity Of Cadmitum AntImonide, t. M. Pilat. L. L Anatychuk, and A.V Luchro la9 Changa in Electrical Properties of &* Germanium ssurface Caused by Etching in Hydrogen Peroxide. P Pkonrov and 0 V Romanov Polarization of the Yellow hexiton Series in the Spectrum of Cot Under Crystal Deformation E, P. Grosn. A. A. Kaplyansii V, T. Agekyas, And D, S. Bulyanitua BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Solution of the Kin~etic Equation for Impurity Scatteling of Lactrots L Ya. Korenblit Thermal Conductivity of p- and n-type Germanium. 1. D. DavyAtkova and L A. SmIrnos, 122? 1669 Available from Amer. Inst ofph (continued) Sov Pbyra - Solid State Vol IV, No

257 FIZICA TVWITh> Q'.U Vol IV, si't>, CON'T'N~ TS (confitd) PAOE RUSS. PAGE Dir ition of Diffut~d Phosphorus in Silicon. pandj..and I-.-ptiadence of Carntbr Mobility on Impurity Concentri l~'% S~b Crystals. K. L. Vino~ttadova, V,.Galavanov. and REL!jL~elck iiie.Cryltal BaTICa Films Grown Prom t Melt in. z C,.-. Atmosphere. 9, V. BuraLaR and N. P. imrnova Temperature Dependence of the Radiative Rcc,vvtR k:u. - Jeoson in Germanium. A. A. Roga hav ands. M ~'d A I'Kin T. at ae r~eo u Anis..aopl.u~oi, I',osevich and L, A. Pastr Jitructuse of the Ekecton Bands In AnIsptrbpic Crystals. Y. M. 4.-novich and M, 1,KAanov Avatlable From Amer Inst, of PbhrB Soy Ph: e - Bolicl Stat- Vol IV, No

258 Soviet Physics SOLID STATE A Trastaion of the journai 'Fzriza Tvvrdogo Tela' (Russian Original VoL 4. No. '1, pp , July, 1969) Vol. 4, No. 7, pp January, 1963 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE Kinetics of Gamma Conductivity in Cadmium Sulfide Crystals. P. G. Litovyhenko and V. l. Utt'ynov Investigation of the Temperature and Frequency Dependence of the Resonance Linewidth in Polycrystalline Ferrites. B. M. Lobed' and Yu. M. Yakovlev Photoconductivity of Sliver Bromide. A. A. Sadykova and P. V. Meiklyar Electrical Conductivity of Germanium in Strong Pulsed Magnetic Ftelds in the Region of Mixed Conduction. A. ZavadskiL and FatIdov Many-Particle Quantum Greens Functions in the Theory of M ulti-phonon Transitions. P. K. KAtana.., Pulse Mothnd of Producing Absolute Polarization of Magnetic Nuclei. U. Kh. Kopvillem and R. V. ShubIna Investigation of Surface Diffusion In Metal Powders by Measurement of the Electrodiffusional.Potential. B. S. Boklhtetn, D. K. Belashchenko, and, AtZhukhovitikii.. Tensile Testing of Filamentary Crystals of Copper, Niolk nd Cobalt to Failure, S. Z. Bokshtein, S. T. Kishkin, and. L. Svtlov Calculation of the Ionic and Atomio Components of the Bonds in Silicon Carbide Crystals. A. A. Tsertsvadze, Yu. V. Chkhartirhvili, and L. Ka chlithvli On the Tensor Theory of Ferromagnetic Resonance. V L. Beshidze Colt.-ttve Excitations it the Theory of Superconductivity.. Vel*_e.. '.. '*' Long Wavelength Oscillations of Diamond-Type Crystals Including Long Rang* Forces. K.Topygo.. Eminion of Mli1 'rs acb2s from Alkali Halide Crytals Bombarded with Potassum tons,. G.M. Batanov Nature of the High Permittivity of Cerium Aluntnates with Perovslite-Type Structure. V. A. loffe, A. I. Leonoy, and 1. S. Yanchevskaya The Theory of Nuclear Spin-Lattics Relaxation in tonic Crystals. V. Ya. Kravchenko Resonance In Uniaxial Ferromagnets. N. A. Potaptov Dielectric Relaxation in Colored KBr Crystals.V-Iranopatev New Type of Magnototesitivity Oscillations in 8eiconductors and Serimetals. V, L, Gurevich, Yu, A. Finov, and A, L, 9fro Bulk Recombination in Copper-Doped Germantum Crystals. R. A. ParamoinOVa anid A. V. Rzh.nov Influence o pi-spi interaction on Neutron Scattering in Pasa.aagnetic Matesials B. M. Khabibullin Isa 1 1i9 Available From Amer lnst of Phys Soy Flys - Soli State Vol IV, No (onfinu')

259 FZZIKA TVDOG TE.A Vol IV, No 7, 1962 CONTENTS (contin..d) RUSS. Ine a ndio.of M oecularoxygen with a Tungsten Surface. m a PAGE PAGEge Some Physical 'PoPertles of old and liquid Gallium and Indirr Ar*(knides near the Melting Poidt. V. M. Glazov and S. N, Cizhavsraya.. Effect 1860 of 1841 Annealing On the Dislocation Density and COmpressibility Curves of Germanium Single Crystals. V.,G Goolov nd V. S. paklov.. MeaUsrment of Short Lifetimes from 1354 Phase Characterstics 1848 of the Voltage Transmission Coefficient in a Circuit Containing a p-n Junction. 1L 1. Alderovich, AndB. A. N. D Gubtin, KO vovkdi Effect of Magnetic Field on the Ionic ConductivIty of Semiconductors. V. B. Fila spectrum or ChAructaristic Frequencies and Vibration Amplitudos of a LiF Crystal, Calculated for symmetric Directions of the wave vector. Z, A. Demidirnko interaction between Edge Dislocations and Vacancies In Silicon. =S, 9lllevsklii Partial Diffusion Coefficients and Self-Diffusion Coefficients In Copper-Nickel Alloys. B. Ye. Pines, 1. G. Ivanov, and I. V. Smushkov.. APhotocondutiyThorBae 1380 on9i-o~iir~ 1882 blity. sh. M. Kga Recombination Processes in Syntheti PbS Single Crystals. V. G. Bara-nE.M KMe1'mItskaYa The Composition 1394 Dependence 1897 of Creep Rate and Durability Under Prolonged Loading rac Elevated Tenmperatures in Iron-carbon and iron-copper B Ya. Alloys. Pinei and A,Sirnko Induced 1IRMA Impuity Breakdown In Compensated Germanium and Associated Current OsgillatiOns. S. M,!yvln, V. P. Dobrego, B, M. Konovalnco, gn1. D kos a ro he sk l,.. Coage Tansor ndhea ir ntyp 1400 idiu 1911 Asendeat Low Tlemperatures. S. S. Shalyt.. On the Theory 10(3 of 1915 Photomagnetio Effect in strong Magnetic Fields, Yu. WaIT. 141i Influence 1928 Of Collision Rtecombination on the Decay of Nonequillbriu in Cutlot Semiconductors, Density G. M. Gro.. Kinetics of Photoconductiviry ofs 55. single crystals. V. A, Brodovol.I.I.. Photomnagnetic 1424 amf 1946 In p-type insb at Room Temperature in iin Alternating Magnetic Field. V. F. Zolotarev And D.N.Naledov 'J BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Diffuisi and Electrolytic Migration of Manganese Ions In NAZI + WasI Mixed Crystals, B. G. Lur's, A. N. Muria andsit P FBiMUYiuII Discrett SUAtre or mhe Elastic 6tresse Produced by Dislocation Arrays in silicon. Thermal Conductivity of Tellurium Single Crystals in the Temperature Range L A *K. Smirnov andb. V. Shadichav..5P Effect of an alectric pielos Them-aly stimulated ConductivIty of 055 Single Crystalk.16 19R;) A. P.Troflrnenko.A A.KShainlnn..i.. Polymorph ictansformation 96 of NaCI. V. vdokimov and Charrge F. of Vershchagin the Sign of Photo-.inI.. in CumO. 148 A. Tolstol, 1965 B, s, alipov and U. A. FOin.. Anisotropy of the Blectric Strength of Roirsatt. A. Voro'V. G A. VOOOb'V, ands T. L Murashko W'!; 'l ['nhgie hotlonlstin of an Thrma '?lzro oth ep Levels of Radiation, Defects in Silicon. V, S. V vllov, G. N. alkln, V M. Maloveka, and A. F. Pltikoy 142 Conduto 10'9 rocesse in Single Crystals of Mercury Sulfide. M. V. hovsl. V. Rbalk&, and LVSavitskii Available From Amer' lut of Phys triud Sov hb~e - Solid Stbate Vol IV, No 7-24

260 FIZKA VERDOGQ TJA Vol IV, No 7, 1962 CONTENTS (contl..d) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Single Crystals of~acl and KCI as Standard Matrtila In tho. Measutremnt of Thermal ConductivtyIn the Tomperanue Range K. E. 1). avyatkova and I. A. smimov Pievoresistance Effect in n-pbs. Yu. V. 7l1savskii and., Yakhnd Slow Neuuon scattering by tho Spin System of a Pa;arnanettic Martfl. n. M. Khabfbuln ' r'wjnt Instability fffect In Semoamdnuctrs.o. L O vich ant V. l.o V19 Aovailable From Amer Inst of Pbyi SoV Phys - solid State Vol IV, No 7

261 Soviet Physics SOLID STATE A Translation at she jouirnal 'P1*1k. Tsverdogo Tela' (Russian Original Vol. 4,. No. 8, pp August, 1062) Vol. 4, No. 8,* pp February, 1963 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE Trapping of Nonequilibrium Charge Carriers Oil the Surfece of Cermanlum. V. 0. Litovehenko and V. 1. LyAliheio..,II II.. I.., 1458 leas selection Rules and Energy Spectrum of Exotons. Effects of E~xternal Fields and Directional Deformations. 1. A. Mosklanko and A. 1, Boryaheva Investigation of Electrostatic Electron Emission from Tungsten in a Broad Current-Density Interval Gofman % Noiiaelullibrium Electiron Emission from Silicon p-n Junctions. 1. M. Dykinant, Ya. P. Zingerman, V. A. lihchuit, and V. A, Morozoviki High-Voltage Photn-cini'a In Ldytsa of Acal.-II-ay Y V. M ubin and 0. A. Fedorova Secondary Electron Emission from Antimony Chalcogenides. V. L. Msikedonikii And A., Pustovoit Theory of Inelastic Magnetic Scattering of Slow Neutrons in Doped Ferroniagnets. V. N). Kaihcheev I Energy Distribution of IneilticaiIY Scattered Electrons in bolida. 1. M. tbronairteln and V. S. Kovoletko I I I Dependence of Quantum Yield of the X -Itay Photoetfect of a Massive Cathode on the State of Polarization of tho X Radiation. M. A. Rumsh and V. N. Shchemeloy The Elnergy Structure of Complext Semiconductors and Spcctrumr of Hlesc in Compounds with Wurtite-Type Structure. F. M. GWmethrde fi 9ni% Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves by Hotnopotar Crystals. L. F. Gurovich And 1. P. ipatova I Condlilon Uic the Existence or Spatial Dispersion In Ctystals. V. S. Mashkevich Emission And Scattering of y -QiuAnt by Nuclei of a Solid in the Presence of a Time- Dependent External Excitation. 1. P. Dzyuh Anti A. F, l.ubenko Piezuretistance Effects in PbS - PbTe -Type Crystals. 0. E. Pikus and G. L. Bir High -Temperature Mecliairical Properties of Alloys of the Copper-Nickel System. 0. Ya. Pines and 1, G. lvanov Kinetic Truatment of Cyclotron Resonance in Scmleonductuis. GZ. M. G.nikl Ferroeleetricity and Antlferroelactsilcty/ in Polar Crystals. V. N. Lyubiriaos, Yu. N. Venevtsev, And G, S. ZhdAnov b Available From Amer Inst of Phys Soy Phys - Solid State (continued) Vol ZV, No

262 MIK(A TYIRDOGO TEIA Vol IV, Wo 8,1962 CONTENTS (continued) PAGO RUSS. PAGE Combination Resonance in Centrosynmrric Semiconductors Boiso '2128 Recombination L7 vel in n-type Germanium Irradiated with ilectrom. L. G. Shavendo and L. S. Smirnov A spectrum of Spin Waves. P' ucl n tghlnc'n Residual Stress in Glass Quenched in Liquids. F. F. Vitor--n, Tr. G. Dmitriova, and V. P. Puith strengthening of Gilas F. F. Vitman, 1. A. Bogusiavskii, and V. P. Puith Deformational Splitting of the -Light Blue and Dark Blue Exciton Series in the Spectrum of Cu 5 O Crystals. B. F. Gran, A. A. Kaplyanuii. and V. T. Agekyan The Problem of the Electric strength of Barium Titanate. S. V. Bogtlano Dependence of Polymer Strength on Molecular Weight. S. N. Zhurkov and S. A. Abagov Stimulated Photoeniisilon from Some Dielectric$ And Its Relationship to the Phenomenon of Aftermiusion. 0. D. Knab On the Conductivity of Crystals in the Case of a Strong Electron-Phonon Interaction (Polaron of Small Radius). I. Na aev A The Problem of the Adso-otion of Barium Atoms on Tungsten. Ya. P. Zingerman and V. A. Ishchulr Calculation wf the Probability of Radiationless Transitions of Cr4' longs in t~y. Z. Malkin Effect of Copper on the Properties of Loid Sulfide Single Crystals. V. S. Andramonoy. N. S. Aayhv an1. S. Aver'yanov...I The OffM, oftp osition of the Triple Point on the Condensation Mechanism of Metals lin Vacuum and on Some Properties& of Zn and Cd Condensates. L. S. Palatnik and Determination of Hindered -Rotation Barriers it Solids. 1. S. Waugh and At. 1. Fedin al Electron Pa[rmagnetlo Resonance of Gd8' In Cat 5. V. M.Vinokuro, MM. Zarpv, Yu. B. Pollslil. V. 0. Stepanov, G. K. Chitkn ad. a.shoi n..i. I Band Structure and Plezoresiutance Effects in PbTe and Pbbe. G. L, Bir and G. 1. Plikus Secondary Electron Emission of Magnesium Oxide. V. L. Borisov BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Dependence of the Strength of Cleavage Whiskers on Their Dimensions. P. G. Strelkov and A A Sh..- ;..;..*' *, * Bf fact ci loio n 'the Ditin of C ImpuriynNe Crystals. L. 1. Roshchlna Andi 1. 'Ia. Mclilt-OGlltzyan Splittung of Energy Leveta In tha rryktall ine Fielid. V. S. Tumanov Effect Of UltrAsoniCS On the Eleetron Spectrum of Crystals. L. V. Keldysh Change In Multiplicity of Nuclear Resonance Spectrum of CClC(OllhCIHI. V. S. Grechishsin and 0. B. Soifer The First Diffusion Equation. R. L. Fogel'Ao Energy of Formation And Concentration of Vacancies in Tungsten. YIa, A. Kraftnialther and P. 0. Strelkov The Cross Sections for Capture of A Photon Anid ant Electron by the Third Level of Copper in Germanium. Yu. L. Ivanov Some Phenomena Obictved on Anodic Etching of Germanium. 0. V. Romanov and P. P. Konorov Superposition of High-Voltage Polariaation ami in Dielectrics. M. L. Chetkaroy Determination of Auger Effect Y'ields from Chlorine and Potassium K Shells from the lump in Quankum Yield of the X-Ray 'hotogiffact of a Massive KCI Cathode, M, A.Rumsh and V. N. Shoheinels Available From Amer last of Ph)'a sov Pb3y* - Solid State (continsue. Vol IV, No

263 F~zIA MDOU0 TEIA roh2 IV, No.5, CONTENTS (continud)r PAGE RUSS. PAGE Phonon Quantum CG'untet, A. R; Kestel' and U Kh. Kopvillem Uffeot of Iodine and Germanium Impurities on the Internal Photoeffect Spectrum of Glassy TOAsSag. A. M. Andrilesh, B. T. Kolomiets. and T. F. Nazarova Correction to the Article *Symmetry of Snergy Zones in TISe-Type Crystals' (FTT, 2, ) (Soviet Physics - Solid State. Vol. 2, p , P M. Qashimiade Frmo Amer lnst of Thys Soy Phys - Solicl State Vol IV, No/8-249-

264 Soviet Physics SOLID STATE A Translation of tbe Journal 'Fizika Tverdojeo Tala' (Russian Original Vol. 4. No. 9, pp September. A962) Vol. 4, No. 9, pp March, 1963 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE The Temperature Dependence of the Rotational Hysteresis Loss in Magnesium -Manganese Ferrites. A. L Drokn, V. D, Rylgjroy, N, 1, SukAdov, and 1. L Starostle,., 1 Wi Theory of Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Paamagnetic Material$ With strong Exchange Interactions. A. K, Morocha Quenching of Infrared Luminescence of Cuprous Oxide by Hydrogen tons. Yu. 1. KarkhAnin, G. P. Peka. and T. M, Yatmola Thermal Conductivity of Nlckal-Zinc l'erromagnetic Semniconductors in the Temperature Range 'K. jl K, Kmilov Effect of Gamma Radiation on the Piezoelectric and Elastic Pn'perties of Triglyuinsulfate Crystals. 1. M. Sli'vostrova and V. A. Yurin Trhermoelectric PrOpertiCs Of Cadmim 1 Antin'onide Ailoyed with Elements of Groups 1, 111. IV. and VI. S. M. Gusevand G. V. Rakin Photoelectric Properties of GaAs p-n Junctions. A. A. Gutkin, D, N. Nasledov, V. E, Sedov, andb. V.Tornkov Data Relating to the Production of Lead Sulfide Single Crystals. L. S. Aver'yanov, N. S,_ r1yahv. V. 0. Barl, and G. 1. Yudlna..,I The Effet irianie tie pli Id on trio Diffusion of Zinc in Silicon. ft. Sh. Malkovich and N. A. Alimbarashvlill I The Effect of a High -Recombisiatus Layer ou tihe Chsaracteristics of arn Blirminarted'and Ussiiluinsa. V-un Junction. V,.K. Sbalniev I Concarning the Ordering Mechanism in Ternary Gaemicondurtor Compundi, L,. 5, Paiatnik, V. M. Koshltin, and L. P. Gal ehinetslrii The Adsorption of Barium Atoms and Carbon Monoxide Moiccules on the (113) Pace of a Tungsten Single Crystal. V. M. Gavrilyuk and V. K. Medvede Currant-Induced Photo-etnf Ins Lead Sulfide Laycrs. V. K. Adatnchuk and ft. Ya, B!EIag. L Concerning the Similarity Between the Characteristic Frequnny Di1spersion -Curves of Diamond-Typo Crystals. T. L Kucher I rsect of the Coval'!nt Bonds in Titanium Dioxide on Its Dielectric Constant. N. P.Bogoroditslli, L. A. Mityua& and 1. D. Fridber..I inu~- fproiiyvau sne naoaosto L~o of X Rays. Integral CliarActefiatlca of Anomalous TraraNIsLon of X Rays. A. M. Elistratov and 0. ;.. Simo Available Fix= Amer Inet of Phys ISov Phye - Solid Mtate (continued) Vol IV, No

265 PIZIK WVD000 TELA Vol IV, No 9, 1962 CONTENTS (.0n!n.d) PAGE RUSS. PAGE On the Theory of the Photomagnetic Effect in p-n Junctions. Yu. I. Ravich Determination pf Effective Capture Cross Sections of Majority Carriers by Copper Atoms in Germanium by the Nonsteady-State Extrinsic Photoconductivity. 4. V. Kornilov., The Theory of Croi.-fleaxaton in Paramagnetic Crysals. V. S. Turano Radiative Recombination at Dislocations in Germanium. A. A. Gippias and V.8,Vavllo Scatteinsg Cross Sections and Effr,. Charges of Ions in Metals. P. P. Kuz'men Absorption of Ultrasonics in Pie, ectric Seomiconductors. V, L. Gurevich and V. D. Kagan Gold-Induced Climb of Edge T A, ations in Silicon. L. S. Milevskii Electron Paramagnetic R.ioni no of Cr 5 ' In Glasses. N. S, Garif.anov Investigstion of Dispersion ilecullarities and of the Form of Exciton Absorption Bands in CdS Single Crystals. M. S. Brodin and M. I. Strashnikova The Theory of Dielectric Polarization in Amorphous Polymer:, yu, Ya. Gotlib and K. M Saiilkhov Use of Mass Spectrometry to Investigate thes Mechanical Disintegration of Polymers. V. R. Reel', T, M. Muinov, and 0. P. Pozdnyaka On the Theory of Hot Electrons in Semiconductors. Sh. M. KoRan Investigation of Anomalous Characteristica of Point Contacts on Germanium and Silicon Surfaces. B. S. Muravlkii Transpuot Pheimona is.-insb. G. 1. Guseva and I M. Tsidilkovskil The Temperature I'ependence of the Thermal Reiutanee of Certain Crystals Near the Debye Temperature. E, D. Devyatkova and 1. A. Smirnov Anisotropy of the Electrical Conductivity of Tellurium. i. L, Drichko, L V. Mochan, and ya N, Obratsov U814 Some PrLicularities of Elactrn-Nuclear Resonance of Localized Electron Centers Near the Surface of Nonmetallic Crystals. M, D. Glinchuk and M. F. Deigen Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Cr t+ in KZn(S0,)g, 6HIO. I. Arkhangel'skaya, M. M. Zaripov, Yu, E. Pol'skii, V. a, Stepanov, G. K. Chirkin, and L. Ya, Shekun, Investigation of the Structure of Oriented Polyethyleneterephthalate (Lavan). V. A, Marlkhin, A, I. Slutsker, and A. A. Yasrebinskii Electron and Hole Scattering in Doped Inab, InAs, and GaAs. I. M. Tslcdll'tovskiL Concerning the Effect of Electron Bombardment on the Adsorption Properties of Tungaten 60faes. Yu. S. Vedula, V, M. Gavrillyuk, and V. K. Madvedev Mth Th,nry (i., n.4aey F-e.!!o.i[!. Q_ V.., IS *u.p =44 Photogalvanomagnetic EffecU In InSb at Room Temperiture. V. F. Zolotarev and D, N. Naled.ov Tamipesature Dependence of the ElasitL Constants of Single Crystals of Potauium Chloride and Sodium Fluoride. S. P, Nikanorov and A. V. Stenanov..1 o A Edge Dislocation at the Plane of Discontinuity of the Elastic Constant in an Infinite Anisotropic Medium. L. A, Patur, E, P, el'dman, A. M. Kovich. anj V. M. goj vch.. I Conditions for Dislocation Pinning in Clusters. V. A. Grinbel Photoconductivity of HgS Single Crystals, F. IKrlngo.d BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Effective Man of Elentrons in Gormanium Highly Doped with Arsenic, E. P. Ruhevkava and V. I. Fistul'.. I Optical Constants of La 4 and Calls. M. Tsazev and S. V. 1axiontov. I., Thermal Characteristics of a Perroelectric Ceramic with Controlled Microwe' Perrnittivity. Yu. U. Fiplvko Available From Amer Iat of Phya SOv FPhy d St e (continued) Vol. IV, No

266 FIZIKA TVEDOO TELA Vol IV, No 9, 1962 CONTENTS (continued) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Negative Photoconductivity of Cuprous Oxide Near a Point Contact. L, I v Nmelova.. M, S. Koaman and Thermal Conductivity of NaCi Single Crystals Containing Ca Impurities. V. V. Leanov and I A, mlrnov Transition of Barium Titanate to the Paraelectric state at High Pressures. G. G. Lontidova and 1. N. Polandov Work Function of Thin Layers of Barium Oxide Deposited on Hot Tungsten. T. S. Kirsnova, A. R. Shuliman, an,! A. V. Dement'eva Adsorption of Barium Oxide on the (110) Face of a Tungsten Single Crystal. T. S. Kirianova, A. R, Shul'man, and A. P. Gerasimova q On the Nature of Neutralization of Surface itccombtnation Lenters in UennanuM. Yu, A. Kurikil Anisotropy of the Exciton Absorption of Light in Wurtzite-Type Crystals, V. S. Galiltey Effect of Holes on the Elastic Constants of Germanium. G. 4. Bir and A. Tursunov Kinetics of Recombination Radiation of Silicon. L. S. Smnirnov, V. S. Vavilov. and N, N. Gerasimenko Changes in the Surface Potential of Lead Sulfide Layer. on Illumination. i. Ta, Berlaa and T. T. Bykova Available From Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid Bate Vol IV, No 9-252

267 Soviet Physics * SOLID STATE A Translation of She Jonrnal 'Fizika Tverdogo Tae' (Russian Original Vol. 4, No. 10. pp. 263' October. 1962) Vol. 4, No. 10, pp April, 2983 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE Nikolai Nikolaevich Davidenkov I8 263? The Creation of Current Oscillations in Semiconductors. L, H. Grirevich and 1. v. 10rff Electroil Peramagnatic Resonance Study of the Effect of Ionrizing Radiation on Glassea Belonging to the NA 1 O' Beg,0 1 Si0g System. G. 0. lkarapetyan And D. M. Yudin ? Photomechanical Effect in Antimony. P. P.!uz'menko, N. N. Novikov, and N. Ya. Gorid'ko On the Theory of Heavily Doped Semiconductors. V. L. Bonch-Bruevich.. I Thto Fast Part of the Magnetic Viscosity of Kare Earth Garnet Ferrite. as A Function of the Magnetic Fie~d Strength and the Temperature. A. M. Efinova Double Refraction of Light and Stretching of Poly methylmethacrylate. N. 1. Shishkin and' M. F. MllAgin Breaking strength And Double Refraction of Stretched (Oriented) Poly methynimethacrylate. M F. Miigin And N. 1.Shlihkin.. I Thermo nagnetic Effects In Semiconuctors with Degenerate Bands. k. Normantas and 0. E. Pikus Concerning th.i Spin Stru.ctures of Ai.cuptur Lujvala in this Degenerate Hand and the Cyclotron Reonance Saturation. G. R. 1Rhutiishyill Obtaining High SttreuasSnsitivity Wi PbS. A. N. Arsen'eve.0eil' and N, B. Oxhelpova PuLanblI ui u b~aiii-~i.e Cuiutlutivity h& Garmaniuin. L. A. Abtov'an On the Probloni of Regularities in the Kinetics of Creep of Metals at High Temperature. U., Ya. F'inat and A. F, 1.enito Concerning the Problem of the Friction Force Acting on a Moving Dislocation. A. 1. Landau Effect of Substrate Material on the Secondary Emission of MgO Films. V. L. Borisov ' 2738 Faraday Effect in Silicon in the infrared Region of Wavelengths. Yu. 1. Ukhanov, investigation of the Temperature Depenidence or thse Activation Einergy of Lead Monoxeide by Use of the Diffuse Reflection Speetg&. V. A. lzvozchikov.,. I Spin-Latice Relaxation in K 5 (Co, Fe)(CN)#, 1. V. Ovchinnikov Electrical Properties of GaP Crystals. D. N. Nasleov andts.v. Slobodchlkov Use of the I all Current rot Investigation of Carrier Scattering In Semiconductors. V. N, Dobrovol'sli and Yu. 1. Grilseniko From Ameor last of Phy'e (continued) Sov Phys - Solid State Vol IV, No 10-2S3 -

268 FIZIKA TVERDOGO TELA Vol IV, No 10, 1962 CONTENTS (continued) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Detern tion d the Critical Temperature of a Superconductor. V. A. Moskalenko Distribution of Displaced Atoms in a Solid due to a Primary Atom Geaerated by Irradiation. A. Korchovei, G. Gika. and D. Groku The Form of p-n Junctions Produced in Semiconducting Single Crystals During Oiented Growth from Compensated Melts. M. 0. Mil'vidskli Investigation of an Elementary event of X-Ray Photoeffect by Analyzing the Pulse-Height Disribution at the Output of a Secondasy Electron Multiplier. V. N. Shchemelev and M. A. Rumth.. 20f Long-Wavelength Photosensitivity and Infrared Luminescence of Cadmium Sulfide Single Crystals. V. V.-Serdyuk Investigation of MeiCondu~civity Produced by Excess Carrien in a Magnetic Field. V, 1I1 r,1brovol'skii The Faraday Effect in the Region of the Natural Absorption Edge of Crystals in Strong Magnetic Fields. L. 1. Koro-dn and B. V. Klharitonov Inclusion of Surface Excitona in the Theory of Electromagnetic Waves in Crystals. 0. F. Kvennel' and S.Pelar The Problem of Electrical Conductivity of Manganese Ferrite Single Crystals. K. P. Belov, B. P. SvirinaL and O. A. Malikova Eleotrodynamics of Superconductors. V. Z. Xmein some Problems in the Kinetis of impurity Photeoonduivity of Coppe-Doped Germanium, ir A. Parannonova and A. F. Plotnikov ? 2835 Determination of the Energy of Elastic Interaction of Pain of Impurity Atoms in a Crystal Lattice. A. 0. KhachaturYan Snergy Spectrum of a y -Radiation Defect in Silicon. N. A. Vitovkii, T. V. Mashovews' and S. M. Ryvdn On the Problem of Determining the Activation Energies of Levels of Impurity Centers and Suuctual Defects in Semiconducton. N. A. Vitovskii. T. V. Uashovetu. and 8. M,. RyvIdn Theory of the Forromagnoetic Hall Effect. L. 9. Gurevich and I. N. Yessnvich The Effect of Surface Recombination on the Phase Displacement Between Photoconductivity and the Exclting Illumination. B. D. Koplovsklt and S. V. Soidanov Local Fluctuation Levels in Amorphoesimionducton. A. 1, Gubanov Inbom Dislocations and Recombination in p-type Germanium. P. G. Blissev, K'ang Ch'ang-ho. and 1. A. Nakhodnova.. 2i Effect of the Bramutrahlung Radiation from a 25-MeV 6tatron and of 14-MoV Neutrons on the Electrical Conductivity of Polymeric Dielectrics. A. P. Basin Conceming the Contraction of Plume in p-i-n Diodes Under the Action of the Intrinsic %agnctic Fiold. G. V. (ordev Conceming the Dark Polarization of Polycrystalline Cadmium Sulfide. P. 5. Nesterenko Mechanical Properties of Ordering Copper-Gold Alloys. V. I, Syutkina and I S. Yakovleva ffect of Dislocation Density on the Anomalous Transmission of X Rays Through Germanium. 0. N. Bfimov and A. M. Ellstratov The Appearance of Dislocations in Silicon Single Crystals During Their Slution by Vapors of Other Materials. A. V. Sandulova and N, I. Donyuk Infrared Spectra of Titanium and Vanadium Oxides in the Crystalline State. M. Ariya and M. V. Golorolina Trappintg of Minority Carrie at a Silicon Surfave. V. H. Primachenko. V. G. Limoychenko, V.1. Lyashenko, and 0. V. Snitko Effect of Mtituxl [lectmn and Phonon Drag on the Therrno-emf and the Nrnmt Effect. A. L. Natadze and A. L. ifros Available From Amer nt of Phya (continued) Sov Ph' - Solid State Vol IV, No 10-2S4 -

269 FIZIYA TYERDQ TL Vol IV, No Yo, 1962 CONTENTS (continu.d) PAGE RUSS. PAGO Double Magnetic Resonance in Crystalt, R, N. Provotorov The Thermndynamic Properties of the Spin System of Copper-Potassium Sulfate. K. P. Sitnhkov The Role of Electric Fie Js in Paramagnetic Resonance. A, B, Roitsin The Quantum Theory of Cyclotron Resonance in a Degenerate Band. 0. A. Btramidze, G. E. Ourgenishvili, and G. R. Khutishvill Current Instability in Semiconductors. L. &. Gurevich and 1. V, loffe BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Feroeloctric Properties of SrNb 5 O-0.5 YbFeOg. S. V. Sinyakov and E. F. Dudnik On the Connection Between Abrupt Deformation and the Anomn&ous Rate Dependence of Deformation Resistance. L. B. Popov, M.A. Bol'shakova. and N. A. Alekaandroy More About the Kinetics of Abrupt Deformation (Reply to the Paper by L. E. Popov, M. A. Bol'shakova, and N. A. Aleksandrov). N. N. Davidenkov Possibility of Obtaining S~imulated Emission from Systems with lectron-vibration Levels, V. L. Broude. V. S. Mashkevich, A, F, Prikhnt'kn, N, F, P nlinpyuk. and M. S. -.'-In The Isoopacity of Amorphous Selenium Films Containing Sulfur impurities. V, M. Fridkn and Yu, N. Barulin i 2978 Absorption and Reflection Spectra of BaTIO in the Long-Waveleugth Infrared Reglon. A. 1. Demeshi na ' and V. N, Murzin The Role of Diamagnetism in Paramagnetic Resonance. A, 8. Roltsin Mobility of Ag 115 in Magnesium.,P P. Kuz'menko and L, F. Ostrovskdi Lill and LiI Absorption Edges of Niobium. M, I. Korsunskii, Y, 5 Genin, and luj&' h = n I. f 1. 1 I I I I II I I p Magnetic Screening of the NatO Nucleus in Alkall-HlAIlde Ctyislsi. V. C Otchislhidn M. L. Zlatogorikii, and A.N Os.. Ieno. 1., The General Case of the Resontor Method of Determining the Dielectric Constant. P, F, Veselovikii and Yu, D. Suchkov i.' Dilfuilon Distribution of Boron in Silicon. D.N. Mikhalova Available Prom Amer Inst of Phys SoY Phys - Solid 8tatU Vol IV, No

