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Why do some weeks just fly by but sometimes minutes can seem like hours? And why do we perceive time differently in different circumstances? Neil and Alice discuss how our perception of time is linked to the speed our brains create memories.

This week's question

Roughly how much more quickly a fly's eye can react than a human eye? Is it …

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a) twice as quickly?
b) four times as quickly?

c) ten times as quickly?
You'll hear the answer at the end of the programme.


flew by
went quickly

English Language, Integrating Technology, Reading and Writing, and Program Management group colleagues. And in newsletters — two of my recent blog articles about “App to Speed” learning circles for low-level adult literacy and ESL/ESOL learners. These blended learning group models are designed to help adult members of a community who.

went slowly

the way we seeing something forever


a state of extreme activity

extremely frightened

in parallel
at the same time


Note: This is not a word-for-word transcript.
Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Alice…
And I'm Neil. Did you have a good weekend, Alice?
Yes, but it flew by – which means it went quickly – and here we are again, back at work!
Hm. I know what you mean. Though I must say, time really dragged for me – and that means it went slowly. I was on a train, which broke down.
Oh dear!

And it felt like it took forever to arrive – though actually it was only delayed only by one hour.
Well, today we're talking about our perception of – or the way we see – time. It's true that when we're busy doing lots of things, time flies by.
And when we're bored or have nothing to do, it drags. And I didn't have anything to do on the train. Do you think time flows at the same rate for everyone – even animals? My cat doesn't get bored doing nothing all day. I wonder if time drags for her sometimes?
Good question! Did you know, Neil, that, according to a new study, smaller animals perceive time as if it is passing in slow motion?
That sounds weird. Do you think they hear us like this: t…a…l…k…i…n…g s…l…o…w…l…y…?
Don't be silly, Neil! What I meant was that small animals such as insects and small birds can observe more detail in a certain period of time – for example, a second – than larger animals.
And how does this help them, exactly? It sounds like the day would really drag if every second got stretched out like that!
It helps them by giving them time to escape larger predators. Now, I have a question for you, Neil. Can you tell me roughly how much more quickly a fly's eye can react than a human eye? Is it …
a) twice as quickly?
b) four times as quickly?
Or c) ten times as quickly?
Well, I'll go for c) ten times. Flies are pretty nippy – and that's another word for quick.

Yes. Well, we'll find out later on if you got the answer right or not. Now, small animals can typically process more visual information than we can. But in a dangerous situation our brains can work in overdrive to process information more quickly. And overdrive means a state of extreme activity. Let's listen to Raza Rumi, a writer and broadcaster in Pakistan, talking about the unusual way his brain worked when gunmen opened fire on him in his car.
Raza Rumi, writer and broadcaster, Pakistan
It lasted for a few minutes – but to me that particular incident feels like it was for hours. I think my brain was working in a very strange way. Parallel and multiple thoughts and streams of consciousness were sort of running along: 'I have to save my head because if I get a bullet in my brain I'm dead.' And at the same time, 'Was it all worth it?' And, 'Alas, what a short life it was, it was lovely.' I was petrified that I was going to die.

Raza Rumi there. So, he was petrified by the attack – which means extremely frightened. As a result, his brain started working in a strange way. He was thinking and feeling lots of different things at the same time.
That's right – he remembers thinking practical thoughts like, 'I have to save my head'.
But in parallel – or at the same time – he also remembers having philosophical thoughts, such as: What a short life it was, it was lovely.
Have you ever been in a dangerous situation where your brain went into overdrive, Neil?
Yes, I was ten years old and I fell backwards out of a big tree in our garden.
Oh no!
Yeah. I have a vivid memory of the sun flashing above me, and the clouds moving across the sky, and the leaves rustling in the tree above me – my mum was screaming through the kitchen window as she saw me fall. I experienced so much in the space of just a few seconds, just like Raza Rumi describes.
Yes. A vivid memory, by the way, is clear and detailed. Oh, poor Neil! Did you hurt yourself?
Some big bruises – but no broken bones.
Glad to hear it. Now, it's a strange trick of memory that in a scary situation your brain starts to record everything in great detail. And the more memory you have of an event, the longer you believe it took. This idea explains why children often feel that time is passing slowly – because their experiences are new, and they are creating lots of new memories.
Whereas boring grown-ups like us are following routines that don't require new memories because they're so familiar. But let's listen to Claudia Hammond, author of Time Warped, talking about how we can stretch time and make our days feel longer – in a good way!
Claudia Hammond, author of Time Warped
If you can spend your weekend filling it with loads of new different activities, it'll go fast, at the time, because you're having fun. But when you look back, say, on Sunday night, and you've got to go to work next day, it will feel as if your weekend was long, because you filled it with new memories.
We should do that, this weekend, Neil. What do you think?