270 Soviet Physics SOLID STATE A Translation, ot she jou~ral 'Pixiha Tverdogo Tela' (Russian Original Vol. 4. No. 11. pp , November. 1982) Vol. 4, No. 11, pp May, 1963 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE Emission of Nonequilibsium Discitons from Cadmium Sulfide, V. F 1 Bibis, P 0. WOO.a~i and0. G. Ssrbi KevetsleI itects of Radiation on Dielectric Properties. V. M, Nesterov B. S. NesrneiovA. N, 1. Oi'shaisaya T. 0, Mlkhailova, and G. 1. Potakhova Effect of Heavy Doping on the Intrinsic Absorption Edg* of Silicon. G. S. Dubrovalii and YL.K. Subtiay Passage Effects in SPR Lines with Inhomogeneous Broadening when Using High Frequency Modulation of the Magnetic Field. A. A. Sugai Infrared Absorption and Dispersion in LiE and MgO. V, V, Mitaliavich.. III The Effect of Capture Levels on the Kinetics of impurity Photoconductivity in Semiconductors. 0. N. ArkadevA.. I...I Time Behavior of the Breakdown Procast In Semiconductors. V. A. Chuenkov and Ch'i mln The iffect or Chemical Troatment of a Germanium Surface on Ita Blectrical Properties and Stability. V. F. Synorov Theory of Trasnsp-ort Phenomena in Semiconductors with Low Carrier Mobility (Singurarsties of tho Energy Spectrum of the System). Mv. 1. K~linger Theory of Transport Phenomena in Semiconductors with Low Mobility (General Approach and. I Citeriie %f tha Theory of Transport Processes). M. 1, Klinger Thn Temperature Dependence of Dark Currents in Anthracene, Yu. 1. Plomniisov l On the Kinetics of Thermal Etching or Annealing-Twin Boundaries in Gold -and Copper. Ye. B. Geguzin and N, V'. Oveharento On the Anisotropy of the Surface Diffusion Coefficient of Metals. Ya. B. Geguzin and N. N. Ovcharenka Certain Peculiarities of Comnpreissibility of Molecular Crystals. S. S. Kabalkina Bffect of Dislocations on the Shape of the Pararmagnetic Resonance Lines. N. G. Koloskova The Bf act of Vanadium on the Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Chromium In Corundum. G. M, Zverev, A, M. Proklrorov, and A. K. Shaechnto Low -Feaquency Plasman OscHi i in Nonpolar Semiconductors. 0, V. Gordeev The Kinetics of the iformation of the Photoelectret State in Siliver Chloride, V. I. Butrinko 2308, 31 b2 Available From Amer Inet of Phys (continued) Soy l1hyio - Solid State Vol IV, No S6-

271 FIIKA TVKRDOGO TEA Vol IV, No 11', 1962 CONTENTS ( ontmn,.) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Raman Scattering of Light in a Crystal of Cesium Bromide. A. I. Stekhanov and A. P. Korol'kov Photoconductvi y of GaP, D, N, Nasledov and S. V. SilobdchikRov Some Properties of the System SblSS-SbtTe,. V. A. Brodovol Photoconductivity Relaxation and the Charge Carrier Lifetime in Silicon Carbide. G. F. Kholuyanov '0 The Relation Between the Luminescence and Photoelectric Phenomena in the Zn-Mn Phosphor. N. S. Tolstol, G. 1. Khil'Iio, A. I. Ryaldn, and A. A. Trusoy Magnetic Properties of the Intermetallic Compound MnGe 5. S. S. Levina V. N, Novonrudridi. and I, G. Fa~ldov Many-Phonon Corrections to the Kinetic Equation. V. V. Rumyfansev Theory of Nonradiative Transitions in Crystals in the 'Non-Condon' Approximation. High Temperatures. V, A. Kovarskli and 1. P. Sinyaovkii Determination of the Sign, Concentration, and Mobility of Current Carriers in Semiconductors. A, I. Shelykh Peculiarities of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra in a Ferroelectric Ceramic Containing Titanium, M, P. Votinov and N, 1. Demidenro Investigation of the Faraday Effect in Indium Antimonide at Temperatures from 290 to 500K, Yu. I. Ukhanov and Yu. V. Mal'tsev Theory of Field Ionization of Local Levels, Yu, B, Perlin and A, G. Cheban Infrared Absorption in Highly-Doped Germanium. V. S. Bagaev, G. P. Proshko, and A. P. 8ho toy Concerning the Criterion of Ferroelectricity in the Microscopic 'rheory. L, I. Ivanchil Fine Structure of the Spectrum of Field Emission from CdS Single Crystals. B, V. Novikoy, I. L, Sool'skaya, and 0, P. Shcherbakov Theory of k'.ray Scattering by Oriented Polymers and Other Systems with Macroscopic Axial Is-- opy, V. N, Filioivch Se io;id.,rv Emission of Dielectrics and Semiconductor when Bombarded with Potassium lure. L, A, Abroyan and V, P. Lavrov Carenkov Radiation and Supplementary Waves In a Dielectric, F. 0, Bass, M. 1. Kaganov, and 3254 V. M. Yaloven]o Dirfusiui aid MoUbility of Gb 114 in Nickel, P. P, Kuz'manko and G, P. Gi11tvlmU Some lectrical Properties of the Intermetallic Compound 6 -Zn 4 Sb 5, Ya. A. Ugal, B. M. Averbaih, and V. V. Lavrov ,pin-Lattice interaction in tryttais cuontasnsng Isolated Paramagnetic Complexes. L. K, Aminov and B. I, Kochelaev awi s Variation of the Width of the Electron Pacamagnetic Resonance Spectrum with Temperature in the TiOx System (x ).!, P. Votinov and N, I. Dom uienko Absorption and Dispersion of Light in the Region of Exciton Transitions. V. S. Mashkevlch, Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Ruby, YV. Bojotnlov The Thermo-emf of Heavily Alloyed n-typo Germanium, V. I. Flstul' and K. V. Cherkas Nonlsnear Properties and Phase Transitions of Strontium-Bismuth Titanates. A. N. Gubkin. A. M, Kashtanova, B. V. Potapov, and A. V. Solodukhin Theory of Impurity Absorption Near the Exciton Bands in Isotopic Substitution. 6. I, Rashba Diffusion and Electrical Migration of 'rnallium in Tellurium. N, I. Ibragimov, M. G. Shakhtaklitinskii, and A. A. Kuliev BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Soret Coefficient in Two-Component Solids. N. S. Kostyukov Effect of Impurities on the Mechanical a,.d Thermal Properties of Semiconducton with Covalent Binding. T, A. Kontorova Available From Amer Inst of Phys (continued) Soy Phys - Solid State Vol IV, No 1]

272 FIZIA TVERDOGO TEL& Vol IV, No 11, 1962 CONTENTS coninued) RUSS. PAGE PAGI Thermally Stimulatediield-Emisslon Electron Current from CdS Single Crystals. I, L. Sokol'sk&yka Y 3380 Temperature Dependence of the Field Emisslon of Cadmium Sulfide. 1. L. Sokol'skaya High-Voltage Photo-amf in Single-Crystal? Films of Cadmium Telluride, F, T. Novik Effect of Oxygen Vacanciei on the Luminescence and Photoconductivity of Cuprous Oxide. Yu. V. Vorob'ev and Yu. I. Karkhanin Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Phase-Transition Temperature of Triglycine Sulfate, G. G. Leonldova, 1. N Polandov, and I. P. Golentovkay a Spin-Spin Interaction of Nuclei nf Pamraungnetic lonu Through the Phonon Field, Sh. Sh. Bashkirov and U. Kh. Kopvillem Effect of Aluminum Oxide on the Electrical Conductivity of Alkali-Free Magneiia-Lime Classes. V. $. Nikandro EPR inundercooled Solutions Containing Mns t and Gd'+ lonu, N. S. Gaif yanov, R. Kh. Timerov, and N. F. Usacheva Structure of the Intrinsic Recombination Radiation Spectrum of Gallium Arsenide. D, N. Navledov. 1 A. Rogachev, S. M. Ryvvkin, V. E. Kbartsiev, and 8, V. Tearankov Theory of Ultra-High frequency Dielectric Losses in Crystals with a Nonideal Lattice, V. S. Vino tradov A New Group of Antiferromagnetics with the KjNiF& Structure. G. A. Smolenskli, V. M. Yudin. and 3. S. She Notse n Pa&p by I B, Kurov and V. A. biepanov. 5h,N *huo.., Available From Amer lust of Phys Soy Phys - Solid State Vol IV, No

273 Soviet Physics SOLID STATE A Transiatlon of the Journal 'Firkai Tverdozo Tea' (Russian Original Vol. 4, No. 12. pp , December, 1962) Vol. 4P No. 12, pp June, CONTENTS PAG RUSS. PAGE Calculation of tructure svactors for the inelastic Scattering of Slow Noutrons in NaCI-Type Crystals. Z. A. Demidenko Paramagnetic Resonanco and Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Ti + Ions in Corundum. S. A. Al'tshulef, Sh. Sh. Bashkirov, And M. M. Zaiov Radiation Defects in Lithium-Doped Silicon. I. V. Smirnova, V. A. Chanin, and V. S. Vavilov Theory of Relaxation of Quantum System&. V, N. Genki ffect of an Alkali Oxide on the Electronic Conductivity of Izon-Containing Glans. K. Bvostrp'ev and V. A. Tskhomlkii Anisotropy of Even Effects in Crystals with Ortlorhombic and Rhombohedral Lattices. N. I. Davidanko Ways of Constructing a Quantitative Theory of Vitrification. B. V. Kuvshinskii and A. V. Sidorovich Formation of Submicroporosity in Composite Electrolytic Films of the Cu-Ni System on Hoating and under Load. B. Ya. Pines, R, 1, uznotsova, and M. F. Dubovlk Investigation of the Photocondu:tivity Spectrum of CdS Single Crystals Excited with Modulated Light. F, 1. renol'd.. 4no 3415 The Anomalous polarization oftt Anium Dioxide (Futile). N. P. Bodoodlii and L. V. Smimov Investigation of the Wavelength Dpendence of Llgh:- Induced Changcs in tho Conact Potential of CdSo Films. L. P. StrAkhov, R. G, C.hernyavskld. I. P. Klintin, and,.sh, Ov uk.. I Iavestiion of the Capire of a Noniaomorphous Impurity by a Crystal Growing from the Melt. A. N. K5lrintiev and E. G. Avvakumov Electrical Ageing of Rum Single crtystals. V. Ya. fi n aan' A. N. Tslkira Kinetics of Excess Carrier Conductivity at High Genezation Levels, O. M, Guro and A. V. Rahaov Investigation of Structural Defects in Silicon Single Crystals Using the Phoboconductivity Method. V. S. Vavllov, A. F. Plotnikov, and V. D. Tkachev.. M Theory of the Annihilation of Radiation Defects in Semiconductors. A. V. SptaylAd L. S. Si0V The Scittering of Slow Nutront by Complex Magnlte Structure,. S. V. Maleev, V. 0. Bar'yakhtar. and R. A. Suris Available From Amer lust of Phys Sov rhys - Solid State Vol IV, No 12 (continued)

274 FIZIKA TVEBDOUO TELA Vol IV, No 12, 1962 CONTENTS (contnued) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Structure of the Electron Energy Spectrum in ThP 4 -Type Crystals, G. F. Karavaev. N. V. Kudryovtseva. and V. A. Chaldyshev '1 Dependence of Hole Mobility in Germanium on Concentration and Temperature. U. A. Golikuva, B. Ya. Molzhes, and A. G. Orlo X-RAy Investigation of the Decomposition of the Supersaturated Solid Solution of NI In Ga. A. M. Elistratoy and P. RP mad.le Dispersion of the Dielectric Constant of Heterogeneous Systems. A. M. Trukhan Dispersion of Light In the Exciton Absorption Region of Ionic Crystals Containing Microdefects, Yu. P. Krasnyi Term Splitting in Many-Component Disordered Crystals. A. N, Men' and V. H. Naiih.. 25' Experimental investigation of the Energy Distribution of Field-Emitted Blectrons from CdS single Crystals. G. P. Shcherbakov and I. L. Sokol'skay Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Supercooled WCI s Solutions. N. S. Garif'yanov and V. N. Fedotov Experimental Test of Van Vleck'r Theory of Spin-system Heat Capacity in Paramagnetic Salts. K. P. Sltnikv Dipole Structure and Internal Electric Fields in PbZrOs. V. N. Lyubimov, Yu, N. Venevtoav, S. P. Solov'ev. G. S. Zhdanov, and A, B, Bakushinski Electric Conductivity of Polar Semiconductors with Blectron Interactions Taken into Account, I, M. Dykman and P. M. Tomchuk Effect of Quenched-In Vacancies in Vacusim-Deposited Copper and Silver. L. S. Palatnik and A. I. inskii Theory of Second-Order Phase Transition from the Ferromagnetic to the Fetromagnetic and Forroelectric State. 0. M, Nedlin Remanent Impurity Photoconductivlty Spectra of Silicon Single Crystals. A. F. Plotnikov, V. D. Tkachev. and V. S. Vavilov Tensile Strength and Double Refraction of Capron and Polypropylene Fibers. M. F. Milagin and N. I. Shishkin.. Thermodynamic Theory of Piezoferromagnerlsm. A. I. Mitsek and G. A. Smolentkil Effect of leat Treatment on the Electrical Properties of a Manganese Ferrite Crystal. K. Zavote, E, Svlrlna, and 0. Mallkova Galvanomagnetic Properties of Tellurium. Structure of the Valence Band. R. V. Parfen'ev, A,M. Pogarskii, I, 1, Farbshtein, and S. S. Shalyt Thermoelectric Properties of Tellurium and the Effective Maa of Hole Carriers, I. N. Timchenko and S, S. Shalyt Effect on Luminescence and Electrical Conductivity of Cuprous Oxldas of an Electric Field Applied to the Surface. G. P. Peka and Yu. I. Karkhanin Anisotropy in the Spin-Wave Spectrum of Ytulum Gamet Single Crystals, Yu, M. Yakovlev The Role of Defects in Exciton Luminescence of Molecular Crystals. Yu. V. Konobcev The Effect of Oxygen on the Electrical Properties of n-type Silico'. V, N. Mordkovich Wave Function And Energy of a NaCI Crystal with an Exces Elec.ron. Z. Ya. EvseeV and K. B. Tolpygo Investigation of Temperature and Frequency Dep4,dences of Ferromagnetic R.esonance Line Widths In Ferrite Single Crystals Having Garnet and Spinal Structures. Yu. M, Yakovlev and B.MLbed' DRIF COMMUNICATIONS reneration of Recombination Centers in Sill~on by Rapid Quenching, Yu. R, Noso and L. T. Pamus Available From aer Inst of Phys Soy Phys - Solid State Vol IV, No 12 (continued)

275 FIZIKA TVERDOGO TELA Vol IV, No 12, 1962 CONTENTS (writ!.d) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Neutron Irradiation of Silicon p-n Juncuuns. Yu. R. Nosoy Pressure Depndenh of the Electrical Properties of PbTe and PbS, A. A. Averkin, S. Kasimov. and E. D. Nensberg Scattering of Phonons by the Impurity Ions A 8, Br, K, LI, I. and Rb in Crystals of Sodium Chloride. E. D. Devyatkova, M. I. Komfel'd, and I. A. Smirnov Cross Sections for the Capture of Electrons by Negatively Charged Atoms of the Deep Impurity Centers in Germanium. K, D. Glnchuk and E. G. Miselyuk Bound Excitons and the Band Structure of CdS Crystals, E. F. Gross, H. S. Razbirn. and V, I Sokolov An Estimate of an Electronic Transition in Barium under Pre-use. E. S. Alel!seev. PARR qfl71 Recombination Radiation in Degenerate Indium Antimonide. B. M. Vul, A. P. Shotov! and V. S. Bagaev Luminescence Spectrum of Hexagonal ZnSe Sige Crystals. E. F, Gross and L. 0. Susna '7 INDEXBS TO VOLUME 4 Author Index Subject Index Available From Amer Inst of Phys Soy Phya - Soli. State Vol IV, No

276 /r, -C G.QiW ~~i Wo. 11 (0 CONTELNTS 1. V. Got dvnfc'td. Division of ivi Archen of the y outhesturn Ukranu Into Two Agou Groups V. 11. VoIIiov, A yalov and M. I.Ioak1 v. CIelnnlcaI din inch 0 rilmc~ or Roc(1- Forinv N10cr:,), in lhc Ilffe vontiutei Corojplci Lovoncro Alkalic NIU, L. L. ILoonov:: ifltribui on of l'borjuio, III Nilb1wnlm or (P1c (1rallke of tho Slioulyr 11f:11holith CGra ~IjlniShan) 371 V. G. Pnnrct ihoc. Corridotl11ton of Gi~ftic till usivon by the LitIhium and1 Bleryl itinl Conl(-nt toi Micas. * 579 V. 1.,Xinilosj A. 11. Titnova umid 1. 1). Shv',iI-vevnk renola - Ilifttoi Itallo in )ttnoralsn nd Iloc-:, of the Lovo- BI. 1. MiOW 11 and V. : 1' 1,lrlv Criut AIiC, okn..0 John It. But le I.,.I'1Inutlno nui om eous 11oCt D L. A. Gulyo~va Awl. S, 10i-1j. II.Lloi':ii- 1-n 'Idur- o' r.,hwnc (cd en n..10 M., I 101,L. )uturmiunation of tii, Tompvtl'1uIu of Foinialion of Riocks~ by TI, W. V, Mrlh' *jto Olbu M) 11. F, Andruyuv, E. A. I'lsko and K., Mi. tlogoillona Runction of Gliule SolutIonls of urutnyt Sats with Chubi and Somu Cetlilloso J't-~ors I1' COMMUIi1CATION'S A. N. Iooruvnvu, 1. K. teoiii, A. NI. Murii andt N. E. T itox, Studly of thv Yield of Xo and Ku' 1 oop,- Upon tbounirdinu, of Ur.,nilnm WIith 6,IUI.' P-en pn. % ) Inl Iloko with I.oiv I c iiv hl y (,lo:, i'.11io I'oauoru y Newnv, lpom rth Scienltiftc Sesslon loinortco V. I. Ve roiuilui :8 Lutor to thle Euitlors

277 GEOI-IflYA No CONTENTS vinogvaclov, A. P. Avorago con)vnt ; f chunlici olunont4 in tho principal typos of igneous rocks of thoenorth8s crust Stupnikova, N. I., S. 1. Zykov an(] D. A. Nlinayev. Load isotopic ages of rooks of tho Middlo nnd South Urale MaJmrov, E. S. and 1. M. Lipova. An x-ray Invoscignil Of thoriitus, uranothoranlw~s nad aiicnnitos Mincyov, D. A., D. A. Makaroohikin and A. G. 7habin. On the hb havnm, of Imtmanicivs duirliv, aitormiion of rareo arth minorals Muiuv, G.'M. Goochumistry of rare olonionts in the load-zino dupotit of tito M.ichkInskii 13 ion (Eastorn rrar-obailkatiya) Kullhova, MI. F. ilulavior of indium in tho oxidizor zonus). of someu pnlynuilc deposits of Fas!.-vn Tm':meghafkllhi Mun, A. 1. and L. A. Tonkonogaya. Lithium In thu lakos of Central K~azakhstaln Kalinin, 1). V. Formnation of mmtmmnultu~ 'n contact mt n Tiain iron deposits..'*' '722 13olionov, D. A. He.U~nit~n of averr90e ontuot and clisporsion of a logmormnil dialxihutin of components in rocks und ores i 1311' L COMMUNTCAT1O8 Mgarovtidi. V. V. Correlation ho twiull thail~u n Milo m content * in the flarniuo sulfide duposit (NIiddiv Asai~) botocov, m.a jstribution oi mhilm amnong tho minernie of it Zonted puogmmmtite giopnev, Yu. S. Gallum content in dime Urite pogmatitee of the &tymui Mountains.. 7'iM Avaflablo Fria Ocachomaicu). Society -2b,3 -

278 GEOLOGIYA NEF.I I GAZA PETROLIUM GEOLOGY TABLE OF CONTENTS Vol. 4. No. 10-A, GCa. ;vndensate fields of the Ishimbay area (Pri-Ural). G. P. Ovanesov, A. G. Pastukhov. and R, S. Bilalov., p, Oil-gas productivity of the Sochi region. S. T. Korotkov p Conditionc of occurrence of oil in the carbonate rocks of the Middle Volga area. K. B. Ashirov Possibility of finding reefs in the carbonate unit of the p. 561 I'rasnian stage of the north part of the Stalingrad region, 5. V. M. Leont'yav p. 565 New large objectives for development of oil pools of Bashkiria. A. V. Kopytov and A. V. Belov.. p Geology and oil-gas prospects of the North Ustyurt downwarp. V. V. Ishutin p. 575 Available From Review of Russian Geology

279 GE014AGNETIZMd I AER01O0MIYA English Edition of Geomnagetismn and Aeronomy. No. 8, 1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS D.A. Tvorskoy% Convection irk a Rotating Sphere. Part I D.A. Tvorskayi Convection in a Rotating Sphere. Part Yxu.N. Dolgova 1 Determination of the Degree of Polarization of the Solar Corona from Obseorvations of the Solar Eolipse of Juno 30, L.Shilovat Polarizaton of the Outer Corona from Airplane Observations of the Solar Eclipase of February 15, I..% L.I. Dorman and Ye.V. tcolomeyetsi Statistioal Analysis of 'Small11 Bursts in Costaic Radiation onqulotflaya during the Period of Maximum Salar Aotivtty Yu.M. lxopylov and Yu.I. Okulov% Determination of the Pouitton of the Ciosmie-Ray Equator from the Data of the Schooner 'Zarya' L.I. Dorman and L.IKi. Shatashvilit Luacr Diurnal Variation of the Neutron Component of Cosmtc Radiation and the Question of its Ortgin $89 V.I. Cerabman and V.Yu. Trakittengertsi The Influence of Ions on the Propagation of Whinticra B; Ye, Ilryiinelit nnd S. H,: Sedlnt;Rdrusrain f Auroras at Soviet Antarotic V.!, Pogorelovi The Influence; of; Mianetto Vriations onte feotr frai ae by Auroral Ionization Zones ace 4.V. Khoroahevas; Thuv Spuswe and Tinis-Dtatribution of Auroras and their Relationship with Iligh-Latitudc Goomagnetlo flisturbancoa Fedorovat Observations of (0-0) IPO N~ Bands at X.i and (9.8; Bads oflb..61 Molbel Negative System of NJ at Ya. L. Allpert and L. P. Pitayeviyi The Scattering of Eieotromagftelia waves in Dtsturbances Causedby a, Rapidly Moving Body In Plasma N.,?P. Donkova, and L.A. Yudovict Diurnal Variations of Blackout ccurrence Aecording to loy Data.. I O. V. Blia Some Properties of the F 2 -Layer in tho Antarotia E. S. Kazimiraoeiy and V. D. Kokourovi ltosonrnh on the Irregular Structure of the Ionosphere above Irkutlsk during the lot i. P. )iyarovsay. The Corrolation Method in the Qundralto Approxtmation B. S. Shapiro and V. M. Shashunlinai Motions inathe F-Region of the Ionosphere ahove Tbilisi during the Eclipse of February 15, N. Minasyan; Ionosphare Dad Osomaeo n ets, of Large Chromostpofie Flares.. 8 P: A. It ay urdazo i SomelRenul toof Go m agnotio Obs arvations Initheltegion of the Southern Ooomagnetio Pole el A. P. Nikollalyi Diurnal Variation of the Magneti Dlisturbance at Via Geomagnolic Pole In the AntaruLln.. bee Ya,!. Faildshcynt Magnetic Activity at iligh Latitudes In tho Northern Hemisphere Y~u. B. Kalinina Secular Ueomeguotie Variations, Irregularities In the Diurnal Rotation of the Earth, and the Earth's Radiation Dolts I.. I.I S, P. Durlatakays: Arehaomsgnetic Evidence fot the Earth's Magnetic Plid near Tintis during the Pastl I. M. Pudovidn and V.I. Kolesovat Application of the Function 5(0.).Zoh/a oh/ o1h) to the Interpretation of Magnetic Anomalies V. N. Lugovonkot Deteetion of Local Magnetic Anomalies of Smallest Scale ('Eemontawy Anomalies') I. V. Xovuleviy, N.V, Mikerlns, V. V. Novyoh end 0. P. Gorodaiehavai Distribution of the Erth Currents from an Elacirifled Railroad in the Southern Ural%..23 BRIEF COMMUJNICATIONS L.l1. Dorman. and F.V. Kolomneyetat Relation of ieasii of Solar Cosnulo-Fal' luisu.ity tk Chromoiphers Flares V. Duidna Ionospheric Observations in the Atlantic Ocean N.P. Denititova and M.D; Fi lionosphsriodlaturbanoesofnovembeilo1-17, V.7.M. Shashun kln aend R.I. Turbin L Preliminary Results of Observations of the Ionospheric Effect of the Solar' Eclipse of February 15, Ut. S. Uitlova; Observations of Atmospheric Otone at th Time of the Solar' Eclipse of February 15, ! L. 1. tiorman and V, K. Koyava. leiits of MagnatloStorms oix Cosmie Rays at Minimum Solar Activity.. I.. I.I.. I..70 N. P. Derikova. R.I. Turbte and M.D. Fligel' I r he 26Mo/eflsdio Burst of July 1, E.I. Mogl evstly ands. T. Akin yan aspectru mof R adio Emis aton of TypeIV Burats Yu. D. Kalinin i M spetic Fil dobssarvations from the Anor Loan 'Explore r K' aou BIBLICOGRAPHY J.F. StIfo a. H. C ormiohaei, K. 0. MoC racken t C barag oriatkns9 nd TIne Sr Utareof the : Argo Coamio-Ilsy Fluctuations in November AnnaoLated Lisat of Papers e n Cooma&potls m and Aeronomy Publi shed In lavestlys Vyashlch Uehobnykh Z avedsiy, Rladio(I sika (Kowa of Institutions of Higher Learning, Radio Phyhics), Vol. 4. No ' Available From Amrrican Gkeophyn icati Union

280 AC *G ARTIFII4L _4RTH 9MTELUTE9 ti OJI8KU1STVNNYI[ SPUTNIKI ZIMLI Vol XIl, 196. Vol. 13 May, 1963 CONTENTS P A G K Ems. uss. Determination of OCbls from Two Positions. P. B. il 'yalbeig. An Analysis of the Integrals of the Equations of Motion of an Antfical S 3 Satellite in the Normeal Gravitational Fluld of the Eath. M. D. KLI1lk.. Orbit of anequatoial 95 Rth Satellte. I V. V. eletski Effect of the Earth's Orbtal Motion 6n IAdio-Frequenoy Memnumenta of Distance and Velocity in OQuer Space. V. M. Vakhnln. Radietion Pelts of the Reth at He1h of kin. 861 S. H. Vernov, 1. A. Savenko, P. I. Shavrin. V. I. Nestorov, and N. P. Pisarnko.. Soft Corpsoular Radiation at a Height of 320 Wo In the Equatorial Regiom. 1. A. Savenko. P. 1. Shavrin, and N. F. Plaarmnko so, 15 Measurement of the Absorbed Dos. on the Third Spa'c afateltlta e I. A. Savenko, N. F. Piarsnko, P. 1. Shavrtn, and S. t1. rapkov.. Effeat of a Decline in Solar Activity on Comic Ray Intensity., prm end 1960 Ooptysu1 '.k6tivn Meaurements. Yu. G. Shafer..* Analysis of Reasults of simultaneou Measuramenti of Electron Denswty in the onaphore by Means of Ionosphere Staions and Roolat,. K. 1. Ouingaus and 0. L. Gdlevihcb..,*. 94 so Available From Consuil.wi6s Bureau - 2b6-

281 ISlZU'W~IZIMY SIYTTNII MIMIU Vol XIII, 1961 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE A Sudy of the Night Sky and t1le Scattering Coefficient in the Upper Atmosphere. A. E. MLklrov Direct Measurement of the Night Airgkow in the % A Spectral Region. T. M. Tarasova Gravitaional Separuaon. Composition, and structural Constants of the Nlghtti c Atrmphcr at Heights from 100 tn 9.10 kn, A. A. Pokbunkov.. 1i6 110 CrsingOver in Dmophl melangaster Males Causcd by Cosmic-FightFactoz. E. A. Abeleva. G. P. Parfenov, and Yu. A. Lapkin.., The Effect of Ceanic-FlLght Factors of the Satellite-Slp Vastok-2' an Microorganisms (InvetsigaLion of haploid and DiploLdYeasts). N. V. Kovyahin, A. A. Lukin. and 0. P. Parfenov... # * Result of lnvu8skatlio s of Soee Indices of the Peripheral Circilatlon In Dos during and After Plight in Conic Space. V. V. Yakovlev, Available From Con Wltnt.,; Bure au

282 :CZVESTIYA AKADEM.flI NAUK SSSH OTDEENIE XWIMClESKIKH NAUK BULLETIN OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR Division of Chemical Science Number 7 July, 1962 CONTENTS RUSS. PAGE PAGE INORC-ANIC AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY The Sysitlitais wiad Study ul Properties of Sodium and Potassium ParoxoorthorriobateA and Perostoorthotantalates and Niobiumn and Tantalum Metaperoxo Acids. N, X. Urigore4VA and K. 1. Selezneva Phase RelaUnnislisi in the Y ZO 5 System. Part 1, On the Existence of Yttrium Zirconate and Its Physienchemirnut Properties. Fan Pu.k'Ang. A. X. KUZnatSOV, And f. K. Koler Mutual Conversions in the Alumohydrides of Lithium. Sodium, and Potassium. L. 1. Zakharkin and V. V. Gavrilenko PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Kinetic Determination of the Energy of the Bonds Formed Between the Reactive Atoms of Organic Molecules and the Surfice of A MoO, Catalyst. A. A. BAaandi n, A. A. Tolstopyatova. and V. A. Naum~ov Kinetics of DhBhydrogenatios and Dehydration of Isopropyl Alcohol and Dehydrogenation of Tetralition Iyspfotium Oxide. A. A. TolatopyAtova, A. A. Balandin, and 1 6i Pi-shan HomolytiC Copoly MarlZtIOn Of Vinyl Acetate and Trichiorethylene at High Pressures. M. G. Gonltberg. R. 1. Baikova. and V. M, Zhuiln Water Ptrmotion of an Aluiina Platinum Catalyst. Communication 1. Hydrogenation of flenvene Levitskii, M. G. Conikberg. Kh. M. Minachev, and D. A. Kondiat'ev I.. II.I The Retasons for the Difference between ilie Gas and Liquid Phase Oxidation Mechanisms of Organic Substances. 0. B. Z a Iko v a nd Z. K. M aia us Adsorptions of Nonpolar Molecules with Various Electron Shell Structures on Different Types of Adsorbent&, Communication 2. Adsorption or Argon and Nitrogen on Barium Sulfate. L. D. Belyaltova and A. V. Kitelev Theo. Of Filtration of Polydisperse Aerosols from A Steady Stream. L. V. Radushkevich 'l1on Infia red Spectra of Cyclic Organotilazanes. G. V. Tsitsishvill, 13. D. DAgratlshvill, K. A. Andrianov, L. M. Khananashvili, iind M. L. Kantariya ORGAlItC AND BIOLOGICAL CUSMISTRY Alkenyl DerfiVAtives of Arsenic. A. N. Nesmay anov. A. B. Dot~sov, a nd A. 1. Borisova Rtetimna fhlydrabone.1 And Azine; with Metal Salts. Communication 3. Re 'action of Aliphatic Aldehydo and Ketone Ilydzazones with Cupric Salts. A. S. G ud kov a and 0. A. iteutov Tautoinerism and Geometric Isomerism of Nittagen-Containing Derivatives of Carbonyl compounds. Commnincation 7. Ultraviolet Spe.'tra of Sums Semicerbazoses and rhiosenicabamones. Yu. P. K~taeV, G. K. 0ssdmk& WV, and- A. V. Chesso a Available From Conaultasnts Bureau

283 IZVEMIYA AXADEKII ITAUK SSSR OTDELENIE loi4ic1e~fikh -NAUK No 7, l9b? CONTENTS (ciontinud) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Organoborcn Compounds. Communication 101. Synthesis and Transformatins of Complexs Compounds of Arylborines with Secondary Amines. B. M. Mi kha ilov a nd V. A, Dorohhov ! 1213 Organoboron Conipounds. Communication 102. Mono(alkylthio)borines. B. Mi Mikhallov. T. A. Shchegoleva, H. Mv. Shashhova, and V. D. Sheludyakov Gas-Phase Reactions of Hydride Chiorosilanes with Alhylbenzesies and a - arnd 0 -Chlorosityrenes. E. A. Chsrnyshev and N. 0. Tolstikova Synthesis of Substituted 1.1 -lialhylsilacyclopentanes from Dlalhkyldlchlorosilanes and Styrenes. 0. M. Nefedov, M. N. Masnakov, and A. D. Petov Y Cleavage of MethylphenyleyelosiloxAnes with Dichlorodimethylsilane. K. A. Andrianov and V. V. Sevarnyit,..I~.. '.. Addition or Dichiorocarbene to Some I1-Substituted Cyclahexeuies. 0. M. Neafeado v, M. N Manahov, and A. A. Ivashanlto Some Reactions of 4,4 -Dichloro -3 -butan-2 -one. Communicatlon 2. Reactions with Sodium Phenoxide and Sodium PhonylI Sulfide. A. S. Gudkova Rearrangement of Radicals in the Count of the Dimerization of 3,3,3-Trichlobopropene. V. N. Kest, T. T, Vaile'va, and R, Kh. Frelilis a Stereolsomeric Propunyl Phosphorus Compounds. A. E. Borisov, A. N. Abramova, andi A. N. Neimeyanov MOnOSACChAridet. Communication 4, Syntheais of 2.3-Dehydro-2.3-dldeaxyaldehydoheptonie Acids, N. K. Kochetltov and B. A. Dmitriev Chemistry of Polyenlc and Polyacetylenic Compounds. Commu111cation'7. Study of the Hydraktion of Ethylenic Acetylenic Alcohois. M, V. Mavrov and V. F. Kuscherov Carbon -Chain Poly mern and Copolymers. Communication 49, Graft Copolymers of the Methacrylate of the Polyester from 1-Hydroxyheptanoic Acid with Triathyltin Methacrylate or Trierhylgermanium Methcrylate. G. S.* Kolas niho v and G. T. Gurgenidis Vinyl Compounds in the Diene Synthesis. Communication 11. Diane Condensation of Vinyl Ethers and Sulfides with Isoprene., A. N. Valhov, A. V., Uogdanova, and M. F. Shostakovshil L960 Vinyl Compouncis in the lnene dynthsis. C.onlmunications12. structural Orilntatli in lisas Diene Condensation of Vinyi Ethers with lisoprene. W. F. Shost a hoyhi I, A. V. Bogdanova, and A, N, Volko, Sterically Hindered Phenois, rcommunicationo4. Mannich Reaction in the ll.6-olalkylpherol Series. V. V. Irsihov and A. A. Volod'kln Sterically Hindered Phensols. Communication 8. Quinobensyi Rearrangement of Oulnobiornldea. A. A. Volod'hin and V. V. Drshov Nitration of Lignsin And of Model Compounds Containing an ArlCArbinol Grouping. L. L. Sorgeova, N. N. Shorygina, and B. V. Lopatin '1208 BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS The Reactlonkof Trichlorosilasne with Hydrocattbons at High Temperlatures. V. F. ltinov and N. G. Makiimova..I A New Method for the Simultaneous Microdeterninatlon of Carbon. Hydrogen and Mercury in Organo-Morcusy Compounds. A. 1. Lebedeva and K. Shch. Kramer The Addition of Atomic Oxygen, Obtained by the Dissociation of Molecules of Oxygen on an Incandescent Iridium Filament, to S'.ma Solid Olefins at Low Temperatures, A. N. Ponomarey Available From Consultantn Bureau -269

284 IMVE1IYA AKADEMII NAIJK 9S5R OTDELENIE KIIIMM9S~11I NAUK fo 7, 162 CONTENTS(onlud PAGE RUSS. PAGE The Aromatizdition or Mixtures of N-Hexane With 2-Methyipentane. with 3-Methyipentane or with ;'ithyicyciopentane. B, A. Kazanskit, A. Z. Dologochinshii, M. 1. Rosengart. N. 1. Tyun'kina. 1. M. Kuznetsova, A. V. Lyuter, and M. T. Mitrofanoy The Synthesis of Brassy Iic and 1,12 -Dodec anedicartboxylic Acids. L. 1. Z akhark in, L. P. Vinograclova, V. V. Kotneva, and S. 1. Zav'yaiov LETTERS TO T~HE EDITOR Thallffectof Local Activation. A. A. Berlin, V. A. Vonsyatskii, and L. S. Lyubchenko Induced Reactivity of Compounds with a Conjugated System, A. A. Berlin and V. A. Vonsyatskil The Rearrangement of Dimethylcyciooilazanes and the Synthesis of Tiicyclotridecamnethylheptasilaszane. K, A. Andrianov and 0. Ya. Rumba 'lihe Aihylation of Bi(cyclopentadienyl)titaniumdi chloride - (Caii)1TiCis. A. N. Nesmeyanov. 0. V. Nogina, and T. P. Sutikova Invention Tranfer of Oxygen Atoms in 81-0-Si and P-C-PBonds. A. N. Lasafev ? 1014 A New Synthaiisof a- and $-Eleoitearie Acids. L. D. Bergeieoon, V. D. Solodovnik, and Mi. Mi. Shemy akin Avatilable From Consul.tanits Bureau -270

285 IZVESIYA AICADEKII NAUK SSSR, OTDEI.EN I 4I1CHE~IM NAUX BULLETIN OF THE ACADEMIVY OF SCIENCES OF THE USSR Division of Chemical Science Number 8 August, 1982 'CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE INORGANIC AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Preparation of Rhenium Carbonyl Chloride. X. N. Anisirnov and L. 1. Daryshnilrov PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Kinetic& of Dehydrogenation and Dehydration of Isopropyl Alcohol and Dehydrogenation of Tetralin on Ytterbium Oxide. A. i stoatovb and PeCnA PI-Hiang and A, A. Balandin Kinetics of Dehydrogenaition and Dehydration of Isopropyl Alcohol, and Dehydiogmnationk of Tetralin on Gadolinium Oxide. A. A. Balandin, Peng Pi-Hilang, and A, A. Tolsropyatoya Adsorption of n-butane on Silica Gel Investigated by Direct Measurement of the Adsorption liotherms. 1. Hodelt and N. Julis Potential Energy of Ad~sorption of the Sphere-Like Molecules CH 4, C(Cli, and CCIts on Graphite. N. N. Aviul', A. V. Kiseiev and 1. A. LyxtIna Molecular Statistical Calculation of the Change in the Thermodynamic Functions when CM 4 Is Adsorbed on Graphite. N. N. Avitul', and A. V. Kiselev and 1. A. Lygina Chain Continuation Merhanism in Gaseous Phase OxIdssinn of n-butane. Yu, 1). Noilko.'arid9. A. Blyunbotg Measuremenrt of ftdn-ca Secondary Acidity Function of the NCI-HgO System, G. V. 9ppla, V. P. Odintuova and 5. G, Wnells I Hydrogen Isotope Exchange In Esters of Trifluerot o Acid. Communication 1. Hydrogen Exchangc or AlItyl TrifluorAcetate' with Triflunraceric Acid. V. N. Satlsina, 0. N. Kursnov and. V. Byrova ORGANIC AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Orgartoboron Compounds. Communication 103. Action, of Diboranes on Alkyl Vinyl Ethers. B. M. Milrhaiiov And A. N. DlokoIina Organoboron Compound%. Communication 105. Synthesis of Thioboric Esters Prom Boron Ttichloride. 0. M, Miklrhttv and Yu. N. Btlunov I3i8 iteactions of ihydrazones anda Amine. with Metal Salts. Communication 4. Iteactions of Azines of Aldehydes and Ketontes with Cupric Salu, A. S. Oudlrova, 0. A. Reutov, and M. Ya. Aicinikova Synithesis and Spectra of Orgainogermanium Compounds Containing Cyclopurstadlenyl. Cyclopenrenyl. and Cyclopentyl Groups. V. P. Mironoy, T. K, Oar, andi L. A. Leites ) Synthesis of atw-dihydmxythethylphenylsilorana. anti their Reactions With Silicon.Tetrachloride and TetrAhutoxytitanium. K. A. Anririanov and M. A. Sipyagirsa. 1303o Synthesis and Polymikrization of Some Organo-1 -Oaw:1,1-Dicat acylosexaitas. K. A, Andrirbv nds.byakuikina Available Front Conultants Bureau -271

286 7ZVESTIYA AKAI1EMII NAUK SSSR, N 87190'2 CONTENTS (continue~d) PAGE RUSS. PAGE Synthesis of Organomercury Nitro Compounds. Communication '7. Tautomerism of the Mercury Salt of Trinitromethane. V. 1. Slovetskii, V. A. Tartakovs kit, and S. S. Novikov Organophor~phorut Phenothiiszinu Derivatives. R. A. Arbuzov and D. Kb. Yarmukhametova Reaction of Triethyl Phosphite with a.,bdichloo-w-lodopemfiuoroalkanes. 1. L. Knunyants and!e. Ye. Pervova Organophoaphorus Polymers Containing- P-N Bonds. V. V. Korshak. 1. S. Kronstaus, and A. M. Berlin Preparation of Polyarylases from Phenolphthadein by InterphAse Polycondensation. V.V Korshak. S. V. Vinogradova. S. N. SalaxhIn, and T. A. Sidorov Stereochemistry of Cyclic Compounds. Communication 51. Staric Orientation in Diene Condensations with 1-(1-Chlorovinyl)-4-Cyolohexoe. G. M. Segal'. L. P. Rybkina, and V. F. Kuchcrov Dicatbonyl Compounds. Communication 18. Alkylation of Dipotassium Derivatives of Derivatives Of Cyclic 8-Dicarbonyl Compounds In Liquid Ammonia. V. 1. GunAr. L. F.Kudtyavuov, and 6, 1,Zav'ylIov,.I ,., I.,., Dicarbonyl Compounds. Communication 1'1. Reaotion of 2-AecyyloAlkifnones with Hydrogen Peroxide. L. P. Vinogradova, B. A, Rudonito, and S. 1, Zav'yalov Dlecarbonyl Compounds. Communication 18. Chemical Properties of 2X-'Methyiencdi- 1,3-Cy.ohexanedione and 2.2-Methyleneabisdintcdon. G. V. Kondtat'eva. 0. A. XogAn, and S. 1. Zav'yalov Copolymerization of o-rn-, qnd p-(v inyloscy)anil Ines witi. Acroleisi in Presence of Stannic Chloride. M. P. Shosuklovaitil, 0. G. Sltvortsova. M. Ya. Samoilova, and N. 1. Shergina Catalytic Transformations of Five- and Six-Mambered Cycl1ic Sulfide. N.1 jl, and V. V.An I Catalytic Alkylation of Tetralin, Communication B. Alkylation of Terralin with Alkosi In Presence of Aluminum. N. 1. Shuiltin And N. A. Poadnyak I Thermal Polymerization of C 5 lfn thihpesrs M. 0. Gonilbarg, A. B. Gavtilova 0, D. Sterligov. and M, 1. Rozhkova Uyiiiu~anation and hsomefization of n-hexenes in P'resence of Raney Nickel, IL. K Preidl in, Yu, Yu. Kaup, and E. P. Lilvin BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS A Study of rhe Mechanism of the Hydrolytic Polymerization of g -Caprolactam in the Pretence of Water with a Heavy Oxyget. livuu.,. V. V. Mor.hac, n.v.kudryavtev, V. A. Setgeov and L. us. Inruiluon i31 Synthesis anid Psopertles of a, rs,-bis*(p.benaylphenyl)xylene. M. A. Chul'uoaL U-Tzun-Yui and B. 0. Dubuab Ptsthalocyanine Polymers of Diphthalyiketone. V. V. Korshak,'S. V. irogoshin, and M. G. Vinalrado HydroborationRo Boron Triallyl. B,. MhiovadVF.Pdn Isometiiation of Simple Heterocyclic Compounds. N. 1. Shuikin and V. V. An The Reaction of Alkylphenyiaminotilanes with Boric and Phosphoric Acids and Clycols. K A. Andrianev, V. V. Aitakhln and 1. V. Sukhsnova water Vj-,r Pressure in A Wat-r-Glycerin Syitam at 25'_.A. N. Kirgintsev and A. V. Luk'yanov Some Data un the Character of the Titanium -Cyclopentad ie nyl Ring Bond In CsHsTI(OC,-IHs)j and (CsH 5 ),TI(OCOCH 5 ). A, N. NOSMOYAnOV, 0. V. Nogina And V. A. Dubovitskl Availble From Consultante Bureau -272

287 IZMVIYA A1=DEII ITAUK SSSR. OTDELENIE' 10IGIhICSKYKII NAIUK No 8, 1962 CONTENTS otne PAGE RUSS. PAGE Anionotropic Regrouping in Perfluorobutadione Reactions. 1. L. lknunyants, B. L. Dyatkin and E. P. Mochalina The Synthesis of Aikylsilmnes Ccntaining a Nitro Group in the y-position. S. S. Novikov-and V. V. Sevost'yanova The Reaction of (x-meflryltetrahydropyran with SoeCompounds Containing an Active Chlorine Atom. N. 1. Shuikin, 1. P. Bel'gil and 1. H~. Grushko The Dual Reactivity of N.Ethyloneiminocarbinol. K~. G. lkostyanovskii and V. P. Bystro The Synthesis ;f Cytidina pho~sphate Glucose. t9. 1. Budiuvskli V. N. Shibaeav. G. 1. Ellsimya and N. K. Knchetkrw LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Inflsn.p nf the' *.ncrt Ant.ivprion' Rffcr o~n thp Ynhihiting Activity nf Aromatic Hydrn. carbons. A. A, Berlin and S. 1. Bass Phospho-Organic Derivatives of Azetidine. N. P. Grechkin The Influence of High Pressure on the Structural Direction of Homolytie Aromatic Substitution M. G. Gonikberg, N. 1. Proishorova and B. F. Litvin Complexes of Aeines and H ydrazones with Mercury Halides, A. S. Gudirova, M. Ya. Aleinikova and 0. A. Reumov The Situtctt'e of Enniantin A. Yu. A. Ovchinntkov. A. A.Krnsim and M. M, Sheiryain The Polymeriaation of MonovinylalkyC(ihenyi) Derivatives of Silicon In the presence of Lithium Ethyl. A. V. Topchev, N. S. Nametin, Tayu Syao-pel, S. 0. Durgar'yan and N. A. Kuz'mIn The Reaction of Phenyideido with CArbonryl Compounds. L. A. Neiman, V. 1. Maimind and M M Rhamyakin CHRONICLE General Meeting of the Division of Chemical Science of the Acadedmy of Sciences of the USSR, March 22-23, I ' General Meeting of the Division of Chemical Science of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. April Available From COnUltant8 flurcau

288 TZVE8TIYA AKADEMII NAUK SBR, O]TDELE1IYA TEIOWICIESKIKH NAUIC METALLURGIY1 I TWOPLIV RUSSIAN METALLURGY AND FUELS No.6 NOVEMBER.- DECEMBER 1962 R~ussian orinral received January 1963 Translation published May 1963 LIST OF CON'T4l(TA page arig.trnnfl Hcorozov, A.M, and Novokharskij I.A. Thermodynamios of Forroohromite Reduction with Hy~drogen 3 3 Lebedey, B.G. Thrtdnaieo ia with Carbon Monoxide Labstract). oyn eduction 7 a Koshevnilcov, I.I. Reduction Kinetics of Iron Ore - Powdered Coal Nodules (abridged) 13 9 Origoryan, V.A., Mikhalic, Z., And Hnn-Chih-Yoing. Determ~inations of Reaction Kinetic of Iron and Liioldl slag (Ahstract) Rurtmov, V.T., Karmaeev, fl.a., and anwarin. A.M4. Vapour pressutre of Sulphur over Iron-.Carbon-Suiphur Melts.,nd Method of sulphur Elimination tris tile Hleu (atraot) Vertman, A.A., Snlwarin, A.M., #%nd rilippov, YeCs. Visco- Aity and itleotrioal Conductivity ot Liqutid Iiidkel- Carbon Alloys 37 1!1 Tumanov, V.I., Punke, V.F., Belentrayn, LI. and Uaol'tssva L.P. Effect of Alloying an the Surface Tension of the Iron Group Metals (abutract) 4e3 23 Tsurevetii, H,V., Popel', 8.I., and laanarov, L.L, Penetration of ComacLed Sand by molten Iron (obetract) Topahinahvili L.I. Friability of High-Carbon Forro- Manitanese labotract) 3 24 Kochnow, V.Ye., and Goildahteyn, V.Ya. Kinetica of the Rerytalkiation of Transformer Steel Jiiring Antealing. fi1 23 Belikov, A.M. and Savitakna, A.A. Vanadium and Hiobikim In Steel kabetruoti LuironhrvIch-j).WannvA. Iu.T., and UrAZova, V.A. Nitride Inclusions in Low-Carbon iiigh-4,hromi'.s $Lasi (abridged) braun, N.P. and Hatyunhenho, N.I. Effect of Ninbixim and Ei,'oonitm on the Structure of Criss Austenitic Sotee (obridgerl) Ivanova, V.8. invoxtillation of the note uf Grain R1rl arias in the Developaent of Metal Fatigue tahatracti go '44 Gusseva, L.n. and Babareko, A.A, lialontional struc-.ure tit boforteed Hetnta aind Alloya (abstract) Gulyayrev, t',n. 'Haoling' of Vacancies during Creep an a Factor of Increasing the, iigh-lempeature Strength Prokoshcin. D.A., Matvoeva, H. P., and Plasev, Iu.M. Examination of fieloationa ii, Caust and Deformed Poly- Crystalline u'oiium itbridged) L07 Kas,.tkin, U.S., Striaheus, Zh. N. flavelopment of a 8top- 3 Slike.'Structure on the 3urface of 1irittle Fracture of Commercial Iron Inbstroct) Available From Scientific Information Consultants Ltd

289 IZVEMIYA AKADEM1I NAUK SSM, OTDELENIYt. TEKQMICBElSIG NAUI( M7ALLURIYA I TOPLIVO No 6, 1962 CONTENTS (Contd) orig. trans Oding, I.A. and Liberov, Iu.P. Suscoptibility to failure. of Nickel tinder Static Tensile Loading asova, V.V. and Xurnakov, N.N. Creep of Titanium-Tin nnd Titanium-Zirconium-Tin Alloys Shakhoval I,I, and Budberg, P.D. Phase Mquilibrium Diagram of Tittnium-Niobium-Chromium Alloys Kornilov, I.I. and Nartova, T.T. Creep Strength at C of Alloys on the ase of Ti 6AI ComPotd Zakhnvova, M,I. and Mogarycheva, I.E. Ageing of Copper- Tin EutecLuid Alloys (abstract) Drito, M.A., Rvidorakaya, Z.A. and Iu'Xuz'mina, V.I. Effect of Additions of Iron Silicon and Manganese on the Properties o Aluminium-Copper-Lithium Alloys (abr) Petrova, L.A. Stabillaption of A-Solid Solution in Zirconium Alloys (abridged) Arshanyi, P.M., Volkova, R.M. and Prokoshkin, D.A. Thormeal Diffusion in 'rungaten-beryllium System Savitakii, M.N., and Chuprikov, 0. Plastic Deformation Mechanism of Rhenium of Various Purity Grades (abstract) Alskseev, V.I. and Shvartsman, L.A, Free Energy of Formation of Molybdenum Carbide Mo 2 C (abstract) Paderno, V.N. Some Physical Properties of Stiltered Hnafnium Uarbide (abstract) Mitrofanov, 8.1., Rosin, EE, and bleshchaninova, V.I. Effect of Chloride lons on the Flotation of Copper (abe) Plakein, I.N., Iaryshova, X.I., and Astafeva, AV. Recovery of Rare Earth Metals by Extraction (abstract) Kasatochkin, V.I., Egorova, 0.1., and favrilovn, 0O. Spectrochemical Charnateristica of the Metsmorphism of Bituminous Coals (ahtract) Karabsev, N.M., Voner, R.A., Rumyantseva,.A., Shevchenko, DI., and Mamneva, A.M. Effect of Slow Heating hy hurnin; Wood in Intre-Seam Fires on the Composition and Propertion of Fan-Yanobnk Coals (abstract) LI'6 AU6 Medvedev, K.P., and Petropolakaya, V.M. Synthesis of Caking Materials by Cyclic Condensntion of Aroatic Hydrocarhons in the promance of Alimintum Chlorides (ab.j Meeting of the Metallurgy, Metnllogrtphy and Miding Seations of the U.SS.R. Academy of Sciences, Techitical Ariencem Division, Devoted to the DWfining of the task* facing the Soviet Seionas rolluwing the Resolutions of the Bftad Conference of the KPid (abstract) Resolutions Accepted at the ')62 Meeting of thie Soctions ot Motallurq, Metitlography and Mining; Technical Sciences Division nt the U.S.S.R. Academy 'o Eciences (ohs) Scientific Conference on 1'hyslco-Chtmical AMechanica of Materiain (abstract) Available From Scientific InforrAtion Consultants Ltd,

290 IZVEE-iTIYA AIKDEMII NAUK S REIYA FIZIC{ESIYA Vol XXVI, No 6, 152 TABLE OF C0trEIITS Page Orig. Trans. New experimental data on mu mesons (A review) - A.l.Alikhanyan & A.O.Vaisenberg Polarization of cosmic muons of different energies - B.A.Dolgoshein, B.I.Luchkov & V.I.lshakov Polarization of cosmio mu mesons - A.I.Alikhanyan, T.L.Asatiani, V.M.Krishchyan, E.Matevosyan & R.O.Sharkhatunyan Some aspects of production of strange particles - Z.Sh.Mandzhavidze k N.N.Roinishvili Composition of the Irlux of nuolear-interacting ptrt e- with mantr exceeding 1.8 GeV/c at an altitude of 3250 meters - A.V.Khrimyan, V.V.Avakyan, N.A.Nalbandyan, K.Sh.Egiyan & M.P.Pleshko Possible method of itivestigating high-energy nuclear interactions - V.A.Tumanyan Transverse momentum of charged Z* hyperons produced by 9 GeV protons in photographic emulsions - L.P.Dzhanelidze, N. I.Koastanashvill, G.I.Lebedevioh, K.V.Mandritskaya & O.A.Shakhulashvili Present state of the physics of the neutrino (Abstract) - B.Pontecorvo Contribution to high-energy neutrino physics - I.M.Zholeznykh, G.T. Zatsepin, V.A.Kuz'min & M.A.Markov Neutrinos and antineutrinos in free space and project of an experiment to detect fast antineutrinos produced by cosmic rays in interstellar matter - V.M.Kharitonov A possible method for detecting high-energy charged particles - A.I.Alikhanyan, F.R. Arutyunyan, K.A.Ispiryan & M.L. Ter-Mlkaolyan Passage of fast particles through plates - O.M.Oarbiyan Investigation of radiation in flights of satellites, cosmic vehicles and rockets - P.V.Va/lulov, S.N.Vernov, E.V.Oorchakov, u.i.logaohev, V.E.Nesterov, A.Nikolaov, N.F.Pisarenko, X.ASavenko, A.E.Chudakov U P.A.Shavrin Short-lived increments in the intensity of the nuclear component of cosmic radiation, associated with solar activity, and investigation of the radiation intensly at km altitude - V.L. COinzhirg, L.V.Kurnnova, V.I.Logachev, L.A.Razorenov & M.K.Fradkin Variations in cosmic rays and elc,-tromagnetic conditions in the vicinity ul the Earth, in corpuscular, fluxes and in interplanetary space - L.I. Dormnn Some results of studies of the vnriations of cosmic rays at Yakutsk - A.Kuz'min, G.F.Krymskii, O.V.Rkripin, N.P.Chirkov, O.V.Shafer Yu.G.Shafer Spectrum of muons at sea level and their production mechanism in the E.r i0l I ev region - D.D.Krasil'nikov New results of study of the number-of-pitrticles spectrum of extensive air showers at sea level and atmospheric ef-fcts - D.D.Krasil'nikov, N.N.Efimov, M.A.Nifontov & F.K.Shamsutdinova Available From Col ui bia Technical Trqn.-labions

291 L-WES.IYA AKADEM411 NAUK SSSR: SM~IYA GEOFIZICHLSKAYA go 1, 1963 CONTENTS Page English Russian EARTH PHYSICS E. F. SAVARENNI(I. B. B3. Colitmyn (Count Galitzin) and Some of Modern Seismology P. XOSMINSKjYA. S. M. ZVEREV, P. S. VEITSMAN, YU. V. TULINA AND R. M KRAKSHlNA, B~asic Features of the Crustal Structure of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Kuril -Kamchs.tka Zone of the Pacific Ocean from Deep Seismic Sounding Data M. STISHOY, M'ke Nature of the Mohorovilid Discontinuity.. 1 I N. 1. KHALEVIN AND A. A. MALAKHOV, Regional Seismic Studies in the Uirals in Connection with Extremely Deep Drilling Yu. A. VASIL'EV. Graphical and Analytical Solution of Spatial Problems of Seismic P~rospecting by the Methad'of Reflected Waves P. V. KPAIJKLIS, influence of a Thin Layer an the Wave -field of a Reflected wavy S V. S. BULDYRE'r AND Z. A. YANSON, Propagation of 8H Interfe rence Wavesa in an.. Elastic Layer. I.. V. N. STRAKHOV., Some Methods tor Estimating the Depth of ank Anomalous Mass: * V. N. STRAK}IOV' Some Numerical Methods for Calculating the Second-order Vertical Deri',atives of Potential Fields N. EVEREV A4 ND V. A. KUSOV, A Magnetic Dipole In a Medium wt yidia Intoerface A. YA. VLASOV, A. C. ZVEGINTSEV AND A. A. BOODANOV. Self-reversal of Magnetisation in Synthetic 11me nits -hemnatite Solid Solutions A. M. POLONSII, On the Appraisal of Iran Ore Deposits using Magnetic Survey Data A. CHERNYA'ISKII AND 0. E. GUOUNAVA, Magnetotalluric Sounding in Georgia SCIENTIFIC REPORTS V. D). KflILEEV, Periodic Aeration of Rocks and its Practical Value PHYSICS OF THE SEA AND OF THE ATMOSPHXERE V. V. SHULELKiIl A More Accurate Con~putation of Wind-waves of Given Probability A. H. K4RO1AN, Investigation of Cloud Structures and Scientific of the International 'tear of the Quiet Sun.. N. Z. PINUJS, Sta:istical Characteristics of the Horiantal Component of the Wind Velocity at Heights ef 6 - IA KM K. P. MAXHON'k:O, Concerning the Nature of the Spectrum Of Particle Slams Of Radioactive Dist of Natural Origin SCIENTIFIC REPORTS L. A. BUINA, On the Relation Between Temperature and Ratio of Thickness to Diamster ef rraall Ice Crystals of Disc -like Form Availablo From Amrican Geophysical Unionl -277

292 72VESTIYA DKfEMT1 VAI3K SSW, SERIYA GEOFI2.ICHSCAYA Nfo 2, 1963 CONTENTS PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH N. N. PARIISI(11, Earth Tides and the Internal Structure of the Eauth E. L. RUSKOL, The Tidal Evolution of the Earth-Moon System Z YU. V. RIZNICHENKO AND SHAMINA. Modeling of Longitudinal Waves in the Earth's Upper Mantle S. N. IVAIN AND YU. V. VASILIEV, The Wave Properties of Perforated L. 1. RATNIKOVA, Some Results Obtained From a Study of converted Reflected Waves in Media with Strong Velocity Differentiation Z Plates for Seismic Modeling E. 1. OAL.'PZR1N (Halperin). A Study of the D'ection of the Displacement Vector in Svishnic Waves in Borehole Observation Z92 A. 0. I(ONSTANTINOVA AND L. 0. MYSINA, Relative Variations in Energy of Seismo.Aeoustio Processes During Sudden Bursts of Coal an~d Gas A. M. EPINAT'EVA, Multiple Shock~s in Explosions Occurring in Weli S-30fl M. E. AflTEMIEV, Gravitational Anomal!-A and Seismicity of Western Europe and the Mediterranean u9311 T. 1. LINIKOVA, Some Results of Paleomagnetic Investigations of Devonian Sedimentary Rocks A. YA. VI.ASOV, A. A. BOODANOV AND A. 0, ZVEOINTSOV, Changes in the Magnetic Pr parties of Natural Hematites Due to Temnperature ag 1. D. IAVtNSKIl. On a Certain Possibility of Obtaining 1nforntitQn an the Distribution of Radioactive Matter Along the Normal to the Interface Between Two Media Z SCIENTIFIC REPORTS V. N. STkAKHOV, The Determination of hra for an Obliquely MagnatUsed. Two-Dimensional Body V. M. ARtKANOECLISKAYA, A Session of the Council on Seismology of the Academny of Scien'ces of the USSR at Duehanho V. 0, MIELAMED, Numerical Integration of the Classical Stefan Problem in a Case of Phase Transitions in the Temperature Spectrum.. ail DISCUSSION AND CRITIQUE M. E. ARTEM'EV, Approximate Calculation of the Isostatic Adjustment and the oisuelt State of Antarctica IS. A. ANDREEV, On MA. E. Arternsv'e ArLcle 'An Approxima&teG CalcGulation' of* the loostatic Adjuetryient and the lastatiu State of Antartica' PHYSICS OF THE SEA AND OF THE ATMOSPHERE V. A, KHALKEOHEV AND' L. N. OUTMAN. A Spatial Static -ary Nun,-lIear Problem of the Movement of a Cold Air Mass Along Uneven Regions of the Earth's Surface all HUAK MEL-YUAN, Microstrueturs of Cumulus Clouds..2t1 S SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATIONS N. S. SLDORENKiGY. The Influence of Fluctuations of Atmospheric Circulation on the Earth's Rotation A. P. LECZNKOY, On the Paper By K. T. Bogdanov and B. A. Taresy, 'The Classification of Tides and Tidal Currents' ? 3g1-381 Ava.lIablu From American Oophysical Union Page -278-

293 IZVZSTIYA VYSSHIIGI UCHEBI4YKH Z.AVEDENIY, GEODEZIYA I AEROFOTOS' YEIA English Edition of Geodesy and Aerophotography No. 4, 1962 CONTLNTS English Page Russian V.P. MOROZOVa The Problem of the Conformal Projection of an Ellipsoid on a Sphere N,. BOOLYUBOVAi The lenith ansd Astmuths of Parallels alid Corresponding Geodesics D. KLIMOVa The AppliclUon of the Autocolitmation Principle in the Investigation of Astronomic- Geodetic Instrumente YE.N. MEDVETSK]Yi Measurement of the Goneri Deformation Of Vessels by the Optical aishtil s Mai i B. F. MAOUSIKIN& Direct Methods for Le Solution of Systoms of Normal Equations with Triangular Factorization V. I, IALINIKOVt DglgrmlnRlion of Coorllnsit Ingremolnt Corrections tor A rolyoonometrlo Travorlig yi the Conditions M lhod,...,., '...I, t.s. KHAIMOVx The Actual Accuracy of Measured Angles in Second- and Third-Order Triangulation Computed from the Errors of Closure of Triangles B.O. KIEYPETSi The Accuracy of the Volume or Earth Mases Darmined with a Planimeter -from a Contoured Plan V.V. KlJrUVi The Computation of Coordinate Increment Corrections for Polygonometrio ITraverses from the Corrections it the Lengths of Lnes and Direction Angles.. as7 g 0. R. SHEYNINa The Oauas-Tobey Differentis Adjustmot Method.. g F. MONINs Determining the Earth's Shape with a Relative Error of the Order of the Iquare of the Terrestrial Ellipsoid's Frstte lng lot A.N, LOBANOVt A Sinle-Carrisgo Stereowomparator ? YA.1. GEBOARTa The Graphic Determination of the Elements of RelaUve Orientation and Corrections to Absolute Parallax IT. KKAYDU6HIU end P.V. ZAFIROVi Factors Determi lng the Most Suitable Aerial Photoraph Seal for Large-Scale Mapping with Univerasl Systems e I.T. KILYDUSIDC sad P.V.AMROVt A Stereosoopic Method of Setting the Final Base Value f,-r Work os UsiverolW Cartopaphic Inatruments V.YU. TOaOCHKOVi CLiplacement r utions for the Optiss AMs of an Aerial Camera t a OC1rosabil laing Meant.. Available From American Geophysican Union Pogo t

294 fr~o) ~ '~~No. t 6. b e JUNE, 1962 / Vol.2 'Kauchuk i Rezina' *Scorch CONTENTS Developmcnt of mechanical asbestos goode production In tie period D. L. Zak 2 (1) Properties of ethyiphea.lalloxane rubber vulcanlsatee. S. N. Borisov, A. V. IKarlin, L. M. Ghvd#wova, P. A. Gali -Ofy and L. M. Chebysheva 3 (3) Oxone. and light-reslstance of polychloroprane film under two-dimensional extension. N. N. Znaenokii, L. S. Fomina and V. V. Ghernqy 6 (6) * protection by meanasof organic chlorine compounds6. A. B. Oinbaa, V. F. Cheankaca and A. A. Porihik 9 (9) Measurement gtgslt mou~lds. of the oa, amount S. Kytiniki of scattered and L. radiltion S. Ruser during the irradiation of rubbers in ('2 (12I) Toxicity of eulphonamide derivatives of MBT used as vulcanlsation accelerators. A. S. V lvorobea and N. V. Meentsmna 14 (14) Softeners and their effect on the tanile strength af reclaim. B.M. Tstveraa 15 (16) Extrudablity and flow of rubber mixes. L P. Korol and V. S. Skroabt 20 (21) Carcass strength and itsoaffect on tyre life. L. V. DLhidlei, L. G. Khrapus.ov and M. 1. Rekitar 22 (24) Measurement of rubber-to-cord bond strength under repeated compression and elongation. M, K. ifiromov, M. M, Rtanikovskii end K. N. Laaaruas 25 (27) i,. :Automatic control of the temperature and humidity In workshops, P. N. Luhyanov 29 (32), Carbon black collection with synthetic fabrlc filters. A4. M. Zaltt, 1, S. 7' Tinsofa A. Y. Valdtr and V plifskii 0() ECON4OMICS AND OROANISATION Determination of the number of tyres requiring retreading or repairs to local defects. F. K. Miller 33 (37) Caculation of the number of fitter. employed at rubber factories. P. M. Nabdeehpyi 35 (40) ZXCR4No OP A XPER IENCE Automatic control of the ph of tits medium in the production of rubber using rosin and : ia. fatty.acid 1. Balunta emulsifying agents. D. S Olagolev, E. M. Ispiryan, i. M. Lit, anovt eand 38 (45)- Method uraosesslug qualitative changes in rubber footwear during use. D.L. Pidyuhit iaij L. S. Gala.ova 40 (47) Continuous equipment for drying the envelopes of meteorological balloons -.G. Iwmgilft 42 (49) Analysis of silicone rubbers and their vulcanisate. Z. S. Zadaroahya and N. P. Kcaava 44 (51) :A Determination of Al, Pe Ca, Mg and Zn In the ash of rubber by chromatographle nd complexometrlc analygia. N. M. I'itahkaya and N. F. Pantaeva 45 (.3) BOOK RBVIEW 'Procedure for rate fixing in rubber pods production ' by S. P. Petanozbneo. f. L. Tut and i, Z. Ok Available From lbibbcr and. Plastics Research Association 49 (64) 0 --,.-,0,.,- ii v.. '..,. '.