Definitely. I'm going to buzz around like a fly, creating loads of new memories.
Now, are you ready for the answer to today's quiz question? I asked: Roughly how much more quickly a fly's eye can react than a human eye? Is it … a) twice as quickly, b) four times as quickly or c) ten times as quickly?
And I said c) ten times as quickly.

The correct answer is b) four times as quickly. Flies have eyes that send updates to the brain at much higher frequencies than our eyes because they can process the information more quickly. This speed illustrates the impressive capabilities of even the smallest animal brains.
Well, before we buzz off, perhaps we should hear the words we learned today. They are:
flew by
in parallel
Well, that's the end of today's 6 Minute English. Remember to join us again soon!


In selecting English learning software for our lineup, we not only chose physical software – programs that require a disc and installation onto the computer – but also included web-based programs. The web-based learning solutions allow students to access lessons and activities from any internet connection and even from mobile devices such as a smartphone or tablet.

We eliminated any software programs that were free or require additional purchases such as workbooks or DVDs to complete the course. Several of the products offer workbooks and DVDs as supplemental learning resources, but they are not required to complete the lessons. You can read more about English learning programs in our articles.

From this list, we were able to find 10 standout English learning products and web-based ESL applications for beginners as well as advanced speakers. Here is what we found.

Best for Beginners

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is our top choice for ESL software for beginners

Rosetta Stone 1 Year
Rosetta Stone 6 Months
Rosetta Stone 3 Months

Many individuals who want to learn a new language know very little about that language. Several of these applications are best for beginners who may know just a handful of vocabulary words. Rosetta Stone is one of the best options for beginners of the English language. It starts by teaching the student vocabulary words instead of going through lists of words that the learner must try to understand.

Rosetta Stone immerses learners in the language. It uses fundamental features such as reading, vocabulary, speech recognition and writing to help students learn and understand the language. It also doesn't use other languages to translate the English words. This prevents leaning on the translations to make it through the lessons. In addition, it uses videos to send users into the English language virtually.

Rosetta Stone English helps its students learn English through an interactive system of incremental advancement in the language. Learning English in Rosetta Stone occurs through three core components: You learn, practice and play to reinforce what you've learned. The Rosetta Stone learning method is about absorbing English. It starts by teaching words instead of vocabulary lists. There's also speech recognition technology to help with English pronunciation.

Best for Advanced Speakers

English Live

If you're looking to advance your skills further, English Live is your best option

English Live - Classic
English Live - Premium

English Live is an online English learning program that helps its users quickly and easily learn the English language. You can use this ESL application 24/7 from any internet connection. This program offers private classes, group conversations and lessons that are not only designed to improve listening skills, but also reading, writing and speaking skills.

When learners of the English language are intermediate or advanced speakers, they don't want to waste time going through basic vocabulary words and learning basic grammar. English Live is an excellent option if students already have a solid foundation in the English language.

When they first start the application, they will take a small assessment to see where they are, and the program then sends a study plan to meet their specific needs. Plus, students can work with live coaches and attend group lessons online that can help them build the confidence to converse with anyone in English.

Runner-up for Advanced Speakers


Exceller is another great option for those looking to hone their English skills


Exceller is a web-based learning English program to help you perfect the English language and become a better communicator. This program is designed for individuals who already have the basics of the English language down but still want to improve and become more fluent in the language. It uses reading, writing, listening and speaking methods to help you more easily learn English as a second language.