295 ICIIETlCS CATALYSIS At'analationof KiN ETIKA i KATALIZ, a publication of the Academy of Scianoea of the USS~R Is 1343 CONSULTANTS BUREAU ENTERPRISES.* INC. 22? W60t 17th SMI, Now York 11, N. Y. Vol. 3, No. 5 September -October, 1962 CONTENTS P A G E Eke. RUSS. Sonie Present Day Problems in Chemical Kinetics. V. V. Voevodskil.. I Some problems In Heterogeneous Catalysis. G. K, Borescov investigation of Hydrogen Atoms In the Rarefied Hydrogen Flame Zone. V. N. PAnfOV The Kinetics or the Reaction of mn-chloraniline with Benroyl Chloride in Mix~tures of Benizene and Pyridine. L. Mi. Litvinenko. E. S. Rudakov. and A. 1. Kirichenhi, 11., 1.1,..,.,., The Catlytie Activity 6xidation of ftylene In the Pretence of Aqueous Solutions of Palladium Salts. K. 1. Matveev, A, M. Osipov, S. F. Odyakov, Yu. V. Suzdal'nitsisaya. 1. F. sukhtoyarov. And 0, A. Emellyanov. 573J 861 Formation of Radicals In the RAdiolysis of Solid Organic Substances. 1. Comparison of Radieal Yields in Various Organic Compounds, Y u.* N. Moli n, Chitheldne. 1. P. Kaplan, N. Ya. Buben, And V. V. VocvodsLci The Catalytic Activity Of Organic Polymers. USl. Regularities in Catalysis on Chelating; Polymers with Differing Chemical Composition and Structure, N.* P.* Kcier. 0. K. Boreskov, L. F. Rubtsova, and E. G. Rukhadze The Catalytic Activity Of Organic Polymers. IV. Catalytic Activity of Clielate Polymers In the Decomposition of Hydrogen Perouide. N. P. Kecie r, M. G. Trtoit s ka YI, and B. 0. Rukhadze GAS Mstorption in the Pretence of Surface States, V. D, Sutula and A. P. Zeif.. ei. ON The Tscory cichcomiftorption. V. 0, Sutul& '1u4 Effect of the Overlap integral ont the Spectrum of Local Election States During Adsorption or During Contact between Two Crystals. V. M.i Ta p11in The Chemnisorption Capacity and Catalytic Activity of Semiconducting Films on Metals. F. F. Voll(iatin, V. S, Kunatiov, and V. B. Sandomirskii The Efect of Additfve Redistribustion in the Region of the subsurface Volume Charge *on the Adsorption Capacity of a Semiconductor. V. S. K uaneat sov anad V. 9. Sandomirskil The Effect of the Auldity of Oxide Catalysts on Their CatAlytic: Activity. 11. The Dehydration of sopropyl Alcohol. V. A. Dzlslro. Mi. S. Dorisova, N, S. Kotsarenko, and fi. V. Kuanrsova The Effect of the Acidity of Oxide Catalysts on Their Catalytic Activity. In. Dlmerisation of Propylene. M. S. lorisova, V. A. D sitiko, and 11. M. Cherednl a Available Fromn Consultants Bureau

296 KI.IKA I KATALIZ Vol III, No 5,.19b2 CONTENTS (continued) PAGE RUSS. PAGE The Catalytic Hydrogenation of 3-Sulfolene. A. V. Mashkina, A. V. Khramov. and V. 1. Chornov The Structureof Soe Silicate Catalysts. I,. G. Karahhev and A. D. Mkataov * The Catalytic Properties of I itanium Dioxide and Its Solid Solutions. 1. S. Sasonova. T. P. Khokhlova, G. M. Sushentseva. and N. P. Keler The Influence of the Temperature of Ignition of the Oxides of Rare Earth Elements on Their Catalytic Activity. L. A. Sazonov and M. 0. Logvlnenko Isotherms and Differential HeAu for the Adsorption of Certain Alkanes and Naphthenes on Silica Gel. A. V. Kiselev and B. A. Frolov Iotherm. and Heats of Adsorption for Adsorption of Vapors of Certain Aromatic HydrocarbontonSilicaGel. A. V, Kisclev and D. A. Frolov The Dynanic Method of netermilning Specific Surface of Absorbents According to Adsorption from a Stram of Solvent. V. T. Bykov and O. 1B. Presnyakova '184 Application of Infrared spetomscopy to the Investigation of Natural Sorbents. V. T. Bykov and V. N. Sushin.. i Glass Cell with Conducting Walls for Measuring Contact Potential Diffetmnon. V. A. Lyando, Yu. A. Alabushev, I. S. Sa.zonova, and L. A. Babonov.. 6o1 194 Method of Studying Catalysts Showing a Rapid Change In Activity in the Couse ofthereaction. M. N, Shendrik. G. K. BoroikOV, A. M. Garyalftova, attd M. 0. 1iln'o.,..,.,.,., 84 7'17 Available From Consultants Bureau - 282

297 KOKS I KHIIYA No 12, 1962 CONTENTS RAW MAIIUAL FOR COKING; PRPARATION AND -modernizing sulphate plant flowahsests. S CONCENTRATION OF COALS V.D. Peresim, Mechanical removal and utilization of adventitious solids in coal A.M. Kothin amd Eo. Ros/nova Plotation of tar.a s al-rriescoagulated with polyaoryluaide. a G.A. Zilbrg and S.N, &ora. Influence of V. K ddla and V. hehrvdf, Separate crushing ultrasonics on the crystallization of of cols naphthalene K.A. Belov, V.M. Zaieheako, S. Aronev, N.N. NechiporernA, G.P. Kukulin, 1.G. Yu. B, Tyntyunntkov wnd V. Ye. Tseparit. Fedorchanko and B.A. Mimet lak. The Coking Douats, gas cols of coarened size chlorination of thiophen analysis V.9. Privelo, B.E. Kogsn and VN. Houikow. O.K. Petrik. Sh. Sorym-ook m0 0. hieov. Rectification of heavy pyridine base. 43 Laboratory detersination of the coking D.S. Petrankc. Separator liquor as refluz capacity of coals and charges for the samonia column The resalts of a discussion COK PRODUCTION PRODUCTION SOOMICSCS AND ORdtNIZATInN OP LABOUR N.Z. Sh be.uh. Output figures and wage A. V. Mardukhovch end Y. Ye. thvelame. systems for the workers in basic coke and Increasing the capacity of existing coke- hmioal plants oven batteries P. Ksporem, Yu. K. Nlkitin, V.V. Raov, V,Z. Raekin and A. Iusnelsov& Large- CONSTNXUlON, PLANT AND POWR capacity coke ovens for the coking of Kumnetak.ooal A.$. Rubotntkeu. COke-oven machines operating F.A. Musatin, N. Kh. Churhaesa and BZ. on alternating current so Berhutov. Box coking a,oal charge with additions of blast-furnmae flue-dust X.0. a,lynev. Mesuring the surface tepersture of the brickwork of coke-oven COK AND CH1 CALS IN OflM COUTKIO N chambers G.M. Den es. Production of coke briquettes from non-ooking or poorly-noklns ocals by stans of ost tratent lmmi AND kioobruio OP COKING PXOCIMS M. Y4, FlnkI. Modernising sulphate plant IMPOWIATIO4 AND EW flowhoet L.F. Ksee.l,#.k,.1. Podadlco' and Y.M. S. Teyalyea. The realoument of resin 8i1eehalheo. Coments on Pinkel's article impregnated pipuqod with tpertiowy.. 5 Available From Coal Tar Reaearch Association

298 101LOIDNYI ZHURNAL Volume 24, Number 5 September-October, 1962 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE The Modification of Highly Dispersed Silica Gel Aerosols by Hydrothermal Treatment. B. G. Aristov, V. Ya. Davydov. 1. V. Drogaleva. A. P. Kornaukhov, A. V. K iociov. A. Ia. r,.oroiev. and A. L. Polyakov Noniteady-State Growth of Solution Droplew. 1. Concentration Relaxation. M. V. i 11ov Investigation of Peat Structure by Means of Air Filtration. M. P. VoIarovich. G. I. Kushman. and G. Ya. Voronkov Change in Mechanical Strength of Plasticized Polyvinylchloride in Low Molecular Liquids. V. A. Voskresenskii and S. S. shakirsyanova Rheological and Printing Properties of VatDye Pastes. L. M. Golomb Exchange Sorption of Anions of Organic Acids in Relation to Their Structure. A. T. Dav ydov and L. 1. Ponlrovskaya Role of Monomer Distribution Between Phues in Emulsion Copolymerzation of Acrylonitrile and Vinyl Acetate. I. S. Dorokhina. A. D. Abkin. an V. S. Klimenkov Turbulent Coagulation of Charged Particles Having Nearly the Same Dimensions. S. Dukhin and Yu. V. Shulepov Investigation of Carboxymethylcellulose-8tabilized Aqueous Alundum Suspensions for Coating bymeansofzletrophoresis. K. F. Zhigach, B. D. Luft, M. Z. Finkei'shteln. 1. S. Goloihchapova. 1. M. Timokhln. and I. B. Chuvilina Intluence of Various Factors on the Low-Temperature Stability of Synthetic Latexes. 1. Effect of Changes in the WaterPhae. A. V. Lebedev. S. M. MInts, P. 1. Rakhlin, and M. N. Zinov'eva Influence of Various Factor. on the Low-Temperature Stability of Synthetic Lates. 9. Effect of Changes in thepolymerphase. A. V. Lebedev. B. M. Mints. P. 1. Rakhlin. and M. N. Zinov'eva Crystaiimation structure in the Contact Zone Between Aggregate and Cement in Concrete. T. Yu. Lyubisliuva and 1. k. PInui The Diffusion of Direct Dye in acellophane Film. B. N. Mel'nlkov, P. V. Moryganov. and M. N. Kirillova lh8 Stability and Coagulation of Synthetic Latexes. 3. Effect of ph on the Kinetics of Slow Coagulation of nutadien,-styrenelatexes by Elecrolytes. R. 9. Neiman and V. N. Vereahnikov.., Stability and Coagulation of Synthetic Latexes. 4. Chuacteristlcs of the Coagulation Kinetics of Ad,.orptlonSaturatedLatexc. R. 1. Neiman and V. N. Veteshnikov Incresing the Frost Resistance of Synthetic Latexes and Their Oil- Water Emulsion Models. 599 K. A. Pospelova, T. A. Yoobleva and P. Zbov.. EffectofNitrolignin onrhuds. V. P. Rudi and A. Ya. Dombrovskaya The ThermodynamiCs of Polythers. 9. Comparison of Deductions from Mesophase Thermodynamlas withexperimentallata. V. K. Semenchenko and M. M. Mantynyuk.., Organoillcon Gels. 1. The Adsorption Properties of Gels and Powders of Methyilllicle Acid (Methyillanemio). I. B. Slinyakova and I. R. Nelmaik.. f Available From Consultants Bureau (coninued)

299 KOLLOIDNYI ZHUMAL Vol XXIV, No 5, 1962 CONTENTS (continued) Effect of Surface-ACtive Agents on the 8hearStrength and Thixotropy of Aluminum Hydroxide PastesnVmelneOil[WhitsOil]. A. A. Trapeunikov and R. N. Shcherbakova PAGE RUSS. PAGE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Mechanical Properties of a Polymer Mixture in Relation to Composition. V. N. K Lisa nev and B. A. Dogadkin Structural-Mechanical Propertim of Surface Layes of Emulsifiers and the Mechanism of Stabilization of Concentrated Emulsions. A. B. Taubman and S. A. Nikitnua DISCUSSION Dielectric Constant of a Waer-O1 Emulsion. Andties Veet Reply to the Letter of A Vest. 'Dielectric Constant of a Water-Oil Emuluion'. Yu. F. Dcillcga, A. V. Dumanskil. and 0. D. Kurilenko Reply to Letter of B. V. Deryagin and S. P. Baitanov. 'The Question of Priority In the Development of the Theory of Diffusiophoresis and Thernophoresis of Small Aerosol Particles. N. A. Puks Reply to N. A. Pults' Remarks on Letter to the Editors of the Colloid Journal ( , 1961). B. V. Deryagin and S. Ps Dakanov..,..,., Available From Conoultants Bureau

300 Soviet Physics CRYSTALLOGRAPHY.' A Translatin of the journal 'Wrlstallogal' (Russian Original Vol. 7, No, 6, pp , November- December, 1982) Vol. 7, No. 6, pp May-June, 1983 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE NIkoIA Naumovich Siteftal' (sixtieth Anniversary) othe 1651 Subntov Groups, A. M. Zamotzaev BIB Limit Groups of Double Antisyminetry. L. A. Situvaloy Structures of Alternating Thomson Cubes and Bipyramidal with Ovcr-AlU Cubic or Diamond Symrmetry. N, L. Smirnova and N, V. Belov.. 8' The Cation Dlsposition in the Spinal CuM, 4 A. L. Zaulavski, Z, V. Karachentseva, and A,. Zharinova Structure of Thin Films of TlBiSel. L. I. Man and S. A. Semniletov An X-Ray Study of Some AlB Compounds which Display Daviation, from stoichionlc~ry,a,i ly~'s, ndna.goryunova An Eeto i rcinsuyo the Stru of Cementite. A. 1. Gardin The Crystal Structure of the Highest Beryllidos of Molybdenum, Wolfram and Rhenium. N. N. NlAtyushenko, L. P. Vorlkhorobin, N. S. Pugachey, And N. V. Sivokon' An iclctton-diffractlon Study of the Amorphous Structures of Compounds of Ga. In. and Sb with So and To. A. AndrievolibjLD, %Nbitovich, and Ya. V. Voloshchult.. I The Structural Features of Monocrystalline Layers of CclTo. M, A. ltumsh, P, T. Novik, and TM.7.IMkIna Layer Sequecescc in Mixed-Layer VOrMiCUlite-Biotite Structures. Yu. ak ovo An X-Ray Study of Radial Distributions In Amorphous Solid Sltosof Sulfur with P 4 S 11. A. 1, Soklalrovand G. S.Zhdanoy eBe Dimensions of Spots on Single.Crrygtal X-RAy Photographs, and Their Relationship to Block Size, Disoriontation, and to Dispersion of Lattice Parameter. Yu, A. Sagaryauli e6 Thu Kinetics of the Growth Forms of Ctystals. A, A. Chernriv The Formation Conditions of Large-Angle Boundaries. L N. Kidin and M. A. Shtremel', Processes 0oi the Surfaces of Monocrystals. IV. High-Tamporature Processes on Arbitrary Sections of Ionic Monocrystals. Ye. E. Geguzin, V. V. Koryakska. and L. S. Karitonova Availabl.e From iui I~ist of Phyoica Soy Phys - Crystal (continueod) Vol VII, Vo

301 IMISTALLOGRAFIYA Vol Vill NO b, 196Z2 CONTENTS (cantinued) Optical Activity of Crystals Of the Planar Classes of the Middle Groups. P. b Pedorov. 1. V. I kutj. and A. F. Konswtanrnova Internal Cca 'eraton. oflastic Waves. A. G. Kb..c Old PAGE RUSS. PAGE Changes in the structure of Amorphous Quartz on Heating in Hydrogen. L1. B alygin On the Orientation of Graphite Arising on Diamond as A Result of its Allotropic: Conversion on Heating. VM, Titova and S. L sstegndler Elastic Properties of Some Sulfate Heptahydrate Crystals. K, S, AledAandrov, T. V. yzov,na. LRottstntiva..I ~00 The Irwoarse Piaoletic Effect in Triglycine Sulfate. A. A. Fotchenkov and M.P. Zaitseva Possible Interactions of Complete Dislocations in Hexagonal Close-Packed Crystals. A. A.Predvaditelov BRIEF COMMUNICATiUNS Magnetic Structure of Yttlriu Ferrite. Yu. S. Kuzrn~riov, L. L Yanmin, and N. V. Blov d1 Coherent -Sczattering Amplitude for Thermal Neutrons and Yttriumn Nuclei. Yu. S. Kuznsinov, I. 1. Yanizin, E. L Mal'tav, and N. V. Baby.. 7 li Calculation of Electric Fields in Ionic Crystals. V. N. Lubimov, Yu, N. Venevtsev, and E. u. Koiransikays NO0 Crystallization of KXIg.P. Kstkn T, G, Petrov, and E, B. Treivus Corrections to the Normal Equations in the Lout-Squares Method of Refining Crystal Structures. V, P. DvoryAnkin and TV. A. Prusentsev * Preparation of Germanium Layers by the Iodide Method. G, A. Kurav. I.. * Effect of Elongation of Crystals on the Reflection Intensity Distributions of Electron- Diffraction Patterns from Lamalla&r-Tetused Specimens. B. B. Evysgin S Srrata Ol Avatilable From Amer Inet of Mlysice Soy Phys - Crysatal Vol Vill No

302 Complete English Transiatiou of Russian Foundry Journal Liteinos Prolavo delve N~o 11, 1962 NOVEMBE~R 1962 Improving the quality of steel G13L 0. D. Molay elc at Use of natural gas lit large cupolas N. A. Vrorva et at Modifying Influence of ladle additions on the conting properties ofpearlie steels N. S. Kresha. dhanoiet fat Moulding technique for steel cilitings uising ailicate-bonded sand N. I.A.vertntAA 496 Cruep-resisting casting alloys L. ft. Geso and N. P. Ziahu lianned castings produetion At X. Syyarkli I A range of graikty diecasting machlnes for foundries In lnstrument-making works M. Parnes 501 Gravity diecasting ofeatral-hesting raditrsr P. E. Go! 'makhle, and Z.OK. Gliluer. 503 Automatic machine for grinding the ends of fitlings.4, 1. Makec 505 Influence of ticiting conditions on the gas Loteunt of cast Iron L. 1. I Controlling the cooling of castings In the mould B. V'. DAhus/tkin and D. V. Rob! novich 511 Influence of chemical composition on the microstructure and strengtlh ecopertie of white iroa Ri. Kanieissk Kinetics of the transfer of sulphisr trnm Iran to slag V/. A4. Grlgoryan and V. A. M~arlehee 515 Hydrogen absorption and the fluidity of cast Iron H.4A. Nokov and A. V. Kajhtrzkl 518 Modification of graphitic steels by ladle additions A4. C. Krlvoshocy ci at, 520 Coeilk~ont of friction between casting and metal mould L. ft. Kogan a,d G. F. Gorbed'skl 521 Exchange of experiene Use of briquetteci Iron?,Warr New bearing alloys..25 Elfeclveness of treatment with rare-earth alloys., 525 Yttrium as a graphite sphcroi~er w 526 Casting IIK-2 babbit Inserts In ADIOO diesel locomsotive engine bushes. 526 Casting the aeroroil sections of turbocharger rotors 527, Chili tasting conveyor for shaped Iron sower fittings Casting vibration damper weights for With-voltage lransnslons $2 CarburitiIroh la the ladle Piston rings made from g Improved exhaust system for the waste gases from mould surface dryerm 530 Loiters to the editor : Problem of pencil gating systems..31 Hlgh-manganso steel.. Available Fro~m Blritish Casit Trort Roeerch Association

303 RADIOBIOLOGIA Vol 11, No 2, 19b2- TABLE OF CONTENTS page Mechanism of protective antioxidative action of some sulfur-containing compounds. 1 Relative effectiveness of direct and indirect action of ionizing radiation on deoxyribonucleic acid, Oxidative phosphorylation and transformation of pyruvic acid in cerebral mitochrondia of normal and irradiated animals. 21 Cholesterol metabolism in dogs during radiation sickness. 29 Effects of the oxidation products of adrenaline upon radiation leukopenia. 32 Acceleration of the elimination of yttrium, cerium and lead from the organism with the aid of.uramil diacetate, l,2-diaminecyclohexane tetraacetate and polyethylene polyaminopolyacetate, 40 Accumulation of radioactive isotopes of strontium and yttrium in eggas of marine fishes, 50. Comparative study of the effects of X radiations at 197 kv and braking radiations generated with a linear accelerator at 3 Mev upon the organism of animals, 57 PeculiarLties of the dependence of death of mice 'under-theray' upon dose, 64 Effect of ionizing radiation upon the function of ciliated epithelium of frog esophagus. 72 Significance of the disturbance of central vegetative regulation upon injury of the cardiovascular system by the action of ionizing radiation. 81 Influence of hypothalamus and reticular formation of midbrain upon electrical activity of various cortical layers In radiation sickness. 91 Blood flow in the liver of healthy and irradiated dogs and those affected' by ionizing radiation, g Effects of ionizing radiations upon reactivity of adrenergic and cholinergic receptors, 107 Available From AEC.Tr

304 RADIOBIOLOOIYA Vol II, No 2, 1962 Contents (Cont'd) page Study of radioactivity of benthonic animals in freshwater reservoirs. 122 Changes of radiosenstivity in nerve tissue. 129 On the problem of the state of the central link of the vascular unconditioned-reflex arc in radiation pathologye 139 Behavior of the fruit fly (Drosophila Melanogester) during irradiation, 150 Investigation of the state of the aortic reflex are at various titagos of radiation sickness, 161 Deviations of higher nervous activity in second generation of dogs subjected to chronic internal irradiation with Sr 9 0 beta rays. 171 Dependence of the frequency of occurrence of Aiminant lethal mutations in the spermatids of Drosophila upon dose of irradiation with fast neutrons. 181 Increamed radioprotective effect from a combined use of 5-methoxytryptamine and mercamine. 188 Significance of time factor in radioprotective effect of local asphyxia of bone marrow. 196 Restoration processes in the bone marrow of irradiated rats after treatment with homologous bone marrow. 202 Effects of radioprotective substances upon EsaherLohia Celi irradiated in oxygen-free medium, 214 The roentgen and red and conditions of their application. 222 Letters to the Editor. 237 Stimulation of immun genesis of irradiated animals with combined use of some bacterial antigens. 237 On a possible common mechanirm of action of radioproteotors. 238 Available From AEC-Tr

305 RADIOTEIUMIKA I ILMURONTKA RADIO EN4GINEERING AND ELEMIONIC PHYSICS NUMBER CONTENTS pape V. A. Kotallnikov, L. V. Aprakein, V.0. Voytov, Mv.Ga. GolUbtgov, V. M. DUbrovin. N. M. Zaytsev, Ye. D. Korenborg, V. P. Minashin, V. A. Morozov, N. 1. NIkI tskiy, G. M. Petrov, 0. N. Rzhila, and A.M. Slhalhovskoy: Radar Syntorn Employed During Radar Contact with Venus in V. A. Kotel'nikovi V. M. Dubrovin, V. A. Morozov. G. M. Patrov, 0. N, Itzhipf, Z.G0. Trunova. and A.Mlv. Shakhovskayt Results of Radar Contact with Venus in V. 1. Bunimovich and V. A.?dorozov: Small-Signal Reception by the Method of Binary Integration.. II V. A. Morozov and Z.G0. Trunovai Weak- Signal Used In Radar Contact with Venus inis A. A. Semenov and Chen' Zhun-f an':i Nature of Output Signal Fluctuations in Interferenee Reception of Radio Waves on Surface 1749 L. S. Karatetakly and A. F. Yemellyanov: Influence of RF Coupling Between Detectors on Accuracy, of the Correlation Method of Measurini; Fl'iauaticne in Microwave Oscillators V. 1. Tildhonov and V. A. Larkov: Experimontal Investigation turbano.. of Frequency Die Mv. S. Bobrovnik~v and R. P. Starovoitova: Excltation of a Dihedral Right Angle with Impedance Edges lies B.S. Fol. P. Sh. rldborg and 1. B. Levinson: Theory of Broadband Nonxeturning Echo Cavities of Spherical Form V. A. Yugov and G. A. Yugova: Film Bolomoters In Heads with Fixed Tuning for te Measurement of Microwave Power V. T. Oveharov and V. A. Solntaev: Simplified Nonlinear Equations of a Traveling- Wavo Tubo P. Pouint Theory of a Transverse Current Traveling-Wave Tube P. Petint Invostigation of a Traneverso- Current Tube with Santing Helix Yu. V. Bogomolov: Determnination of the Inversion Levels of a Nuantum Paramagnotio Amplifier Yu. V. Gott and V. 0. Tellkovekiy: Energy Loases of Light lon In Thin Metallic Foils D3RIEF COMMUNICATIONS V.V. Migulin: Combined Parametric Excitation and Osaillation M. D. Karasev, 1. V. Korabiev, Ad A. A. Rabinovieh-Vi,.ull' Measurement of the Noise Amplitudes in a Nonlinear ResistAnee Frequpeoy Amplifier A. L. Milcaelyan, and V. V. D'yachenke: New Type of Ferrite Magnetostatic Amplifier M. 1. Potclin, and A. A. Phaposhnikovi Use of refocusing matte for the Amplification of High-Frequency Signals.. I g V. B. Sandornlrskiy: Theory of Quantum Effects in the Electrical Conductivity of Somnanduoting Films i T. L. Matekevich, T. V. Ereehino, and A. P. Kassniseyt Therilonlo Emission of TaB REVIEWS AND B1ZUBLiOOAH Avail.ablen From American Intitute of Eletrical Engineers

306 RADIOTEKHIKA I E10ERONIKAt RADIO ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS NUNBER CONTENTS E.S. Parils Suirvey of Ion-rElectron, Emission nhesry IR.M. ln L. Ye. Kopilovich and S. Ya. Braudet Amplitude and Phase of a Field with Log- Normal Distribution of Components V.V. Merialcri and RB, Vaganor. Procedure for Experimental Investigation of Mode Changng in Short Waveguide Sections V.Ya. Smorgonskly, E 0 1 Mode In a Coaxial Cable with Elliptical Conductors Ye.A. Staichoy: Investigation of the Modulation Characteristics of Gas-Disoharre Microwave Attenuators V.T. Oveharov and V.A. Solntsevi Application of Simplified Nonlinear Equations for a Traveling-Wave Tube to the Design of Type-O Tubes. I..186es S.A. Akhmanov, V.N. Yeshtoiln, PAd V.P, Marehenko: Method of ldeuuring the Fluctuation Spectra of Microwave Oscillators. 6. t H. L. Burshteyn and O.V. Vosicrcsenskiy. Field Power Calculations for Charged Particles with Uniform Motion Within Slow-Wave Structures I.V. Alyarnoviyt Influence of a Magnetic Field on the Refraction of an Anode Lena in an Electron- Be a-shaping System A. L. Agritskiy: Calculation of the Focus Ing of an Electron Beam by a, Periodic Magnetic Field in a Traveling-Wave Tube with Shielded Cathode A.K. Muuin, D.N. Novichiccy, and K.N. Uflyanov: Plasma Itetardation in a Magnetic Diffuser M. Draganesou: Noulinukr Equations of the Charge Analysis for Calculation of Processes in Transistors G.V. Dor-Shvarts and Yu.V. Kuiiov: Theory of Tolorances In Electron-Optical Devices A.A. Ostroukhov: Interpretation of the Short Effect Curves of Thorinionic Semiconductor Cathodes V.I. Sidorcv and T.M. Lifshits: Photoelectric Properties of Germanium Alloyed with Gold and Zino BIEFF COMMUNICATIONS E.M. Laziycv and E. D. Gnzaazyan: Cylindrical Cavity with Dielectric Filling V. V. Origorlyatits and l.n. Orayovskiy-i Compensation Method of Measuring the Eff Iolency of a Maser Beam A. S. Petrov: Grain of a Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifier with Loamy Diodes V. K. Somenovsidyi 9w Itching TealTunlDoeTigrdbaVlte mp 1944 A.A. Outkin, D.N. Nasledov, V.Ye. Sedov, and B.V. Tsarancov: GaAs Solar C Kreynina: Volt-Ampeire Characteristics of Composite Metal-Dielectric- M~etal Cathodes..., B.,V. Bondarenc and S.V. Yermakov: Thermionic Properties of Mertal Carbides of GroupsIV andv.. S. V. Yorznnkov and B.M. Tsarev: Thermionic Emission of ilildes oetals i 1883; the Transition Groups of the Periodic Table e LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Ya.BS. Shifrin: Apropos of the Article ' Correlation Characteristie& of the Field of CONTENTS FOR Aval.lable From American Institute of Electrical Engineers Page -292


308 TEORIYA VEROYATNORMY I YEYE PDR.n Vol VII, No 2, 1962 YA CONTENTS Limit theorems for sums 1 inependeat variables tdag into account large deviations fli.. Yu. V. LrNmx 115 Dluslon procms dmding on a sall parameter. Yu. 1.AovzSNsxcxwc 180 Consistent (emiln.of measure and their srtesons.. N. X. Voo v 147 Somw theone on non-lattioed random walk.. A. A. Doaovxov 16 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Xvel llial theorems for stable imit dlsteibutlons.. A. A. Mh:AAusx's 180 LotWston of the conoept of an excessive function conneoted with a Markov process.. IL 0. Soman IU On the Limit behavior of compositions of easures In the plane and spae of LUbeaoleky.. V. N. TuWDNAIM 189 On the stroture of the inilnltulmal a-alpbra of & Ou gn Procns V. N. TWUMALw and I. 1. FmnuL= 190 Optimal binr codes for small rates at transmission of Information R. L. Dozxiwum 190 O liat theorems for stationary processe SIAI 204 O the problm of filtration of stationay proesses.. R. F. watv 111 hmaay of Paprs presented at the sessions of the Probability ad Statistic Seeths of lbe MoNow bathematal Sodety (Decembesr 16-4fay INI).. I18 Rei& 'ad blisphy U7 Available From Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics

309 Tsvetnye Morally Table of Contents Vo., No. 4 iot--ferrous Metals April, 1962 English Translation The Direction of Work in the Special Design Office of Ointevotmet, by M. M. Lakernik and Oluahkov.. 1 (1) Reserves Available for Improving Concentrate Quality and Increasing Metals Extraction when Concentrating Pyritic Ores from the Urals, by A.I. Golomzik, A.A. Golikov and F.I. Nagirnyak.. 4 (4) Complex Use of Copper-Zino Ores from the Urals, by B. N. Sohiev.. 8 (7) Influonce of a Non-Polar Reagent Border for the Bubble Contact Area with Mineral Particles on their Adhesion Strengths in Flotation 1 :by V.I. Klassen, So. Xrokhin and S.A. Tikhonov (9) Briquetting Fine Copper Ores and Concentrates, by K. I. Ushakov, L. A. Blinova and M. A. Volynakaya (12) Test Smelting of Oxidized Nickel Ores on an Industrial Shaft Furnace, by L. L. Chormnak and A. E. Burochkin (22) Influenoe of Zinc Ions on Cathodio Cadmium Deposit Struotures and on Electrolysis Indexes, by 0. A, Khan and 0. N. Soonovskii (24) Experimental Basis for Steam Granulation of Discard Nickel Slags Employing their Physical Heat to Preheat the Blast Air of Shaft Furnaces, by Z.L. Berlin and Yu.A. Bykhovskii 29 (28) Mechanized and Automated Line for Melting and Casting Zino, by I. N. Sakharov (34) Introducing a New Method of Producing Zinc Oxide to Meet the Needs of the Paint and Varnish and Other Divisions of Industry, by A.K. Evdokimova, M.V. PotapovA.K. Shakhnazar. 42 (41) Method of Deoomposing and Alkali-Caloium Deposit Obtained in the'hydroohemioal Processing of Nephelites, by M.G. Manvalyan A.G. Sayadiran,A.A.Abramyan,D.A.Mikaelyan,F.O.Mosinyan and S. E. Kepanteyan...e (46) Automatic Regulation of the Continuous Bauxite Leaching Prooess, by V.I. Gusarov, A.M. Samoilin and A.A. Burgardt (49) An Examination of the Process of Chlorinating Loparite Ooncontrate, by A.S. Berengard, I.E. Vil'komirskii, V.A. X- zhemyakin, T.S. Sedykh and O.A. Erokhina.., (56) Remolting the Teohnnlogical Dusts of a Tin Plant in Order to Concentrate Indium, by V.V.Moehkna,VY.Pdkrovsaiand D.I.Repkin. 63 (61) Influence of Cold Deformation and Annealing on the Meohanical Properties of Commercial Titanium, by V. S. Mikheev and A. S. Poplaukhin (64) Using Low-Frequency Vibrations in the Continuous Casting of Beryllium Bronze, by 0.1. Pogodin-Alekseev, V.M. Oavrilov and F. V. Korolev (69) Chrome Losses in the Production of Chrome Bronze, by D. 0. Butomo (74) Shutting Down Shaft Furnaces for an Extended Period Without Blow-Off, by B. N. Zakharov (83) Report (84 Foroign Techniques (861 Rdview of 'Zinc Me allurgy )!ev Technical Literature Available From Primary &urcca

310 USPEKI F IZICHESKIE NAUK Vol LXXVII, Nos 1-2, 1962 Russian CON TNITS Page Reference Electron Theory of Transition Metals, S. V. Vonsovokil and Yu. A, lzyumov On the 'Speoal Role' of the Electromagnetic Potentials in Quantum Mechanics L. Folhberg Atomic Weight BSeal tsc - 19 and New Tables of,tomto Weights of Elements and Nuclide M acss.. V. A. Kravtnov , 65 High Power Electronics P. L. Kapitza , 181 Investigation of the Electron Structure of Metals with the Aid of Nuclear Magnatio Resonance.. I. F. Shohegolev , 267 V. K. Lebednakl; Editor of Physics Journals M. I. Hadovakil 843 To. 345 Available From Amer Inst of Pbya Sov rhys - Uspekfll Vol V, No

311 RUSSIAN September 1882 CHEMICAL REVIEWS Uspekhl Khlm1i CONTENTS PA (102B) 485 Graft polymers G.S.KOLESNIKOV and T89NO HAN-MINO (1046) 496 Present state at ton-exchange catlysts N. G. POLYANSKII (1076) 612 The metal chemistry of vanadium I. I. ICORNILOV and N. M. MATVENVA (1104) - Theconfiuraton of proteins in solution 3.3. LEACH Translated into Russian from Rev.Pure Appl. Chem. (Australia), 9, 33 (1959). Available From The Chemical Society

312 RUSSIAN October 1962 CHEMICAL REVIEWS Uspekhl Khlmii CONTENTS PAnt (1137) 52D Chemistry of vinylethynylcarbinols B. A. VARTANYAN (1105) 543 The reactivity of acetals and ionic telomerisation (1179) 549 Xylan M. S. DU DKIN A. V. BOGDANOVA, U. I. PL.CIl'NIKOVA, and M. F, SHOSTAKOVSKIn (1191) 556 Steric confiuration of piperidine derivatives N. S. PROSTAKOV and N, N. MIKHEEVA (1217) 569 Electrolytic reduction of acetylenic bonds A. P.TOMILOV (1231) 57B The method of molenular orbitals and spin density in paramagnetic resonance 1, D. MOROZOVA (1257) A new family of organic compounds - cyanohydrocarbons J. REMOND Translated into Russian from Rev.Prod.chim., 63, 407 (1960). Available Frorm The Che,ical Society

313 RUSSIAN November 1962 CHEMICAL Uspekht Khlmlt CONTENTS (1265) 689 The multiplet theory of catalysis. Structural factors in catalysis A. A. BALANDIN (1309) 51i Reactions of nitriles with hydrogen halides and nucieophilic reagents E. N. ZlL'DERMAN (134B) 633 Chemical advances in synthesis and reactions of diarylureas D, F. KUTEPOV (1394) 655 The chemistry of aqueous solutions of uirconium salts (does the sirconyl ion exist?) A. S. SOLOVIUN and 8. V. TBVETKOVA Available From Tho Chemical Society

314 USPEKM MATEATICHESKiKH NAUK Volume 17 Number 4 July-Aug YLI, P. Ginzburg and I. S. Iokhvidov Investigations in the geometry of infinite-dimensional spaces with a bilinear metric A. A. Kirillov Unitary representations of 53 nilpotent Lie groups Available From Cleaver-Huma FPres Boris Vladimirovich Gnedeako 105 (on his fiftieth birthday) Leonid Vital'evich Kantorovich 115 (on his fiftieth birthday) I