Exceller provides dozens of apps that are available to purchase and download onto mobile devices. These apps focus on certain aspects of the English language such as pronouns, verb tenses and vocabulary. Users can choose what parts of the English language they want to work on without paying for an entire program.

Best for Online Learning

Transparent Language

If you like learning new languages online, Transparent Language is hard to beat

There are multiple web-based English learning applications, but one that stands out is Transparent Language. This program allows learners to follow a structured and detailed lesson plan or work at their own pace. There are numerous activities to prevent the lessons from becoming boring, such as unscrambling sentences, matching and filling the blanks.

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This application also helps users learn reading, writing, speaking and listening in English, which makes them more comfortable in everyday situations among English speakers.

Transparent Language is designed to help anyone learn English quickly. This is an online learning English application, so you don't have to worry about long downloads or losing CDs. It lets students set their own pace and learning methods; you don't have to follow a limited and structured plan, like some other applications require.

Best for Self-Paced Learning

Not all English learning software features a structured lesson plan. Some programs, such as FluentIQ, provide just a series of topics and learning resources that students can read at their own leisure. However, they will need to be fairly familiar with the language for this to be beneficial.


FluentIQ is a great option if you want to control your own learning pace

Fluent IQ – Chat
Fluent IQ – Works

Not all English learning software features a structured lesson plan. Some programs, such as FluentIQ, provide just a series of topics and learning resources that students can read at their own leisure. However, they will need to be fairly familiar with the language for this to be beneficial.

FluentIQ is an online English learning application designed to help you master the English language. This program is all online, so you don't have to worry about long downloads or physical software discs. You can test your English with just an internet connection. However, this program isn't designed for beginners to English learning. It is for learners who already understand the basics of the English language and want to test and stretch their skills.

Best for Structured Learning

Other applications may provide a structured lesson plan with lessons that the learner must complete before moving on to the next. With these types of programs, there are usually numerous levels with multiple lessons in each level. These lessons become progressively complex and difficult to complete.

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Instant Immersion is one product that is worth consideration for students who learn and study best this way. However, some products that feature a structured lesson plan allow students to skip lessons if desired. The ability to skip lessons is a large benefit, particularly if the user already knows the content being taught.

Instant Immersion

If you like a clear lesson plan, Instant Immersion is your choice

Other applications may provide a structured lesson plan with lessons that the learner must complete before moving on to the next. With these types of programs, there are usually numerous levels with multiple lessons in each level. These lessons become progressively complex and difficult to complete.

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Instant Immersion is one product that is worth consideration for students who learn and study best this way. However, some products that feature a structured lesson plan allow students to skip lessons if desired. The ability to skip lessons is a large benefit, particularly if the user already knows the content being taught.

Instant Immersion has core features and tools to help its students learn English. You can practice reading and speaking English in this ESL software. It's broken into multiple levels. The first begins with reading and writing basic vocabulary words. The second and third levels become progressively more in-depth by adding both common and rare phrases and dialogue.

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Interactive Options

One critical component of learning English is learning to communicate with other English speakers. Students may learn a bunch of vocabulary, but unless they can speak it correctly and fluently, they will still be difficult to understand and won't be able to communicate clearly. Interactive activities on these programs enhance the excitement of learning a new language and make studying and learning more enjoyable, especially if users plan to spend hours learning a language.

One of the most popular interactive activities on these programs is working with a live coach. This option is available on a handful of online English learning applications and allows students to have a videoconference with a native English speaker. Typically, these coaches work with users on what is being taught in the lessons or discuss items covered in previous lessons. These coaches can help with pronunciation, fluency speaking and grammar.

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Another popular option is group classes. Some programs set up a group class with a native English speaker as the moderator where students can communicate with one another. Learners can ask questions, get tips and simply practice with one another. One of the best applications for interactive activities is English Live. This learning English software provides plenty of options to ensure learners get all the practice they need to become masters of the language.

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