315 ZHUHAL EKSPElIUNDTAL '190 T'EORETICHESKOI FIZIKI Vo.AIIii, No 5, Ruisign 'A CONTENTS Page.*Reference1 & inelastic Nucle~n-nuoleork Interactions A. Kuchin and P. A, Uik ,. _1569' Polarization ofprotons from Stripping. Rteaion-s oan-ligt and Iisdiumn Nuclei.. ~ '.- *.V:Pasechnik,.L. S. SAltvkov. andi D. I. TambovtseV 1, '4,.'37~ Determin'atiion of thespi'n' _Eu u~ V. M. Lobashov, V. A. Nftisrenko, and'lu. F, Saenko 114,1'.43' '1570., Breakup of C11 into Three'Al pha. Partke lea Accompanying Inelastic scattering of 80-MOV.-! w*mosons..v. Bogatin; Z.Novac, and V. 1. Ostroumot' :'111le6 43., 1BSE'- *Finite-amplitude Elastic Wave. in Pol1ds and Deviations from Hooke's Law A. A;.Gedrofts and V. A. Krasill'tikov. 112i, '43, Craig Sections for 124otoprotonlthctions in'lead.. v A.. Yu, Y 1 oin.0 Shevchenkoaui Yur'pv Caachdo Coulomb Excitation'of. 44 and 6' -Rotational Levels...,.,;..0. F. Afonin. Yta.-P. Gangreki!, 1. Xh. Leznbeig. and V. A. Najbichvrisfivili. 1130, Energy Distributions of Photofission Fragments from U233 inyciii for- Braaitrahiung of ': *.--' '. Dirferont Maximum Energies B.' A.' Boohagov; A. P. Komar, and 0.' E. Solyaltin, , '1011 investigation or the Effect of an Exteirnal Magnetic- Field 'on the Development of a Puis * Discharge i Argon:.*. S. i. Andreev,' M. P. Vaniyukov, and A. T. Starovoltv q6.Simple Nuclear Reactions of Cad t wiih High-energy Protons.'.. I... I1. Levenber.V. Pokrovskil'and 1. Yutlandov 114q-, * 43, lei?. ;,tlttinies of the Excited States of Defo-mej 15y'60, -LOT'.IHf'?1* and frill Nuclei... E. I Berlovio4, Yu. kc. tgusev, V. V. 1f'in, and M. K. Nikitin 114,4 4, Croon Aetions for Diedochatof of DlI :lono in Colligionh with Dj 'Molecules itk the Energy,. R~ange from 3.5 to 100 kev.. E. kupriysaov. A. A. PerOv, aud N., ri, Tunitsklt 1152 '.43.-' VIriation of the Saituration Magnsatikol of Forromnagnitlo Substancs at Helifm Temper' I11,..atures' ,. I:.. N. v. Zav'ritskiT anid-v. A. Tsarev ' Angular Anisotropy of the Gammak Quanta Accompanying U 1 36 Fiqsion., ,x M.. V, Rlinov, N4. M. Kazario~ov, A. N. Protopopov, and V. M. Shiryaev 1159,: 43i~, '1644. ~~Decay. of Sorne Millisecond Isome's...,. S.. V. IV.- lemiev, ku. 8. ikordi, A. P.1(lyuoharev, anda M. Smlrnov Iits P,4'3, k649,. 'Polarization Properties of Synchrotron Radiation from High'energy Eleetrons FV. A. Korolev, O.-F. Kullikov,.and A. S. Yarov'.'1165 * 43., Emission Pf past tnauterons In the Photodisintegraiion of 016e * P.A. Kqnmar, A. V. Kuiikov, V. P. Chizhov; 1, P. Yavor, and Yu. M. ValkoV, les65 1,Inv.tigation, of thle it, P) C 14 Reaction.'.. B. Kuhn, V. 1. Salatikil, and 1. V. dizov.l. *, ~6O Triple Scattering of 560-MaV Protong, IL Angular~ Dependence of the Parameter R.,~ Y..I U. P, Kunelkin, Md. 0. Meshcheryakov, S. B. Nurushev, and a. D. Stoletov _ ,Y' 366- An investigation of. (p. 'xn) and (p, lpxn.) Nudlear Reactions on Separated Teilurium 150. * topes..n. 0. Za~tseva, M. Ya.'Kuinetsova, MinNam Buk, antdy. A. KhRlkin.116'0' 43, 10W2$' ~nvestigation of. ti). Four-fermion'Interaction by Means of Unitarity anti Analytioity.. a Yua. A. Simonov.1184 '4,*55 Resonance 'Interantions 'of K'Mesons.. YB. 1. Oraaaovskiland A. A. Pantyughin , 1684,- Anomalous Diffunion of mi-ow-density Current-carrying Plasma Ina Magnetic Field L Kadomiliev 1191:i i.plioton'shows rs Produced by High-energy Muons.. : (.lvegdalin 11es,'k 43:,19,.Equilibrium Shapes and Fission of a Rotating Nucleuit..0. 'A. Pik-Pichak 1201 '43, T.701 *Posaible'Role of Vector'Mesons in Elastc Scattering of.high-energy Plans and Protons.. 4, O.Arushanov '1 0 43,' 170 pelaive Intensities of Nucloar.Quadruriols Resonance ines Of Sbll In Antimony Triohiaride.,.,. ; V. 0. Orechishcin and 1. A. Kuntsel , 171i1. On the Theory of Relativistic Cotulomb Scattering V. a. Gorshltov, %- 43. ; 1714 Expansion of the Scattering Anapliudd In Relativistic Spherical Functions S. Shapiro , Inolastid Diffracoiia Processes atili1gh Enaergies E. D. Zhizhin and Vu. P. Nikitia ' 43, 4731' Effect of Radiation Processes ofi Transiport Phenomena In at Plasma in a Strong Magnetic, Field A. 1. AkhIeaer, V. a. flar'yakhti. ands. V.'PesatminskiT -'1231,. 43, 1743 Depolarization of M- eona In Solids.. iv. a. Nosovgand 1. V. -Yahovieva ' Excitation of the -2& and 2p Levels of the Hydrogen Atom by Slow Eleqtkronh :.. R. Ys. Darnburg nd-r. K. Peterkop i 1165 AFom Factor Satisfying the bjitsrfty Condition).. I.. M. 8. Marlnav : Curtvnt Fluctuntlong. In9mtoonductors Near i Non-equlibrlum Statiounary State I ,.. Avdi2,able Vidhi hml' Indt of 1'iiyi'.'. '%1252 V. L, OurevIch , ov Pha -. =Jr' V. Vo?5

316 J~-YoJ.XLl1, o5j19b2' 'Cdi TENTS7'contlnued A 1 age Russianc. Radiative Corrections to Energy Losses of Particqies in a Medium ',.X. N. reytovtoh' 1260'-' 43',1.)78,2'1 Spin Waves and'paramagnitio Relaxcation in a Fermi Liquid..,..,~ P. 1oatova and 0, Mililnhbcrg *Symmetry Theory for'spit-phonon Interaction... A. K.Morocha A275:1'43,':1904 On Relaxation of Electron and Ion Temperatures of Fully Ionized PIqsm4 in a'stoygmagnetio field.v ' P S, 1d 't131 Radiative Capture ofithe U- Mveson by a Proton..:.A. Lobov and 1. S. Shapiro , 1821' Analytic Proper~ies of the Amplitudes of'feynm'an Dirngram.Correspoindig to Maitny. point' Functions with a Single Closed Loop. ;.,.', V E. Asieo.1289' '43'826 Dlie persion'rel ations for the Rtefractive Index &nd 'Absorption Coefficient In Mediawlth Ex- /. el cton -Absorption.,.I.*... I A. S. Davydov is 4 12 EPxpeirimental Possibility o; Verifying Hypotheses Regqrding the'nature of Resonances...' *. B. V. Geshkenbe~h and BL L; lffe 1294, ik6ntio Theory.o( Ssmic'niuciore.with Low Mobility. A.i. 0. Lang and Yu. A.'iteot' 10~ 43,; ;1843- Kinetic Energy of Fragments Emitted'in Sub-birri Fission V. N. Okoibvioh andj9j N.'smirenkiat :1313* 43, '$186' -.Radiation Reactionin the Case of 'Media'withNegati10e Absorption.'...L, inzburg O$ V. Ya.*6mail 'M j~ 4.3, j.1865 Theory of Neut~on Scattering in the Coulomb Field'of a Nucleus' ~ 4 I ;7i.. S.'B.'Geraaitnbv, A. i. Liedev, andyv. A. Petrun'icin' 3 31,85'?vomeinte Aof.Inertia of a Heied' Nuclelfs and Angular Antsotrop of Fisuie6n Fragments, 'o '.,., Yu. T.I0ria' 1327 '43'.' 1880?avia8 andlcharge;so Excited.Sftes Iml ti. Femi.n. Voe.. 0: Vacs' A330' '43' 1885 On the Theory of Quantum Generators.. *T,- I.Kutnetesova and 6. Rautian I iafb'l 4i3 Gravitational Interaction of Ferions. '. I Yu. Kohmarp v and L. B' Ok~n' I.' 14W : ' AMethod for Invest Inting Optical Anisotropy and.surfalle'shap*of Atomic 011,l'.I 'N..,L.. E. Lazareya anod V; A.'Tulupov '43*,','490' k. i. DolinoiciT, and V. S. Popov Y1350' *.apynran. Amplituides. for Nonrelativistic.. Processam.. %.. L',. 11 BlthintaeV 1,43, 191 'Theory; of Rayleigh Bcaktternjof Liquids.,.. L, I. Komarom and Fisher', I3588't 43. Il192Y On Asymptotic Itepresentations of th~e Green's PUnctiOns and V~rtax Function In Quantum ' * Electrodynamics..' c. '.. PA p Fomini '143 2 ' ' The Thpory of,& Fermi Liquid Constiting 3 of 'lw6 'Kinds of Particles, Application to' the : '., Nucleus...,..,..,:.'.. igdal ' 48,1140 ji Scattering'of Electron, on' Protons witlk'(kaun of Dipole MomqnteM.I.. A. A, Rngucsh and 1. 8, Saimuniceviph A375 43, IO958 C c~tin he Electronic ftraipctas of Metals fromn'the.isults qf Measuremins of '. ' ' A' their Optical Constants.' *.%. 'K.P. aurov'j.b.lekeina, and'n'. V. PenikIna Photoproduction olf Strange -Particles '. V;! M. Arutyunyan 1383 '16 The'Neutrino mnd.coomio-ray Ictensit ' pt Griat D~epths.,.~ I.. '..,.k I I., -. -B. fpontscorval'and A. E. -Chudsacqv _ ld Po %'Re4 Lndu ;sn Singulariti. N. Gribov and I' Ya. Porneranchukd I181 3'A UA9 'LETTERS'TO 'THE EDITOR 3, Observation of Ion Two-streaM Instability in'turbulent ileatin of a Plasma'._ V. Dablyiin.~~M. E K. ZavofakiT, L. 1.I~dakov, end V. A. ~Icoryupln' 1301,-. 3~ 11 Electron Parlunsgfnetic Resonance of Zr3. Ill N. 13. oarit'yanov and N. R. Yafaev ' 43,;. 127R. Resonances intie Siaryon System with Strangonnss C.. *.,.,. E. V. Kutnetsov and Yale '1;,eo '1393 '4 99 JcurvS;O oftecmmencement od6oidffcationlof ktilium Isotope Solutions N.' Bersanyac, I.V. Bogoypyiens i I. and B, N. eal'abn.1394, 43,1 '19811.' Star Production in' an' EXpanding unverp.'..'. Y.,..,. a. U. Zeldovish 0396'1 43., Further Search for the P' - a* +~.eiea/,..,. 'A.%I Babaev, -J x',m. 1(a. balits. '. Kaft~ov 3 L.0.'Landsbr.V A%.yubimov. MW Yu~. V. Obukhov, 1391W 43.1S9,'Avoi'1QWgL'C Pjoi If'tO Py 11'.~ so tia JI ' I Vol VI 7.

317 RUSSIAN JOURNAL of PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Ootober 19ss ZHttRNAL MIMS=BK0 1GaM! Vol zucvi, No 10, -go- CONTENTS' (ail8) 1139 Effect of the nature at the substituent on the dnetiza of the slecftohemicsa reduction of altrolonseas 1L.d.MAN4ZHELEX (3118) 1142 A spectroscopic Intvetigation at Interaction between hydrasine sod neutral dyes with phenolic hydroxy-groupa A. T.VAIITANYAN (2135) 1148 Rtat# of potaomium toot'pexchange betwee potassium amalgam Wo 'es potassium chloride solution O.Y.tVSKIN, V,.NtYLO0V, and V.A. ThRJV (2133) 1149 DMsplacement of absorption bads due to hydatd ions under the Mnluance of ;ierohlorsas. 1. tifoot of cations of Oronpe Iand nonc the absorptioa band of the hydrated copper(fl) Ian P. A. ZAGOR STS and 0. P. BULAAKOVA (113) 1151 Readuction of copper oxdes with carbon toonoadde Mf low temnperatures 1.B. KURtHATOY (3148) 1157 Mestrical onductivity of $mv- 5UlPXCOnl Acid eattm-exosaep teeh in aqueous alcohol and aqueous acetane solutions A.A. BZIABANOV, V.l,0OOISHKOV, and 0.1M. PA&CHENKOV (113) 1159 CorpuscuLar theory of adsorbent structure. M. Blikultaacus adsorption and caplillary condlensatllo D.O.ARtISTOVY. AP.KAMNAUKIIOV, anda.v.ic8elev (3161) 1164 zlectrolysts in aqueous solutions at hmo temperatures. 1. Cocentrationa polaraato 3.V.OGORBACHIEV and V. P.KONDRATEZV ( ? Hydrogen Isotope exchanget between Water Ltd thiols K.dSAXODYN8IUI, 3.1.8MAKOV, and N.M. EHkVOIIONKOV (3176) 1171 catalysis by metal vapours. n. Kinetics and mechanism of the decomposition of methanol tn rico and cadmium vapours M.N. DANCHEVSAYA, N.!ItOBOEKV, an Yu,VM0I3EI'V (I1l3) 1175 cathodic photoeleotroohimloal effect In mss sleofrolytee V.N.VLEZtOY (167) 1177 lolubilt)- of diphenylansn ad naphthalena to carbon dioxide under pressure Yu.V, ISEKIIANSKAYA, M.JoM'rgV, and X.V. MUSHIINA (9104) 1161 Activity coefficients of NiI, and N in binary A MOMsn Ws'n a IS' M.M.11HULIT11. L.L.ItAXAROV, and 111YUJONO (3189) LIU Anodic oxidation of aillom In pure water L.A.DUBltOVStOI, V.0. IL-NiKt, and L. L.ODYNZTB (3308) 1187 Associlas of tons In solution. X, Eletrical Conductivity of asalum todide solutions to dione-water mlotore. Its Fuoe theory of too Pair formation R.M.ItYZIKOV snd A.M.6WCtOTIN (21100) 1159 Mechanism of oorrceluo-fatigue breakdown N.G. VEDNICIN and V.8.,RNYVAICI Brief Communic ations5 (311) 1193 Determilnation of the enthaigy of gaseous loe, from electrochemical amw thermochemioal onstants M.V.ION (316) 1193 'eoia~ volumes of aqueous electrolyte solutions at high tempermturee I.M. HO11KVANaI. V.1. KORItOV, and. OAUNIUM Available Froin The Chemical Society

318 ZHUMAL FIZICHWSOI IFMI Vol XMM, No 10, 1969 CO1NsTET (Cout4) (2919) 1194 Determnat/on of the surface dasity of water MOIOSouSI in the first Moto coordination shell from activity coeffloient data A. 8.SOLOVICN (s222) 116 Pyrolysis of petrol vapour to acetylene and oleflnes in hydrogen plasma D.T.ILIN and XN.hEREIIN 43M4) 1197 Kinetics of the atinment of toody vapour pressure in oloed spaces and eiltaio n Chambers L.P.IRSOVA (23S8) 119 DepeademO of the electronic absorption spectra of phenyl drirva-ives of elmonte tn Oroups IV and V an the nuclear potentials of the elemets O.V. KOLNINOV and.v. ZVONKOVA (2O3) 1301 Dependence of the so lubulity of carbon in liquid nickel on the atomic number and temperature magasee. ira, cobalt and B. PBURYLEV (2533) 1303 Elootrio spaetra of aromatic compounds, M. Electronic speotra of Mir.e- -derivatives of aniline, diphanylsmine, and tripheanyllneo P.M.BUOAI, V.N.KONELISKAYA, A.B.OOLIBERKOVA. and L.M.BAZ-HEKOVA (1123) 1505 Statstioal theory of gas-gau phase equilibrium L.A.ROTT (38) 1207 Lato free energ of compounds formed by mosatomlo ions with Complete efltron octets in the outer &hell V. P. VASIL'EV and V. N.VABIL'LVA (241) 1109 The rubidium lodide-oestum Iodide-water system at 9 e L. L. MAKAROV and A. 0. PANKOV (3544) Mlectrdepoeition of brilt opwer by the suporposition of altenating currea on direct currut *.Yu.BEK. Yu.D.OAMBURO. and N.T.KUDRYAVT'UV (11346) 113 Kinets at a platinum anwde in aqueous Phenol soluticns N. IUOMUTOV ad V.I.BYSTROV (124n ;l14 The interaction of hessyl thlioyanate with amine 8. P. MiIcKID5l'YAN (3351) 11 The compresibility of metals V.V.DEMCHIENXO (1113) 1317 Effect of atomic oordination on the temperaaure varistim of hat coapcity at low temperatur V. A, OOMANOVAI! (3284) ise Caloulation of the forces between a bubble and a hariscatal surface at reat to which the bubble is attached V.I.MELIKGAIKAZYAN (236) 1330 Rtation between concentrtions and pressures i aueous sawtrateid salt solution$ t.8.spiro (U6) 138 Determination of the self-diffuslon coefficient of lithium ios in aqueous LICI solutions a. A. BAKULUN and 0. S. ZAVODNAYA (235) 1354 Electrical synthesis of ose. IX. Effect of discharge Intensity (osonta sw with discharge Saps of 1.1, 1.$. and 4.8 mm) Yu. i. MIRL'YANOV and Yu. F. FILIPPOV (3363) 1227 Oxygen overpotential and potential decay mrvee at he nickel oide electrode P, D. LUKOVTSEV and O.Y.SLAIDIN' (3271) 1380 Kinetics of sorption and ioo exchange t a ourret of liquid with oxtorl diffusion as the rate-limiting prnees V.S.GOLUIIEV and G.M. PANCHENKOV (3275) 1332 Oubdivision of the phasa Ela i.n and double-deoomposition reactlons of a nine-salt quinary reciprocal systam n The chlorides, bromides, and nitratee of eodium, rubidium, and thallium V.I. POSYPAIKO a N.DOMBROVSKAYA (327T) 1233 eometrical modifloatic of the skelosec of xerog le, i. Preparation of coarse- -grained silica pe with low surface aea for ia' chromatography N.V.A8HINSBAYA. V.S.BEINOOVA, A.V.IU3ELEV, ai Yu.NIIaIIN Available From The Chemical Society

319 ZMMNAL FZICHESKOI KHIMII Vol XmmVI, No 10, 1962 CONTE S (Contd) (2280) 1235 Measurement of the aoidity of solutions of bydiofluorlo sold with a membrane lon-exohange electrode A.V.CIODIEVBKti and E.L.,FLIPPOV (2383) 123 iquid-vpour equilibrium in the methaioylic wld-water system A.F.FROLOV, M.A.LOOINOVA, A.VoSAPRI{NA, end A.D.KONDA.OVA (2284) 1237 ChemllumLneacence in the gu-phase oxidatlon of soptdldohydo L. M. POSTNIKOV, V.Y&. BHLYAPINT0QI, eua V. 8HUVALOV (1288) 139 Photoeenast.ed bleaching of adsorbed methylene blue AV.KARYAltN end A.N. URENIN (3188) 1240 Determlnation of delgres of stable diagonals and of constituent heats of retion in reciprocal multloomponet systeme from te indiaes of the polytope vertlos V,1.POSYPAIKO (1290) 1343 Catalase-aotve systems. 1. Problems of the simulation of blocat lym A.P.PURM 'L' (2294) 1344 AutomRtic thermobalsece L. N. OAL'PEBIN (MO) 1246 A simple Intrwuwt for constructing histograms K. V. OHMUTOV Miaoellany (2800) 1247 Behaviour of the platinum electrode in mixed adde melts (Reply to the comment by V.I.Mustithin end B.M.Leinsidikh on au poper) V~l.MINENO, 8.M.PET'IOV, and N.8.IVANOVA (1303) 1242 Te pleinum electrode in oxide melts (Comment am the paper by V.IMfnaenlko,.M.Petrov, and N,IlvenwVit at 'The Behaviour of the Platinum Electrods in BUttoste Me.s1W) V.I. MUOIKIN an B.M. LEPINSICI (Nos) 1260 some estimates of the errors to prximae oslelt s of thermod amle funotiona B.I.BROU4STIMN ad O.N,TURtKOV (330) lu Reply to the comment by B.Lrenstin and O.N.Yurko IH A.RTYM Letter to the dttor (U0) INA Exange reactio botwe motlse and detdroehleae an slumlnoslloat eo,in catalyst i.v. MAlKEVICH Available From The Chemical Society

320 Zhurnnl Neorganichoskoi himii, Vol I, No 7, TABLE OF CONTENTS Russian page English page Ormont, B.F. Modern Theory of r.he Chemical Entity and Some Fundamental Laws of Chemlstry Yenat'eva, O.K. The Solubility of Dolomite in Water and Solutions of Calcium Sulfate at Various Partial Pressures of CO Vo skraonka ya, N. K. Thermodynamical Studies of Salu at High Temperatures Luzhnaya, N.P., N.N. Evecva, andn. P. Verashahetina. Physical Properties of Salt Molts and the Nature of their Structural Particles Be ly aa v, I. N. Exchange Reactions in Melts and the Nature of Chemical Bond Chepel vet kil, M. L., E. B Brutiskum, K. S. Kr asnov ande. V, Yuthnaya. TheSolution Rata of Minerals as a Property of Multicomponnt Salt Systems Zvorykin, A. Ya, andf. M. Porul'man. Physicochamical Basis of a Method for Making a Now Kind of Chlorinco-Fres Concentrated Fertil&er Oudtsov, N.T. andm. N. avzo. h;i.luencs of Ultrasonic Vibrations on the Couiso of PrecosieB In Metallic Alloyl Don dar, I. A. Phenomnon of Liquatlon in tho Ternary System CeO-BaO-SI0 2 IS39 83 Butusov, V. P. and M,. Goalkberg. Deturmnation of Melting Points of Certain Matals at Superhigh Pro&- tures Kuinetsov, V. 0 X-Ray Amalysis ut High and Low Temperdlira-s l.95 1 l in, R. V. The Nature of Molecular Interactions in Adsorptlowi LS Samurin, A.M. andls. K tul14ov. Thermodynamics of the Deiulfurihation of Pig Iron Gurevich, M, A., VS. Kutucv, B. F. Ormont, V.i, Smirnova, andv.a,.el'baun. Phases of Variable Composition In tha Chemistry of Carbides Makarov, E. S. Definition of We Concept of Chemical Compounds and Genvral Clatsificattio of Chemical Compounds IS Avai latble 1'orn A',-I,SH -300)

321 Zhurnal Neorlanichoskoi KhiMii, Vol I, No 7, COITOETS (Contd) Rua ian English page page BokiiG.B. The Theory of Daltonides and Berthollides Makarov, S.Z. ensdn.k. Grigor'eva. Contribution to the Problem of the Synthesis of Calcium Superoxide CaO PIyushchev, V. E, I. B. Markina, end L. P. Shkiover. Diagams of Phae Transformations of Sinnry Systems Fnrmed by Nitrates of Rubidium and Cesium with Nitrates of Strontium and barium To'ova., N.A. and R.G. GrL. sihuhlkuv. The 'Modol' Systems Rb 2 BUF 4 -Na2IDeF4- and Ba2SIO 4 - -Ca2SiO Bakumskaya, E. L. and A. 0. Bergman. Ternary System Composed of Lithium, Sodium, and Cadmium Sulfate$ Levina, ME., AV. Novotolove, Yu, P. Simanov, andl. l Bakina. Thermal and X-Ray Phase Analysis of the System K 2 BeF 4 -K 2 S Tovmas'yan, I. K. Thermographic Methods for Studies on Molten Salts and Metals Moruauv, IS., B.G. Kurliuuov, anda. T. S I m o n i oh. Thermal and Tanimutric Study of the Systems TaCIs-AICI3N&CI and NbCIs-AICI3-NaCI 164d 203 Menkoveskii, MA., N. A. Potrov, K. I. Lltvin, and D. S. Chernavikli. Studies on the Miscibility of Brumine, Hydrobromic Acid and Water Itkina, I.S, and V. F. Kokhova. Solubilitysotherm of the System 2Ne +, ZK + 11 COi' NLkolaev, N.S. andyu. A. Buslaev. Solubility Studis Of the hystam lf-1120s-hzo (Isotharm 0.) Starik, I. E, nr' N.,AleIksenko. SLudy of the Stato of fr, dloactiva Elaments In Dilute Sul.tluu hy the Radiograplic Method Rudenko, N.P. Methods for Separation of Carrier-Free Isotopes Book Review Volkitd, 1. Yn., Sohumb, W, Ch, Satterfield, and R. Wentworth. Hydrogen Paroxide. -New York (Reinhold Publishing Corporation) 7S9 pp Avnilahlo Frons A('-Tr

322 Zhurnal Noorganichesko i Khimii Vol I', No 7, COMENTS (Cotd) Rusian English / page page Ellert, G.V. andr.n. Shch.lokov. TheActinide Elements. Edited by Glenn T. Seabor and Joseph I. Kata. -New Youk 19S4, Author Index - 25 Subice.t Index Explanatory List of Abbreviations Ttanslators Notea All the photographs in this tanslation have been reduced by approximately 25% Available From AEC-Tr L

323 Zhurnal Noorganicheskoi Khimii, Vol I, No 9, TABLE OF CONTENTS Russian page English page Vol'nov,l.1., V.N. Chamova, V.P. Sergeava, and.i Lacytheva. A Study of the Synthesis of Superoxides of Alkaline-Earth Metals Tananaev,N.A. ands.l. Ssuybhlyaev. The Dccomposition of Silicates by Oxalic Acid Shchuk'arev,S.A., G,I, Novlkov, and A,V. Suvorov. The Reduction of Thorium TeLrabromide by Hydrogen Ryabchikov, 1.i, Yu.S. Sklyarenko, andn.s. Strosanova. 'Anomalous' Valenciesof Rare- Earth Elements in Processes of their Separation 1954 i9 Arlya,SM., M P. Morozova,E. Vol'f, andc. Grossmann, Tue Formula of Tlsermodynamically Stable Mixed Rinary Compounds of Elements of the B-Subgroup, OnotovaS.P. andv.l. Zolotavin. Syntheslsand Properties of Vanadyl Sulfate ChukhlantsvV, Solubility Products of Arsenate Yate im irskil K. B. and V. N. Vasil ava. Optical Prilprtie5 of Solutions of Ch'owuk Anhydride in Sulfuric Acid TolmberM.E. The Mechanism of the Formation of Tattrate Complexes in Alkaline Media Gorenbals,EYa. and G.V. Ruchko. Molecular Compounds of Aluminum Bromide with Antimony, Sodium, and Silver f romidts Akeel rudn.v. and VB. S ii vakuvshil. Study of Solutions of Indates Ya timirskii, K.B., ZM. Grafova, and E.E. Natan, Phyuicochemical Analysis of Aqueous Solutions of Ammonia Comptutti of Nickel and Copper K u la ho v, I. M. Polymorphism of Orthomolybdates of Alkali Elements Ta n n av, iv., and G.8. S e ifcr. Mixed Ferrocyanides of Magnesium with Rubidium and Cesium Zhdanov,A.K. Equilibria in th System Anmmonium Bifluorlde - Anmmonium Chloride - Water at 25, SumiarokovaT. en, T. Modestova. The syatem PbCI 2 - Pbl AvailaI, o From AIEC-Tr-4590 PL-JI O

324 Zhurnal Noorgasichoskoi Kiiii. Vol 1,* No 9, 19S6. CO1IPU:ZT (Cond) Rlussian English page page Ma k atov.e.s. Modern Crystullochemnica I Aspects of the N. S. Kurnalcov Theory of Daltorildes and Berthollides Oru iim - Grzh I ma i o, N. V. Electrical Resistance and Hail Effect of Gold-Silver Alloys a Dombrovska ya, N. S. and Z.A. Alekeceova, Etechinge Reac~tions In RQuInary System of Nine Salts Na, K, Ag!!Cl B_ NOr-, W 123 ilorzenisova,m.p., A.V. Novoseeova,YuP. Simnanov,V.l. Cisernykh, and E.1. Yarenibush. Thermal and K-Ray Phase Analysis of the KF - BoeP 2 System llergmana.g ande.l. Bakumskaya. The Ternary Syiten Composed of Lithium, Potassium, and Cadmsium Sulfates 2083 ISO BI lid In. V. P. Solubility in the Systems LICI-AICI 3 ' Ii 2 0 and BoCi 2 -AIC at 25* Dudk in, L. e nd N.Kh. Abrikosov. A Phyiicochemical Investigainfon of Cobalt Antimonides Toropov,NA. aaid Al. Bo llov a. An Intvestigation of tisa Systemt Calcium Ferrisoe-Alum inate Mikho ov,v. S. A Study of the Alloys of the.ystar Iron -Chromium -Nickel - Tungsten - Tlitunium - 'dun, lant Erem a ssko, V1. N. and A. M. lisl ainsh. Electric CssedssctivlIty Of Blnary Systems Formed hy n a- fractory Oxides Erem u nko. V.N. The Reaction between Titanium Carhidie andi Metals or %he Iron Group Fpal'baum,V.A., M.A. G I %revich, endblip O rmnrot. Phuae Compositiorn ofthe Boron - Carbon Systemn P a Ik in A.P. and N.A. S ichirov a. Reactions of salts with Metaio in the Molten, state. The Reaction between Silver Chloride and Zh!ie Spit' y n, Vikt., KB. Zasbo rcn ko, and S A, Brses I I ovsk 1I. The Use of Souiim Etlsylesediamlietetraacutate ('rriloin B) for R.adium ldatecuiliation by Emanation Rude nko, N.P. and LV. Pa.sstukhava. Methods for the Separation of Carrier-Free Radioactive Isotopes Avilnbia From E-r49-310

325 Zhurnal Noorianicheskoi Khiimiij Vol I, No 9, COME=TS (Cont) Rssian BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS page Engilsh Page Vert,Zh.L andm.v. Karmentsev. Frmatilonof Ferrous Sulfide by the Roeaction of Pymit swith Cast- Iron Turnings Author Index Subject Index Explanato, List of Abbreviations Available From AEC-Tr-4590 PL-48o

326 Zhurnal Neoranicheskot Khimii, Vn1 I, No 10, 195. TABLE OF CONTENTS Russian page English page Kielibe',.A. A Study of the Precipitation of Uranyl-lont by Potassium Forrocyanide K 1 a lb, G.A. A Study of the Precipitation of Reaction of Uranyi Acetate with Sodium Ferocyanide Ariya, S.M. andg. Grossmann. Chemistry of Compounds of Variable Composition. V. Chemical structure of ferrous oxide from data on magnetic properties of iron oxides at high temperatures Tananaev, I.V. end N.V. izarculishvili. AStudyof the Formation Reaction of Zinc Hydroxide Tananaev, I.V. andnv. I.Aaareulishvili. AStudyof the Formation Reaction of Cadmium Hydroxide Shashkov, Yu.M. andtp.kolesnikova. The Molecular Refraction of Inorganic Compounds IevLn'sh, A.F, E. M, Shvarts, andya, K. Oal. Ammonium Pent oarato Zellkman, A.N. and LV. Belysevskaya. The Matin' Point of Molybdenite Zelikman, A.N. andl. V. Be lyaevskaya, Studioc on the Oxidation of Molybdenita Zolotavin, V,L. and V.K. Kusnetsova, The Detormination of the Sohthility Product of Vanadyl Phosphate Samaonov, G.V. and 0. N. Zorina, The Preparation and Some Properties of Thorium Hexaboride Ryss, 1.0. andl, P. Bogdanova. Studies on the Properties uf Dihydroxyfluorobour Acid Shchukarev, S.A., IV. Vasil'ikov, A.I. Efilmov, and V.P. Kirdyashev. Determination of the Saturated Vapor Presre of UCI4 and the rliproportionation Proisure of UOCi iu3 Tronev, V.0. and M.L Chibireva. The Volatility of Germanium in Cal Currents 2278 Ito He.ier, EK. and V. B. Clush kove. The Conditions of Formation of Barium Silicates 2283 LI5 Preobrashenskii, S.K., O.M. Liave, A.N. Dobronrevova, anded. TetarLn, Ion-Uxchange Separation of the Aciivitia, of Rare-Earth Elements without a ph-mater i Available Fronm AiC-Tr-4S91. PL

327 Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii. Vol I s No 10, CONI1TI--T S (Contd) Russian English page page Chukhsntiev, V.G. The Solubility Prc ducts of Some Metal Sulenites YA/tsimirsk ii, K. B. The Calculation o Stability Constants for Stepwise Complex Formation by the Study of fhysicochemical Properties of Solutions Yatsimirsk it, KB. and T., Fcdorova. ' t::hliry of Acetate Complexes of Bivalant Chromium Fomln, V.V, andv,v. Sin'kovskl. StudyofComplex Cobalt Oxalatos by means of Anion Exchange Sudarikov, B.N. and L.M. Smirnov. Complex Sulleylates of Titanium Tur n yan, Ya.l, Influence of the Soivents on the Composition and Stability of Complex Ions. 2. Polirographcl study of chloride complexes of cadmium in aqueous solutions of dloxane Novoselova, AV. and K.N. Semenenko. The Reaction of Beryllium Oxyaccetate with Beryllium Oxymonochloronaotate Grinberg, A.A. asda.l, Stetsenko, ThoStabilityof CPt(Thio) 4 ]CI 2 in Neutral and Ailskin Solutions and the Streilgth of the iae (PtThlo) 4 lol)z Grinbarg, A A. and A,l. Dobrobovskaya. Volumetric Dretem,.i,'atkon of Iron, Platinum, and Irldium in the Presence of Each Other P yatnitskit i, 1. V. The Relative Stability of Tartaric Acid Complexes of Manganese, Cobalt, Nickd:, and Copper in Alkaline Solutions Abl ov, A. V. The Nature of the Chemical Bond In Ammonia and Amine Addition Products of Metallic Salts Volmhtein, LM., GG., Motyuia, and L.S. Anokhova. The Com piexcompounds of Chromium and Atpartic Acid Kostromin, A.I. andv.a. Vaksilna. Polarogruphic Study of Complex Compounds of Cadmium with Soma t- Amino Acids K irgintsev, A, V. The Formation of Anomalom Mixed Crystals Spitsyn, ViktI, and 1, D, Kol it. Studies on the Dehydhat:Lon and Thrmal Decomposition of Lithium Silicatunistate Availablo From AEC-Tr-4591 PL-41o

328 Zhurnal Noorianicheskui KhiMTj, Vol I, Nu 10, CONTEDITs (Contd) Russian Enls page page ine I' n ikov.n.n, The Polymorphic Modifications of Tridymite Perv I,m an, F,. Determnatlon of the Structure of Multicomponent Reciprocal Systems with Three Ions of the Same Sign BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Krichmar, S.I. andv.p. Kalushko. Reaction Products In Electrochemical Poli:hing of Coppcr in 1IYPO Zaitsev, L.M. Carbonate Compounds of Iron CURRENT AFFAIRS Kazadava, Yu.P. Theses Read at the Council of the Chemical Faculty of Tomsk State University Evsce v, N. N. Theses Read at the Instituta of Gnetral and Inorganic Chamiswy, Im. N. S. Kurnakov of the Acadviny of Sciences of the USSR During the First Six Months of K lochko, M. A. Convention of Austrian and German Chomists in Seahureg Author Index Subject Index E.xplanatory List of Abbreviations Availhblo From ABC-Tr-.5J1 FL-hO31 -'314 -

329 Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimiij Vol I, No 11, TABLE OF CONTENTS Russian page English page Shchukatev, S.A., GA. Novikov, and A.V. Suvorov. A Possible Application of the Lembart-Boer Law to the Study of Gaseous Systems in a Wide Temperature Ran.e Mikhaeva, V.I., E.M. Fedneva, andz, L. Shnitkova. The Reaction Between Aluminum Chloride and Lithium Hlydrido in Organic Solvents YtsimitskIl, K.B. Applilcation of Crystal Field Theory for the Explanation of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of Comple Compounds Ablov, A.V. ant.i P. S yrtsova, BehaviorofDlacldo- is- Dinethylgl'ig'ocim Cobultic Ari in Attirniu Snlutlon 2457?6 Ablov, A.V., ;.P. Bunashava, unde.g. Lvitekaya. Addition Products of Aniline and Aniline Derivatives with Cobalt Halides 346S 34 Ablov,'A.V. and D. G. Betyr. Complex CopperSeltsof a-lydroxycids Essen, L.N. and D, Geln'mnn. Preparution of Complx Compouna of Quadrivalent Platinum with Six Different Inner Sphere Suhstituents Spitsyn, Vikt. 1, and K. G, Kon va, StLdIgs %ill thu Meuhunink of PhosphutungsI&Ae FurmdtLisn Fialkov, YaA. and V.V, Origor'eva- The Complex Compounds of Trihydro.xyg utario Acid with Some Metals Col ub, A. M. Studies onl Copper hiiocyanete Complexes In Solution P erel' man, F.M. Description of Iviultioomponent Systems by the Method of Optimum Projections ll'yesuv, I.I., A.K, Dwi*la.i-.alyant, aik AG, Be=rgtman, 2$3a 101 Complex Formation in a Ternary System Composed of Potasium, Cadmium, and Lead Chlorideq Die o y, 0.G. Ternary System of Lithium, Sodium and Potassium Acetates Keler, E,K., N.A. Godina, and A,M. Kalininea, Reaction of Carium Dioxide with Oxides of Alkalind-Earth Metals Khlapova, A. N Experimental Data on the Phase Transition Q1 I I-1,'2O 4 into 6-NA 2 SO Turov, NY, A.V, Novoselova, andk.n. Saemnenko, The Reaction Between Beryllium Ozyaoetate and Ammoniwn Bifluoride Available Prom AEC-Tr

330 Zhurnal Neorganichoskoi Khimii, Vol 1, No 11, 1956, C07TE=S (Coutd) Russian English page page ToWareva, M.V. anda.g. Bergman. R~eciprocal System Coxbposcd of Lithium and Strontium Chlorides and Nitrate$ P or.1 Im an, F. M. The Construction of Approxilmate Malting Point Diagrams of the Pc-Ni-Cu-Mn-Cr System Zhirnov, D.7., N.F. Lashko, and KP. Sorokina. Heteromorphous Structures in Ferrous Alloys Containing Molybdenum and Tungsten Eliagina, E.I. and A. P. PalI n. Reactions of Salts and Mctais In the Futed Stftte ZI nov'ev, A. A. and VYa. Rota lovski I. Melting Point Diagr~am of the Perchloric Anhydride-Carbon Tetrachloride System Morosov, 1.5, ansld.ysa. Toptygin. Reaction Between Vanadium Chlorides and Titanium and Carbon Tetrachlorides Morosov, 1.S. andlog. 1{orshunov, Re.actionelf Neodymiumn tnd Lanthanum Oxsides with Gaseous Chlorine Posypaiko, V.I. A G. Bergman, and A.!. Kislova. Ternary System Composed of Pota-:lun M.4.s5,.atpt Chlorides and Tusigstates 261& 187 Kochergin, V.P., L.G. Khaiboilinta, aslog.potapova. Solubility of troll in Fused Zinc, Alkali Metal, and A1Iaiine-karth Metal Chlorides Bl1din, V.P., V.I. Go-idienko, ando.k. Shalverava. Solubility Isothtermse in the Systemst BeCI 3 -CaCI2 -H 2 0 t BQC12-SfCI2-H2O end BeCI2-BaCIg-H20 at Pomerantteva, end T. tristavi, D., NYa. Ch ii igartisv ii Description of the Atambwr Mirabilite Deposit Gololli hpov a, M.V. Isotherm of the System MnO- P at 25* gottaenova, L. R.,A.V. Novose lovea, and Yu.P.S Ima noy. Studies an the Reaction etween NH 4 BeF 3 and NH 4 MnFj in Aqueouis Solsions S p It s n, VI,1. and 'N. F. BeareaskIIn a. Isotopic Exchange of Hyrian itetwoen the Water Bound in Certain lheterapoly Compounds and Heavy Water Centassing Deuterium REVIEW AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 'Producotion of Heavy Water' (edited by Murphy, tirey end Kiuachenauna) Availsable From ABIC-Tr-4592 PL-40oO

331 RUSSIAN August 1962 JOUR1AL of INORGANIC CHEMISTRY ZHUINAL ITEORGANICHESKOY No 8, 1962 =f4ii CONTENTS PAGI (17 7) 900 Polarographl Investigation of iron and mangaes oxides with a supporting electrolyte of borosiloate melt Yu. K. DZUMAKBII sod.8,1o5. YANIK (17 0) 912 Cunditims of foinmauco o: hallum oarbide during the reduction of lifo by carbon V.IZHELAN3IN. V.8,KUTSEV, aind B.FOBMONT (17 5) )1$ Photooolorimetrio determination of the ph at the beguming of dissolution of hbailum hydroxide and the oalculatlo of Its activity product P.N.KOVALENINO and l.n.bagdabaiuv 41769) 16 Determination of the pv1 at the beginlng of dissolution and of the activity product ol NamArlum hydroxide by a calorimetric method P.NKOVAIENKO and K.N.BADASAIOV (1773) 917 Determination tf the thermal effects in the dissclaton of FeCO I L.OlG3Sl and K,A.IUZDOV 11779) 900 Hests of formation of fluorapatito, hydrwiya'patita, and trioelolun Phosphates (o, and 11 modifiotione) ZO.eMIRNOVA, V.VALLAIONOV, ad 6,l.VOL'KOVIcIt (17}3) All Maneli c owtalytio propertim of ickl sand Iuifo Werite (1786) 934 Inlfluenc of ionic strength on the instability constele of otmpllx' V. P. VARI LV (1795) ' 93? tenaction of chlorine with sthylenedlasmne in a platinum(tv) oomplex Yu.N, KUKUIIIIN (1501) 930 Mixed cin-telramines of bivalent platinum with ammolis and aromatl eaines and their reaction with hydrocklorio mid A.V.ABLOV end V.Q.SIMINA (1111) I31 Basic sulphate. of er E.V. MARaULIB (1110) M1R Catalytic wdsuon of ptassaium iodide by hrogan peroade in the presene of halnium salts X.YATSIMIRKII and L.P.RAIO MAN (114) 941 Complex formation by Wanseten(VI) with eids as isdiaaled by ostalylto polarograph lo urre' K.B.ATeLMIRMlaC ed L.,hBUDAIIN (1431) 94 Use of absorption epctra to determtn the Composltion ad ooligurston of ohloro-compleses of cobalt(il) In alqueous lbmitanl l.].yatsiin1ltpol, Yu,S, UCIICN3II, V.N.VREIV. and T.V. MAL'KOVA (1136) 141 Phiyslooelomteal propertioe of urenyl phosphates V.IKAOPOV and TI.l.AMBAItTUYAN (i4) 911 PteolpltslUo e0 f 0sylt phosphates V.I.WKMtOV end V.O.BAXIUIROV (1544) U3 DetermLnation of the stability Gon'tsAtt of Hf(HIO! with triwtyl Plaphate l.p.pokiopova and 11.9H EUiN&VA Available FraA Cha.'ical Society 't k lone by strteetion

332 ZEIAL N4EORGANICRE13KOY 1KffnUI No 15, 1962 CONTENTS (Contd) (1854) 967 Zirconium thaocyanates 1.V.TAN4ANAEV sod I.A.ROZANOV (11160) 980 Precipttatlow of zirconium poroxo-ompounds from sulphate solution. V. IICKHOMIRlOV, B.V. LEVIN, V.V, IMOIIOVA, and V.1I.SOX.VAYA (156R) 94 Phonantlirollne complexes formed in solution by the ran-eath elements L.1.KONONENXO and N.B.POLUZKCTOV P'' M4 Tharmopsophic Watud of the decomposition of altrate of the cerium sulgrosw rare eaeths. AMIOOZHlt and X.F. LUCIINIKOVA (1880) 970 Rteaction of neodymium ohlorids with glycine 0. E. ZVYAGIN71SEV and E. V.OGONCHAROV (1893) 977 Reaction of noodymium chloride with a-alsnines 0.X. ZVYAOINTSEV and E.V. GONCIAROV (1903) 986 Thiooyanato-complexss of thalliumfi) to aqueou ethasool, squenue propon-1--ol, and aqueous propim-11-ol solutions F.Ya.KJL'DA and N.N.CHIR4OVA (1908) SM4 Reduction of metal motatafllalates by hydragen A. V. LAPIT8KII and Z. P.ATAMONOVA (1023) goo Study of the hydration of the vanityl ion in aqueous solution, by opical asoreption speatra 1.1. ANTIPOVA-KAZATAEVA, Yu.l, KUTSENOCO, and O,1.YATIUN (1917) 990 Equilibrium llsrrms of allopys af rhenium with platinum group metas. (rhodium, palladium, iridium) M. A. TYLINA. I.A.TSYTOANOVA, end X.M.SAVITBKI (1034) 994 LUquld-vspour equilibrium in the sulphur- soenum system OI.ODEVYATYK)I, A.1.ODNOBEVTBBV, and V.A. UNILN (1988) 999 Reaction between molten gallium and tellurium S.N.CIIZHEVBKAYA and VM.OLASOV (1983) 1001 Equillbrium disaram of the scandium euide-asioa binary system N. A. TIOPOV sand V. A.VASI L' EVA (1944) 1008 Socld.phavo rupotlonio In the GrO0- r0 v~ 5 system IO.,a.IKAKOV and K.K.KELLit (1949) 1010 Condlilo of formaion and electrical propertiss of BrIC%-4rft0 1 solid solutions IKh.5h.15KIAOV Wn E.K.KELERt ( U~s, KC, IA 0 Cl tornary systani M.A. BAKIAICINKO and IC.V.OONTARI (1947) 1819 Na, Bei I r. NOg reoiproall system 1.M)IVAN and M4.A. RAKHARlCHIIKO (1970) 1Q17 Fusion dlagram of the 0d, X I Rei. 01 recipsonal system l.t.iliyabov sed A.G.1011OMAN (1904) 1019 Thermal analysis of melts of the tlc1nao1-4b0i 4 system ItO.KOlInUNO1.V and V.V.BAFONOV (0979) 1031 Te Interaction of nlolum(mv chloride with rubidium and osesium Whorid's is molts V.V.IAVONOV, IO.KOISIIUNOV, and S.N.SII3VTIVA (1,943) 1938 No. TI I Dr. Cl, 304 quatersexy reiprocal sysm iuterws sections through the comnposition prism A. P.PALION end T.A. POLIVANOVA (1090) 1037 Solubilty in the LA n0 4 -IG and 1sstemns re0-e0- Lt III V.0.411EVCIW,?4.t.VAIS1ELD, end 5.,TUETIVA (1694) 1039 Solubility (10') 1in tie Iae(5O 4 ),-Kj5,8O-Iis N.N.DSICIMA WAn 0,V.OIODICNEVA (1999) 1031 Lutntlum bessie Whoride end hydroxide W.V.MKlIqtiD end T.AKHRIANiEEVA systo (3003) 10O3 The sgular star of the U, Rb, T11 Be. Cl. 1%a. 00, 13selemr reciprocal system H.S. DONBIIVUICAYA e&a S.A. AL9WIIIVA Available From~ Chemical B.~a±.ty

333 ZHNAL NEOIRGAlICHESKOY HMOMII No B, 1962 (2013) 1039 COTENTS (Contd) possibility of solvatio4i of the tetroobleroferrste(llt) ion during the extrsci% of Iron from Whoride 1. V.SERYAKOVA, Yu. A. ZOLOTODV. A.V.KARtYAIN. LA.OltlEOV, and M,.ZU31tIUNA Brief Communications (2016) 1042 T1hrea.phse layer separatilon In the UOj(NO3)g-HNO 1 -HgO-dIieop&*il methylphosphonste JDNIP) -kerosene system In the presence of oxsalic sold )X.P.LUNICICOA, N.8.POVITBKII, and AS.9OLOVIN (2020) 1043 Some physicochomical properties of amwnmium, uranyl pentafluoride N.P.OALIGN, U.D.VEIYA71N. PAndLIKARtPOV (2022) 1045 Ptropi&ston of complex compounds of scandium chloride end bromide with organic wmines I.V.TANANAXV and V.P.OILOVSICW (2023) 1045 Preparation of orysaltine copper hydrosllloats A. P.IatSIIXOV. A. N.CZIVIK6VA. an A. A. ZACOYKAYA Milecellany (2025) 1047 'rhosecccd All-Ujnion Goelereoacanthe ChemIstry. Productic.u An alysis of the Rare-Earth Elements Available From Chemical Society

334 RUSSIAN September 1962 JOURNAL of INORGANIC CHEMISTRY' ZKWPAL NOGIIMIKI No 9, CONTENTS (2020) 1040 Thermal decomposition of yttrium, scandlum, and lanthacum oxalates Ye.5, SAVflTSKAYA, N. N. TVOIIOOOV, S.V.KALABUIOVA, &Ad L.B.BIYICNA (2084) L051 Preparation and properties of complex uranum(v) citruts& A,.ELIMAN, 1NN.tOT, and N.P.ERlMO1ASV (0045) 1057 Complexes of uranyl with urea, and ecetewnid. V.P.MAtKOV and I.TBAPmNA (105'.) 1041 ts behaviour of ethyienediainstaftatl aid lin aid sautlone Ad its reaotunk with uraiuni(lv) N.N.KRO'r, NP. ERMOLICV, and A.fl.GELIMAN (2001)1 066 Metal derivatives of diaoetyl asmicarbaune Wxine AV.ABLOV and li IRELICHUK (0064) 1000 Complexes of toryalent cobalt with a-benail dicime A.V.ABLOV and O.P.SYRTSOVA ( Hh.oanoosmatsa(iV) of pyragolona derivatives A.I.BUBEV and V,K.AKIMOV (B07S) 1475 Caeiwom proplonate, butyrate, and leovelexais V. E.'IUSIICIEV, M.V_8AV0I.3VA, and 1,V.BHAKIINO (3002) 1077 Atootlon of bia~icetylsootone)ethylonedllmlas with mietal salts K.V.ASTAUIOV end I.Z.BUKOI.OV (06) 1070 The single metastable modifications of V.X.1 LYU81lCHXV anti A.,OIIIZIK 1 Zr0% end U 1 1IfO 5 (001) 1044 potasasium trialmoonats A.A.GRt1IMK and V.E.PLYUBOHEV (2100) 106k Theory of the silver clioride electrode ad determination of the inetawity constants of complex lorldes V.I,ALTVNOV and D.V.PITBYN ( Htydrolyais and poii'merileftlou of the haflum ion In perchorlo aid V.MPSHKOVA and PIING ANO (2115) 1004 Coinpotimfi of 1eryllium oxide beuasate with aromatic bydtooen O.I4.KWI UMOV and K.l4.11MENEt4KO (0103) 1000 Compltion antd stability constants of tataccmlxeof bervaleat thallium, A.I.DUARV, V,7TPTOVA, wnd L.SO6tOIONA ( Stablity of thallium mnixed halides and of indium mixed tielidee In eolution Yu.D.FiIDMAN, IO.1.11OIWCIIAN, and N.V.flOLOA8110VA 10134) 1104 'hlydrated vanadium pmnloxide' A.DlBZT3KU1OVI AK.ILYA11VA, Ad A.A.ObhICNA (0140) 110j7 vanedyl,uanlaxe with triuydroyluievia acid V.V,0O1II9OVA and I.M.AAISUKI 32140) 1112 The state of colmnire Isqpoiyvenadste ics -in solution AK.I1'YAIIUVA and A,.BOTUYOY (3101) ki1l Prepwation of cadinig u 0m tonoriuta 0. N.010L(VA (2110) 1117 Germanium diselde UU ClilUtjiHIA. A~.PABIIININ. and A.V. N0V0B2LOVA (01s1) 111s lteactinn of sodium gatlate wlth sodium suitide and aslcium cworde l.m.citaus and I.A.6119KA (0167) l1st Ciourleea salcltl~p e of tlur A.K.1AIKO, A.IVOLKOVA. and T.&ACIMA4 Avaii.ab).e Fr The ChemicaJl SocietY

335 AMJR=A EO1ROMNICHESKOI Xla4 Ho 9, 1962 CONTIS (Contd.) (9113) The moonhanlo and products of the reduction of teuitouw ad niobium Pentebromidea B.8, BERDONOSOV. A. V. LAPITSIGI, and L.G.VLABOV B.V.BTRIZHKOV, A.V,LAPITSI, Yu.P.SIMAIOV, and L.0VLABOV (21,1S) 1130 Propgrallon end properties of tiphosphitachromous aold.1.podlaha and M.EBERT (5195) 1154 Reaction of ptoepltozltrilic chloride. with elloale, slloxddem, alkyldisloxsano and a bae- B.M.ZIIVUKIIIN, Y.B.TOLSTOOUZOV, end A.1.TVANOV (9200) 1130 Atomic structure end mechanism of plastic deformation of solid solutions LN.OUBEVA and A.A.BABAREKO (920) 1141 Solid solutions of imon) carbonate with manganese(ll) parbonata end wit4 maegnesium carbo. its L.G.SERO &Ald K.A.BUZDOV (3218) 1145 Crystalllaiticn of slumlnoulllcatoo In readily fusible Bo.lts Z.NZONN and 1.S.YANCHE0VSKAYA (1517) 1147 Thornioqrapi Investigation of the NaCI-NbOCl 1 and X~l-'RbQCls ayateune G.A.SICHUCAREV, E.K.bONOVA, end T,S.SHEMYAH3NA (20) 1149 Electrical conductivity of biary oxi~de systems containing niobium pontaxide A,1,MANAKOV, O.A.E5IN. and B.M.LEPINSIKH (2990) 1109 Interaction of lithium and sodium chlorides end bromide.l in melts A.B.ARtABADZHAN and A.0.EOMAN (5950) 1154 noe Ca, LA, Nai 101 ternery system O.A.UOIALOVA end A.S.A1ABADZHAN (9133) 1150 ruslon diagram&s of the Ca. Na, Sorl e nd, Ca, K, Sr I ternary systems O,A,1BUKIALOVA, V.TDERtEZINAYA, and.aj,mateko (1137) 1156 Temperature dependence of electrical onductivity of molteni aftrates and their mlxturce N.P.PPOVSKAYA end P.J.POTIENKO (9941) 1159 The formation of vallium suliehlew In auous solutions.v.tananaev and N.K.BOLISHAKOVA (59465) UPI Reaction in the Oe0II-K,HI,-NO System I. V. TANANAEV and N. K.BOLISHAMOVA (5301).1165 Poiythermal diagram of the KH4O-( i 1 0 system ItA.CIALUSINA and A.0.DEZtOMAN (5954) 1167 The separation of cerium by extrection 0,KORPUBOV, V.d. LZVfl, N.E. BREZIINEVA. N.P. IRIOKIOROVA. I.V.EOKEVICII, and P.M.SEIEDENKO (9900) 1171 Coprecipltation, of thallium with ildlumflli) sulphids N.A.IaUDNEV and 0.1 MALO4FEEVA (9907) 1173 Influence of complost-formntion on the eeptrallon of elements by eoevyetalllation proceeding according to a logarithmic law N.B.MIKIIEEV, L.M.MIKIIENVA, A.B. MAUNIN, and 9, DNIKONI0V trio( Communications (9571) 1175 New polymorphic transformation of M.g,5b R. A.UOL-SAKOV, N.A.BULIONKOV, end M.ll.TttIlUN (9171) 1116 Effect of added meotals on the phyaloo-enechaniosi properties of rhanlwn I. M.AVITIKI, 94. ArYLIONA, and 0. I.CIIUPIIKOV (5170) 11I6 A new method for the phystochemical mnealysle of binary melts Yu.K.nIAMARSICIT and V.r8.GRIBHNCNNO (SI7M 1160 Molssurement of the action transport numbers In an N&1,O. KID. 1B 1 0 V.I.MALIN and U.M.MCCUTNOV mal t (170) 1160 Products of the oxidation of To In water sad equemus NROH by wome pressure under V.0-TRONEV end B.N.KULIKOVSI (2161) 1169 The Influence of non-coordinted cations on complex formation in solution V.E-IRONOV And VA.NAEAROV Dock Itevltw (52631 &LB3 'Tehhnlkeflboty eotutlyut VLekoratorayidl aoyyakh' InaeTecniquaef Working with M4ercury under Leborttory Condition.), by P. P. Ptalmechc. Available From The Cheical Society -321-

336 EURNAL PRIKLAROI 1MU4II JOURNAL OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY OF THE USSR Volume 35, Number 8 August, 1962 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE stimation of the Quality of Raw Materials and of the Roman Cement Made from Them. U. Ayapov ' Inveltiatl ion of the Phase Composition of the Prod octs Formed by Heating of Boehmte Atakelyan and A. A. Chlityakova The Thermodynamics of Reduction of Calcium and Magresium Oxides by Silicon. 1. V. Ryabchikov and A. S. Mikulinskil Structural Viscosity of Aluminate Solutions and Red Mud. T. T. Butavlev and N. M. Troneva Decolorialngof ManganeseOlanes. M, A. Beaborodov, S. 1. Maso, and M. T, Mel'nlk Reactions of Cadmium Salts with Sodium Sulfide. 1. Riskin andt. RogOVa Preparation of Gallium Nitride. G. V. Bamsonov and M. D. Lyutaya Reautlos of Zircon with Certain Carbonates on Heating. 1. M. Kuleohov and Shmanenkova e6 Csystallination In Presence of Seed Crystals In the NaNO 5 - HlO System at Various Solution CoolingRat. L. N. Matusevich Sorption of Uranium(VI) by Sullonatel Cation Exchangers. A, I. Zhukov. E. 1. Kazantlev, V. M. Matkova. and V. 9, Pavlovich l Kinetics of Autoolave 6eaching of Chalcopyrite. G. N. Dobrokhotov and B, V. Maiorova Mass T'anpfor Through the Liquid Phase on a Perforated Plate In Presence of SurfaceActlve Substances., A. I. Rodlonov and V. M. Radikovakil Extraction of HiS from a Liquefied Pr'pane -Propylene Fraction by KIP0 4 Solution in a CowtitarcursentColumn. L. S, flesdal'. B. 1. Drnitnahteln, V. V. lpat'ev, and V. P. Teoderovich.. *,., Derivation of Formulas for Calculation of Power Consumption for spraying of Uqulds with the Aid of Centrilugal Atomizers, I. S, Kuanetlsov, N. Gans. snd M. A. Lokshin Desln Calculations and Modeling of Chemical Reactors for Exothtmic Procese. N. I, Oal'per n and V. S. Kvasha Method of Calculating the Height of Countercurent Packed rind Plate r.olums foe Selective Dissolution of a Two-Component Dispors Phaua, S. 1. ISounshtein scale Formation on Iron Cobalt Alloys In Air at High Temperatures. M, 0. Vladimirovs and V. F. Niahl'slkii Calotising of Zron and Steel by Evaporation of Aluminum Under Vacuum. V. K. Titov and B. F. Maharov Effect of Oxygen Concentration on the Start of Corrosion in Narrow Gaps. I. B. UlanovAkli and Yu. M. Korovin.. l.m 1853 Effect of Lacquer and Paint Coatins on the Electrochemical Dehavior of Iron. To. B. Alaenfel'd. L. 0. Bullina, L. A. Levina. and A. I. Krasil'shchlkov Available From Consultants Burea;%. 322-

337 ZHURNAL PEIU.ADHOI KE4ZI Vol XCOCV, No,1962- CONTENTS (continud) PAGE RUMS PAGE Corrosion of Iron In Melts Containing Fluorides and Chlorides of the Alkali Metals and Calcium. V. P. Kochergin and V, G. Davydova Corrosion Resistanco and Electrochemical Properties of Zirconium, 'Titanium, and Alloys of the Zlrconiuv- Titanium System in Sulfuric Acid Solutions. V, V. Andreeiva and A. 1. Glukhova Corrosion and Biectrochesmical Behavior of Zirconium. Titanium, and Zirconium -Titanium Alloys in Phospric and Nitric Acid Solutions, A. 1. G lukhovas And V. V. Andrieeva Study of the Anodic Oxidation of Graphite. 0. S. Xsenshek and V. M. Chaihovskaya Influence of Adsorption Conditions on the Kinetics of Contact Dispacament of Copper by Iron [rom an Ammonium Sulfate Electrolyte. V. P. Giigot'ev. S. Ya. Popov. and V. A. Kogan Contact Precipitation of Small Amounu of Copper from Indium Sulfate Blectrolytes by MotnhiRCIndium. L. F. Bashlrova and P, N. Kovaleniko Accelerated Process for Eleetrolytic Production of Cadmium. 0. A. Xhasn anrd G. N. Sosnovlil Composition and Properties of the Cathodic Film Formed during the Blectrodeposition of 1301 Chromium, Z, A. Solov'eva, Yu, S. Petrovas, N. L. IKlimiseonko, arnd A. T. VA~tamtyanf Effective Ares of the Plateaof a Lead Storage Battery. Mi. F.* Skaslooubov Removal of Iron and Other Impurdties from Beryllium Sulfate Soltions by Uleslielyuls with a Mercury Cathode. A. 1. La inor anrd M,. A. Kalen kova loss synthesis of Cellulose Bters of Methyiphiosphonic Acid, W u Mai -yeon, T, Zharova, and Z. A. Ro~ovin Development of a New Method for Production of Colored Aoetyleellulose And Acetate Fibers, L. B, Galbsalikh, Mi. A1. Cheisalin, and Z. A. Rogovin I9M Derivativui of Nitrodipherrylarnlne for Dyeing of Acetate and Synthetic Fibers. V. A, Lavrishohev, V. V. Karpov, and A. B. Kratov Study of Analogs of Acid Ann and Anthraquinoine Dyes Cosntaining Large Alikyl Resiufa, L. N. Nihelenko, Eremina, and 8I. N. Karpova kill Iteactlomi of tirea with Ammionium iemia in Presence of silica Ijel. R., 1. Spassisys and Si. N. Kacarinovskiil.. I Isolation of 11rhyloediaminatatraacatlc Acid from Solutions for Regeneration, V. V. Stairostin, G. r. Silina, and A. A. Lanin BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Corrosion of Steels and Nickel -Chromium Alloys In Mixtures of Molten Chlorides. S. 1. Stepanov and B. 0. Kachina-Pullo Ion-Exchange Chromatographic Synthesis of Certain Quaternary Ammonium Dase. V. V. Xrokhv and A. 1. Vol'faon.. I M Synrthesis ofrn.nitrwilpheny lamina. V. M. Svetkiaeva and S. V. Zhuravle, Removal of Acetylene Impurities for Fine Purification of Ethylene Borger. G~. Rosiantsew, V. S. Reeve, S. B. Zaltseava, and M. Ya. Kilmenko Plastleleation of poytstrafluoroethylene. V. A. Voskretanshti, 1. Mi. Orlova, S. Kh, Slkchentaeva, and A. 0.U Komissarenko Synthesis or 2.Mothyi-! -nitro. 4.rnfthoxymethyl-B-cyano.--hloropyridins Mi V. Dalyakina, S. S. Zhdanovich, and N. A. Pritobraahonslsii Quantitativet Determination of Fluirintin the Technical Product. A. U. Krotov and 1to4 A. I. Okhrimovich.. I I.., Ion Available Frmm Consulta.nts bareau

338 ZHURNAL PRIIO.ADN0I IHDMII Vol mm'. XNo -, 1962 CONTENTS ctinued) RUSS. PAOI PAOE 1(foct of Addition of Tribnaylamine on the Electrolytic Tin Plating of Shoet lion, Yu, V. Feiorov... ' Siructure of the RAdiation Polymer of Pipetyee. A. I. akubchik and V. K. smirnova ONidtlion of 2,.8-Ditrt-but.I-4.methylphmno! (lonol) in a Melt, S. K. Zykova and B. V. Stolyarov DnOK RIVIBWS Ila idbook on Solubilitin, or slt Systems Cott)need and Its y-producu., Technology of Mineral 8lu (reailsru. Pastincdea, Induatrial Salts, Oxides, and Acids).4, B. Pcsin Available from Consultants Bureau 324-

339 So~iet Physics TECHNICAL PHYSICS A Translation of the 'Zhurnal T~hh,icbesoi Fixibi' (Rusian Original Vol. 32. No. 12. pp , December, 1962) Vol. 7, No. 12, pp June, 1963 CONTENTS PAGE RUSS. PAGE Ilairoata field of a leotional Spherical Capacitor, b. M, Mlnhoy Dependence of the Form Factor on the Boundary Condition Criterion lot Certain Potential Fields, M. A, Korobov Stationary States ins High -TemperAture Plasma. Thie Piav1MA Column In a Longitudinal Magnati' Field. B. F. TitAlich and V. S. Tki.~ch Ion Compensation of the Space Charge of & Relativistic Electr-)n rioi%. V.,j.ntEnko Simulation of Focusing Properties for Intense Ion Beams. KV. P. I1&at'nko A 15-May Electron Linear Accelerator, T. N. Filimonova and A. M. 6hmov A Preision Prism Beta Spocitreter, 1. Electron -Optical Systr arnd Construction. V. Mv. Keliuasi B. P. Prtexud, and V. I. akoninx l 1446 A Precision Ptrm-Buta -SpeUso=meter, ii. Resolving rower, Effective Aperture, Accuracy of Mosaaunimannu of Energies and Relative Intensities. V. M. Kel'ina. Rt. P. Peiegod, and V. 1.Skooina BRIE COMMUNICATIONS Iteacnancn Effects in Induced Oscillations of a Layer of incompretmible Conducting Fluid In A Trsinsverse Magnetic Field. 1. B. Chakmarev Theory of Ion Current In a Probe, -. Kga n V. 1. feral Symmetric Stationary l,'thermal Gas DI iffon, V. A.May Excitation of Rloctromagnetic Waves In A Plasma with Directed Electrosn Velpoity with oapct to theliona. V.,.,Mal,1w LITTI TO THU ITOR Eiffesn of an Intereleotrode Cesium Plasma on the Characteristics of a Theimionic Energy Convener. N, PI Mogulis arnd Yu. P. Korohavol Possible Method ot Conago of Thermal Energy ito Electricity. 9. V. Teodorovich Energy Spectrum of the Electrons In the Toroldal Discharge Dwvico Beta. 1, A. Loblikov and A. 1. Nassyulha.. I Concerning sue UvLitence of Magnetic Surfaces, 0. V. Skornyakov Concerning As Ersvsrof Neuaingr Whitnoy Aa I W- INlWIXII TO VOLUME 7I Author Index.. I..10 SubjectsIde Available From Amer mob~ or Phys Sov Phys - Tech Phys Vol VII, no

340 Soviet Physics TECKNICAL PHYSICS A Traalation of the 'Zburnal TghhAbicheikoi Fizik' Vol ITQII, No 1, 19ET' VoL. 0, Nu. 1, pp July, 1963 CONTENTS RUSS. Diffusion of Charged Particles in a Plaima In a Field (Field Dependent Collitions). PAGI PAGI V,.,Golnt (T) I Acceleration of Charged Partilesa by Time-Periodic Magnetic Fialds, VY_.Aakc. dlev. V. M, Kal'mnn, and 1, N, Syouv.. (T) The Problem of Choosing ilt Frequency of the Accelerating Filld for a f-ligh-3nargy Cyclic lectron Accelerator. N j. and. S. Kovf...(T) The Radiation of a Single Charge in a Samilifinite Waviegudu Filled with. Ulectiic,. L, Purilitn nd G. V. goikielj.. The Radiation or Elcctrons Moving oil A Spiral in a Moagiwtoarivo Plarma, 11,.. (T) ou 34 V. I. Pnathomnov and K. N, Stt i (T) Interaction of an Blaction 11isl with a P1l1s1a ill a IViogntia Field. I. Isr'illg tl l Oicillatlim.,. P thiikii (,r) 34 t5 bltoraction of an Electron ilraon with a Plasma in A MAgitc FiLid, II, Traniveie 01CLLIALL01m, A. I'Alliffild[ (T) no 58 etirnlinatlon of Certain Paramotet of a Itigh.lraequescy ilis. Uud,A, -.. a, g.and S, V, Diasvtn I (ai) 43 0,5 Certdin Qsntionl in II is Magtntoi'drody.nA 'lri of OU&aI. lmansllra Pins a Flow 11, V. S. Eroferv and Yu, V. 8nn 1thkin.. (T ) 4 I;A Turbulent Fiow of al liectrically Conducting Liquid ii Tubew of ItantangulAr Cralt Section under the Influence of illectrodyranic PolidetoiltlOtv orc,. ibinin and A, 1. K h Ohaino y Nonlinear Llects and Pararnet- 1o Alllicftattolln ill tile Wave lirteraltit in Wavegildals (T/ll) with Long Electron Stwraml, S, A. Akhlnianov, & D. Gyoudovcr. A, S. Gailhkov, and V, Q, Dittrle.. o0 The Ute of a llli un Condensation Pump for Wacuation Of Magnetic Trapt, 1, noro F' I. Butol. and V.A OK o._ (i.) (8 100 Reonance Excitation of W'.aves in a Liquid wiih liiflinti Condurtiviy. S. V, logd' i ll ) il) Moasurtamnt of Relantiv. Intnitile a LX -Ray Diffraction Invasltigstios of Textur d Specimens. V. 1. Iveronova, A. S, Kagan, and S, M. Nikularva.. Scattering of X Ray In Gaseious, Uqruid, and Amorphous Bodies. 11, F, A. flaignyan.. (T) (T) 'I) 8'a EAparimanta lnve, tigarion of the Directivity.f an Arnwril, Moltculat Deam, I. A. Naumov.. (I11T) 98 12' Rcsitar.-: of a Gateo Medium to the Motion o~f a Particle wilh Dimnemonl CompArable to the Mean Flee Path. N. A. Fukli and I., Availabie From ki'r Itiat of l'hys &kj,.. (,') Bov Phina - toc ph.yn Vol V111, No I

341 ZRWAL VYSSHEY NEMVNO TIEYATEL I NOSI fl.wi 1.* P. PAYLOVA PAVLOV JOURNAL OF HIGHER NERVOUS ACTIVITY' VOLUME 11, No. a 04 TABLE OF CONTENTS A.B. DMITRIIIvt The Character of signal-syslain Interaction in Childrmn ofschool Age A. F. DAUTRIEV and L. 0. PERVOVi Study afttic Correlation Between the Signal S~vaee In Neuroses..10 V. A. KURBHIEVz Internal Inhibition and Disinhlbition in Signal tiyam Interaction In BtAmmerers..I.. s Z.,V. DENISOVAt The Act~ou of Extraneous Stimuli on Verbal Rleactions to the Child T. VIKTOROVi Features of Higher Nervous Activity in VEpilerAio children.. I N. 8. MflI(J:ANTs CI.ango in the Electrical Activity of the. Brain In Early Childhood In Response toa Flicker Stlimulus..1 E.0G. VATSIIROi Boma e Oneral Laws Governing Higher Nervous Activity (biehavior) 01 Animatse ADRLANOVt The Strucature of Conditioned Reflexes to a SIMultaneous LCompiex Wtimnulus..41 A.G. PSHONIK and B.58. OIUDAlOVt The Effect of Vitamin fl-19 on Conditioned Activity in the Dog.. I..I..46 f. A. VAiiILIEVAi The Effect of a Sharp Increase In the Intensity of Positive and Inhibitory Stimuli on Higher Nervous Activity IntliDog.,.,..,I,I..I.,I,..,I.. so N. M. V AVILOVA, H. P. KLYAV1NA, 0. A, OBRA ETSOVA, And V. A. TROBiIKiiIN, Tues Correlation Bletween Typological Proipertiep Mi Highar Nsrvniss Ailvity and the Course of Pathological Processes..I. I..,.,. I.. I Bl. B. VOZNEBEKIWi The Effect of Descxyoorticostercae on Various Components of Motor Defense Conditioned Reflexes T.M KIIgs.. a r-41sunderithe Action of Pirhrol..64 A.G. S')DDBOTAI The Physiological Role of the Rate of Intaansfiiation of Conditioned Stimuli..10 M, M, KAiRIMOVAt The beloolivity of the Xxinction of the Orienting Reflex to Acoustic Stimuli During Natural and Noibutlftloop IuDoga i 1.0. GUSEVAi The.tmit of an Elaborated Inhibitory Prociese In Dogs with Nvarvoun Systems of Various Types.. M. K. 1101% Effect a1 Podium b1romide and Caffeine on the Duration of the Maibitcilry Phco n errrue P.M. P00011 LOVA The lifeel of Transection of the Posterior Columns of the 11pinal Cord o Motor Feeding Conditioned Reflexes In the Dog., ,.,.., 14 L.P. RUDENKOt Thi Apfuearanc6 of an 'Isolated Pathological Paitl In the Audiicrj AnAllyaer of the Do'.. is V,0, TEV?.ADZEi iscimntion of Intensity amd Ihintos of tabyrinthilie Stimulationsi 1.0. KIIAMITOVi The Conversion of COnditioned Refloitss to T&* P. 1. KALININ and A. A.'KLV~ teti064 4ctl)o The Mijurein Reticular Formation of th Rabbit In Presence of a Dominant Focus In the Cerebral Ccu'.ex..II V.I. IVANOVAt Thea Action of Chiorpromane on Food Conitioned neflexes in the Fish, the Pigeon and the Rabbit..I A.V. NAPALKOV and R.V. VOLOSHIOVAi TVe Interaction of the Components of.a Complex fteom of Motor Foew Coeduoned Reflexes is the Rat..ts M. YU. ULIYANOV anid N.M. KODYAWOt An Electronic Prograemr for Automatien of Experimast In IMe Beveleprest of Tentporary Connections s 114DEX a Availale FroI1 E3.oVier Publishintg Company

342 AlJ'fiOR INDEX -'A -Aravin, G. S. 192 Arbuzov, Yu. A. 133 Abayev, Arganbai, J. 92 Abe, Jun 128 Arisumi, Akdra 205 Ablyayev, Sh. A. 178 Arkad'yevskiy, A. A. III Abolina, 1. 3 Arkayev, V. A. 26 Abramov, A. 9 Arlt, Rainer 43 Abramov, V. 12 Armbruster, P. 202 Adloff, Jean-Pierre 176 Arnautov, A. K, 190 Adrov, MI. M. 142 Arnold, K. 146 Afanas'yev, 1. V. 165 Arsenovici, Tiberiu 55 Agache, Nicolaie 56 Artamanov, K Aganbegyan, A. 10 Artsimovich, L. A. 186 Agree V. L. 164 Arutyunyan, G. Me 188 Aidit, D. N. 82, 90, 95 Arutyunyan, C. S. 1l1 Akhmatov, A. S. 3o Asada, Tsunesaburo 206 Akimenko, Mi 15 Asaoka, T. 181 Akkerman, V. V. 112 Asgharzadeh, Djalik 82 Akulirjichov, I. T. 149 Askinazi, Kb, 155 Albert, P. 176 Aslanova, N. fl. 116 Aloksandrov, I. A. Alokaoyev, Ye Astashenkov, P. T. Astrakhantuev, S. Me Aleksic, Milan 36 Atanasova, G. 32 Aleksic, Milos 70 August 200 Alexar.~roscu, I,.s Avanesov, D. S. 182 al-iafiz, Yasin 81 Avdoyonko, A. 20 Ali, Ilachir 1ladj 80 Ayrapgl'yants, Ye. Sh. 116 Alikhashkint, A. 8 Ayrapetov, S. G;. 10 Almajoanu, Sorgiu 55 Azadova, N. SI. Ila Altenburger, P. 158 Azarov, A. Yin. 1 Altykis, A. V. 157 Azbgirel, L. S. 183 Amlinskiy, 1. Yo. 119 Azovkin, 1. 5 Andeors, A. 3 Ando, Ikuo Andre, Joan 158 AfldrOyev, K. K. 27, 133 idabanova, M. 209 Androes, V. G. 178 Babaymv, He V. 131 Andreynv, L,. 30 Babushkina, MI, D. 131 Andrlyashov, A. P. 116, 117 Rachnfan, R. 210 Andryankin, I]. T. 192 Baczaek, Maria 105 Andryanov, S. N. 3 Boaova, M. K. 157 Anisimov, G. D. 208 Badinov, 1. Ya. 182 Animimov, S Radnjarevic, R. 106 Anliker, R. 135 Badnjarevic, Radisav 60 Antunwu-Romianovskiy, Iagdonavichus, S. P. 8 V. V. 187 Bajalica, Dimitrije 6 Antusunkov, Yo. 14 Hajraktari. P.1k k03 Anureyev, Bakker, P.i. 78 Apanasenko, Z Salakrishvian, P. V. 137 Apanovich, S Balnyova, NI. 119 Araki, Tad.dshi 205 Balikov, Ye. F. 141 Ilanja. Ilasan

343 Baraban, Hlonryk 127 Hernshteyn, M. L. 163 ilarahashov, N. 142 Bernshteyn, N. 101 ilaraboy, V.* A.* 129 Berthold, H. 198 iractaru# B. 106 Berz 4.ns M. Ya. 88 Bv.ra1, A. A. 109 Beske, 11. U. 201 Btxranovo A. A. 164 Basko~rovayniy, N. M. 163 Blarbieri, F'. 25 Hettzie.he, P. 41 Brtvskil G. 122 Beumer, J. 121 liarvosh, Ye. T. 23 Beutler, If. 202 Basliarin, S. 1 Bezdanov, Stevan 70 Basiewicz, Tadeusz 49 Bezvarkhaya. T. P. ill Basov, V. a Bianchi, M. 158 Bastius, If. 171 Riermann, W. 169 Bauing 39 Biondic, Marica 70 Baumel, A. 170 Birecke, Helena 127 Bawoiska, Maria 105 Burger, Is A. 188 Baybikov, M. 11 fllrkx, J. 121 Bayda, Hi. N. 189 Birnbaum, M. 176 Bazhenova, 1'. V. 149 Birulya, A. K. 2 Be, Chan Htung 93 Biryukov, N. P. 115 Beck, If. 169 Biswas, M. M. 147 Beoker 179 Bittner, 1., 135 Becker, Gerhnrd, 201, 202 Blahs, JIri 66 Becker, Willi 40 Blanc, n, 193 Bockey, 11. D. 201, 202 Blanck, D. 197 Hadnar, Ludwik 48 Blazeak-Ditges, n, 171 Bahr, Johannes 44 TBlinovski, K. 184 Bhhrisch, Rainer 200 Bloch, V. 195 Belay, Jozsof 45 Blum, A. 10 Belichanko, Rohkov, Ye. 10 Rulikov, V. 101 Ilocchi, iolotte, J. 194 Bocharov, ri, 1). 118 De1ouBOV, hocharav, V. 9 Bel'skaya, N. N. 142 Baczek, Maria 148 Belugin, V. F. 145 hodazhkov, V. A. I Rolyavskaya, T. A, 191 floffa. Giusepro 77 hinlvavev. V ROgacheva, A. A. 155 Helyayevo YuO nogatova, 1 I as18i Donacerraf, A Rogdankovich, 1. S. 187 Henacorrnf, M, A. 114 fogdatnvy, Viktor 32 Begnito 97 Bognar, Joisef 45 Ben'kovich, L. 12 fogoyavlenski, A. N. 144 Berboc, Jan 105 HlOgOyaVlenskiy, 11. N. 30 Hiercot, Rojgustak, hfrantizek 69 herdichevskiy, L. S. 116 isohut, Antonin 192 Bereitbsy, 1). Ya. 113 Doldyrov, V. V. 131 Berothkovskiy, 1) Bolin, Liiis A. 98 Berothnoy, A. S. 130 Dolland, Stitfan 46 Bsrozhnoy, Ui. F'. 184 DoIntin, V. V. 188 Borezovskiy Bonchkovskaya. TC. V. 144 Berger, R. 168 otdorenko Borhoft, Ui. 160 Bor, M. 22 Berman, Y flerdeni, Piero G. 204 Bernard, Jean 122 forger, 11. 1oll

344 Bornemann, Norbert 64 - C- Borodachav, N. M. 143 Borodatov, V. A. 108 Caristrom, C. G, 174 Horoday'ev, Yu. S. 166 Carocei, All'orto 77 Borodulin, A. 11 Carra, Sergio 138 Barovik-Romanova, T. P. 130 Cassola, Carlo 79 Borowski, Pawel 71 Ch'ai, ra-pang 94 Borun, Mlarian 46 Chalraayev, V. 24 Bouissieres, G'. 174 Chang, IHao 89 Bourdel, J. 152 Chang, Tzu-p'oi 94 Bourreau, M. P. 73 Chang, Weci-pang 94 Routellier, P. 195 Chang, Wen-kwing 86 Boyadzhiev, Simeon 33 Chao, Ts'un-hsin. 94 Draido, A. 158 Chaykln, S. 12 Brandatetr, Ch'en, Hun-kuoi 103 Branover, G. G. 190 Ch'en, IHung-yung 86 Braun-Falco, Ch'on, Li 86 Brennor, Sydney 134 Chong, Yen-thih 89, 99 Bressler, R. 136 Chentsov, 11. A. 149 Broca, Paul 121 Cherbulioz, ilmile 135 Brodskiy, A. 145 Chorchenko, lbroga, L. 29 Cherdyntsev, V. V. 186 Brokhin, 1. S. 164 Cheremukhin, K. 28 Brongerana, L. D. 78 Cherfas, N. V. Word 6 0 for dos downloads. 11 Bross, Chernashkin, V. G~. 164 Brossmer, Reinhard 123 Chasnokov, S. 11 Brovcanko, V. G. 149 Chetvarikova, G. A. 151 Bruk, S Chinaglia, B. 176 Brumberg, Ye. M. 119 Chlzhilcovn, Z. A, 190 Brun'ko, V. 6 Cho, Chang-ki 87 Brunzel, N. 172 Chloe, Chung-Suk 87 iublik, 1'. P. 155 Chon, So-hun 87 Budentmev, A. 1 Chu, Chien-sung B4 Budasaewski, Tudousz 48 C~huang, I1u-ling 94 Buderskaya, G. G. 133, 141 Chudakov, 1. G. 146 Budnikov, P. 1P. 130 Chukhno, A, 22 Budryk, Staisluaw 51 Chuksoyov, Ya. 12 Budyko, M. L. 141 Ch'ung, Chin Mb Ougryahoy, P Churabo, Omitry Buhior, It.U. 169 Dmitriyevich 154 Bukrinokaya, A. G. 118 Churayov, N. V. 102 Bilgaru, M. 58 Churinova, M Bulochnikova, L. 5 Chuvayov, A. P. 142 Bulypil, Ciborowski, Stanislaw 140 Buntiacoa, V. S5 Ciclcopol, C. 5 Hurnich, P. 22 Ciui'folottil L untova, Ciurileanu, Radu 55 Burda, P. 193 Chauss, Burgor, Kalmsan 45 Ccli;, J. R. 124 Burghauxoni, R. 40 (:c)iomnier, L. 167 Burtsev, V. T. 4 Combo, A. 158 Bussard, M. S. 43 Constantinoscu, ton 58 Busayeva, V. nl. 208 Constantinescu, V. N. 158 Buaddloy, Corhino, n. 204 Bychevskly, U. 27 Costoo, Stefan 72 Bykov, K. M. 116 Cottn, Iiorst

345 Croer, H. 202 flmitriyev, V. 18 CretDiu, Gh. 57 Dobatkin, V Csillag, Laszlo 203 flobrer, RA. K. I5'] Cucu, V. 57 Dobrig, Werner 66 Cunge, Jan 105 Dobriyanov, V. 62 Cyriak, K. 42 Dobrokhalov, V. P. 119 flobronrnvova, A. C0. 1 D r - Doczokal, Franciszek 49 Doetach, Gustav 152 nabkowski, Henryk 47 Dogaii, Nlattoi * famaskina, Domango, L. 134 Damberg, H3. 19 Doinnich, MI. 30 Damian, E3. 64 Dondukov, T.R, Ts. '2 D'Ancona, S. 128 Donev, Nikola 31 IDnnila, S. I. a Doroshchuk, V. u., 186' Danilov, 1. N.* 161 Dovba, A. 3 Danilyavichyus, P. 29 Dowoyko, llrunon 46 Dashkovich, D~owjat, Zygmunt 71 Davidov, 1).31 Drakin, Davidson, It 158 IDregol'skava, 1. N. 117 flavolia, G. 152 IOrei~ln, R'. S. 118 Davydchonkov, V. 9 Dronlanin,'Milorad 15 Do0 Carli, L. 128 Draws, H3. 73 do Carvaiho, A. 210 Droyfus,'A. 122 Dohnhard, 1). 700 Drooso, W. 123 Doi~o1, Rudolf 125 Drofa, V. K. 142 *Daiss, M. 152 Dronca, do ILaffolio, , 170 Dubaoo, B. 10 LDvlirnnrskiy, Yu. K. 133, 141 IDubinina, Ye. N * fembowski, Jucok 51 Dubinskiy, N, 12 1)anisonko, 11. P. 110 Dubovik, M. 10 flanisov, A. 6 Duce, A )anisov, V. G. 100 Dluchene,. 11;2 DooxPoro121 Duchesne, MI do Olivoria, II Duclos,.IIIcquas 80 D~orval, M. 63 fluda, 1'. 15? Doryagii, BI. 187 Duie, P. 193 Dospotovic, Jerkii 120 flul'man, A. 13 1,61yttlikovi i. 13 flumitroacu, V. 58 flhtert, K, 172 IDumont.Pillon, J fletkov, S. P. 191 IDuong, Khanh as Davedzhiov. Mnn 33 Dupal, YJaroslov 38 flevyntknvn, 11, 0, 192 Durok, Andrzej 49 Dovyatova, V. A. 100 Dushin, L. A. 177 Do Waard 159 flushkin, 1P. K, flyris, 142 H.* 176 tautroix, Dialer, K. 135 I1varnyak, H. M. 1 Dickens, P. 170 Dvrv.2 Ditsr,1. 9 'yakov, S, Dimitrijevic, Iimitrije 35 Dy1bcZynski, Rajinund 140 Dimiltrov, A. 32 Dimitrov, ldt. 31 Dinculoscu, S. 58 Dirian, G. 193 Djurbabic, M

346 -8- Filho, Jose 128 Filho, J. 5. Laus 129 Eberc, Manfred 71 Filipek, J. 127 Eckart, F. 152 Filippov, P. F. I Ldolwejn, Z. 68 Fiorenza, A. 173 Ehrengut, W. 125 Fischer, J. 136 Ehret, G. 196 Fischer, W. 171 Eichler, Fiser, Ivan 35 Eigen, M. 203 Flink, M. J. J. 78 Elimelakh, n. Z. 1i Flodmark, Eric 134 linson, S. V. 185 Florescu, M. 57 Ellimer, David 75 Florescu, Mihail 56 Ellson, I. 30 Fodor, Gabor 210 Enge.anu, Ch. 134 Fogel, Ya. M. 177 Bnglander 178 Fontages, R. 121 Enomoto, Shigemasa 205 Fontaine, Y. 178 Unzmann, Manfred 44 Forstel, t. 44 Hpifanov, A. I. 189 Fortuin, J. H Epplng, R. 169 Frank, G. 170 Spur, F. 19 Franzen, J. 201 Ermako, A. I. 182 Fratev, Dimitur 33 Ermort, I. 172 Fraude. A. 180 Iapig, II. 173 Froibcrg, G. 43 Bstorff, W. 153 Frendel, J. 202 Eatrin. Yii. 18 Frey-Wyssling, A. 123, 124 Rstulin, I. V. 183 Fridlyand, I. G. 109 Bular, J. 199 Fristrup, Borge 98 Hynor, L Frungel, F. 194 Fujil, Isao 205 P - Pukui, S. 147 Purot, 1. '152 Fabionavichyus, Puron, Raymond 146 Fabry, Hyorgy 137 rurundzic, Buzidar 59 Facchini, A. 181 Fushimi, Itiroshi 181 Fadeyova, V. I. 191 Fusov, Potko 62 Fang, Jo-po 84 Fang, Jung-haien 84 - C 1nng, Ping-chit 85 Fnng, rstng-hol 103 CkelI, P. 166 Faugoras, P. 178 Galkin, V. S. 155 Pedorchenko, I. M. 165 Galyapin, V. 2 Pedoienko, N. 14 Candy, A, 198 Fedorov, II. K. 143 Ganichov, I. 15 Fodorov, G. B. 163 Garbar, Mikhail 140 rudorov, S. S. 109 Gary-Bobo, J. 194 Fadorov, V. n. 109 Gnsenko, 0. G, 112 Fedyakin, N. N. 188 Caspar, U. 176 Fojto, Francois 96 Gisparic, J. 133 Fellcht, Kurt 42 Gass, H. R. 179 Poocze, Daniel 35 Cavrichenkov, A Porraro,., 168 Gavrikov, F. K. 26 Fesconko, S. F. 17S Gavrillscu, r. 55 Pichorov, Vasil 62 Gavrilov, A. A. ISS Figunlov, S. 3 Gavrilov, M. A. 175 Filcok, M. 136 Gayanov, A

347 Gayvoronskiy, Gornuot, R. 176 Gebauhr, W. 180 Gorodetzky, S. 153 Geijslees, 1). C. 103 Corshkov, L. 28 Geissler 39 Gorshkov, S. 14 Goiael, Camil 148 Corvachev, A. A. ISO Generalov, V. V. 178 Coryunova, S. V. 113 Genkin, A. A. 118 Goscilowicz, Czeslaw 49 Geodakyan, V. A. 191 Gosiewski, Piotr 49 Georgalas, G. 75 Goto, Y. 105 Geargieff, MI. 202 Govorkov, V. G. 166 Gaorgiev, Danail 31 (rabner, Georgiev, Tsvetan 35 Grdenic, D. 181 Gorynyu, A. A. 142 Grebe. K. 171 Gotsova, A. B. 110 crebennikova, R. V. 177 Chita, Ion 58 Grochukhina, N. 166 Giglio, Rolunidu 76 Sremmelmaier, Rolf 153 Gimmnelfarh, B. N. 100 Grotler, W. 160 Glasko 73 Grigolyuck, R , Giuttard, M. 134 Grigoryova, 0. V. 101 Glanz, Grinborg, G. D. 107 Glaser, R. 198 Grindea, D. 67 Glasov, N. V. 184 Grinepiah, K. 1P. 157 Glass, I. 173 Gringauz, K Glabov, G. D. 184 Grivo, Joan 121 Glazerman, G. 24 (rochal, fuganiunz 51 S11gbc, V. 129 Groos, A, W. 73 Cobert, G cromyko, V. 10 Godecke,'K. 197 (rubacovic, Pero 66 Gadin, Yu. C. 163 (rumbach, A. 124 Golawska, Jadwiga so fruzewski, Stanisltim 47, 50 Gol'dberg, 1. H. 209 Gryamnovo lo K. 2? Guldanburg, M. A. 115 (irynherg. loalinit 140 Col'dman, L,. M. 141 Gryzel, lanacy 49 Colikov, Sorgay cirzogurnewaki, Jerzy 102 Nikolayevich 108 (itiogorewski, MI Gol'kin, 0. H. 148 Grzoloski, 1I0310k 140 Col'nev, V uothor, N. 199 Golovanonko, S. A. 4 Cui-chin' 144 Golovannv, Yn. 146 (ulochon, flsorjgos 134 Colubkov, Yu. A. 149 nuiraud, P. 121 Gomez, M. B~rrachina 176 Guitonnoau, It. 78 Cnncharenko, Mikhrail (luizerix, J. 176 Nikuicyovich 26 k6uniya, S. U. 145 Condo, 0. 9 Cunther, N. 199 Gorbschev, N. 27 riurkin, V. 27 Gorbiel, Andvaoj 6R cgurov, N. 12 Gorbunov, G. Mi. 154 Curov, V. S. 149 Corbunov, I. N. 102 Gusser, A. 19 Gorbuno-va, N. N. 116 Gurney, 0. 9 Gorchev, 1. A Cusev, K. A. 142 Gorclik, Ya. 28 GUROV, V. 166 G'oretzki, S C~usov, V. Ui. 165 Gorican, ii. 181 Gurney, Yu. 19 Gorin, Sh. 149 Gushchin, n. P. 144 Gorlin, K. 4 Cutovskiy, M. V. 149 ctutschmidt 73 SI3S -

348 - II- Isueh, Mu-ch'iao 86 Ilubort, A. 201 Ila, Van 88 flurren, 1B hlaacko, Wolfgang 44 Hiaber, Fritz Biache, A. 168 lachenborg, lgorev, hladkor, Walter 129 Iliov, Lyuhomir 63 Uladzisterich, Vojin 37 I1'inskiy, Ya. 79 llaefs, Ilanswilhelm 76 Illarionov, V. F~. 101 liaegeman-goladi, G. 176 Illes, F. 181 Haissinsky, I1'yin, A. M. 9 hlalasz, B. 125 Imoto, H. 139 lumata, Vaclov 151 Inagaki, HI. 135 hlurnm, R. 104 Infold, L. 195 Ilan, Kung-nyong 87 Inoue, I-onin, M. 158, 16;A Inoue, T, 138 Hans, A. 168 Inoun, Y. 139 Ilarahap, Blanda 82 Ioganzon, B. G Harms, F. 172 Isachenko, A. G. 29 Ilarrbrucker, 11, 172 Ishlmori, T l4taino, Nlasnlliro 139 Takhakov, G, Kb. 20 Ihohad(n, Israel, Jean 101 Ilogglin, R. 123 Isserson, (1. 28 hleinig, A. 123 Istvnn, Lorincz 67 Hlellmann, It. 122 Ivakhnmnko, 0. 11, 106 Ilsllwago, K, if. 196 Ivan, rutaky 67 hlolmckeo, J. G. 199 Ivanov, V. R., 133 Haomann, HI. 42 Ivensen, Yu. P. 17 lenrikison, 91. T. 171 Iwaso, Akio X39 heonry, Yves 71) laraol, S. 31 lenazelmannn, I'rigyes 210 lavol'mkayn. N. 18 hhorlach, r IornhntIaz, ltose L, hlerwig, A. 172 Iloydack, lv, 17n,Jablonski, Stanislaw 48 Hsynocher, Hi Jacob, T'rancoim 134 hillar, lncrot, I. 194 llirotn, K. IAA.Iakah, tirstfold, hludwlk 126.iakuiiova, L.I hlihowicki, RomAn 148.hakoa'1javic, Stanojo 6 11o, Pong-huik go,iander, J Ilonng, Minh~ Thrn 25.latik, J1. A )0l, M. 137 Jankovic, Hiriama 74 Ulodh, ,lankovic, Novonka 70 11oldevici, Nicodim S7,Ianouci, rr. 71 1lorhoi,.I). 92 'Ianulzewie2, Hamn, II. 135 JArnikiowic2, Ilanna 140 liornunq, R. :ion Jaylo, M. F, orodetski~p, o. n. 129.helcic, hozidar 36 hiougardy, Jon, Mei-o 94 1l511, (linag-yu 84 lentot, N u, 1. 9() Jimn, Plugen

349 Joachim, J. L. 204 Kemmer, A. i53 Johann, Kendler, E Joita, 1E. 58 Korsiuic, Viktor 174 Jordan, Eggert 147 Kesicki, Apolinary 50 Jovanovic, Djordjo 61 Khadzhinikolov, Veselin 69 Jung, Cheng-shih 86 Khait, Yu. 132 Khaunuunov, S. 65 -K -Khanzhin, V. 10 Kharin, V. T. 187 Kabannik, G. T. 130 Kharitonov, B. K. 20 Kacior, Kazimierz 45 Khayfets, L. 17 Kagan, Yu. 184 Khi, San Mr.i 182 Kahuda, Frantisok 71 Khinkovski, Tueno 35 Kainer, Gyula 45 Kholev, S. R. 178 Kaleda, Gl. A. 143 Khorunzhiy, V. A. 21 Kallmann, HI. 179 Khristolyubova, Ye. 16 Kallmann, Von Ilartnuut 180 Khvostov, V. 30 Kaltenbach, Ulrich 197 Kiba, Kaiweit, C. 146 Kichigin, A. M1. 10 Kaminski, Marian 49 Kielan, Andizoj 148 Kanko, D. 200 Kllctonko, V. A, 119 Kandatsu, M. 126 Kim, Song'il 90 Kantor, V. 100 Kim, Won-aam 87 Kao, Shang-yin 120 Kimura, It, 160 Kao, Tsu-ching 86 Kirillina, 1T. 21 Kapitonov, Klrillov, 1P. L. 177 Kaplunov, R. P. D Kirko, 1. M. 100 Karabanov, A. 1. 9Kir'rnl' G Karetnikov, D). V. 183 KirachninA, 1.-J. 170 Karev, 1. 7 Kirahtal, MI. A. 164 Karki, N. T. 120 Kipolnv, Boris Karlysava, K. P. 141 Abramovich 163 Karnats, Kisalev, 1P. N. 100 Karpinaki, Zygmunt 52 Kisoiev, V Karpukhin, (s Kiam, 1. 17Q Karpushin, M Kivinan, H. I0s Kartauhev, K. H Klntt, Karwowuki, togdan 49 Klnart,1 II0ini An Kastyan, T. 1, 112 Kioment, Robert 200 Kazzynska, Janina 174 Klemm, A. 173 Kato, K. 205 Klojuikov, N Kaufmann, 11, 41 Klimant, 61yorityne 137 Kaufmann, flerard 167 Klimov. K, 12 Kawanishi, Mnaharu 206 Kiimov, V. 8, 157 Kawinaki. Stanisulaw 47 Mo~novd, 1% Kays, OkInovi 93 Klor-ok, Ir;(incistok 49 Kuzakov, P. 6 Klnos, K. It. 1d Kazanova, 1. I. 109 Kluk, Tadaust S Kazarlnuv, Yu. M Kniihnikov. V. A. III Kaxhinskiy, R. ft. 140 Knoblokh, V. 183 Koh# Zygmunt 54 Knotek, Keilhacker, M4. a200 Knudson, It.19 Keining. H Knuppol, It. 169 Kpis, J. 57 Kochatygovoy, V. V. 100 Kuldysh, M. V. 208 Koerner, H. 159) Keller, F. R. 104 Kohler, P3 172 Kolzon, A. S. 101 Kokotkiewict

350 Kolarov, Panayot 34 Kramchenko, 1. V. 142 Kolbanovskiy, Yu. A. *190 Kramer, Erwin 41 Kolbaske, J. 39 Kranz, J. 201 Kolesnikov, P, A, 129 Krasicki, W. 53 Kolibrunnor, C. P, 147 Krasil'nikov, V. A. ISO Kolli, Rexhep 61 Krasnikov, M. P. 23 Koloclyazhnyy, N. V. 23 Krasnoyarskiy, V. V. 162 Kolyszko, K. 48 Krat, V. 186 Koiuarov, A. S. 115 Kratoska, Karol 38 Komarov, V. L. 107 Kravchenko, Ye, 103 Komarovskiy, A. 6 Krejsa, Ladislav 39 Kando, Osamu 205 Kromer, HI. 159 Kondurov, 1. A. 176 Kren, IUmil 203 K' iig P. 170 IKronkel', n. 27 Kononenko, V Kretachmer, Go 104 Xonotop, Kratmaohuiann, G. 179 Konstantinov, Ii. D. 132, 141 Krisch, A. 172 Kantorovich, V. M. 186 Kritl, Z. 63 Kopacz, Jo 67 Krivosheyev, V. 5 Kopinhck, Krndija, rlrng 37 Kopylov, V. 20 Kronmarck, S. 165 Korbe, Go' 12 Kruglov, 5. 1P. ISO Korn, Me Yao l1p Krutikovas 1. Go IRA Kornoychav, N. 2 Kruyt, 11. It. 132 Kornilov, 1, Krylova, To No 119 Kornyushkin, Yu. Do 1S0 Krysmstofisk,?Uiroslgw 51 Korobkov, Kuslazek. Jan 4 Korolov, V. V. 140 Kubu, Ilirushi 20 Yo-iollkov, 1). V. 143 Kubota, 11. lop Korollov, A. M. 132, 141 Kucharski, Mimczygl~w 54 Korolyuk, V. S. 175 Kuchkin, Be 21 Korotin, V Kudrov, V. 21 Kosn, Lucijan 60 Kudrya~t~eV I N. A. 162 Koact, radauss.16 Kudrycka, lvdiulla so Kosichkin, N. V. 16S Kuenkel, K, U1 KosopIAPOVA, T1. Yin. 131 Fugay, L. N. 131 Kostakov, V. 17 Kuhn, Hichard 123 KustLii. K~. F. 2n W11h), I, 197 Kostin, L. 20 Kulingin, No 1 Kostko, Oleg 191 Kulagino, 0, S. J00 Kostowics. Ludwik 48 Kulicko, P. 179 Kotonills, S. L. 115 kulm11iann, Waoe 49 4oulkes - Pujo, Kumatla, Tomhia 128 Anne-Marie 134 Kun, adiichou 98 KUvaci, Olwa 45 Kuo, Ilul A Kovnlik, T. L Kuo, Mo-jo 96 Kovba, L. M. 189 Kupriyanov, A. 6 Kovyatin, N. V. 100 Kurciak, P. 51 Kovyatina, L. 166 Kurihara, To ItiD Kowalowski, M iroasav so Kult, W. ( Koahevnikov, P. 10 Kurtev, Be. Kozikowski, Miocczyalaw 48 Kuuakov, M. 187 Kozlowski, Zygmunt 53 Kutin, S. N. 146 Kotubovalkiy, ii. F. 151 Kukyhyshev, V. V. 20 Koaubovskyy, S. C. 210 Kuiewa,

351 Kutzin, A. M. 130 Le Ny, 1. F. 209 Kuzmin, L. 92 Leon, Jaime Vallamil 97 Ktiz'nina, N Leonhard, Wolfgang 2S, 76 Kuznftsov, I. 27 Lerner, M Kuzn4atsov, Sergey Lorner, Ye. 12 Georgiyevis2h 108 Leroy, Roland 75 Kuznotsovab M. A. 112 Leshchinskiy, N Kvaratskheliya, M. T. 113 Letonko. V. 10 Kvorostukhiana, N. A. 132 Letseyevich, Ys. 184 Kypta, Iavich, Vaniamin Kyrs, Mi. 133 Lovitakiy, V. L. 1 Lowicki, S Libertini, Lucio 25 Likes, Jiri 107 Lachin, Mt. 173 Likhterov, 0. M. 155 Lacour, -loan 121 Ltlnv, Lilo6 Ladub M. 1an Liridau, G. 122 Lugovskly, A. N. 2 Lindblom, K. 182 LakatOss St. 56 Linde, S. 182 Lakovic, K. h6 Lindvicr, Roland 136 Iaktionov, A. P. 142 Linkun, N. 22 Lallemand, A. 152 Lintaru, Octavian 55 Lampe, Karlheinz 40 Lipkov, Landau, L. 200 Lipshtuin, R., A. 151 Lang, P9 M. 134 Liulchkin, Longe, Brich 41 Lisitsyn, A I.unuap Litvin-anko, 1). L. 11 Lange, LitvyakoW, P. 17 Lange, Oskar 48 Litwin, Jorzy 127 Langorak, 1) Litwinowiez, larnalaw 47 Lanifiepta, iu, Nung-i go Iapin, Yu. V. lab Liu, WVon RD Liasocki, Jorzy 5i2 Lim, Yung-chlunn 210 Lataim, 0. 7 Livuhftk, T. N, 164 Lnuhor, It. 43 Lohau4tovo Y11. S. 149 Liivrantlyov, V. 12 Lochner, IV. 124 Iavrikov, A. S'. I ~ LnddinK, A. 173 Latur, M. I'll Lodoisuran, It. 91 lasarenko, T, $1 1nminiakiy, 3, V. 197 L~aazrtv, Kiril 32 Leonas, G~. 16 Loan, Johnt Barry 193 ~ Iomonesav, Loboev, A , It. 176 Lobedov, N. V. 150 t.01, -IRDIINA 46 Ledev, P. Di. 209 ILotyshlv, I. 29 Ishoi', Yvpq 7% 1.11, rh h 8i4 Lafoluvre, -loan 194 thu, rhun-hun A4 Lo C~Ori, Piorrq 193 Lu, Kiiang-c!.' 1 84 Lehmann, It. 197 Luca%, J1. F. C. 140 Loibric.d, (.unthtv: 19M ILudwlpf C La, K., 101 ILukaj, [Ilhumir 120 Iaitt, Ui. 201 lukin, A. A. 10n Lenhard, C~. 104 Lungu, S. N. 18n Lonoir LUprint, Conare

352 Luty, Fritz 202 Matschor, R, 126 Lyakhov, G. M. 157 Matsuda. Ifiroaki 201 Lynkhov, S. m. 156 Matsuy, S. p. 129 Lyalikov, Yu. s. 166 Matus, L. 179 Lynmin. K. A. 109 Matveyev, V. 4 Lyandros, Ya. 28 Matyas, 1:ugan 58 Lyapin, A. 12 May, D. 175 Lyapunov, Boris Mayor-Boricka, C. 147 Valar'ynnovich IOR Mayour, J. 1P. 158 Lyotard, Joun-Francoirc 80 Nayzlin, 1. Ye. 208 Lysenko, 1). 13 Nlazumer, A, S. Coash 137 Iyuhchonko, 1,* S. 208 Muzurov, K. T, i5 Lyubimov, Yu. 4 Mazzanti, 11, 174 Lyzwinski, M. 67 Heasiiicov, 1. 55?ledvedav, R. A. 110 M - Madvedov, V, Medvadav, Zh. 30 Mu, K'Io 94 Hedvocovn. N. S.IN Mchiiiukiy, Mahmol, H. 170 Mir, Rlufold 125 McoI.136 NIakITov, A. V. 179 Maimor, IV,19 Makhimudov, Yu, A. 15 aister, 11, Makhnov, 202 V. S. Hel chuk, 1. A. 208 Maksinov, C. 21 Maksirnavic. airskya.s M Malbac, Ilroopt~o ollonnk, 121) a Mllnsce, Malak, S, Heriel, 1P. 178 Malkuwtsch, L,. Pt.14 Merkulov, V, A. Ma 1kim, 22 It. IL. 156 Hershchiv N. Mondalatum, IP. 11 S. L. 150 Mutolkiii, A. 1. Mainoviach, 111AI Yo, Pleuniar, it, MRaugllt, 178 P., 168 Mounj zor, It, M111h, 1114 linnu 1) Moyalr, C. I Iq Winka, Knrol 127MerK12 Mankona, N. N. 166 lkayoriatil K. irhr 323l Mnnfl3nv, Al. 31 Moaer-Iltinka, Peter Wai(U0tunit 76 I I~ u * Hobert 193 McomQnO, (% A. 1M~ Mantlylova, NV. P. I 13 Mnyttel'1 1, 1., 112 Manivlovot, I * 4 Motger, I'. 147 klarculexcu, I loaion 64 Michalski, * Atntlml w 12 Mar~hari, U MihlA371 Markov, A, A. 17S lkiclutl, JAtle Mnrkovic, Minnan 69 Mimcankowaki, MNtrtivart, MiHroilnv 135 I'ihlalluvico M. 3 7 Harti, Yu, Yt. 108, 11w) Mihl ilovic, Steven 106 Martini, Z. lob Hilh,iinv* Amtn 33 Martillsoi, G, V. 114 Mikhailov, *v. p. 386i Marlynoiv, it, R1 Milthnylovp Iiuj1tont 33 Mkashkovskiy, M. Ii. III MikhAylov* Ntonfln 62 Masson, II. 195 klikhavlovskiy,' c, P., 11 hitha, (,. 122 Plikliayev, N )6 Nlarn~.ovic, IORI Mkiknnkiy, Mt, A, 143

353 Milani * R Wv;or, A. 153 Milcu, Stefan 64 Muszynski,. 68 Miiczanowski, Stanislaw So Muthmann, W. 169 Milev, N. 123 Myasishchiev, V. N. 208 Miillas, Orlando 97 Mtylius, K. 42 FMil'ner 9 B. 18 Myurk. Kh. 183 Milos, Pick 146 Minc, Bronisleaw 45 Miret, Pedro 97 *Mironov, P. S. 143 Miroshnikov, Mssalu, Zbigniew~ 51 Mitani, Kenji 205 Mitrokhin, Yu. A. 118 Mittag, Guenter 42 Miyamoto, I Mkheydze, V. N. 21 Mlodgoki, Waclnw 49 Modinno, G. 128 Movill'ner, 1. N. 145 Mokeyev, G. A, 102 Molaroni, A. 174 Molchonov, V. A. 188 Mnldavpkiy, 0. D. 4 lmoldovan, Gherogho 54 *Moldviti, Rezxono 138 Montonegro,.1. Perez 80 Mordukhay.Ilol tovskiy, F, 1), 120 Moreau,., 168 Morgulia, N. 1). 207 Morgunov, V. K. Is() Moi, ChikAo 205~ Morlmitsu, Watitru 206 Mormil', 14, 1, 17 Moioshkin, K. V. 144 Motroui, NI.1, MuraLuv, (;, A.I.FI FMocicka, Wandn 46 Moshkovich, Yo, 1, 165 Moolikovskly, FMokl'kov, Ye. P, 9 Mofora,' 1). 5 Motulevich, V. p. 187 Movchan, A. A, 1147 Movehan, i1, M., 30 Nuennich. Margot 41 Mukhin. V. 5 Muller. K. 104 Munster, A, 136 Murata, K. 199 Muin, V. A. 114 Mury, Gilbert 79 Muranbulatov, kh. A. 161

354 -N - Nikolayev, S Nikolayevskiy, K. M. 130 Nabiyov, 1. 3 Nikonorov, I. V. 114 Nachkuy, Goorgi 33 Nioyla,. D 7 Nachtigall, H. 171 NI0,P 6 Nadareyahv±ii K. Sh. 114 Nitery, A. 157 Nadejde, Njoto 90 Nadezhina, G. N. 154 Noddack, W. 136 Nadykto, BI. T. 177 Nuecklse', J. 40 Najdor, Janui'z 127 Nolting, J. 203 Nasiwkd, 1. 11Nosov, MI. V. 154 Nasseri, Mi. 124 Novik, 1. V. 20D9 Natochin, Yu. V. 118 Novotnly, Zdonok 38 Natta, Alessandro 76Nowak, B~arbara 126 Naydenov, Potur 34 Nurkhanov, S. 20 Nazarov, N NuTUshov, S. B. 183 Nazarov, So T. 165 Nyagu 1 D. 206 Nobel, D. 137 Nochayov, N Neeb, K. It Nogroa, L. 56 Nogura, Obarski, Jerzy' 120 Nei, Tokio 205 Ochsonfed log Nskrabov, A. Me. 7 Odons, Go 173 Nelepets, V. S. 142 WWII~a P. 169 NoumRntanov, A. N, 177 Ojak, Maris 127 Nopor.zhtiiy, P1. 5 OlonoV, Yu. Mi.12 Norl, Jan 47 Nuahpoi, V. S. 186 oleynikov, Be. V. A Nai, K. N. 108 O1otofo ki, Prit% 173 Nastariinko, (s. T. 155 olpinaki, Sojoisch 206 Neston'ov, U. 5 Olsiewski, Josef 48 Nosteov, V. MI, 189 Ono, Akira 206 Nuctm, W. 42 Opussynake, Neyntark, M., Z. 209 Oreal Mato 65 Ngo, NIh'h True so Orlowski, Stanislaw 71 Ngoc, The 88 Orlowski, Tadeusa 127 Nauywil H il5 Omiatskiy, A. P. 190 Nguyen# Tao 88 0sotilikiya, Is to 109 Nguyan, Van luyon 95 osirova, to v. 119 Nguyoin, Van Thu 92 Ostrovskiyp No to Ill, Niogowaki, Jan 47 Ostrainmkip Hernz 6 Nismaki, Kazimierz 52 Otkhmezurl, It. L,. 161 Niathammor, ( Otto, A. Log Nikiforov, L. 22 Ovorko, 8, MI. 114 Nikishanov, V. V. 163 Nikitin, A. 7 Nikitin, N Nikitin, S. 21 Nikolayev, A. N. 165 Paarp Nikolayev, A. V. 177 Pebijansk, Itubart so Nikolayev, D. 14 Pablo, Michel 99 Nikolayev, K. i5 Pacholosyk, Andrzej 206 Nikolayev, N Pad, L'udovit 1S7 Nikolayev, Nikolay Paetzold, Uzrierd 39 Ale~sandrovich 108 Palley, 1. Z

355 Pallingcr, J. 172 Potrov, M. 20 Palvarinne, V. 174 Pouker, Zygmunt 52 Pancaldio Augusta, Povnr, M Panchonkov, (i. M Pezacki, IV. 126 Pandov, Todor 33 Pfaff, W. 172 pantali, Tudor 58 Pfoifeir, Wolfgang 42 Pantern, Bi. 106 Ilhnm, Van LUong 93 PROletti ' It. 194 Phaino Vili8 Paoloni, Loon011o 138 Picasso, C. 173 Ijapadaches 'icon, M. 134 Papactrov, A,.()I Piela a W. 174 Papok, K. K. 161 Ilion, Ching-chung1 84 Pardo, Paolo 77 Pieniazok, Zbiiriow 47 Parfenov, Ye. A. 4 rierr~viiii, B. 176 Pariybkiy, Yu. 1N. 143 Piorichalski, radosz 105 Partmnnn, W. 124 Pikol'nor, L. B. 182, 183 Passeri, R. 173 rikol'nor, S, II, 184 Paszyiiaki, Alokswndor 48 I'Altowski,InCa S Patek, Ferenc, 210 Pinskor, A. 1p. 154 Patrascu, Alaxandru 56 Piroglo, V. 13 Patriel M. 134 Pirozhnikov, P. L Pauols, It. 172 PlrscovuuAspotol Lo, Paulick, Richard 31) Ana 611 Purloscu, C. 72 Piaruiika. 6. So 166 Paunic, Stinnav M. 70 I'isaronku, No Ile 100 PInvlak, Voaeuav so) Pisarski, rirzturz 84 Pavlanko, A. 3 Pisiocaak,)amf 1.18 Pavjll~ots', an1domnaam, 11. 1:4 Pavlinlov, V. N. 58 Pliai Ntdtaci b I Ilavlov, L. 1s) P111V~tII,.1001 M1 Pawlowski, 1. so Plowillmn~i * Altni A7 Paklitmaliv, 1. S. 132 Pobotlnkiy, M. N Pelcik, J. 133 Pod1ii1Allt, Yu, 1). i11 Poncov, pollatladov N. so 2 Ipaiokuok, A. dj 78 likd' ya~wv, ui Ponzur, Ivoi 141 PotlynfIogin, 1. Ve. ll. pepovski, Sv5otozar 70 Ptodko ~, 1,04 Papperho I t, W. lop, 140 Pe1 1, It.* 173 PaodorayoV. V, 15 PoIkLa, It. J. 172 Peosoypkin, 1. T. 26 Pojer, Ho 38 Perfilov, N. A. 192 pokrovskiy, N. 8. INS Parisic, MInd'In 60 I'ekryshikin, V. is Pornoczky, Laszlo 100 Pohuhislievstdy. V. V. I Portseva-OstrouMnOvS, 1olao L )0 To A. log rokinpaky, Karoly 137 Petit, J.N K~4Ioahy 7 Patkovic, Dusan 59 ri'o1ivwl 1. s 0 % Petrov, Bi. F~. 28 ilolyoava, N. 1, 157 Petrov, G. N. 21 I'okyakcova, 'V P. 131 Petrov, K Ponintlwskil Antoni so Petrov. K. N. 11o~a~eI. N, 24

356 Poniomarov, V R- Pop, N. 68 Papa, P. IN6 Rabinovich, Yu Popcsca, Vasiles M. 55 Itabkin, 1. G. 100 Popisakov, Grigor 32 Raboaca, Gh. 57 Popov, A. P. 165 Radiyevskiy, M. B Popov, Todor 32 Radlinski, A. so Popov, V. 7 Radovanovic, Borislav 60 Pu.pov, Yu. A. 149 Radovics Juco 37 Popaya, 0. I. 130 Radoykov, Vladimir 33 Porada, A Haduo G. 72 Porshnov, B. 30 fadzhabov, S. 10 Portnov, F. G. I Racder, Portnov, S faso, Mihaly 44 Postnikov, V. 10 Ragozin, U. 12 Potalus, V. Yu. 186 Rajic, kajko 60 Poulitin, Jean-Claude 79 Rakhuhtadt, A. G. 163 Pour, M. 135 AnVA'A'vr' L,. R. 144 Poahkin, 0. V. 182 Riskitakly, It. 22 Poziombka, it. 81 Raskocavic, S. 37 Poinyak, P. 2.1 Rakawmki, M. 5.3 PrahchLkii, V. 3 Rasmazeshvlli, 11. R. 9 Prebrazhenmkiy, N, G. 1S0 RwMnakiy, L. 113 Preci, Gvido 3s Rominga~r, Boda 43 Pronosil, DI, 16? Ranike, G. 147 Pribil, It, 133 Rastrigiin, Le A, 154 Prizolkiw~, Yu. A. 177 RULh1,16, J Probatov, A. N. 1In, 113 Ratskovich, G, Praninn, N, Raulic, K. 40 Prosviro, It. S. 101) I4vier-a, 11. f I'a'u~mav, N, 5 Iobal. (% 121 Ilfotnqnv, V. it, 11A 111inif, 1'. A. IA? Irovost, A, 12ItotI'kin, Mb 6, 26 Prpiic, Irnnku 120 Regal1, V, Its 1ob P1rudoiimkiy, 2 HItInAter, Honiqumt 121 P'uff' 110a1 lilt1) Hot cbe, It UI~UV, G'. Yo. I r,3 Rojcw~ll, IA.11 Plylayoval HI. N, 1 Itluter 73 IPytoll, N, N, 20 Iovyakia, it, N. 16~3 Pytlyeva' M., P. 198 Romnik, F. M. 102 Vichtor, Haens hioidkmann# It.1W fop - - cgerown, iahinn IM~ qkugvul, Its 172 Rigiht, A, kip, Leoon o 37

357 Ripan, R. 203 S- Risz, Herbert 80 Rizzu, Delia 128 Sadritdinov, F. Robe, Stanley 110, L Safrugin, R, Robens, 16 H. 197 Sagel, K. Rodriguez. 136 Carlos Refsel1 96 Sajo, 1. Raguendorf, 135 A. 159 Sakhnin, Arkadiy Roginakiy. 30 S. 132 Salikov, A. P. Rohde, G. ISO 104 Salishchev, 1). A. 29 *Rahlin, J. 173 Salmon, P Rohmer. Raymond 167 Samarin, M. 11 Roman, Tadeust 105 Samsonov, (', V. 130, 131, R~omano, N Ilomanova, H., G, 144 samucli, J. J. 158 RomahJovich, 1. F. 17 Sandriaaylo. N. 6 Romero, U, 97 Bandatede, konsse, Michel 15O Sankovskiy, Ye. A. 209 Roos, N. A. 161 Sannikslv. 1. N. 9) Rosa, U. 176 Sapet, Juanl Claude 193 Roschdostwols);y, D, lob Sapeta, My001yalaw 49 Roes,., 170 Supow.hnikov, F~. 19 Rosenfeld, 1. L puridahicy, Dlcho 31 Rosager, U. 141 ~ NpuppQ, Ant nnio 128 koatialti, N. L. LOD Nara: n, A. ISO Roth,' I. IJ4 Sarychev, V. M, 191 Roub4l, LMuliulav so Samano, Nobuaki 128 Rausm I David P0i SiktybAldlin, N. 13 Roxans:d, Nkwrlyuaw 106 Savoliku, 1. A. 100 Roenral, Savi.npkiy, li, 22 * floao, 1). 23 havitokiy, kudin, 11. m. SiLlvoat 1. SCA889lieti, 11, A. Nikolayeyich Sul11Mb, P. Rudloff,1, Schuaatfs, W' Agdneva, 2(00 A. v. 208 ScIhaible, Rudniks L, S. % 174 Schmrnbeglt, 11, NOWd, U chorr1,r, 11, IAukhads, 197 A. A. 167, 189 Rumor, Ui. Sell id Mpor,., 'cirhi.v CwaA. 200 s8h1tiror, 11.I, Rusanlao, V, U. Lab Schisyer, it, Rusakowshi, 125 m S1chlwoqann, lit Katmmn, 198 W. 172 Schmltried, S0. it, Schmid, AlberL t1)pbehiko', YujVpk1Y 202 I' Schmid, it.n2 NYPI'VIA0, A. Is Schmid, fyb.1kllz., v, ISO Schmidt, K, 39 kahmnova, Co. N. 113 Schuiidt-Krayar, (s. 172

358 Schmidtmn, E. 169 Shchart.ckov, V. U, 130 schmitzi Franz 136 Shchupnlov, N. N. 108O Schneider. R. 160 Sheka, Z. A. 141 Scholler, R Shemyakin, B Schrankler. W. 180 Sharmhnev, M. 6 Schrodler, P'. 180 Sheiauov, A. 5 SchUaler, 11., 179 Shevchenko, F. N. 145 Schuller, R. J. 169 Shevelev, V# P. 192 Schulze, Rudolk 179 Sheyin, A. 2 Schwanke, Robert 71 Shibata, Shoji. 139 Schwartz, No 71 Shilin, A. N. 8 Schwarz, Waldomar so Shimi~u, T. 139 Schwainfurth, U. 123 Shishkin, N. 3 Schweitzer. R. 172 Shitumai, M. R Schworin. C. 44 Shkabara. K Sc1hwertmannsl U. 147 Shkadov, L. M, 101 Scirofun, V. bbshka11kov, V. 12 Scwabs, K. 137 Shmaliy, K. V. 119 Sockelmann, It. 152 Shmidt, L. M. 2 S.&orceyanu, To 177 Shmidt,?P. Yu. 116 S4&rt, Cedomir 35 Shokin, N. 2 beibe1, U. 167 Shokin, P. F. 182 U. 43 Shpagina, N1, K, 119 Sojnonsi, Shu, Ch'i 84 Soletukays. A, V. 115 Shubnikov, D. A. 108 ilullier, K. 125 Shustur, A. 22 Solys, Shuster, R. L. 131 Somejnido, Ye. U. 161 Shutov, M. 28 sommnov, A. 3 Shutova-Korub, I. V. 109 Semnifov, V. 7 Shuvalov; V. 11 Semkov, b Sidorov, M. 14 gamrbikovskiy, (t. V. 7 Sigmu~nd, K.16 Serua&1n. A. V. 162 Sigrist, A. V. 133 Sorai, Yu. A. 145 Sihov, B, 0, 161 armnkov, G. P. 112 smii, V. p. 187 Sorkov, A. 4 SimaIkovm1Iyl B Seryoyuv, A. A SirotkiTI, Y. A. 185 Hestn, Bogan~ 59 Sirotkina, T, N. 17 sexnt'yanov, LI. A Sitarymn, S. 8 Shakhnov, Sivak, 8. G. 20 Shakhliovlch, M. t. 151 Skakun, U. P. 9 Shukhov, A. INU Skaluki, S. 68 $h login&, A. 1. VJL Skoblo, A Stiamoshov, v. L. Ili Skobyev, I. K. 132 shamont')ov, V. A. 11W Skeludek. H Shang~, To-yon 120 Skornyakova, L, K, 113 Shapi1ro, L.U Skorakhodov, L. N, 196 Sharapov, 1. M. III Skvortsov, A. 28 Sharp), LI. N. 162 Slitr, JaToalaV 69 SharJaku~v, V. 110 Slivkov, 1. N, 183 Shatil~iv, S. Si. 28 Smirnov, A. So 192 Shaulov, Yu. thh. 182 Smirnoy, Ri. A. 163 Shivrir., P Sinirnov, 0. G. 120 Slichastnyy, 1'. M. 11 Sirnov, L. 1'. 144 Shcllerbav, b Smirnov, S. A. 154 ShcIharbakov, So 2 Smirnov, Us p

359 Sirnova, L Strolets, V. M. ).32 Snolenski, Karol 46 Strizhev~kiy, M. F. 2 Sneh, Moshe BI Stroot. J. P Snyakin, P. G. 117 Strutinskiy, V. M. 184 Soure, M. 207 Stryjewski, 11rancisaek 160 Sobol'& N. 7 Studenikin, M. Ya Sofronoy, 0. P. 26 Stulov, V. A. 161 *Saline, W. 159 Stuloy, V. P. 188 Sokolov, A. Is Styrov, P1. 6 Sokolov, 0. V. 28 Subbotin, V Sokolov, P. V. 26 Sudots, V. A. 27 Sokolov, V. 12, 113 Suksov, Is Sokolov, Yu. 12 Sundetov, S. 13 Sokolovskiy, A. 22 Suppan, A. 124 Solov'yOV, V. 12 Surazhskiy, 1). Ya. 145 Sondak, V. A. 112 Sushkina, N, N. 208 Sop :unenko& 1. P. 188 Sushkov, Yu. 101 Sorokin, V. P'. 116 Susta, Bohumir 151 Soaking A. A. 112 Suzuki, K. 126 Sawinski, Stanislaw S3 Suzuki, Xo. 147, 148 SpaK Ad. F~. 77 Svabensky, Spasskiy. V. A. 26 Svasok, J3. N. 148, 157 Spath, R. 135 Svoc, Prantisek 129 Spinella, Mario 77 Svots, v. Spitzer, Gerard 90 Swarts, F. 193 Spivak, P. U. 149 Swidzinska, Natalia 46 Sruk, Josir 70 Swoboda, P. 43 Stabiiini, Maria Paola 138 Sykhov, V Stabonaki, Andrzej 105 Sytnikov, Yu. 7 Staclhe, Peter 66 Szabo, Pal 173, 207 Stachiowsk, Stanislaw 52 Szentsgothai., J Stahl, Hgon 197 Szerszen, Bogualaw 53 Stakan, G. A. 112 Szklarz, Wiadyslaw 46 Stalev, Tsivkov 64 sztarejko, A. 48 Stan, Marcu 68 Szu. Chin 89 Stanecki, Hisczyslaw 127 Szymtinska, fanuta 127 Stainisic, Milija 68 Szy.manska, Wiomlawa 127 stanoov, Dimitur 60) Stanojevic, J Stanojevic, Jovmnka 60 -T - Staik, Andrzej S2 Stefanova, Yagodinka 34 Tada, Kakuzo 205 Steiniiiger, Z. 47 Takagi, Sadashige 139 bteinmann, W. 199 Takeda, Yoshilo 174 Stcpanenko& V. D. 142 Tnkov, Peko 34 Stepanov# A. A. 17 TVan, Fu-sheng 120 Stepanov, A. Ye. 153 Tanaka, A. 105 Stepenov, S. A. 186 Tanamo, G. 57 Stern, T. E T'ang, P'ing-chu 94 Stiennon-Sovy, R. 176 Tarmann, B. 171 Stier, G. 43 Tarubov, B. N. 107 Stil'bana, L. S. 192 Tarverdyeva, M Stipetic, Vladimir 60 Tasev, St. 31 btacv, stoylk 65 Tatauta, It. 205 Stolley, Itelga 123 Tawski, lvaclnw 53 Strahringer, W. 153 Tollkovskiy, V. G

360 Teller, H. 1i22 - U- Teodorosku, Toramotos A. 135 tichijima, Z. 204 Torekhova, V. F. 163 luebalhack, Walter 39 Thiele, G. 44 Uhlomani, Heinz 42 Thieme, Wernher 42 Ullmann, J. 153 Thill, A. 168, Ya. S. 165 Thorez, Maur~ice 75 Tikhonov, A. 18 Tikkanon, M. I., 174 -V Tillet. M, 121 Teinyakov, N. A. I50 Vacarel, Julian 58 T.Rchanko, Ye. V. 164 Vacz, Iatvan 203 Tlhoryk, Yu. 0, 207 Vainahtuin, H, H. 140 To')olas F. 66 Vakaralski, Dimnitur 62 Totplt, Otto 175 Vakulovukaya. G. V. 208 Toi, B. 126 Valat, J. 178 Toii~nn J. 87 Van, Son as TokarskAy, V. ncaovic, Miodrag 37 Tolgves, Lajos 45 V~'n der Linde, C, W, 78 TomwAn, M. 198 Van der Werden, III L. 195 Tomase, Stephun 76 Vanceek, Jojtech 135 Tonch~v, Yordan 62 Vanin, Adam 183 Topchiyell, A. V. 185 Va' ushinp B. P. 132 ToahiLo, Sakaki 90 VatsiM; in, V. V. 186 Tran, Chau 85 Varsanyi, Cyorgy 137 Tran, Iluu Tong 92 Vasama, ) Tran, Tho 93 asikiju,!!. A. 141~ Travin, V Vaullev, Aloksandur 31 Trehub'a, S Vasilev, Le 33 Tifel, NI. 132 Vahilev, Lyuben 62 Troitekiy. V. L. 185 Vasiltyov, A, A. 177 Tron, A Vasi.1'yev, A. N. 11 Truang, Qung Ihiun C9 vagil'yov, Trusikhii ', N. 18 Vail'y'WI, 0 20 Toachav, Tzscho 32 Mai, III l81 Tsarenkol A. P. 2 Vavilov, V. V. 155 Tsellarius, 1. K. 119 Vaviluva, So I'seiig, Chien 83 Vaynahtoyn, III Zo 21 Tso, Hu 84 Vecara, M. 133 Tsukhlev, Alskmandur 34 Vedenov, A. A. l59 Taunts, Z. 13 Veduts, N. 4 Tsvetkova, Anna 32 Veksler, A. 13 Tsveyg, G. S. 208 velchevski, Georgi 32 Tu, lu-tsai arvelikanova. T. M. 151 Taj chmui Sao1I.2 VoliIkhov, H. 1P. 189 Tukhachavskiy, M. N. 28 Venuma, G. F. 78 Tumanyan, M. A. 185 Varaikin, L. L. 130 TFung, Fu-jong 8S Vernov, S. N. 100 Twardosz, F'.06 Vesolov, V. J

361 Veynik, A. 1 W Veytsman, R. M. 130 Vignier, Marto 'DS Wahigrn. Otto 7 Vlmnskiy, A. P. 157 Wahlin10 *Vii., Wallraf, M. IS, Villemot, Js M. 122 W'Atet, 11, 104 Vilner, Moir &I Walther, ( *Vilson, A. P. 105 Want, Hu-uhong Is Vimyguk. As V. 157 want, Kuang-wel 1 Vinnichenko, N. 5 went, T'ish-jon 86 Vinnichonko. N. K. 145 Wang, 1'ing-hut 54 Vinnikov, Ya. A. 112 Winner, ii. 110 Vinogradova 0. A- 169 Wassmuflf 43 Vitkovich, V. le 102 Weber, Ilenryk 47 Vivell, Oskar 125 Weber, W, 5 Viawl, YU Woolowska, M~aria J~06 Vied., N. 56 Wdsin~ki, Wladysiaw 12 V1adiUuirov, V weieraw, Viasko, Yu. 155 Weihrighs 0,.5 Vlov, 0. U. 154 Weimer, Hermann 71 ViagoY, V. 11 Weigel R. 104 vocts1 m4. Ji IBS Wojno-thg Axel 174 Vorouhdocky, Lubur 66 Weohel', Hevinrigh 153 Volarovith. M. P. 102 worpwwr, Stanisl~aw 53 Volkov, 1. Do. 17 Waouan, r 171 Volkova, Go A. 110 Whorwart, W. 194 Volodina, Nariya 16 WIdolif Dims 134 Vom Uindo, 11, 172 Wisdarmann, us. 133 van Dogdandy, L. 170) wvigand# lit 16U Vwl IRurneu, (is 203 Will, W, 40 Van HchottY, W. 202 Wilke, Ralf 401 Vorob'yev, V, V. I williro, N% C., 132 Voroblyov, V. 17 W , Rk Ila Voronkov, It. He, 164 wa)isl20 Voronoy, 1. Ye. 11 '14nklmanl, Matthias 124 Vorotnikova, Me Is I.Y2 W~~tR~l Voruahtaov, Be5 14 leg. wit~bik, Idaiilaw 52 Voukov I N. K. Is Woegto, K. ISO VoskrosunkJ, W- W. 151l Wolt, dieltr&itj 195 Vognoseflmkiy,. BeA, 21 Wolff, toit Vouinesakiy, S. A. 132 Wolkowti, lie.0 Vu, Tuan 9,3 Wu, You-yen 130 VukascVigs P. 106 Wyoruch&, so Vulov, Ivan 02 Wyuiuitikk, Tm.J~ug. 92 Vulov, Totnr 6 Vyazemskiy, V ) *Vydrin, K. S :47 -

362 Xuan, Thuy 93 Zzbiyakin, G Zaharesku, A. 206 Zaikonnikovas I. V Y Zakharov, V. A.15 Zakharov, Yu. A. 131 Yabe, Yoshitada 128 ZakharoV 'a, A. 13 Yakawa, H. 139 Zakharova, F. V. 120 Yakovchuk, N. 5 Zarenkov, N. &. 110 Yakovlev D 14, 166 Zasurskiy, Ya. 30 Yakovlev,.I 177 Zavedsky, Karel 38 Yakoylev, V. V. 100 Zaytseva, K. A. ill Yamada, Yukio 128 Zehaluk, Jan 54 Yanev, Georgi 34 Zelenskiy, V. F. 133, Yang, Yun 83 Zemlyanikin, S. A. 22 Yanik, E. A. 184 Zenkevich, L. A. 120, 144 Yanitskiy, N. 29 V Zhadin, Yaremchishii, B. Zhdanov, V, Mi Yaremenko, Yu. 14 Zhebelev,.28 Yarmarkin, K. K. 150 Zhen, Te-hou18 Yaropolov) N. 12 Zherdevj I. T. 164 Yaroshevskiy, V. A. 155 Zhigalova, K. A. 3 Yashin, D. A. 176 Zhui-Fyl, U Yazdovskiy, V Zhukhovit'sky, A. A. '191, Yefimov, A. 14 Zhukovskiy, V.M. 164 Yefimov, I. A Zhunina, L. A. 150 IS Yefremov, L. N. 19 Zielinski, _Zygmu-nt.71 Yegorovs N. 5 Zil'ber, L. A. 112 Yegorov, V. V. 29 Zinov'yeva, 'I. S.119 Yelanskiy, L. N. 207 Zitka, M. 70 Ye'ahv0,N.A 9 Ziyadullayev, S. 13 Yelyt i V ZolotareV, 1. S. 164 YereyeVi, V. S.016 Zolotarsk aya# Ee E, 118 Yermelyev, V. S. 203 Zotov, G. A. 185 Yersolv, A.V Zubkov, Yu. 24 Yershov, F Zubov, V. I.19 Yesakov, A Zulaica4 Javier.134 Yetrukhi.ri, N, N. 149 Zvara, Yevstyukh'in, A, 1. Zwass, Adam 46, 53 YeesayA 188 Zwerp H. 43 Yczerski>', p. 3Zwlkker, C. 171 Yezerskiy, P Yezeskiy, A Yezhevskiy, A. A.s1 YinHaiyun A.A8 Yin, Pao-hsin 84 Yu, T'in-ysing 89 Yuda, i.g.n 189 Yudanov, K. G. 114 Yudayev, S Yudaekv, S. V. YukyaLnov, Yu. 192 *Thijs index (toes nil* listed in the cover-to-cover 34 - Bost AvaiiabliZ1 Copy

363 UNCLASSIFIED 7 September 2004 Ms. Roberta Schoen Deputy Director for Operations Defense Technical Information Center 7725 John J. Kingman Road Suite 0944 Ft. Belvoir, VA Dear Ms. Schoen: In February of this year, DTIC provided the CIA Declassification Center with a referral list of CIA documents held in the DTIC library. This referral was a follow on to the list of National Intelligence Surveys provided earlier in the year. We have completed a declassification review of the 'Non-NIS' referral list and include the results of that review as Enclosure 1. Of the 220 documents identified in our declassification database, only three are classified. These three are in the Release in Part category and may be released to the public once specified portions of the documents are removed. Sanitization instructions for these documents are included with Enclosure 1. In addition to the documents addressed in Enclosure 1, 14 other documents were unable to be identified. DTIC then provided the CDC with hard copies of these documents in April 2004 for declassification review. The results of this review are provided as Enclosure 2. We at CIA greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions concerning this letter and for coordination of any further developments, please contact Donald Black of this office at (703) Sincerely, Sergio N.Alcivar Chief, CIA Declassification Center, Declassification Review and Referral Branch Enclosures: 1. Declassification Review of CIA Documents at DTIC (with sanitization instructions for 3 documents) 2. Declassification Status of CIA Documents (hard copy) Referred by DTIC (with review processing sheets for each document) UNCLASSIFIED

364 ' N, N! NZ!Z N N 04 N N ~ z I~ N~ N~ N~ N N ~ N N-N NZ N! N N ca, (2 Q c l) ac ) CQ) Q) ) (2) 0 ~ ) 0 ) 0 ) 0 ) 0 ) 0 ) 0 1) (D (1) Q) Z 0 0 w T D a) a) a-) v(-) (1 ) av1 V1 ) V1 > a Q> Q) D 4 4) (D ) T a) 0) (D a) a) a,)a (D a) a) a) a) a 2I 0 ( 0 >0 ~ ) ~ 0) 000 >K 0 0- ) N N O ( - NL 0)_ 0_0 a' o 0_-0 o Ca_ I -0_ 0 C0 In CL N C - (0 CL in No cc 0) NO) -o N'N )-0 - N a (o (0 (0.0(0 co (0 (6< 10 '-C a) Co C -) 00.- a) a o c (D ' 0 1co cc 2 Lj >L a a : a ). = 1a 0~~a Q )- U < LL )( )U)L0 < Z 0 LL a)q ozoo oo 0 ULL L 0 L oo0 LLL LL LL LLL. L LL LLU.LL L.LLL LL LLLL LL LL LL LL LL U- U- (D T) a) Q) Q) Q ) 0 ) ( ) Q) ( ) a D W - U U rn ) co ) U U U) ) c :),U) ~cj n) U) 0nc) IMa ~ - c aa, aa ca, a c _ o o o1oo oo o o o jm - ' c:' C In N- (n (n r- u0 - - c z,- -V5~.I N-C 0 -). -N -' -55 (0 (0(0(0(0(0(0 c0 c.o CU.) C F_ g I ( - Na)0 g ) C') wn ID (0, a0) 7E U)o K( U).,.C)) In In.' In ) In co In a In In cli In In In In In f In In I ' co I a 0 C ) 0) 1 C' 0 ) I)') 0 0) C' o C) 0)0)o )o C' 0C' C 'J co '(0(00 0 (00 (, 0 to 0 N 0 t 0( ( r ( (~0( r ( Nc( ( ( N C )!2 -q (D r- c -o( (0 c 'a ) (0 0 o U') ( ( - n - a( I )C N- (0 - C'0.- < 00 <a - 0-<

20, 1994. Service on Feb. 20, 1994.

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